Chris Hoy former track cyclist, is an 11-time world champion and a six-time Olympic champion, endowed not only with sporting talent but also a likeable personality, articulate, intelligent and humble. At the young age of 48 he has written a heartbreaking though surprisingly upbeat book about his terminal cancer diagnosis. All That Matters: My Toughest Race Yet to be published on November 7.
He discovered last year that his primary prostate cancer has metastasised to his bones with a diagnosis of two to four years before it kills him. He remains glowingly positive about where he is. “As unnatural as it feels, this is nature. You know, we were all born and we all die, and this is just part of the process.” Part of his approach is attributed to sports psychology teachings about getting events into perspective from a higher level. Though with his wife just diagnosed with aggressive multiple sclerosis and two young children it is an experience that would stun most.
He was born 23 March 1976 2pm Edinburgh and has a pro-active Aries Sun in his philosophical 9th house opposition Pluto square Mars opposition Moon, so he is not short of determination, courage and initiative. Jupiter in Aries in his 10th will give him confidence and luck.
His Pluto is catching the recent Libra Solar Eclipse and the one next March in Aries, which will bring forced changes and the tr Saturn Neptune in Aries square his Mars and conjunct his Sun in 2025/26 will slow him down.
Over his diagnosis last year his Progressed Mars was conjunct his Saturn for a life-changing setback.
Tr Pluto square his Jupiter this month will give him a lift over the publication of his book which he hopes will be of help to others.