China’s infiltration abroad is escalating stealthily to a scary degree with multi-pronged strategies. Offers of infra-structure investment to central and eastern European countries (16+1) are causing alarm in Brussels; with Africa’s development being largely fuelled by China. The NY Times headline this morning – Beijing Hinders Free Speech in America – points out the degree to which Chinese students abroad are being threatened into silence. “Chinese students who are seen with political dissidents or dare to publicly challenge Chinese government policies can be put on a blacklist. Their families in China can be threatened or punished.” In Australia journalists have detailed how Chinese money has infiltrated the political process. And back home, the Xi regime is tightening its grip over its own people with a planned Citizen Trustworthy Score, collecting personal info about all areas of life, interests and activities – described by a commentator as “Amazon’s consumer tracking with an Orwellian political twist.” Or as Wired put it ‘Big Data meets Big Brother’. (Urls below.)
Xi Jinping’s initial Presidency chart, 14 March 2013 11.51am Beijing, showed every indication of being a game-changer with a status-quo upsetting 10th house Uranus square a 7th house Pluto, which latter wants to remake others in their image. But more pointedly there is a Yod of a determined Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto inconjunct Jupiter in the 12th – which certainly has the urge to influence the masses. Tied into Saturn Pluto it does suggest social fanaticism, since an afflicted Jupiter rarely doubts the rightness of its belief. It can trip itself up through allowing a personal ego-trip to get out of hand.
There’s another Yod of Jupiter sextile Uranus inconjunct Saturn, which is tough to handle well, and will get a mighty jolt in 2021 as tr Uranus opposes that Saturn.
China itself is deeply secretive and determined with a Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Saturn in the 8th and Jupiter in the 12th; and belligerent with Mars Pluto in Leo in the 7th, so prone to hostile and bullying relationships. It looks to be bouncing to even more prominence in 2018 with its Solar Arc MC conjunct the Ascendant; and roaring ahead in terms of finance and confidence in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto conjunct its Jupiter. Although 2019 also has tr Uranus square the China Moon, suggesting an unsettled population which impacts on the country’ image. Where the real problems crop up are 2021 to 2023 with tr Uranus squaring the 7th house Mars Pluto, which looks agitated, explosive, and a radical upheaval both in diplomatic relations and internally.
Add on: Contemplating Pluto in Capricorn and its tendency to produce strong leaders: On the previous run after the mid 18th century, the Chinese Emperor Hongli was a capable and cultured ruler running a thriving empire. During his reign the Qing Empire reached its most splendid and prosperous era, boasting a large population and economy, with military victories which expanded the dynastic territory to the largest extent by conquering and sometimes destroying Central Asian kingdoms. Although after Pluto in Capricorn moved on the empire started to stagnate.