Jim Carrey – the price of fame



Jim Carrey has been cleared in a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the family of his ex-girlfriend Cathriona White, who committed suicide. Her estranged mother and the dead woman’s former husband had sued Carrey, claiming he gave her sexually-transmitted diseases and provided the drugs she used when she took her own life in 2015. His lawyer claimed Miss White forged medical records to make it appear that she had no STDs before meeting him. He had already been blackmailed into paying her money to avoid a messy lawsuit previously.

Born 17 January 1962 2.30am Newmarket, Ontario, he started life as a stage comedian and impersonator before graduating to movies Ace Ventura: the Pet Detective, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber and went on to do Batman, The Truman Show amongst other hits, mopping up awards and critical acclaim. He has admitted to suffering from depression and has had two marriages and various relationships.

He is a Sun Venus Mars in Capricorn with his Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius – all these planets sit in his jam packed 3rd house along with Jupiter Mercury in Aquarius, so mentally highly strung, prone to self-doubt, argumentative, intelligent. His Gemini Moon is deeply buried in his 8th and square a controlling 10th house Pluto; with the contradictory Uranus also in the 10th conjunct his midheaven; and illusory Neptune on his Scorpio Ascendant.

Last August’s Leo Solar Eclipse was conjunct his MC and Uranus, along with a welter of damaging publicity when the lawsuit was publicised; with the disruptive tr Uranus square his Sun on and off into early this year. The February’s Solar Eclipse will conjunct his IC and oppose his Uranus so he will be rattled by the whole disaster. He is anyway at the lowest ebb of his career with tr Saturn moving now through his 2nd, the middle segment of his first quadrant and staying there till 2019. Towards mid 2018 tr Uranus squares his Saturn for a jolting few months thereafter. The pressures on him will stay heavy for the next few years, with 2019 to 2022 replete with frustratingly trapped and discouraging Pluto transits to his Sun/Mars, then Mars/Saturn, then Sun and finally Sun/Saturn.

His creative 7th Harmonic is strong which can also be connected to a fine mental balance. His obsessive 11H is also marked; as is his ‘genius/breakthrough’ 13H. The latter was also emphasised for comedian Peter Sellers.

His former girlfriend Cat White, 14 September 1985, Ireland, was a New Moon in Virgo with Mercury Mars also in Virgo.

Natalie Wood – a shining star with a dark life



Natalie Wood was a radiantly beautiful actress who managed the transition from child to adult star and then drowned aged 43 in mysterious circumstances in 1981. Her husband Robert Wagner, who was with her that night, is ‘a person of interest’ in the renewed investigation into her death.

The aura of perfection she portrayed on a screen and projected onto the public could not have been further removed from the reality of her life. Born 20 July 1938 11.18am San Francisco, CA, to Russian-Ukrainian immigrant parents, she had a cruel mother who forced her to undergo frightening shoots and pimped her out to increase her chances of success. She was pushed into acting aged 4; and according to legend her mother told her to remember the day her dog was killed by a truck to evoke emotions for a film scene. She also lied to young Natalie about a film scene where a footbridge over rapids had been rigged to fail – she fell in with cameras rolling and could have been drowned, leaving her with a lifelong fear of water.

This is reflected in a ‘brutalised’ collection of Sun, Mars, Pluto in Cancer in her 10th with a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries in her 7th. Her sensitive Jupiter in Pisces was in her performing 5th house; and she had the creative Uranus trine Neptune of the time, though with both planets in hidden houses, making her highly strung and fairly erratic.

When she died in the early hours of 29th Nov 1981 the transitting Saturn Pluto conjunction was moving through her 1st house pushing her deeper into her emotional issues and away from career ambitions. The tr Saturn Pluto conjunction had just finished opposing her natal Saturn and would soon be square her 10th house Sun, Mars, Pluto which is heavy duty, depressing, highly stressful. I doubt she’d have survived the next two years even if she had not drowned. Transitting Saturn was conjunct her Solar Arc Venus and tr Pluto conjunct her Secondary Progressed Venus, so a highly emotional and fairly depressed time. Tr Uranus was square her Jupiter; and tr Jupiter was conjunct her Solar Arc Neptune and opposition her natal Moon – which might point to a merciful release.

