Trump timeline ahead – odd blips with 2019 when real trouble digs in * updated



Two days before his birthday on 12th June Trump will be the first US leader to meet a NK supremo – if all goes to plan. Kim’s leadership chart will still be in a discouraging dip from tr Saturn conjunct the Sun Pluto. Though tr Uranus has been boosting the Jupiter from mid May. They are miles apart on what denuclearization means. For Trump: it’s ditch the lot; for Kim: it’s stop missile testing while keeping his security blanket intact, with an eye on what happened to Libya’s Gaddafi when he gave up the nukes. There’s nothing too informative astrologically on June 12 though there’s a slippery Sun square Neptune and inconjunct Pluto – so no doubt much tap dancing going on both sides. But likely no concrete outcome.

Trump’s personal chart has nothing of note on transits, odd blips on midpoints and the high-drama Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Mars. It’s been pointed out that he does have his Progressed Venus conjunct his Jupiter in effect now and over the meet and beyond for a few weeks/months. At best this indicates peace and harmony, popularity, honours, and being invited into a prestigious social group. But it’s a combination that has a downside. Often associated with the fashion business, it has that all-for-show, superficial charm, more style than substance feel.  Super-indulgent, it stimulates a need for pleasure, for more, more more. It can lead to film-star mannerisms and over-promising.

Across June as well tr Uranus squares his Saturn Pluto which requires courage and grit and could bring violence. He has an emotional hiccup July to mid-September. Late October through to the year end he has tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint, which Ebertin describes as: ‘general disappointment, losses, deception, cheating.’

Where his problems really pick up are from mid February 2019 to late 2020 – with first tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus – violent interventions, test of nerve, struggle for survival. Then from late March tr Pluto opposition his Saturn which is an uphill struggle and opposition his Mars/Node usually involving a violent separation. Those three run till early July, and repeat on and off thereafter through across the following year.  And from 2019 till late 2020 he has tr Pluto opposition Sun/Mars, Mercury/Pluto and Venus/Saturn – which is a whole load of grief – enormous strain, enraged, frustrated, under considerable mental pressure, lonely, can be violent.

From April 2019 onwards as well he has tr Neptune square his 10th house Uranus, which will make him highly-strung, confused, clinging onto not always rational ideas with fanatical fervour.

His Solar Return from June 2019 to June 2020 has Saturn Pluto (10th) opposition Mars Mercury (4th).  Plus a ‘false happiness’ Sun Jupiter Neptune.

His relationship chart with the USA starts to show real aggravation from March 2019 to late 2020 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars; as well as major upheavals and disruptions in 2019 from tr Uranus opposition the Pluto.

Part of the above could conceivably be because of actual violence either on the streets or in military action abroad.  The likelihood is that 2019 will see a global recession because of the Saturn Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, perhaps triggered in part by rising oil prices with trouble in the ME; and the USA chart has the discouraging tr Saturn opposition Sun then; as well as tr Pluto starting to oppose the US Mercury for angst-ridden and bitter debates.

Anna Wintour – high priestess of fashion



Will Anna Wintour leave Vogue? The fashion world is abuzz with rumour though they’ve been around and come to naught before. One commentator remarked that if she does leave, it will be the fashion-world equivalent of a change of US president, or the election of a new Pope. She became editor-in-chief in 1988 and has been artistic director of the entire Condé Nast media group since 2013; is reputed to be paid a salary of $2 million a year with a $200,000 clothing allowance, fashion’s grand high priestess and can make or break the careers of fashion designers, photographers and journalists alike.

Born 3 November 1949, she is an intense and enduring Sun Scorpio square Pluto, trine Uranus and sextile Mars and Saturn in hard-working Virgo. Determined, secretive, controlling, innovative, hard-edged, focussed. Her Moon is in Aries with Venus in adventurous Sagittarius and her Jupiter not surprisingly is in ambitious, money-oriented Capricorn square Mercury.

She does look uncertain going ahead from this month with tr Neptune opposition her Saturn into 2019; with some jolts from tr Saturn opposition her Uranus.  Although 2020 looks like a year of more radical change as her Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct her Saturn.  But without a time it’s tricky to say. She’ll be in the money with a glorious success wherever she is by 2021/22 with tr Pluto conjunct her Jupiter.

Vogue’s first issue came out on 17 December 1892 with a Sagittarius Sun conjunct her Venus which makes sense and her Aries Moon is probably conjunct the Vogue Jupiter for a supportive connection in both directions.

It’s tumultuous times in the magazine business with print going out of fashion in favour of digital. Where Vogue looks to be in a major upheaval is 2020/2021.

Trump to the world – drop dead



Trump to the world – drop dead – is how Haaretz described the nixing of the Iran nuclear deal. And went on to compare Trump to Netanyahu – ‘both desperate to fend off metastasizing allegations of misconduct, zealous to make a mark in history, who resort to bigotry, misdirection, arrogance and kitsch.’ And suggesting that the Pompeo/Bolton hardliners’ tactics for effecting Death to the Islamic Republic could backfire, and badly.

Robert Fisk in the Independent merrily says ‘the political leader who most resembles Trump is the late Colonel Gaddafi of Libya. ‘The parallels are quite creepy.’ Gaddafi was crackers, a vain, capricious peacock of a man, obsessed with women; ran his business dealings through his family; liked the sound of his own voice – and although he constantly lied, his audience was forced to listen and to fear his wrath. Above all, Gaddafi was completely divorced from reality. If he lied, he believed his own lies. He believed that he kept his promises. He believed in the world he wanted to believe in, even if this was non-existent.’

