American royalty of yesteryear is being highlighted in a biography of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, wife of John F Kennedy Jnr, who was killed with her husband in a plane crash in July 1999. A review describes it as ‘cloying’ and more hagiography than a balanced view of her life.
John was born in November 1960 three weeks after his father was elected and was only three when his father was shot in Dallas in 1963. His mother took him and his sister out of the USA for safety in her short-lived, unhappy marriage to Greek shipping magnate Ari Onassis. John as an adult was a paparazzi magnet and constantly in the headlines with multiple liaisons with models and other beauties including actress Daryl Hannah, finally settling for Carolyn Bessette who worked in the fashion business.
They married on 21 September 1996 and were killed three years later on 16 July 1999 when a plane he was piloting crashed. Their marriage was troubled mainly it is said because she felt besieged by the constant media attention.
What is astro-interesting is the solar eclipse close to the plane crash had resonance both for the Kennedy family and the USA.
Saros cycle 1 North – USA
The world’s first atomic bomb was dropped by American forces on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945, four weeks after the 1 North solar eclipse with an exact conjunction of Saturn squaring onto Neptune. It killed 130,000 people and led to the Japanese surrender.
On the next cycle of this eclipse 18 years on, John and Jackie Kennedy’s premature baby son, Patrick Kennedy, died on 9 August, two weeks after the solar eclipse in 1963. Martin Luther King was delivering his rousing civil rights speech in Washington to 200,000 African-Americans campaigning for black civil rights four weeks after the solar eclipse. Three months later President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas. The same cycle repeating in 1981 saw US forces shoot down two Libyan planes, and the US air traffic control strike. Then in July 1999, with tragic and eerie synchronicity, J. F. Kennedy’s son John was killed in a plane crash three weeks before the 1 North solar eclipse.
In previous 1 North eclipses, Charles Lindbergh made the first solo, non-stop transatlantic flight, from New York to Paris, in 33 hours, in 1927; and in 1909 a major earthquake destroyed Acapulco, two weeks after the eclipse. The next eclipse in this series occurred in August 1999, in the midst of the Balkans Kosovar crisis, with NATO forces, at war for the first time since 1945, trying to halt the Serbian ethnic cleansing and genocide of Albanians. One further on in August 2017 was in the midst of Trump turmoil and Charlottesville ‘Unite the Right’ rally including neo-nazis and klansmen which exploded into violence and was not condemned by Trump. North Korea was also on red alert with the USA but backed down.
John F Kennedy Jnr 25 November 1960 12.22am Washington, DC, had a 3rd house Sagittarius Sun square Pluto in his 12th; with an Aquarius Moon opposition a 12th house Uranus and a can-be-destructive Mars opposition Saturn. Not a settled temperament, for sure, feeling trapped and desperate to be free as well as resenting the inherent unfairness of his life.
When he was killed on 16 July 1999 at around 9.39pm Martha’s Vineyard, his Solar Arc Midheaven was exactly conjunct his Mars tugging on his accident-prone opposition to his Saturn; with his Solar Arc Pluto approaching the square to his Mars -very high risk. His Solar Arc Mars was just over the conjunction to his Uranus and exactly opposition his Moon. And tr Pluto was conjunct his IC, arguably tapping into his family’s past. A fraught period.
Carolyn Bessette, 7 January 1966 8.45am White Plains, New York, despite her cool, sophisticated appearance was not an easy temperament either. She had a 12th house Capricorn Sun opposition a 6th house Cancer Moon (a hint of her parents’ split marriage) and her Moon was in a self-protective, private Water Grand Trine to Neptune trine Saturn. That Grand Trine focused onto two Kites with an 8th house Uranus Pluto opposition her Saturn and a 6th house Moon as the other driving planet. Quite a complicated personality with a good deal of inner turmoil. Though all fronted up with an outgoing, confident Jupiter in her 5th and a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars conjunct her Ascendant.
When she died her Solar Arc Sun was square her Neptune and she had two mixed yods – of Uranus Pluto sextile Moon inconjunct her Solar Arc Sun; and SA Sun sextile SA Saturn inconjunct Uranus Pluto – so she’d be in the midst of a lost phase of her life not knowing what she wanted or what would come next.
On the synastry between them his Mars conjunct her Moon would lead to scratchy domestic arguments. Her Uranus Pluto in his 7th and his Saturn in her 7th would not make for harmonious togetherness. Her Sun conjunct his Saturn in the 5th and opposition his Mars would not improve her self-confidence. His Sun conjunct her Midheaven and South Node and her Jupiter in his 10th hint that status and appearances would be an important part of the attraction between them.
Their relationship chart does not have much going for it either.
What is fascinating – in a grim way – is his Mars opposition Saturn which in traditional astrology was associated with assassination. In modern times it can appear in the charts of those who lose a parent early on (for non-violent reasons, I mean). His Mars Saturn opposition would have drawn to exact by Solar Arc when his father was shot in 1963. And when he died himself in 1999 his Mars was triggered by his Solar Arc Midheaven. His wife was also intimately tied into his Mars Saturn having her Capricorn Sun opposition Moon sitting on top of it. And his Sun/Moon midpoint at 15 degrees Capricorn, his marriage signifier, was in close aspect to his Mars Saturn as well hinting at marital disharmony.
A fated entanglement.