Two days before his birthday on 12th June Trump will be the first US leader to meet a NK supremo – if all goes to plan. Kim’s leadership chart will still be in a discouraging dip from tr Saturn conjunct the Sun Pluto. Though tr Uranus has been boosting the Jupiter from mid May. They are miles apart on what denuclearization means. For Trump: it’s ditch the lot; for Kim: it’s stop missile testing while keeping his security blanket intact, with an eye on what happened to Libya’s Gaddafi when he gave up the nukes. There’s nothing too informative astrologically on June 12 though there’s a slippery Sun square Neptune and inconjunct Pluto – so no doubt much tap dancing going on both sides. But likely no concrete outcome.
Trump’s personal chart has nothing of note on transits, odd blips on midpoints and the high-drama Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars. It’s been pointed out that he does have his Progressed Venus conjunct his Jupiter in effect now and over the meet and beyond for a few weeks/months. At best this indicates peace and harmony, popularity, honours, and being invited into a prestigious social group. But it’s a combination that has a downside. Often associated with the fashion business, it has that all-for-show, superficial charm, more style than substance feel. Super-indulgent, it stimulates a need for pleasure, for more, more more. It can lead to film-star mannerisms and over-promising.
Across June as well tr Uranus squares his Saturn Pluto which requires courage and grit and could bring violence. He has an emotional hiccup July to mid-September. Late October through to the year end he has tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, which Ebertin describes as: ‘general disappointment, losses, deception, cheating.’
Where his problems really pick up are from mid February 2019 to late 2020 – with first tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus – violent interventions, test of nerve, struggle for survival. Then from late March tr Pluto opposition his Saturn which is an uphill struggle and opposition his Mars/Node usually involving a violent separation. Those three run till early July, and repeat on and off thereafter through across the following year. And from 2019 till late 2020 he has tr Pluto opposition Sun/Mars, Mercury/Pluto and Venus/Saturn – which is a whole load of grief – enormous strain, enraged, frustrated, under considerable mental pressure, lonely, can be violent.
From April 2019 onwards as well he has tr Neptune square his 10th house Uranus, which will make him highly-strung, confused, clinging onto not always rational ideas with fanatical fervour.
His Solar Return from June 2019 to June 2020 has Saturn Pluto (10th) opposition Mars Mercury (4th). Plus a ‘false happiness’ Sun Jupiter Neptune.
His relationship chart with the USA starts to show real aggravation from March 2019 to late 2020 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars; as well as major upheavals and disruptions in 2019 from tr Uranus opposition the Pluto.
Part of the above could conceivably be because of actual violence either on the streets or in military action abroad. The likelihood is that 2019 will see a global recession because of the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, perhaps triggered in part by rising oil prices with trouble in the ME; and the USA chart has the discouraging tr Saturn opposition Sun then; as well as tr Pluto starting to oppose the US Mercury for angst-ridden and bitter debates.