Jennifer Aniston has ‘lovingly’ separated from her actor husband of two years Justin Theroux, swearing they’ll have a ‘cherished friendship’ ahead. Another fan fairy-tale blown apart. According to reports she didn’t share his upmarket-hippy New York lifestyle, preferring to live in hotels or LA.
Born 11 February 1969 10.22pm Los Angeles, she doesn’t have the easiest chart, despite her ditzy-blonde, girlish demeanour. Her Aquarius Sun is in a showbizzy and argumentative and stubborn square to Mars Neptune in Scorpio; and is also on one leg of a Yod in sextile to Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries inconjunct Pluto. The latter will make her fairly Plutonic – extreme views, not flexible, inclined to manipulate. Her Venus in Aries in her hard-working 6th house is in an unpredictable and constantly-changing opposition to Uranus Jupiter in Libra. Her outspoken Sagittarius Moon is in a possessive square to Pluto and a cool trine to Saturn. She’ll tend to confuse partners with her contradictory demands.
On the face of it, there was a match to be made since she’s an Air Sun with a Fire Moon and Venus; while he has a Fire Sun and Venus in Leo and a Fire Aries Moon. But both are fairly Fixed, and Martian (combative) and not overly practical.
Their relationship chart isn’t too encouraging with a composite Sun Saturn, good for work but not so much for an emotional connection; the Sun is trine Pluto and Saturn trines Mars – so there would be a fair amount of pushing and pulling for control as well as aggravations which grew into resentments. The composite Sun is also widely opposition Neptune, so a dream and an illusion that can’t cope with reality; the composite Venus is trine Uranus, adventurous but needs space; and a Mars square Uranus is explosive since neither wishes to compromise on what they want. The composite Moon may square Saturn which again is blocked and cool. So not a lot going for it.
She has had tr Uranus square her Sun/Moon midpoint in 2017 which is often a marriage splitter and tr Uranus now into her 7th house of relationships for several years ahead, which will find her searching for a looser, less conventional relationship. She’s also got tr Saturn square her Uranus Jupiter and Venus this year, plus a dreary tr Pluto square her Yod focal point Saturn in 2018/2019, all of which is downbeat and discouraging. Plus her Progressed Moon going through her 12th for another 18 months which is usually inward-looking and not exactly ecstatic.
Her admirers want her back with Brad Pitt, but that relationship was, if anything worse. Her Saturn squares his Moon Venus in Capricorn; and his Saturn is conjunct her Sun and square her Mars – and that’s blocked every which way on an emotional level. Her Sagittarius Moon admittedly is conjunct his Sun which is good, but that’s about all it has going for it. Their relationship chart has a composite Sun trine a constantly-changing Uranus Pluto, sextile Neptune; with Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto and trine Neptune – constantly on edge and disappointing; and an aggravating, unfair-treatment Mars square Saturn. The composite Moon and Venus are sparsely aspected with only links to Jupiter, which would give a superficial gloss but not enough to overcome the other problems.
Behind the Hollywood gloss and glitter, nothing is much the way it seems.