Lady Lucan, estranged wife of the elusive and infamous murder fugitive Lord Lucan, has died alone, having not seen her three children and sister since the 1980s. Born 3 May 1937, she was badly damaged by her loveless marriage to an inveterate gambler, who tried to have her sectioned as insane. She fought for custody of the children but then refused to speak to them when they queried her version of the night when Lucan killed the nanny Sandra Rivett and brutally attacked her. After his disappearance she lived for decades mired in the past.
She was a stubborn Sun Uranus in Taurus trine Neptune, probably square an Aquarius Moon, so not well-designed for the role of a submissive wife, though she admitted she only married him when she was 26 because she thought she’d missed the boat. She had a Fire/Water mixed element Grand Trine of self-reliant Saturn in Aries trine Mars in Sagittarius trine Pluto which would attract her to high-risk situations. Plus a pushily-confident Pluto opposition Jupiter square Venus in Aries, giving her a taste for money and status.
Lord Lucan Snr, 18 Dec 1934, was a Sun Sagittarius trine Uranus, sextile Saturn in Aquarius; and Sun inconjunct Pluto; with Venus in socially-ambitious Capricorn in an insensitive square to Mars in Libra. It’s a hard, unfeeling chart though not especially brutal. (More below). Her Sun Uranus opposed his Jupiter in Scorpio; and her Venus was trine his Sun – so there was some affection, and attractions to money and social position.
Their relationship chart had a cool composite Sun Mercury Saturn conjunction, with the Sun sextile/trine an explosive Mars opposition Uranus. That volatile Mars Uranus was being exacerbated by tr Saturn in Leo square tr Uranus in Scorpio around the time of the attack in 1975.
Her eldest son, George, now the 8th Earl, 21 Sept 1967, has a Sun Uranus Pluto in Virgo, with a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries like his mother’ and their relationship chart has a composite Sun Uranus square Neptune, which would make it a highly-strung connection, in which both needed space to breathe.
From a previous 2012 post: The disappearance of Lord Lucan in 1974 after the murder of his children’s nanny became one of the great mysteries of the decade. There’s now evidence that he did – as many thought – flee to a secret life in Africa, helped by his high-flying London gambling buddies.
Born 18 December 1934 he was a Sun Sagittarius with one or perhaps even two Yods in his chart. His Sun was sextile Saturn in Aquarius, both inconjunct Pluto and his Taurus Moon may have been sextile Pluto and inconjunct his Sun. Yods are known as fingers of god in astrology, creating strain and suggesting a fated change of life when they click into place.
A Yod with Pluto as a focal point tends to produce an individual with an over complicated approach to life, very intense, controlling and yet unrelated to others. Bil Tierney remarks that once the Yod is activated – the established conditions operating previously …… are likely to be destroyed or completely abandoned. If his Sun was also a focal point it leads to pride and the abuse of authority. He had Jupiter in money-attracting Scorpio and Venus in snobbish Capricorn.
When the nanny Sandra Rivett was murdered on 18 December 1975 and his then separated wife attacked, his Solar Arc Mars was conjunct his Jupiter and Solar Arc Jupiter was conjunct his Sun; plus tr Jupiter was just passed the opposition to his Solar Arc Pluto. None of those looks violent but they do look massively over confident, pushy – and adventurous. They don’t look like a man overcome with shame for his actions.
Sandra Rivett, 16 Sep 1945, had a difficult chemistry with him since her Saturn in Cancer was conjunct his Pluto so she’d block his controlling approach. Her Pluto was square his Jupiter and her Mars North Node in Cancer was square his Mars in Libra – so quite a clash of temperaments. Their relationship chart had a bleak chained-together composite Sun opposition Saturn square Pluto with an explosive Mars square Uranus. So a volcanic mix.
Lucan’s three children all have charts indicating a less than stable father. George, 21 Sept 1967, who inherited the title after his disappeared father was declared dead, is a Virgo Sun conjunct the unpredictable Uranus Pluto of the time with a have-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries trine Mars. His elder sister Frances, 24 Oct 1964, has a similar echo of unkind treatment with a Mars opposition Saturn square Jupiter and a very emotionally muddled Moon square Uranus Pluto Venus. Camilla, 30 June 1970, is a Sun square Uranus, Mars square Jupiter and Saturn trine Pluto sextile Mars – which encapsulates the erratic, not-there, gambling, cruel father.