Chris Cornell – loss for music


Chris Cornell, 20 July 1964,  singer/songwriter and one of the architects of the grunge movement has died in an apparent suicide, although his widow has suggested it may have been more to do with his anxiety medication than a deliberate attempt to end his life.

He was a late Sun Cancer with a Sagittarius Moon; Saturn in Pisces opposition Uranus Pluto in Virgo; with a Fixed T Square of Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune square Mercury in Leo; and Mercury sextile a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars conjunction in Gemini – so a curious mix of light and shade, high spirits and depression.

The Saturn opposition Pluto does have a tendency to the glooms; and a focal Fixed sign Mercury on the point of a T Square can be very one-track minded, and finds it difficult to recognize alternatives, or listen to feedback.

This year he has had his Solar Arc Uranus square his Sun which would be a major jolt; and his Secondary Progressed Mars was moving to conjunct his Sun, so a time of high-stress.

Houses will make a difference which we don’t know without a birth time.

Robert Mueller – an unusually popular choice



Former FBI Director under GWB and Obama, Robert Mueller, has been chosen by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to be Special Counsel looking into alleged Russian interference in the November 2016 presidential election, including possible co-ordination between Russia and members of the Trump campaign. He has also been instructed to look into any obstruction of the probe itself. So a wide-ranging remit. The appointment has been welcomed by both Democrats and Republicans, and has to some degree rescued Rosenstein’s reputation for having been used as a patsy to legitimise the firing of James Comey. According to reports, the White House didn’t know until the order was signed.

Mueller, 7 Aug 1944, is a Sun Pluto in Leo; with Pluto on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Neptune trine Uranus. He also has Jupiter Mercury Mars in Virgo. Described as “no-nonsense” and “straitlaced”, he stood his ground during GWB’s term in a showdown with the president against illegal wiretapping. A colleague described him as “experienced, knowledgeable, capable” and “utterly incorruptible”. “He cannot be intimidated. At this stage in his career, he has nothing to prove, no reputation to burnish, no axe to grind. He is ramrod straight in his integrity.”

His relationship chart with Trump has a business-like and cool composite Sun Saturn conjunction. The composite Sun is under challenges from tr Pluto opposition in 2017/18; with tr Pluto opposing the Sun/Saturn midpoint later this year; plus two enthusiasm-denting squares from tr Saturn to the composite Jupiter over coming months; and a nervy tr Neptune square Uranus in 2018.

Mueller looks stressed at points through this year; and more so in 2018; and not altogether pleased from mid 2018 onwards with tr Neptune opposition his Mars. His Mars squares Trump’s 10th house Uranus so there will be fireworks.  Though I’ve seen worse synastry and relationship charts.

For all the liberal media are chattering excitably about impending impeachment, it’s no easy, quick or inevitable matter. Trump’s fans are holding solid in their support, discounting all criticism as fake news and smears.

The Trump Term chart certainly looks like being jolted into a sudden change of direction at the moment with tr Uranus square the MC, on and off till early 2018. Where the Administration looks as its least stable is when tr Pluto closes the square to Uranus to exact which runs from February 2018 till late 2019. Though there will be setback after setback from the Mars square Saturn, which hits exact late this autumn – Octoberish.

Cary Grant – finding solace in fantasy land


One of the Hollywood greats, Cary Grant was debonair and sophisticated, an accomplished charmer on screen, but behind the false glitter of the movie business and his manufactured persona lay a sad story. Born 18 January 1904 1.07am, Bristol, England (biography), he had an alcoholic father, a mentally unstable mother who was despatched without warning to an asylum when he was 10, though before then she introduced him to song and dance. He was abandoned to grandparents when his father remarried, joined a vaudeville theatre company, and moved to the US when he was 16. His damaged childhood left him unable to form emotional attachments and he went through five marriages in his insecurity. At one point he used LSD repeatedly to blast through his defences which he said did transform his life.

He had a 3rd house Sun Mercury in Capricorn with his Sun conjunct Moon at zero Aquarius. He had a troubled 4th house of childhood with Saturn in Aquarius widely conjunct his Moon and Mars also in Aquarius. What dominates his chart and would be his saving grace was a T Square of Pluto in the 8th opposition Venus Uranus square Jupiter in Pisces in his performing 5th house. Movie stars often have either Pluto or Neptune in the 8th, giving them great influence and the unconscious ability to project an aura; although with it comes a sense of being stuck in situations beyond their control. His emphasised Jupiter would bring him luck and optimism; and help him portray himself as a laid back, softly sweet personality.

On his astrocartography two of his Jupiter lines run either side of the USA. This isn’t quite as precise as Sean Connery, who also came from a poor background in Scotland and hit the heights in Hollywood, who has his Jupiter Pluto MC lines running through Los Angeles; and his Sun Neptune through New York. Connery’s Sun Neptune are in his 8th.

