Jennifer Aniston – lasting love still elusive



Jennifer Aniston has ‘lovingly’ separated from her actor husband of two years Justin Theroux, swearing they’ll have a ‘cherished friendship’ ahead. Another fan fairy-tale blown apart. According to reports she didn’t share his upmarket-hippy New York lifestyle, preferring to live in hotels or LA.

Born 11 February 1969 10.22pm Los Angeles, she doesn’t have the easiest chart, despite her ditzy-blonde, girlish demeanour. Her Aquarius Sun is in a showbizzy and argumentative and stubborn square to Mars Neptune in Scorpio; and is also on one leg of a Yod in sextile to Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries inconjunct Pluto. The latter will make her fairly Plutonic – extreme views, not flexible, inclined to manipulate. Her Venus in Aries in her hard-working 6th house is in an unpredictable and constantly-changing opposition to Uranus Jupiter in Libra. Her outspoken Sagittarius Moon is in a possessive square to Pluto and a cool trine to Saturn. She’ll tend to confuse partners with her contradictory demands.

On the face of it, there was a match to be made since she’s an Air Sun with a Fire Moon and Venus; while he has a Fire Sun and Venus in Leo and a Fire Aries Moon. But both are fairly Fixed, and Martian (combative) and not overly practical.

Their relationship chart isn’t too encouraging with a composite Sun Saturn, good for work but not so much for an emotional connection; the Sun is trine Pluto and Saturn trines Mars – so there would be a fair amount of pushing and pulling for control as well as aggravations which grew into resentments. The composite Sun is also widely opposition Neptune, so a dream and an illusion that can’t cope with reality; the composite Venus is trine Uranus, adventurous but needs space; and a Mars square Uranus is explosive since neither wishes to compromise on what they want. The composite Moon may square Saturn which again is blocked and cool. So not a lot going for it.

She has had tr Uranus square her Sun/Moon midpoint in 2017 which is often a marriage splitter and tr Uranus now into her 7th house of relationships for several years ahead, which will find her searching for a looser, less conventional relationship. She’s also got tr Saturn square her Uranus Jupiter and Venus this year, plus a dreary tr Pluto square her Yod focal point Saturn in 2018/2019, all of which is downbeat and discouraging. Plus her Progressed Moon going through her 12th for another 18 months which is usually inward-looking and not exactly ecstatic.

Her admirers want her back with Brad Pitt, but that relationship was, if anything worse. Her Saturn squares his Moon Venus in Capricorn; and his Saturn is conjunct her Sun and square her Mars – and that’s blocked every which way on an emotional level. Her Sagittarius Moon admittedly is conjunct his Sun which is good, but that’s about all it has going for it. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun trine a constantly-changing Uranus Pluto, sextile Neptune; with Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto and trine Neptune – constantly on edge and disappointing; and an aggravating, unfair-treatment Mars square Saturn. The composite Moon and Venus are sparsely aspected with only links to Jupiter, which would give a superficial gloss but not enough to overcome the other problems.

Behind the Hollywood gloss and glitter, nothing is much the way it seems.

Florida shooting – NRA funding Republicans



The eighth US mass shooting this year so far and the worst since Sandy Hook in 2012 saw at least 17 die when a mentally disturbed ex-pupil, armed with an assault-style rifle he had purchased legally, went on the rampage. The local police chief called for gun control though Trump appears to be blaming it all on the shooter’s mental health problems. The National Rifle Association and its affiliates spent over $50 million in political ads in the 2016 election, boosting Republicans who promised to support the NRA and targeting Democrats who propose stricter gun laws. Trump was the biggest beneficiary of those ad dollars.

The NRA, 17 November 1871, does look marginally set back on its heels this year with tr Saturn conjunct its warrior-like Mars Saturn in Capricorn; and has the confused/devastating tr Pluto square its Neptune from this March till late 2019. But it is a Sun Scorpio opposition Pluto, so won’t adapt easily to the changing climate of public opinion.

What is strange is that the NRA’s Mars Saturn opposes the US’s Jupiter Venus which might suggest that it hardly suits the country’s sweetie-pie reputation. But the NRA Sun opposition Pluto not only ties into the US’s Aquarius Moon, it also more significantly aspects the can-be fanatical US Mercury opposition Pluto which tends to favour far-right viewpoints.

But for all that the pressure is on and will mount in coming years. The NRA/USA relationship chart will feel, if not winds of change, then at least a nudge to shift ground with tr Pluto trine the composite Sun in 2018/19; and tr Saturn will oppose the composite Jupiter in 2019 which will rub more of the shine off the association. With continuing slow grinding of gears through the early 2020s with tr Pluto trine Saturn and then sextile the Mars. But again that relationship chart is very locked together with a composite Sun opposition Pluto Mars, sextile/trine Saturn and sextile/trine Jupiter. Brutally self-protective.

Shaun White – does talent trump morals?



