The fallout from the resignation of White House staffer Rob Porter over domestic abuse charges continues to damage John Kelly, Trump and Hope Hicks. Abusive husbands are hardly confined to Republicans but the handling of the affair couldn’t have been worse. Porter had been refused security clearance because of his former wives’ statements so the White House must have known for months. Then Kelly supports him up to the hilt when the allegations surface, only to go into sharp reverse when it blew out of control. Trump naturally is inclined to disbelieve the women. Hope Hicks, evidently Porter’s present squeeze, is boot-faced. Trump has form on this since several of his choices have suffered similar claims – Steve Bannon, Corey Lewandowski, Andrew Puzder and even POTUS himself (Ivana Trump) – as well as endorsing child molester Roy Moore and being a long-term friend of Steve Wynn. (See URL below).
John Kelly comes out of it badly since he was there to impose control and sanity. Yet one commentator said: ‘He’s been a real failure. Kelly has reinforced Trump’s worst instincts. Trump is a human wrecking ball and Kelly is his biggest enabler.” (URL below)
There’s nothing much on Kelly’s relationship chart with Trump to suggests a split (without his birth time) though he evidently wouldn’t be unhappy to leave and he will be exceptionally enraged/frustrated (more so) from March onwards until late 2019. He’s a stalwart Taurus Sun trine Saturn and Mars in Virgo, so not one for bending in the breeze or making impulsive moves. It’s a restrictive crossover for Trump, since Kelly’s Mars squares Trump’s Sun and Moon; and Kelly’s Saturn squares Trump’s Uranus.
Rob Porter, 25 October 1977 is a Sun Mercury in Scorpio square Mars in last degree Cancer – so will be volatile, and on a short-fuse. He’s also got an intensely emotional Venus Pluto in Libra perhaps opposition an Aries Moon, which sits as a singleton planet.
It’s an odd relationship with Hope Hicks, 21 October 1988, since her Libra Sun is square his Mars, which can provide sparks early on then turn argumentative later. Their relationship chart is worse with a bleak, controlling composite Sun Saturn Pluto inconjunct Mars; with a passionate composite Mars trine Venus. It doesn’t look like surviving much longer with tr Uranus moving to oppose and square the main planets within weeks.
The relationship chart between Hicks and Trump is basically friendly and affectionate with a composite Sun, Mercury, Venus though also based on illusions leading to disappoint with a Neptune square. It’s hitting a low this month with tr Neptune square the composite Mars; and is essentially an unstable link with a composite Uranus opposition Pluto. She looks shaken up come this April as tr Uranus starts to oppose her Sun, on and off into 2019.
Never a dull week in the Oval office.