Trump is up to his usual trick of blaming others for precisely what he’s guilty of himself. The upper echelons of the FBI and Justice Department were tweet slammed by him this morning for politicising the ‘sacred investigative process.’ This is the president who demanded that his security and legal chiefs be loyal to him personally rather than their country or their professional principles.
Devon Nunes, a Republican, chairman on the intelligence committee, who already has form for crossing lines in his efforts to toady up to the president, has been described as an ‘Inspector Clouseau’ in his efforts to throw doubt on the FBI’s conduct of its inquiry into alleged Russian meddling in US elections. The memo which is about to be released according to committee members has been doctored from the one which had been agreed and the FBI have, unusually, argued publicly against its exposure.
Nunes, 1 October 1973 is a tough-nut Sun Pluto in Libra trine Jupiter and square Saturn; with an opportunistic Jupiter square Mars in Taurus. His cross-overs with Trump aren’t that remarkable, if anything rather ill-starred. Their relationship chart has a composite Jupiter square Pluto which can be a struggle for the upper hand, but initially it can invoke a joint sense of over-confidence which prompts the pair into unwise actions. Nunes looks upbeat this month and completely blocked after mid March with tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint on and off till late 2019. But he’s just a bit player.
More interesting is Trump’s relationship with the FBI, 22 March 1935. The FBI chart has a ferociously determined and working-with-the-criminal-classes Mars in Libra square Pluto in Cancer which crashes into Trump’s Saturn Venus in Cancer. When Pluto is conjunct Saturn on synastry it can, if handled well, involve both parties in serious responsibilities. If mishandled it leads to mutual suspicion and competition for power, resulting in intrigues and lawsuits.
The Trump/FBI relationship chart says the same in different ways, a composite Mars Neptune indicates an ego-clash where only one can win and when they do the other feels diminished, so not mutually supportive. Plus there’s a composite Mercury opposition Jupiter square Pluto – leading to one-upmanship games and a struggle for power and control. That T square starts to be seriously rattled from this June onwards with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto, upending the relationship and sending it into new territory. That will continue to rock n’ roll through 2019.
The FBI itself looks infuriated with tr Pluto square its Mars after mid March, on and off till late 2019; with a Uranus return late April/Early May (and again into 2019) also causing upheavals. A troubled time for the agency with Solar Arc Uranus square Mars in 2019. Though they’ll regain their confidence and chutzpah in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto sextile their Jupiter.
Trump at present has tr Uranus square his Venus for an emotionally excitable (shocking) time all this month; plus tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto till early March which Ebertin describes as : ‘the inclination to deceive, to cheat and seduce; a general disappointment, suffering damage or loss through others without being aware of it.’ And exactly now till Feb 13th tr Saturn is square his Neptune, which is usually uncertain, neurotic, panicked. His Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars in Leo is now only four months to exact, with the probability of catastrophic events triggering earlier.