Shaun White, the professional snowboarder who became the face of the sport for more than two decades, sent Winter Olympics commentators and fans into ecstasies this week after what they say was ‘the greatest run in halfpipe snowboarding history.’ Then tied themselves in knots trying to reconcile that with the sexual harassment suit he’d settled last year. (Details on: He has competed in four Winter Olympics and won gold in three.

Born 3 September 1986 San Diego, California, he has an extraordinary chart. His Virgo Sun and Mercury oppose Jupiter in Pisces, sextile Pluto, square Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius and trine Neptune and Mars in Capricorn – so very tied together, making him a complicated personality, a mix of determined, powerful, low in self-esteem, rebellious, dynamic, vague and overly confident.

His Sun does square his Mars/Pluto midpoint, which would give him the never-say-die determination to climb to and stay on at top level sport; but won’t give him the most sympathetic of temperaments. His Venus in late Libra is widely conjunct Pluto but that apart isn’t well integrated into his chart. His Moon is Leo or Virgo.

He’s facing some losses and disappointments through this year, perhaps as #metoo bites into his endorsement deals; and is facing a depressing slog in 2019/2020.

John Dee – whispering to angels



Can children whisper to angels? That’s part of the plot of BBC One’s supernatural drama Requiem but it comes from the work of John Dee, a fascinating 16th-century figure, who was a mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist and alchemist. His life was dogged by rumours of treason, witchcraft, espionage and sexual licentiousness, which nearly saw him executed for calculating the birth charts of the Royal children Edward, Mary and the Princess Elizabeth. He was spared and when Elizabeth took over the throne she appointed him to be her philosopher; some said he was also her spy abroad (the first James Bond). He was even asked to find the most auspicious date to hold the queen’s coronation. He travelled extensively studying mathematics, astronomy and map-making. Because of his navigational knowledge he was consulted on the search for a north-west passage. In his latter days he employed a scryer to read the future from a black obsidian mirror and they travelled Europe together.

Born 23 July 1527 (NS) 4.02pm. The time is unverified but it looks sound enough from the chart. An 8th house Cancer Sun was opposition Pluto, trine a 12th house Mars in Scorpio, and square Saturn – so attracted to dangerous pursuits and a high-risk lifestyle, pursuing secret interests and looking beyond reality for answers. He also had Neptune in Pisces square Uranus in Gemini and trine Jupiter Mercury in Cancer – which would put his head in the clouds and make him both visionary and deceptive. The Uranus Neptune aspect would give him eureka moments as well as frankly off-the-wall notions.

Part genius, part opportunist probably.

His strongest Harmonic is the 7th – ‘traditionally regarded as a spiritual number, endowed with a different kind of imagination. Need peace. Perfectionism. A seeking soul. Attracted to alcohol/ drugs and occultism.’

His 13th is also well aspected – associated with exploration, genius and breaking with the orthodox.

And his 17th – leaving a legacy behind for history.

Benjamin Netanyahu – running downhill fast



The Israeli police have announced that there is sufficient evidence indicating PM Benjamin Netanyahu took bribes in two separate cases and acted “against public interests” – accepting lavish gifts (worth circa $250k) from wealthy benefactors in return for advancing their interests. He is refusing to stand down and says the ‘police document has holes like Swiss cheese.’ He insists gifts from tycoons were gestures of friendship and ‘never felt like the amount of a million shekels.’

He won’t budge easy but his days are numbered according to Haaretz, the Tel Aviv liberal paper. April looks crux point with tr Uranus opposing his Libra Sun and tr Neptune opposing his 10th house Saturn in Virgo. Pressures will mount through next month with the insecure tr Uranus trine his Mars and the devastating and scandal-prone tr Pluto square his Sun/Neptune, which latter continues on and off till late 2019. Tr Saturn is moving through his low-profile, less successful first quadrant and has now hit the nadir now as it moes through his 2nd house. And he has Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Sun, exact in 6 months’ time, though likely put up road-blocks before then.

His 2015 Government chart also has tr Uranus opposing the midheaven from May onwards for a mighty jolt; and the Solar Arc Pluto square his Uranus, exact in six months destabilising him from now onwards.

Jacob Zuma – resisting the inevitable



Jacob Zuma has been asked by his party to resign for the sake of the country. He has said he is willing to stand down in the next three to six months but as of the moment is still in power. First elected in 2009 he has been dogged by corruption allegations.

His Second Term chart, 24 May 2014 11.35am Pretoria is control-freaky with Mars opposition an 8th house Moon Uranus square Pluto, so the likelihood of him going easily was remote. Mars is moving by Solar Arc to close the square to Pluto by the same degree in 3 months’ time, though not exact until August, which will feel like a dead-end. And tr Saturn will make a separating and aggravating square to the Moon and Mars by April – so the signs of an ending are all there.

His own chart, 12 April 1942, has tr Pluto moving to square his Aries Sun just after mid March, so the pressure is on. Though he has Saturn Uranus in Taurus so isn’t easily budged.

