Muddle and mayhem wherever you look. May wins and then loses. Merkel still can’t form a government. And the great Juncker is getting snarled up in an old wiretapping scandal from his Luxembourg PM days, refusing multiple dates to turn up to give court evidence claiming he’s too busy.
Want to see Neptune in action out in the real world? Look at Theresa May’s government, launched on a Full Moon of Gemini Sun opposition Moon square Neptune. A focal point Mutable Neptune is disorganized, absent-minded, refuses to face facts, lacks will-power, is credulous and constantly shape-shifting – and the Full Moon suggests a constant struggle to pull two opposing forces together. Admittedly May’s obsessive Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto gives her stamina, but her natal Neptune and its midpoints hook into many of her other planets – she’s quite a chameleon herself. She has more swampy, ground-dissolving-under-her-feet Neptunian transits to come in 2018/19/20. Plus some truly catastrophic Pluto transits to Mars midpoints in 2018/19 (see post December 2017). Though oddly enough the May Government chart apart from a gigantic hiccup in May 2018 and again in Nov/Dec will be keeping its spirits up courtesy of two Jupiter midpoints.
Merkel will continue to slide in energy, motivation and popularity, with a major jolt after mid 2018 and a facing-failure few months in late 2019. Martin Schulz, the pro-EU more-integration SDP leader on the other hand has a good deal going his way at least over the next two years. This despite the fact the German business/financiers and voters will resist strenuously any prospect of being drawn into a closer union that forces them to foot other country’s financial losses.
Jean-Claude Juncker had to resign as Luxembourg prime minister in 2013 in the wake of the scandal in which Luxembourg intelligence chiefs were accused of the unauthorised tapping of phones, bugging politicians and keeping some 13,000 secret files. Hot denials all round but fresh evidence has emerged suggesting that members of his staff had tampered with crucial evidence.
He’s got tr Neptune square his Sagittarius Sun from early May 2018, on and off into 2019, which won’t improve his morale, but his lucky Uranus Jupiter in Cancer may fish him out of some sinkholes. His presidency chart has a ruthless Mars Pluto conjunction which is catching the tr Saturn conjunction from late January 2018 which will throw a few obstacles in his path, returning late in the year into 2019. And Pluto squares Uranus on that chart which was always going to make it a crisis-ridden term.
The EU is muddling its way towards a worrisome, financially- disastrous and blocked 2019 when it picks up tr Saturn conjunct Sun, Solar Arc Pluto conjunct its 2nd house Neptune, and Solar Arc MC conjunct Pluto, followed in 2020/21 by a hugely uncertain tr Neptune square Saturn. 2019 also sees tr Uranus start to tug mightily on the EU Fixed T Square when it opposes the 2nd house Neptune and moves on to square Uranus and conjunct the 8th house Moon in 2020/2021. With 2021 also having the Solar Arc Mars square the Moon and opposition Uranus. And that looks like a whole heap of financial woes, in a rolling series of disruptions, shocks and upheavals.