Ellen Pompeo – a breakthrough success



Ellen Pompeo, the face of Gray’s Anatomy, the TV medical drama, now into its 14th season and running for several more, being still the network’s No 2 drama generating $3 billion so far, is being trumpeted as the new face of women’s equality in pay. She’s signed for nearly $600k per episode plus plus, will become a producer and co-exec prod of a spinoff, all adding up to a cool $20 million pa.

Born 10 November 1969 1.24pm Everett, Massachusetts, she lost her mother at five from an overdose, was raised by her father and grandparents in downtown Boston and despite a few good roles was broke when she was offered Gray’s Anatomy fifteen years ago.

She has a stalwart Scorpio Sun, Neptune, Moon in the 9th; with a packed 8th house of Jupiter in Libra, Venus, Mercury in Scorpio. She’s intense, lucky despite her fractured childhood, able to project an aura to turn her into a superstar. She’s also got a heavily aspected Mars in Aquarius square a Saturn in Taurus opposition Venus in Scorpio so outspoken, disciplined, quite a bulldozer when she gets going, though would be lacking in self-esteem early on.

She credits Shonda Rhimes, Gray’s creator/producer for helping to empower her. Rhimes, 13 January 1970 has a fearsome Mars opposition Pluto, so not one to back down and be submissive. Her Mars is conjunct Pompeo’s Pisces North Node, so she’d put steel in her backbone. Also Ellen’s Solar Arc MC is now conjunct her Mars giving her extra confidence to demand her due. She’ll be unsettled through 2019 with tr Uranus square her Mars and conjunct her Saturn; and hitting a blockage by 201, perhaps when this run finishes. But whatever the future holds, she’s come a very long way.

Emmanuel Macron – in his glory days



French President Emmanuel Macron is striding the globe like a colossus, dispensing insults and largesse with equal vigour. He dazzled Trump with military pomp on Bastille Day; schmoozed Putin with the glories of Versailles; a horse to Xi Jinping; and the Bayeux Tapestry on loan to the UK. Fading Merkel, entangled in coalition talks, has left the field clear for his Jupiterian reign. The EU was always a Germany-France axis with the former taking the lead in recent times. Macron’s closer-integration zeal would seem to put him in the driving seat. Unless like Icarus, he flies too high and crashes and burns. Much depends on what emerges from the German electoral stalemate, which after this Sunday’s SPD conference may lead to another election.

Macron’s relationship chart with Germany looks to be his biggest headache from this June onwards with tr Uranus opposition their composite Saturn and square the composite Pluto, extending into 2019; and chills in relations now and across this autumn.

His France Presidency chart suggests his bubble of enthusiasm will start to deflate from this April with tr Neptune starting an eighteen month square to the Presidential Mars; with dents to his popularity this year and hitting his confidence in 2019.

His personal chart, 21 December 1977 10.40am, predominantly inspirational and super-confident Fire signs,  suggests a one term presidency with tr Saturn dipping below his Capricorn Ascendant before the next 2022 election. If he can muster up enough from tr Jupiter through his 1st to make it through, he’ll have a lame duck second term. Before then he looks to be riding high, despite bubbles bursting under his feet in 2019 with tr Jupiter through his 10th. To watch for: The late January Lunar Eclipse will hit his 7th house Mars in Leo, which should provide an eruption or two.  Transits to his midpoints are very gritty from early this February onwards with frustrations, risk and lessening dynamism – running on till late 2019.

His relationship with the UK is deeply conflicted at the best of times with a composite Mars opposition Pluto, sextile/trine both Saturn and Uranus – and won’t improve, despite ancient treasures winging their way across.

But more pertinently he looks out of sorts with the EU, and vice versa, through this year and next, so not getting his way; with huge challenges come 2020 when the EU will be undergoing considerable turmoil. Interesting times.

Emily Maitlis – a Virgo plagued by unwanted attention



Virgos are being keyed up this week, maybe in part by the Capricornian flush. But it’s astonishing how some weeks are dominated by one sign. First Michelle Williams, Keanu Reeves, then the sad Dolores O’Riordan.