James Norton – bound by fate to Procyon


Brit actor James Norton, 18 July 1985 London, seems destined for a great future. Having starred in a handful of UK’s best TV dramas – Happy Valley, Grantchester and War and Peace – he looks, according to colleagues, to be Hollywood bound. What’s interesting about his chart (without birth time) is that he has a Sun Mars conjunction in Cancer conjunct the Fixed star Procyon, which is changeable and unpredictable; can take people to great heights and bring them crashing down. It is associated with being hasty, single-minded, strong-willed and capable of putting thoughts and plans into action.

His Sun Mars are trine a determined Saturn in Scorpio; and his Moon may be late Cancer conjunct his Sun Mars or in Leo.

Tr Uranus is square his Sun Mars (and Procyon) this year into early 2018; with the August Leo Solar Eclipse conjunct his Solar Arc Sun Mars; tr Pluto is sextile Saturn for a discouraging 2018/19; and by 2021/22 tr Pluto will be in a deeply frustrating opposition to his Sun Mars. So be interesting to see how it all shakes down.


UK Tory Party – taking the fall for Brexit

I’m never entirely convinced about the value of political party charts but for what it’s worth, the UK Conservative Party started on 12 Nov 1867. There is a confident and optimistic tr Pluto conjunct Mercury/Jupiter over the upcoming election; and in general through 2017/18 with tr Pluto sextile the Scorpio Sun, a sense of constructive progress. Where it starts to run into trouble is 2019 with tr Pluto in a frustrating square to Mars/Node and trine Mars/Uranus; and a high-hopes undermined tr Pluto sextile Jupiter/Neptune. There will be some triumphs in 2019 with tr Uranus trine Jupiter/Uranus and Sun/Jupiter; as well as tr Uranus sextile Jupiter in 2018. But the 2021/22 patch looks discouraging and a real slog; with a ‘collapse’ upheaval come 2022 with tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto – which will be when the next election is if this government runs to term.

So the humps, bumps and glitches of the Brexit will take its toll; perhaps with a revamped or breakaway Labour Party of some complexion more in contention.

Ian Brady – child killer and psychopath finally gone



Moors Murderer Ian Brady, who tortured and killed five children with Myra Hindley in crimes which sent him to prison for five decades has died. He buried four of his victims in graves on Saddleworth Moor, Greater Manchester, though he refused to reveal where one of the bodies was buried.

Born 2 January 1938 12.40pm Glasgow, Scotland, to a single mother with unknown father and brought up by another couple, he was in trouble with the police through his teens, in and out of detention. He was surprisingly intelligent, read Mein Kampf and books about Nazi atrocities; and was diagnosed as a psychopath in the mental hospital when he spent the rest of his life.

He had his Sun Venus in Mercury in Capricorn in the well-read 9th; and a Capricorn Moon conjunct his MC in his 10th; with a pushily confident Jupiter also in the 10th opposition Pluto. His Pluto was also in a bleak, tough-minded trine to Saturn in Pisces, which in turn was in a creative though also paranoid/neurotic opposition to Neptune – so an (ironically misnamed) Mystic Rectangle. He had maverick Uranus in Taurus conjunct his Ascendant from the 12th trine Mercury Venus, sextile Mars in Pisces – emphasising Mars.

Where his sadistic tendencies become clearer is in his Harmonic charts. His 9th = what brings pleasure – is especially brutal with Saturn Pluto Uranus opposition Mars square Moon. His can-be-mad 7H has Mercury Pluto Venus Neptune trine Saturn trine Moon, with Moon opposition Sun – so quite warped. Also his 12H connected with sacrifice, usually as a victim or a healer, but in his case obviously the perpetrator – with Mars Uranus trine Saturn Pluto trine Moon.

When he died Solar Arc Uranus was just over a conjunction to his Pluto, which in older people can point to health issues; with Solar Arc Pluto square his Moon exactly (to within two minutes of a degree), and tr Pluto conjunct his Moon.

His partner in crime, Myra Hindley, who died in prison in 2002, was born 23 July 1942 2.45am Lancaster, England, with an alcoholic father who beat her and taught her to fight back when she was bullied at school. Some commentators tried to excuse her behaviour as a result of her childhood brutalisation but she said she was worse than Brady since she enticed the children into the car.

She was a last degree Cancer Sun conjunct Pluto, with Pluto on her IC sextile Uranus Saturn in Gemini; and an aggressive Mars in Leo in her 4th which squared a Scorpio Moon.

Brady’s Capricorn planets including his Sun fell in her 8th, so a deep connection; with his controlling and determined Pluto exactly conjunct her Sun. Her Moon fell in his 7th and her Jupiter in his 3rd, so she would provide support as well as encouragement.

