Jeremy Corbyn’s chart (UK opposition leader) is a mystery. I’ve been staring at it for weeks deciding whether there’s anything worth saying which is odd given that he is regularly touted now as a replacement for the feeble May.
His Leadership chart, 24 September 2016 12.51pm Liverpool, makes more sense with a successful, lucky Sun Jupiter in the 10th which is moving to an exact conjunction this year – which all looks good for him, as the left are dominating all three of the Labour Party’s centres of power: the trade unions, the shadow cabinet in parliament and the national executive. He could be set to lead Britain’s most radical government ever. Where his leadership charts hits real problems is by 2019 with tr Pluto starting a two year square to the Uranus, which aspect often topples leaders from their perches.
He has two major problems since his young voters are generally pro-Europe while he like many old left-wingers is not; and the other is that it’s unclear whether the UK would be happy to elect what the Labour Party is now being forced to become.
He’s not exactly seeing eye-to-eye with Momentum (8 October 2015) which is driving through the draconian changes, with upheavals in their relationship chart this year and aggravation plus in 2019/2020. His relationship with both the 1900 and 1906 Labour Party charts are also fraught with tension. Momentum itself looks set back on its heels in 2019 though more upbeat in 2020/2021.
The Labour Party 12 Feb 1906 chart looks much more together and successful come 2021/2022.