Robert Wagner, whom she married twice, doesn’t have an easy chart, 10 February 1930 1.45am Detroit, Michigan, being part of the Saturn opposition Pluto Moon square Uranus generation – so used to tough times and difficult emotional relationships with women. Plus he was a Sun, Venus in Aquarius so would be fairly detached. There’s almost no cross over in their chart – he certainly had a Cancer Moon but not conjunct Natalie’s Cancer Sun. His Sun squared Natalie’s 8th house Uranus and Natalie’s Moon squared his Mars – so it was hardly a meeting of souls. Their relationship chart has a cool Saturn Venus square (= work getting in the way), an argumentative Mercury opposition Mars Uranus – nothing much that sounds like deep affection. Though she’d probably not be capable of really accessing her feelings because of her mother. And he is pretty battened down as well.

Like Natalie, his chart didn’t have much going on exactly at the time of her death – though it was a heavy time in his life with the tr Sat Pluto just off the square to his 8th house Pluto – so tremendous financial and psychological pressures. Tr Pluto was just off a conjunction to his SA Neptune so the previous months would have been devastating. Tr Uranus is opposition his Solar Arc Uranus suggesting a definite jolt and break with the past. Tr Uranus had just crossed the conjunction to their composite Venus which would have pulled them apart emotionally over the previous months as well. Their relationship chart was exceptionally argumentative with a Sun Mars conjunction opposition Mercury and a passionate Venus Pluto trine as well as a cool Venus square Saturn. It would blow very hot and very cold.

Her own chart had a fair amount of Neptune around at that point on the midpoints – hinting at confusion, drink, poor judgement and possible poor physical co-ordination.

The only thing on Wagner’s chart which is notable is tr Pluto square Mars/Pluto which is trapped anger, frustration – and could as easily be explained by having to cope with a tragic accident.

He certainly had a short fuse with a 3rd house Mars Mercury and she of course had that mind-blowing Mars Pluto Sun conjunction in her 10th so she’d not be backwards about stamping her foot either.

On the astrology I’d think an accident was the most likely explanation – though it has a shivery feel of the finger of fate given what her mother put her through early in life.

He’s now 87 so tricky to say whether adverse influences on his chart are health or other matters. But he looks devastated this month and on and off to late 2019 with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint. That coincides with a CBS 48 Hours documentary digging it all up again this Sunday. His Solar Return for this year has an angry/trapped Moon Mars in the 8th, an image-denting Pluto in the 10th and a disruptive Uranus on his Ascendant.



USA Mid-Terms – both party heads sagging



No sooner over one hurdle than another appears. The USA Mid Term elections on November 6 2018 will be more fraught than usual with the world watching to see whether Trump’s chaotic presidency will affect the GOP’s standing. There’s nothing pass remarkable about the day though Jupiter is poised to move out of Scorpio into Sagittarius for the result. Uranus is back at zero Taurus exactly square the Leo North Node, with the Node also about to shift sign, into Cancer that day. Both Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn, though not conjunct.

The two party chairpersons – Ronna McDaniels (GOP), 19 Jan 1973; and Tom Perez (Dem), 7 Oct 1961, if still in place, might be a hint of what the result is likely to be.

Neither look exactly delirious with joy. Oddly enough both have tr Neptune in hard aspect to their Mars/Saturn midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘waning powers, inner torment, losses’. Both also have tr Saturn hitting on a Mars midpoint immediately after which is usually a setback.

Of the two, McDaniels looks marginally more upbeat with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter/Node which usually brings advantages. But on the other hand she also has tr Uranus square her Solar Arc Saturn and square her Solar Arc Mars, both of which could see a major upset.

There are no birth times so information is missing which could be more of an indication. The flesh-tearing is likely to continue.

Tony Robbins – a fiery salesman of a high order



The power to win will be unleashed in London in April as the money-making phenomenon that is Tony Robbins comes to town. His blurb describes him as a world authority in the psychology of leadership and from unlikely beginnings, over 38 years, he has amassed a vast fortune from a portfolio of companies that generate $5 billion a year from best-selling books, consultations and workshops.

