Joseph Kennedy 111, grandson of Robert, a Massachusetts Congressman, will give the Democratic response to Trump’s State of the Union speech this coming week. It’ll be the first time Trump has spoken in front of the full Congress and it is expected he will unveil his immigration and $1.7 trillion infrastructure plan.
Kennedy, was born 4 October 1980 9.42pm Boston, Massachusetts, grew up steeped in politics; after college he joined the Peace Corps, working in the Dominican Republic, speaks fluent Spanish, then studied law at Harvard, working pro bono in legal aid, became an attorney and was elected to Congress in 2012. He’s teetotal, married to a lawyer with two children.
Hs chart is tightly knitted together with a Half Grand Sextile from a 4th house Leo Moon opposition his Aquarius Midheaven, sextile Pluto in Libra, trine Neptune in Sagittarius. Sextiles and trines give free flow of energy and talent – and Neptune Pluto appears in the charts of those with far-reaching ambitions. His Libra Sun and Pluto as well as Mercury in Scorpio are all in his ‘performing’ 5th house so he revels in being on a public platform, though is essentially fairly private.
His Moon opposition MC also squares Mars Uranus in Scorpio in the hard-working 6th house which will make him self-willed, a law-unto-himself type, who is an innovator though not a rebel. He will be headstrong with dogged persistence, not too adaptable, harbouring vengeful thoughts at times, but with strong executive ability. His ‘family’ 4th house is not surprisingly marked with Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn there, so his roots and family background have been a principal influence on shaping who he is.
Tr Saturn is now just over his Descendant rising upwards which will push him into more prominence; and he’ll reach his first career peak in time for the 2024 election with tr Saturn hitting his midheaven. Though his natal Saturn isn’t strong so he may not resonate to that quite as much as some.
He looks excited and pleased by his lucky break at the moment being chosen for a high-profile speech; and even more energised in February in the aftermath.
He’s certainly one to watch for.