He’s probably aiming for an immunity deal for his retirement, though he looks deflated and less than confident over 2019 to the early 2020s.

Chloe Kim – another snow wizard



Another teenage pirouetting snowboarder has picked up a gold at the Winter Olympics. Chloe Kim, 23 April 2000, Long Beach, California, is the daughter of émigré South Korean parents and she first tried the sport aged four. She has dominated the sport in recent years, becoming the youngest person to win three X Games gold medals. At just 15 she became the first female snowboarder to land back-to-back 1080 degree spins in competition, a trick she repeated on her third run in Pyeongchang. Don’t know how they do it but fascinating.

She has her Sun in Taurus square Neptune, along with Jupiter, Saturn and Mars also in Taurus; with her Mars Saturn square Uranus – definitely physical and adventurous. Her Jupiter is inconjunct Pluto.

So some similarities to Red Gerard (below, born two months later) with a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Taurus square Uranus, and she has one quincunx, where he has two.

Saturn Pluto – a retreat to an illiberal past



Just a quick thought on the upcoming Saturn Pluto conjunction. Usually associated with deprivation and economic hardship, and major wars, it also carries a sense of repression of freedom. I wonder whether, casting its shadow before the exact aspect in 2019, is may also be connected to the present slide towards intolerance and denunciation out in twitter land and indeed on university campuses. What is puzzling amongst today’s young is their reversion to a kind of puritanism away from a liberal past. As Matt Ridley points out in today’s Times, it is similar to the shift from louche Regency into Victorian strait-laced morality; or before that the coming of Oliver Cromwell, which was a joyless and mercifully brief excursion away from decadent monarchy.

The myth that history means progress doesn’t take account of the pendulum swings from one extreme to the other. Who’d have thought all we fought for in terms of liberation would be stamped on by the young, desperate to protect their delicate sensitivities? Mildly erotic classical paintings are being hastily removed to the basement out of sight; To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn have been banned in the US since they make students uncomfortable. Protected spaces are undermining free speech and denying the young the opportunity to learn about – life. And the new can’t-upset-anyone movement is, in the UK, allowing Sharia Law to spread and effectively preventing many Muslim women from enjoying the same freedom that others have.

What this whole twitter rage-feste which attempts to destroy any alternative viewpoint suggests to me is fascism, or Stalinism which comes to much the same thing.

London analyst Christopher Bollas writes of the fascist state of mind that it “entertains no doubt or uncertainty”. Distortion of the views of opponents to render them less intelligible and credible is the first move. They have to be discredited because no separation of view is possible from the accepted one. Denigration, character assassination and caricaturing are their weapons. French analyst Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel echoes the same thought when talking of group delusions: “He who does not think as the group does is excluded, harassed, killed or declared insane.”

If all of the above is a side effect of Saturn Pluto, it means we are in for another two years of it, which is a real bore. Roll on Aquarius.

Katie Roiphe – under attack by fervent #metoo-ers



Katie Roiphe, a journalist and professor at New York University, has been trashed for her views on #metoo and in response she suggests there is a Stalinist tenor to the debate, which is trying to police thought and shut down free speech. She is concerned about the dangers of collapsing distinctions between different types of male misbehaviour and being indiffer­ent to due process. She argues there is a “silent majority” who are deeply supportive of bringing abusers like Weinstein to book, but who think that crying foul over a stray hand or a sleazy date is counterproductive, undermining more serious cases of actual assault.

Her 1993 book, The Morning After, criticised what she called the “rape crisis movement” then sweeping college campuses. “If we assume that women are not all helpless and naive, then they should be responsible for their choice to drink or take drugs. If a woman’s ‘judgment is impaired’ and she has sex, it isn’t always the man’s fault; it isn’t necessarily always rape.” That brought accusations that she was “enabling misogyny” and this time round the attacks are even more vicious. She says: “There’s been a lot of flattening of misbehaviour, everything from rape to a bad date is getting chucked in the same bin. Real damage to reputations is being done; some of it justified, some of it not.”

Born 13 July 1968 6.30am New York with a psychoanalyst father and a noted feminist mother, she has a 12th house Sun Mars Venus in Cancer, so isn’t scared of an argument. Her Sun Venus square Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries in her 10th, so she’s a curious mix of emotionally volatile and cool, a good organiser who gains respect through hard work. Her Sun Venus are also trine Neptune and sextile Uranus Pluto in Virgo in her 3rd, so she’s keen on leading-edge thinking and expressing herself with vigour.

Tr Uranus is conjunct her Saturn exactly now, as her Harper’s piece is published, which is a time tensions often erupt into the open. She’ll be challenged and pressured through 2018/19 with tr Pluto opposing her Sun and trine her Pluto.

She’s a stalwart personality so it’s not surprising she worries that the broader aspects of the #metoo debate, as she did in the date rape controversy, categorize women as weak and undermines their sexual agency.