Now Emily Maitlis, a high-profile UK TV news presenter is in the headlines. She has been stalked for an unbelievable and outrageous twenty years by a man she knew at university, who has already been imprisoned for breaching a restraining order and now is back inside for 45 months. She says it’s like having a chronic illness. “He is unwell and has wasted half his life. Stalking is a weirdo glamorised term for what is essentially mental ill-health and so somewhere along the lines we have to change the mechanism.” A convicted rapist was also revealed at his trial to have an unhealthy fixation for Maitlis. But mercifully he’s inside for four life sentences. She must feel jinxed.

Born 6 September 1970 in Canada, she’s a Sun Mars in Virgo with Mercury Pluto also in Virgo trine Saturn in Taurus which is in turn opposition Neptune. Her Mars is sextile Venus in Libra conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. Her Moon is also Scorpio.

Stalkers are an increasing hazard for celebrities – losers trying to fabricate an identity for themselves by fantasising a connection that doesn’t exist. And there’s no way she set out to attract them. But two things strike me about her chart. One is that her Sun is conjunct her Mars/Pluto midpoint, making her ultra-determined and suiting her for high-risk work. The other is her Sun in aspect to her Neptune/Pluto midpoint, which can be obsessive, impressionable, sensitive to strange influences.

Mars Pluto in its negative manifestation is rape; and Neptune Pluto is prone to fantasy. Both have positive ways of being lived out which she clearly utilises; but they may be a part of the reason why she’s pulled into her orbit unpleasant personalities. The other being, she’s blonde, attractive and constantly on screen and the world is full of disturbed people. What a price to pay for a successful career.

Pic: By Gothick – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10099200

Italy in Machiavellian mood about the euro



Italy is heading for an early March election with populists on Left and Right leading the polls with two thirds of voters behind them. They’ve abandoned plans to leave the euro, plotting instead ‘to subvert monetary union from the inside with parallel currencies and deficit spending in open violation of the Maastricht Treaty. All view the euro system as a racket run largely in the interests of Germany.’ (Telegraph). Italian output is still low compared to pre-2008 levels and not much improved from the mid 1990s when the lira was pegged to the deutschemark. The result is likely to be a hung parliament.

The EU will be watching with trepidation through February and more so come late March onwards as tr Saturn opposes the composite Pluto, then Uranus; with the Eclipse conjunct the composite Mars Venus, which tr Uranus then aspects into 2019 as well as opposing the composite Saturn. So there are likely to be ructions.

Where the Bank of Italy, 10 August 1893, looks in better fettle is by 2022 onwards, but there’ll be a fair few mountains to climb before they get there.

Winter Olympics – Kim Jong Un playing nice?



Unexpected co-operation between North and South Korea over the Winter Olympics in February, which includes marching under a unity flag, has brought a sharp backlash in South Korea. Japan has warned that Kim Jong Un is just buying time to continue his nuclear missile programme and Rex Tillerson says the USA is not easing up pressure either. It would certainly suit North Korea to unify and move the USA out altogether but that’s hardly likely to happen.

The Olympics chart, 9 Feb 2018 8pm Pyongchang, SK, isn’t too illuminating and Olympics are always fraught anyway with possibilities for mishaps in organisation rife. Though it does look reasonably bad-tempered with Moon Mars in the 3rd; and there’s an unstable 5th house Pluto square an 8th house Uranus. The Aquarius Solar Eclipse at 27 degrees Aquarius falls on the 15th which will certainly rattle up SKorea with its Sun, Saturn, Mercury in Leo in line for a shake-up. Locating the Eclipse to  P’yongch’ang it puts Jupiter on the midheaven which could be great success, though Jupiter isn’t always beneficent on these charts.

The SK/NK relationship chart does look at high tension next month with tr Uranus opposition the composite Mars; and continuing to be on edge throughout the year.

Japan, which has a bitterly toxic interface with NK, with a composite Mars opposition Pluto, will be even more uptight from March onwards, blocked in April and generally disbelieving.

