Trump and Brexit – the two great shocks of 2016 – are being seen as linked to a spider’s web of alliances between the Trump campaign, Steve Bannon, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, Robert Mercer’s UK-based Cambridge Analytics of which Bannon was vice-president and Brexiteer Nigel Farage – with Russia hovering in the background. One treads warily in these litigious and murky waters so for further details and complications see the Guardian URL below, which will have been heavily lawyer-ed.
Nigel Farage, ex-UKIP leader, is regarded by the media and public at large as more clown than arch-strategist. Then his side won the Leave vote and he appeared last November as a close Trump buddy much to everyone’s surprise. He appears regularly on RT, the Kremlin-funded media outlet.
Born 3 April 1964, he’s an impulsive, pro-active and very intense Mars Sun Aries; with an upset-the-status quo Uranus Pluto on his Virgo Ascendant opposing Saturn squaring onto his Gemini midheaven. He’s in for a few successes and one major shock within seven months with his Solar Arc Sun moving to square his Uranus. Tr Saturn square his Mars early in 2018; and then his Sun and Jupiter in 2019, will dent his enthusiasm.
Arron Banks, a former financial backer of UKIP and co-founder of the Leave campaign, has his wealth largely stashed in opaque offshore jurisdictions. Born 22 March 1966, Northwich, Eng, he’s another assertive and aggressive Sun Mars in Aries; with the mid 1960s rebellious Uranus Pluto opposition Saturn squaring a lucky, expansive though can-be-irresponsible Jupiter in Gemini. His Jupiter is square Saturn and inconjunct Neptune making him fearful of failure, very up and down in mood, and prone to over-inflated schemes. Like Farage he’s in for a few setbacks from the New Year with tr Saturn square his Sun, Mars; and a tough, confusing slog from tr Pluto sextile his Saturn and Neptune in 2018/19.
The Mueller investigation in Washington may bring more details to light about the US end; in the UK the Electoral Commission are looking into potential offences in the Leave EU’s campaign spending and for taking ‘impermissible’ donations. It was substantially funded by five of the UK’s wealthiest business men.
Pots, kettles and whose swamp is the deepest and darkest?