Born 29 February 1960 8.10pm Los Angeles, his parents divorced when he was young and he had ‘a chaotic and abusive childhood’ with his much-married mother. He left home at 17, worked as a janitor and also for a motivational speaker and stepped up from there.

He’s a creative Sun Pisces in the hard-working 6th in a determined opposition to Pluto. He has planets in all three inspirational and entrepreneurial Fire signs – a hyper-communicative, enthusiastic Jupiter in crusading Sagittarius in his 3rd trine a go-ahead Aries Moon which is trine an innovative Uranus. His Jupiter is also on the focal point of a Mercury in Pisces opposition North Node in Virgo – such a Mutable Jupiter is inclined towards instant wisdom and speedy enlightenment and tends to be overly scattered. His Saturn in Capricorn on his IC, a hint of his cold childhood, possibly anchors him in earthier concerns of gaining material security.

His Neptune in Scorpio on the cusp of his 2nd is also a focal point planet to Uranus opposition Venus – giving him an intense need to fill an inner loneliness. It can be intuitive and idealistic but he will rely a great deal of his inner visions which can sometimes veer towards the fanatical (Uranus Neptune).

His actors/orators’ 15th Harmonic is strongly marked; as is his get-it-together 5H; and his pleasure-seeking and can-be-humanitarian 9H is also powerful.

Mark Salling – depraved inclinations



Actor/singer Mark Salling, best known for Glee, has committed suicide while facing sentencing for gross child pornography charges which would likely have sent him to jail for seven years.

Born 17 August 1982 Dallas Texas, he was a Sun Leo trine Neptune, sextile Pluto Saturn in Libra – creative, flamboyant and hard. He also had an exuberantly determined Mars Jupiter in Scorpio square his Venus in Leo and maybe square a Leo Moon; with his Venus (Moon) trine Uranus. Venus square Mars can be insensitive to the needs of partners and he had faced two sexual assault charges previously. Mars in Scorpio can be sexually obsessed and vengeful. It’s not an especially brutal chart but much will depend on houses which we don’t know without a birth time.

He was brought up in a strictly religious home, home-schooled in the early stages. These kinds of inclinations almost always stem from early damage and dysfunction in relation to the primary caregiver.

His birth chart midpoints show inherent illusions and delusions with his Sun square his Neptune/Pluto midpoint and his Pluto conjunct his Sun/Neptune – so a huge amount of inner confusion. And tr Uranus had been on the opposition to his Sun/Neptune from early December through this month.

Child pornography, while it appears less heinous than actual abuse, is not a victimless crime. Either he was stuck in a repetition compulsion from his own inner fantasies; or he lacked empathy which can be a Neptunian failing.

Bruno Mars – a versatile Libra with stamina



Bruno Mars winning run at the Grammys appeared to be a surprise, except to Rolling Stone who pointed out most of the voters were old and he had cross-generational appeal. ‘Academy Members are people with long careers in the music biz. Lifers. Fans who cherish their memories of Ray Charles and Frank Sinatra, but can’t recall their Netflix password.’ Unkind.

Bruno Mars’ early influencers were Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin, Freddie Mercury and Jimi Hendrix. He has a three octave tenor vocal range and sings across a wide repertoire from R&B, pop, rock, soul and hip hop. The NY Times critic said he was the most “versatile and accessible singers in pop, with a light, soul-influenced voice that’s an easy fit in a range of styles, a universal donor.” He’s known for his old-school showmanship and dynamic performance.

Born into a musical family on 8 October 1985 3.56pm Waikiki, Hawaii (astrotheme)  he is a Sun Libra in a confident, lucky trine to Jupiter in multi-cultural Aquarius; with a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Virgo in a volatile square to Uranus. If his birth time is sound, he also has an intense Pluto in Scorpio opposition North Node squaring onto a flamboyant Leo Moon opposition Jupiter. A Fixed Grand Cross will give him staying power and endurance and a single-minded sense of where he is going, not allowing distractions to get in his way.