The USA, off balance with this latest manoeuvre, will be on high alert after mid March with more sparks flying; and applying maximum pressure.

Kim’s leadership chart, 29 December 2011 11.57am, is facing a setback, exactly as the Winter Olympics closes in late February with tr Saturn conjunct the Sun Pluto. Across this odd turn of events next month the Solar Arc Uranus is coming to close the square to the Sun Pluto, which certainly indicates a turnaround, though usually of an unstable variety.

Mike & Karen Pence – knotted up in hypocrisy



A red-faced Mike Pence had to sit beside his wife at Sunday church listening to his pastor denouncing and condemning Trump for his alleged s***hole remarks, calling them “hurtful, dehumanising, visceral, guttural, ugly. There was nothing that was loving in that adjective, nothing loving in that statement about Haiti. We can do better than this, we can do better than this as a nation.” The speech was met with repeated standing applause from the audience.

Pence’s spiritual double-bind will worsen next week as he goes (maybe) on his much delayed trip to Israel, where Palestinians are outraged about his support for Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy to the ‘capital’ Jerusalem. Haaretz, the liberal Israeli newspaper writes: “In Mike Pence’s eagerness to be the evangelicals’ messiah, he’s happy to boost the occupation, kill the idea of two states and bully the Palestinians, and frame it all as divinely ordained.” They point out the order was signed in front of a Christmas tree. (Go read Revelations: End of Times). Pic credit: Evan Vucci / APEvan Vucci / AP

The unholy combination of an amoral POTUS and saintly VP is moving into swampy territory from here on in. Karen Pence, even more zealously religious than her husband and probably the trouser-wearer in the marriage, certainly disapproves of Trump, with her Saturn conjunct his Moon and opposition his Sun. She must squirm every time they have to do a smiley on-parade pic. Both she and her husband have their Pluto on Trump’s Ascendant so will desperately wish they could change/control his public image. Fat chance of that.

Both their relationship charts with Trump pick up tr Pluto square the composite Neptune from early February running till late 2019 which will bring confusion of a high order, veering towards devastation. Perhaps the contradictions of their hypocrisy will become too much even for them. Karen Pence’s relationship chart with Trump will also skid towards a major eruption in April as tr Saturn opposes their composite Mars. With her husband having his hiccup with Trump in the same month with tr Uranus opposing their composite Venus.

What was it someone said? – for feeling types it’s a tragedy; for thinking types a comedy. A fairly black comedy but it’s gone so far over the line of bad farce, you have to give a cynical chuckle. And then start praying.

Pence has tr Neptune square his Gemini Sun from mid 2018 onwards which will put his gas at a peep.

Dylan Farrow – ignored, disbelieved, tossed aside



Dylan Farrow has given an interview in which she stands firm about her allegations of abuse aged 7 by her adoptive father Woody Allen (denied by him). She talked about her outrage of years of being ‘ignored and disbelieved and tossed aside.”

A housekeeper initially raised concerns with her adoptive mother Mia Farrow about Allen’s behaviour towards Dylan, with whom he seemed to be obsessed; and a divorce was imminent. He immediately sought custody of three of the children, including Dylan, and had started an affair with an elder adoptive teenage sister, whom he subsequently married. The custody judges’ full ruling, in which he award custody to Mia Farrow, makes bracing reading. He slammed Allen’s inadequate parenting skills, lack of insight into the effects of his actions on the children and the judge concluded that the abuse of Dylan had most likely, though not provably, happened. (I can email it to anyone who’d like to read it.)

Dylan, 1 July 1985, is a feisty Sun Mars in Cancer on the focal point of a Yod to a Jupiter sextile Uranus; so will be volatile and stressed. She’s also got Venus in Taurus opposition Saturn in Scorpio widely square Jupiter – emotionally shut down but softened by that focal point Jupiter in Aquarius.

Her Pluto in Scorpio opposes Allen’s Uranus, so she has the capacity to turn his life upside down; and her Uranus is conjunct his Sun, saying the same – not happy in the same space. Her Venus opposition Saturn hooks into Allen’s Aquarius Moon as well as his Mars opposition Pluto, so she would arouse strong feelings in him.

