Joseph Kennedy 111 – moving centre stage



Joseph Kennedy 111, grandson of Robert, a Massachusetts Congressman, will give the Democratic response to Trump’s State of the Union speech this coming week. It’ll be the first time Trump has spoken in front of the full Congress and it is expected he will unveil his immigration and $1.7 trillion infrastructure plan.

Kennedy, was born 4 October 1980 9.42pm Boston, Massachusetts, grew up steeped in politics; after college he joined the Peace Corps, working in the Dominican Republic, speaks fluent Spanish, then studied law at Harvard, working pro bono in legal aid, became an attorney and was elected to Congress in 2012. He’s teetotal, married to a lawyer with two children.

Hs chart is tightly knitted together with a Half Grand Sextile from a 4th house Leo Moon opposition his Aquarius Midheaven, sextile Pluto in Libra, trine Neptune in Sagittarius. Sextiles and trines give free flow of energy and talent – and Neptune Pluto appears in the charts of those with far-reaching ambitions. His Libra Sun and Pluto as well as Mercury in Scorpio are all in his ‘performing’ 5th house so he revels in being on a public platform, though is essentially fairly private.

His Moon opposition MC also squares Mars Uranus in Scorpio in the hard-working 6th house which will make him self-willed, a law-unto-himself type, who is an innovator though not a rebel. He will be headstrong with dogged persistence, not too adaptable, harbouring vengeful thoughts at times, but with strong executive ability. His ‘family’ 4th house is not surprisingly marked with Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn there, so his roots and family background have been a principal influence on shaping who he is.

Tr Saturn is now just over his Descendant rising upwards which will push him into more prominence; and he’ll reach his first career peak in time for the 2024 election with tr Saturn hitting his midheaven. Though his natal Saturn isn’t strong so he may not resonate to that quite as much as some.

He looks excited and pleased by his lucky break at the moment being chosen for a high-profile speech; and even more energised in February in the aftermath.

He’s certainly one to watch for.

Steve Wynn – a GOP headache



Steve Wynn, known for casinos and real estate, and as finance chair of the Republican Party, has been denying allegations published by the Wall Street Journal about decades of sexual misconduct with his employees. The WSJ interviewed 150 former current and former employees; Wynn says it’s all a dirty tricks campaign by his ex-wife. It gives the GOP a headache since he’s been a prominent donor as well as a senior official. They may be regretting their shrill denunciation of the Democratic Party over Weinstein and their insistence that his donations be returned. No statements have been issued to date.

Wynn was born 27 January 1942, New Haven, CT with a bingo-parlour owning father who died with heavy gambling debts. He moved to Las Vegas, became the youngest casino owner there, made a bomb, expanded his resort and gambling chain into other states and Macau; and is now worth an estimated $2.5 billion.

He’s a Sun Aquarius opposition Pluto square Mars in Taurus, which is eye-wateringly determined, a real bulldozer, power-hungry and materialistic. Mars in Taurus can be preoccupied with sex and sensuality. He’s also got Venus in Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus and widely square Uranus – Venus Saturn can also hint at an inclination for multiple partners; with Saturn Uranus in an innovative trine to Neptune in Virgo – a very earthy chart. His restless Gemini Moon is conjunct Jupiter and trine either his Sun or Venus (or both) in Aquarius.

He’s in for a setback or two of considerable proportions with his Solar Arc Saturn opposition his Sun around now and moving to square his afflicted Mars. And his trenchant Sun, Pluto, Mars T Square has moved by Solar Arc to pick up tr Pluto hard aspects from this February onwards for several years ahead.

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and all that.

Elton John – the long goodbye



Elton John has announced his retirement – after an upcoming 300 date, three-year world tour.  Thereafter he’ll stop travelling but still sing when in the UK. So he says. A health scare last year when he nearly died and his mother passing caused him to reconsider his lifestyle with a husband and two children now at home.

Born 25 March 1947, London, with varying birth times from 2am to 3.28pm, he’s a Sun Aries opposition a musical Neptune and trine a bleak Saturn Pluto in Leo, which gives him staying power but also contributed to his early depression/drug habit. His Moon is in indulgent Taurus; and he has a volatile, restless Uranus square Mars (Mercury) in Pisces and trine Venus in Aquarius. His Venus is also in an extravagant, frivolous square to Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio.

He’s now 70, heading for 71, and won’t find the next two or three years easy with tr Uranus in a jolting square to his Saturn and a panicky-failure, low-energy tr Neptune conjunct his Mars – both from mid this year on through 2019; then tr Uranus squares his Saturn/Pluto midpoint and will at some point conjunct his Moon. But for all that he’ll have moments of bullish confidence with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Jupiter midpoint from March onwards till late 2019 which is positive for a new projects.