Lunar Eclipse – a chance to change



Eclipses are about challenges since they link into the North Node, a so-called karmic point, which lays out a path of development each individual hopefully follows in life – becoming more at the end than the beginning. It prompts us to move away from a line of least resistance. The test is to see whether we can find the courage to learn from our weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Avoidance tactics can lead to crisis later which force us into actions we would have been better to volunteer for. So it’s about getting ahead of the game and to some degree trying out the unknown, finding a new mindset.

The Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday is an especially powerful Full Moon – with the Aquarius Sun on the opposite side of the zodiac to the Leo Moon, both at 11 degrees. Here the lesson is to find a balance between head and heart, not being too single-minded. If you’re a workaholic then you need to find time for home and emotional life. If you’re a rugged individualist, you need to find a way of co-operating in partnership as well as maintaining your independence. If you drown in details and trivia, then you need also to stand back and see a broader picture. If loved ones are your mainstay then you need to find time for friends as well.

The Solar Eclipse in late Aquarius which follows in two weeks’ time, is focussed on one area. But for this week it’s about balancing opposites. Life shouldn’t be a conflicted choice of Either Or. There is a third way, which requires maturity to rise above the ambivalence, and become more whole, better rounded.

It will have more effect on people who are Sun Aquarius or Leo, born 11 days after the sign change. Or where planets in a chart fall around this degree.

The Lunar Eclipse itself is not badly aspected only being tied into Venus, but it may be more emotional than some – overly excitable, passionate and mystical.

Trump facing his demons or falling into them



Can Trump get the better of his inner demons? This is the week we’ll get a hint. The Leo Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday,  only a day after his State of the Union speech, is conjunct his 12th house Pluto and so is his Progressed Moon, which is a double whammy. Pluto rules the shadow, especially in the 12th – rage, jealousy, greed, fear, envy, selfishness, the need for power and control, the seven deadly sins. When it is triggered people can go over to the dark side and wallow in their baser nature or become crippled by shame and feelings of unworthiness. The Eclipse effect lasts for six months so he will be challenged to overcome his compulsions and obsessions in the time ahead and indeed it’ll be stoked up again by the July Lunar eclipse.

Pluto is, of course, the planet of transformation so there is a faint possibility he’ll finally start to grapple with a lifetime of bad habits and semi-pathological behaviour. He didn’t disgrace himself at Davos, but they were his kind of people. The speech to Congress on Tuesday will be a tougher test. Worth watching for signs.

UK ruling party in an agony of indecision



The drum roll for Theresa May’s departure is growing louder as the Tory Party grows ever more exasperated and desperate about her lack-lustre performance. A new leader need not mean another general election, but there’s no obvious unifying or even half-decent candidate. Given that the party has been in meltdown conflict over the Brexit issue, the 12 Nov 1867 CP chart never seemed to be that informative. My thanks, therefore to Astrologyresearch.co.uk (url below), who have come up with another date for a manifesto which set the party policies of midnight 18 December 1834.

It certainly shows up the turmoil at the heart of the party with tr Pluto square tr Uranus hitting on the Cancer Moon Mars over the recent past; and dragging on for with tr Pluto squaring the Saturn in 2018/19. I would have to confess I wouldn’t have immediately leapt to predict Maggie Thatcher’s win in 1979 from it, but that’s only on a cursory look.

What’s for sure is that Theresa May is now putting her foot onto the longest and worst banana skin of her career from early February onwards with tr Neptune conjunct her Mars and tr Pluto aiming to make a catastrophic conjunction to her Mars/Saturn midpoint from March onwards till late 2019. In mid-April there’s a separating tr Uranus opposition on her relationship chart with both the CP 1867 and 1834, to Venus and Sun respectively. So if the charts have some validity that might be a crucial turning point, returning in Dec/Jan 2019.

Of the main contenders: Michael Gove looks seriously aggravated and frustrated from March onwards, maybe even suffering a job loss in April. That last influence repeats on and off into 2019.

Boris Johnson equally looks to be infuriated, restricted and stuck and won’t recover his mojo until 2019.

Jacob Rees Mogg is less afflicted, with a lucky break in May but will suffer badly after mid year as tr Uranus opposes his Mars/Pluto. Though he’s on a high in 2020/2021.

The Conservative Party – A Cancer at the Heart of British Politics