Their relationship chart is combustible with a Yod of Mars sextile Uranus inconjunct Sun; a chained-together and resenting it Saturn trine Pluto, and a struggle for-the-upper-hand Pluto trine Jupiter as well. The composite Moon may square Mars for more anger.

Poor kid to have to drag this all up again.

Woody Allen – actors raining on his parade, finally



The lead actor in Woody Allen’s latest, as yet unreleased, movie Rainy Days has said in the light of the recent #metoo exposures, he is giving away his fee. Timothy Chalamet, best known for Homeland, said: “I don’t want to profit from my work on the film, and to that end, I am going to donate my entire salary to three charities: Time’s Up, the LGBT Centre in New York, and Rainn [the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network].”

Woody Allen was accused of sexual abuse by his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow, which were renewed in October 2017 when she wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times titled “Why has the #MeToo revolution spared Woody Allen?”. He denies the allegations. He left Mia Farrow to marry another adoptive daughter. A trove of his personal archives, stored at Princeton University since 1980, have been fully read for the first time, and it is filled with musings about men falling for teenage girls.

Allen, born 1 December 1935 10.55pm New York, has a 4th house Sun, Jupiter, Mercury in Sagittarius in a self-doubting and self-effacing square to Saturn, making him home-oriented, private. But what stands in contradiction to those planets is an unpleasantly obsessive T Square of a ruthless Mars in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Venus which does suggest a certain warp in his attitude to romance; and given Mars in his 5th, getting his own way.

His Venus is also trine an Aquarius Moon, an aspect Richard Idemon used to describe as the ‘poisoned apple’.

He’s in for a serious jolting this year with tr Uranus about to square his Mars and Pluto in March/April; before then, exactly now, he’s facing a major setback with tr Saturn conjunct his Sun/Mars midpoint and a deeply depressed tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Saturn from March till late 2019. There’s more angst in 2019/2020 as tr Pluto is conjunct his Venus and Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct his Pluto. And at the moment his Solar Arc Saturn is conjunct his midheaven – doing its Saturnine thing of bringing chickens home to roost – finally. His putative son with Mia Farrow, Ronan Farrow, was the one who broke the #metoo story last year.

Dolores O’Riordan – a haunted Virgo



Dolores O’Riordan, the Irish singer with a haunting voice, often compared to Sinead O’Connor, has died in a London hotel aged 46. A smash hit in her native Ireland and the USA, at her height she sold 40 million records, duetted with Luciano Pavarotti and toured with REM and Oasis. But she found fame difficult to handle and was ultimately diagnosed with bi-polar disorder.

Born 6 September 1971 near Limerick in Ireland, she was the youngest of nine children, brought up by a devout Catholic mother who imposed a strict religious upbringing, and was beaten at school by nuns. In later years she revealed that she had been sexually abused as a child, leading to anorexia, the overuse of alcohol, manic depression and suicidal thoughts. She married and had three children, but she had left them in Canada to try to get her life together, when she died.

She was a charming Sun Venus in Virgo, though a square to Saturn would induce self-doubt. Hints of her unhappy childhood come through an Air Grand Trine of Saturn in a harsh trine to Mars in a volatile trine to Uranus, with Saturn in a creative/neurotic opposition to Neptune (Jupiter). A surfeit of Mutable signs would make her inclined to nervousness and anxiety; and Saturn opposition Jupiter would bring highs and lows. Her Jupiter sextile Pluto would give her spurts of confidence, but clearly not enough to outweigh her other concerns. Her Moon in late Pisces/Aries was probably opposition Pluto, so she’d store up difficult feelings inside.

This year she had a raft of difficult transits to midpoints approaching; but most significantly her Solar Arc Mars, pulling on all the energy of her Grand Trine/Kite, was about to oppose her Pluto and was maybe around the conjunction to her Moon. Often life crises appear when Solar Arcs of central configurations move to collide with, and put strain, on natal planets.