The Turpin House of Hell



The 13 Turpin children’s horror-filled lives makes grim reading – deprived of food, medication, washing or toilet facilities, chained to their beds. Their parents are now up on 40 charges, including torture, false imprisonment, abuse on a dependent, and child abuse; and have been ordered to have no contact with the children, aged from two to 29, who are now all hospitalized suffering from severe malnourishment. Once released, the six younger ones will be split between two foster homes, and the seven adults who have developmental issues, will be sent to an assisted living facility.

What makes it worse is that the father had a decent job; and that some of the kids were seen at school – and no one did anything about their condition, until one escaped and went to the police.

David Turpin was born 17 October 1961 (net sources) and Louise, 24 May 1968.

He’s a Sun Libra square Saturn Jupiter in Capricorn and sextile Uranus North Node in Leo. He also has Mars, Neptune, Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto; and Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter Saturn. His Moon is either Capricorn conjunct Jupiter Saturn, or in Aquarius opposition his Scorpio planets which might make more sense. It’s a chart that needs a birth time to make sense of his deliberate and depraved cruelty. Mars in Scorpio does have an exceptionally nasty side; and my impression of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions is they are less humanitarian when in earth signs, but not malefic to this degree.

His wife, Louise, has a more obviously stressed chart, with a combative Sun Mars in Gemini; and more pointedly a Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto Uranus in Virgo inconjunct Saturn (North Node) in Aries. A Saturnine Yod brings a heavy karma with it, needing maturity to get the best out of it; otherwise it is self-defeating with a good deal of inner frustration and despair. Saturn in Aries can be hard even on its own,  forced-to-be-self-reliant early on and unsympathetic to those that are struggling. Her Moon is probably Taurus; with her Venus also in Taurus in a frivolous, indulgent square to Jupiter in wannabe-grand Leo. In fact she has a second Yod of Saturn sextile Mercury in Gemini inconjunct Neptune which will make her escapist, emotionally disorganized, again self-defeating and prone to feeling unworthy – which she assuredly is.

It’s an odd relationship (obviously). But on the astrology, if the birth dates are sound – her Saturn opposes his Sun, her Sun Mars squares his Pluto and her Uranus Pluto is conjunct his Venus. They block and bully each other in various ways. In these circumstances it’s all too easy to think of her as the suppressed woman. But in these symbiotic relationships (lashed together at a pathological level) it’s usually half a dozen of one and the other.

Their relationship chart has the composite Sun in a delusional, grandiose square to Jupiter Neptune; with downbeat Saturn opposition Mercury, Uranus Pluto; and perhaps the composite Moon also opposition Uranus Pluto.

William Fichtner – a solid performer staying out of the spotlight



William Fichtner’s latest movie, out this week, The Neighbor is getting positive reviews as a stand-out suburban thriller, an 8/10 from Rotten Tomatoes. Fichtner is one of these actors who have worked constantly for decades, giving sterling performances, been a high earner and still managed to stay out of the superstar trap. He is worth mega-millions, from stock investments, property holdings, endorsement deals; owns several restaurants, a Football Team and has launched his own brand of Vodka, a top-selling perfume and a fashion line. Den of Geek has him pinned to the wall as a hero.

Born 27 November 1956 9.30pm, Mitchel Field Air Base, New York, he studied criminal justice before moving into acting and hasn’t stopped since.

He’s certainly got a tough, enduring, sombre and private chart with a 4th house Sun Saturn in Sagittarius square Pluto and trine Uranus Ascendant in Leo. His Mercury in Sagittarius is in his performing 5th house; with his Libra Moon in the 3rd on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Mercury trine his Ascendant. So a mix of light and shade. What will drive his business instincts is Mars in Pisces in the 8th opposition Jupiter in Virgo in his 2nd  — he’s a risk-taker and lucky.

He doesn’t look overly upbeat at the moment so perhaps the box office won’t be that great. He looks to be making a radical change of direction this year with tr Uranus moving across his zero degree Taurus midheaven from mid-May onwards, perhaps with some trepidation. Though good fortune will smile on him from July onwards with tr Uranus picking up two of his Jupiter midpoints for eighteen months.

Larry Nassar – his crimes hidden in plain sight by his employers



Year after year, decade after decade, young athletes made complaints to coaches, counsellors, police and university-employed trainers about sexual abuse by team doctor Larry Nassar and were ignored. One former gymnast became an attorney and was the first to speak up publicly in 2016 which opened the floodgates. A staggering 156 gave evidence at his 16 month long trial and he’ll now die in jail. What comes next are civil suits for negligence against Michigan State, USA Gymnastics, the United States Olympic Committee and Twistars Gymnastics Club, all of which have been named as co-defendants in cases going to court. The Guardian said: “the institutions that oversaw Nassar failed these young women time and again, it required the external force of investigative journalists, and the public pressure their work ignited, to hold a predator to account.”