Orrin Hatch – waiting in the wings


Orrin Hatch, the respected elder Republican Senator for Utah, is third in line for the presidency if Trump and Pence should fall. One political blog (but only one) suggests he is getting security briefings in preparation for a defenestration at the White House after the firing of James Comey. How much of this is heated conspiracy theorising, I don’t know.

Born 22 March 1934 1pm Homestead Park, Pennsylvania, he’s a Sun Mars in Aries; with an Air Grand Trine of a Gemini Moon trine Saturn, North Node, Venus in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Libra, formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition a 10th house Uranus which squares onto Pluto and Ascendant in Cancer. He certainly fits with the mood of the moment with the present Uranus opposition Jupiter square Pluto in Capricorn.

He does look to be facing a shake up in his direction with tr Uranus conjunct his Uranus, running till early 2018. But given his age that could mean several things. There’s nothing much on his MC or Solar Returns to suggest such a considerable leap.

His relationship chart with Trump is uncertain and chilly till late October with tr Saturn square the composite Neptune Moon; and turning on its head in 2018.

Such rumours won’t do Trump’s paranoia any good.

George Conway – a destabiliser in to shore up the sea wall


George Conway, Kellyanne’s lawyer husband, is according to the WPost, about to run (pending Senate approval) the Justice Department’s civil division, which is tasked with guarding the president and his policies from legal challenges. Of which there is no shortage – federal funding for sanctuary cities and the travel ban, never mind the Russia investigation.

In the 1990s, he was a hotshot young attorney working to undermine President Bill Clinton by offering secret legal aid to his accusers and reportedly funneling salacious details to the Drudge Report. “This one disgruntled New York lawyer almost single-handedly brought down the president,” David Brock, the conservative provocateur-turned-Clinton acolyte, later wrote. He has worked at the same law firm for almost 30 years, focused on the needs of tobacco companies and other corporations. [See WPost:]

Born 2 September 1963, he has a Virgo Sun conjunct Uranus Venus Pluto, which makes him reasonably similar to the disgraced Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin’s husband, born the year before with his Virgo Sun Uranus Pluto Mercury. Comnway also has Jupiter in Aries opposition Mars, so not above taking flyers and risks.

Both he and Kellyanne have Mars almost in the same degree in Libra, so both will be seriously corralled in 2019/20 when tr Pluto squares their respective Mars. Before then he looks pushily confident with tr Pluto square his Jupiter in 2017/18; and tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Jupiter in 2018/19. But he may over reach himself since that Mars Jupiter is impulsive and can go several steps too far.

He describes himself as contrarian, which in one way fits with maverick Trump, but holding firm to the boss-is-always-right may prove tricky.

Guy Ritchie’s buckled sword – Charlie Hunnam less wounded



Guy Ritchie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword has bombed at the US and international box office and could lead to a $100 million loss for Warner Bros. David Beckham’s cameo role was trashed just from the trailer but the star Charlie Hunnam did get the thumbs up from critics and audiences.

Guy Ritchie isn’t having a good run with his last movie The Man from Uncle also a box office disappointment. And it doesn’t look any better ahead with tr Neptune moving to oppose his Jupiter and Virgo Sun over the next three years. Born 10 September 1958, a month after Marine Le Pen, he has the same yod of Neptune sextile Pluto Uranus inconjunct Saturn in Aries – with tr Uranus conjunct his Saturn this year, throwing a googly his way, knocking him off balance. It does look a slog ahead for him since by the time Neptune disappears off his Sun, tr Pluto is squaring his Saturn in 2020/21 which is very stuck and discouraging.

David Beckham is unlikely to launch a film acting career off the back of this and with tr Neptune conjunct his Mars in 2018 he looks directionless and less than confident as well. [See previous post Jan 16 2017.]

Charlie Hunnam, 10 April 1980 10.06am Newcastle upon Tyne (astrotheme), England, has a fascinatingly complicated chart. Best known for his roles in Sons of Anarchy and his award-winning performance in Pacific Rim, as well as Crimson Peak, he’s the son of a gangster/scrap merchant, divorced from his business-woman mother early on.

Hunnam has a 10th house Aries Sun in an inspirational and attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine to Mars in Leo trine Neptune in Sagittarius, formed into a Kite by Sun opposition Pluto – so certainly talented, driven, flamboyantly outspoken. He’s also got Mercury in Pisces in his 10th opposition Saturn in Virgo square Neptune; and a yod of Saturn sextile Uranus inconjunct his Sun. Despite the supreme confidence of his Fire Grand Trine he will harbour self-doubts with Mercury Saturn and a Yod focal point Sun, veering from low self-esteem to the opposite.

He looks down understandably at the moment with tr Saturn square his Sun/MC and Sun/Jupiter midpoints. 2018/19 will be challenging and pressured with tr Pluto square his Sun opposition Pluto, but he’s got a great deal ahead of him, with some lucky breaks in 2018 and more so in the early 2020s.