Larry Nassar was born 16 August 1963 and is a charming Sun Venus in Leo in a hard opposition to Saturn in Aquarius in a slippery square to Neptune. Venus Saturn is oddly enough often found in ‘sex addicts’ charts. He has an opportunistic Mars in Libra opposition Jupiter in upfront Aries which squares onto a North Node and Moon in Cancer. His Saturn is on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Mercury sextile North Node (Moon), which is a heavy-duty aspect which if mishandled tends to be self-defeating. Though he had a long enough run. His Mars is exactly conjunct his Neptune/Pluto midpoint leading to cunning and deceitful behaviour.

What brought his life crashing down was the move  of his Venus opposition Saturn by Solar Arc to collide with his Mars thus bringing the three central configurations of his chart together, which is often/always a major crisis point.

Judge Aquilina said at the end of the trial: “Inaction is an action. Silence is indifference. Justice requires action and a voice. Anywhere you walk, destruction would occur to those most vulnerable. I just signed your death warrant.”

Mark E Smith – living on his own terms



“Belligerent, generally drunk, wilfully unprofessional and one of the most brilliant and inimitable figures in the history of music” is how Mark E Smith has been described as news of his death emerged. He formed the group The Fall in 1976, named after Albert Camus’s novel, replacing The Outsiders, an earlier choice. His music was “a brutal mix of clattering rockabilly and garage rock”; “primitive – with intelligent lyrics.” “Rock n’ roll isn’t even music really,” he once said. “It’s a mistreating of instruments to get feelings over.” He was known for his turbulent relationship with his bandmates, with 66 different members over the years. Over the years he produced 32 albums and latterly performed from a wheelchair in October.

Born 5 March 1957 into a working class family, he left school at 16, took a job in a meat factory and studied for an A in English literature in the evenings.

He had his Sun, Venus, Mercury in Pisces with his Sun square Saturn in philosophical Sagittarius. He had a stubbornly determined Mars in Taurus opposition a Scorpio North Node square Pluto in Leo – so would have tremendous staying power and be ultra-resistant to outside influences or anyone trying to control him. His Uranus was square in Neptune which can be oddball and fanatical, which might have been tied into his Moon.

Certainly a one-off and self-destructive in terms of his lifestyle, but he seems to have been intelligent and admired by afficionados of the pop scene.

Gen Nick Carter – telling UK politicians to get real


In an unusually frank warning, the UK’s chief of the general staff, Gen Sir Nicholas Carter, has described Russia as the biggest state-based threat to the UK since the cold war and warned that hostilities could begin a lot sooner than the UK expects. The likelihood of a boots-on-the-ground confrontation is unlikely, but he’s concerned about cyber-attacks and the possibility of Putin pushing against NATO in the Baltic states. He said Russia has used the Syria excursion to test the new weaponry and that the UK was falling behind because of budget cuts, a view which has also been expressed by the US military about the UK. He said the new warfare wouldn’t necessarily involve “something that goes bang” but could involve the exploitation of energy, bribery, corrupt business practices, cyber-attacks, assassinations, fake news, propaganda and military intimidation.

Carter, 11 Feb 1959, Kenya, is a Sun Mercury in Aquarius opposition Uranus; with a tough Pluto square Mars, sextile Neptune and trine Saturn. He looks distinctly unhappy this year and next; and won’t have made himself popular with the PM or with the chancellor, neither of whom are exactly militarily-minded. He serves at the politicians’ pleasure so may find himself out on a limb. Certainly he’s out of sorts with May and Hammond after mid year.

Wars are notoriously tricky to spot even on relationship charts. Both the Russia 1917 and 1991 charts merged with the UK, look edgy this year, perhaps more so in 2019.

NATO looks under extreme pressure from this March onwards for two years, though that could be for various reasons. Again 2019 looks more fraught. The NATO/Russia relationship charts are volatile at the best of times and in a state of great unease and disruption in 2018 to 2021. So anything is possible.


Ursula Le Guin – a woman with a far-seeing eye



Ursula Le Guin, the fantasy and science fiction writer, who influenced  other great novelists, has died aged 88. Best known for her Earthsea series and The Left Hand of Darkness, she won many awards, despite having to battle against a male-dominated genre and indeed against the literatti who tended to look down on sci-fi. She wrote about cultural interaction in her books, a legacy from her anthropologist father, and was an activist for peace, gender and environmental issues.

Born 21 October 1929 5.31pm, Berkeley, California, she had a 6th house Libra Sun in a sensible sextile to Saturn on the cusp of the communicative 9th. That contrasted with her dream-like Neptune in the creative 5th square Jupiter Moon in Gemini, which drew her to Tolkien, Philip K Dick and Alice in Wonderland and into her visionary world. Her Mercury in Libra was trine Jupiter, giving her the confidence to speak and write what was on her mind.

She also had Pluto on her IC and despite claiming she had a happy and stimulating childhood, there must have been undercurrents that bothered her, especially about the role of women. She once said: When women speak truly they speak subversively — they can’t help it: if you’re underneath, if you’re kept down, you break out, you subvert. We are volcanoes. When we women offer our experience as our truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains.”

Her creative 5th harmonic was well aspected; even more so her imaginative 7H; and her writers’ 21H.