State of play at the moment is that the USA has been roped into Netanyahu and Saudi Bin Salman’s grand plan to behead the Iranian dragon in opposition to the EU, Russia, China et al. Russia has warned it may undermine the NK rapprochement since summarily ripping up an international agreement hardly inspires confidence when negotiating another.

The USA has little trade with Iran even post the 2015 deal which lifted sanctions, but is threatening to punish others – EU, Germany particularly – who continue to invest in Iran.

Still he got what he wanted – drama with him centre spotlight, causing chaos throwing spanners into the global works and giving Obama a bloody nose. And not a whiff of an inkling of a Plan B if it spirals the Middle East into yet more bloody chaos, which could impact Europe with another flow of refugees. Nor any understanding that it will only play into the hands of the hardliners in Iran. And if it leads to a boots-on-the-ground war between Israel and Iran, what happens to Trump’s America First policy? The Iran-backed anti-Israel Hezbollah has strengthened its position in the recent Lebanon elections. So Israel is at risk on two borders, there and in Syria.

Relations between the EU and the USA and Germany and the USA are at a low this year and next, with a widening gulf in 2019.

Netanyahu’s position looks precarious as the summer proceeds (see post 1 May).  North Korea (post 27 April).

On Iran (post 26 April) the only further thought I have is the chart of the Revolutionary Guard, who are the protectors of the Ayatollah and the Islamic Republic, and heavily involved in commerce as well as defence. Founded 5 May 1979; they have a ruthless Mars in Aries opposition Pluto which is being heavily pressured by tr Pluto in square till late 2019, so their responses may be volatile.

Donald Trump (I’ll do another detailed timeline tomorrow) – this may be his Solar Arc Uranus conjunct Mars moment – exact in a few weeks’ time but in effect now. It tends to overdo machismo, usually to prop up sagging self-esteem and often leads to wild misjudgments, which backfire. That’s especially true with a bombastic Mars in Leo. I’ve always thought if he was going to trip up it would be more into 2019/2020 when he has a raft of difficult Pluto transits to midpoints and a shockingly bad June 2019 to June 2020 Solar Return.

Only final thought is Trump has a habit of rowing back on grandiose gestures, having made his splash, so the situation may evolve.

Oliver North – tied into the dark side



An infamous blast from the past has been elected President of the NRA. Oliver North was central to the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s under Reagan. He created a network which secretly sold weapons to Iran and diverted the proceeds to fund armed Nicaraguan anti-communist groups. It was the major controversy of the Reagan presidency, as Congress had forbidden sending military aid to rebels in Nicaragua. He was tried, found guilty and given a suspended sentence which was later vacated. He later became a conservative radio host and was a Fox News contributor.

Born 7 October 1943 12.43am San Antonio, Texas, he has a 4th house Sun Libra trine Uranus, sextile Pluto and trine Mars which is, in turn conjunct Saturn. His military Mars Saturn is sextile Jupiter in showy Leo and in an argumentative square to Mercury. With a singleton Capricorn Moon. Hard-edged, controlling, tied into the darker side of the zeitgeist with his Pluto conjunct a leadership Leo North Node.

His Sun is square the ruthlessly determined Mars/Pluto midpoint; and his Pluto aspects his Mars/Saturn – a tough nut.

He’s not looking confident ahead with a decided dip in his enthusiasm through this year and the next two. He’ll talk a good talk but 2019/2020 look littered with losses. Wayne LaPierre, Exec VP, also looks disheartened from mid this month into 2019. So not all going their way despite the political climate.

Schneiderman, Tambor, Diaz – the allegations just keep rolling



#Metoo round up.


New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, a vocal supporter of the #MeToo movement against sexual harassment and a fierce opponent of President Donald Trump, has resigned following allegations of assault by four women, which he “strongly contests”. In a statement, he said “In the privacy of intimate relationships, I have engaged in role-playing and other consensual sexual activity. I have never engaged in non-consensual sex.” As New York state’s chief prosecutor, he recently brought legal action against Harvey Weinstein; sued on behalf of 600 students over a Trump real estate investment school which the students said offered no real education. A $25m (£18m) settlement was reached.

Born 31 December 1954, he is a Sun Mercury in Capricorn with a Water Grand Trine of Mars (Moon) in Pisces trine Saturn trine Uranus Jupiter in Cancer – Water Grand Trines can be healing for others if not themselves, and can sometimes live in their own bubble of reality. He’s also got an intensely emotional Venus in Scorpio square Pluto and trine Uranus Jupiter. So he will be passionate as well as adventurous in his emotional life.  His Moon may be tied into Mars Saturn and Uranus which won’t make for easy responses to women.

Actor Jeffrey Tambor has been speaking about the sexual allegations made against him which got him fired from Transparent allegations. He claims not to be a sexual predator but admits he’s moody, difficult to work with, volatile and bad tempered.    Born 6 July 1944 7.40 am San Francisco, he’s a Sun, Venus Mercury in Cancer; with Pluto on his Leo Ascendant sextile Uranus and Neptune – so will be controlling and highly strung. Plus a high-energy Mars Jupiter in Leo opposition an Aquarius Moon. With his Moon opposition his Mars/Pluto midpoint; and his Venus conjunct the bleak Saturn/Pluto midpoint.  No Earth signs. He will find women tricky to work with given his Moon and Venus aspects.

Pulitzer prizewinner Junot Díaz, who recently wrote a harrowing essay in The New Yorker, describing being raped as a child, has also been accused – by one woman as forcibly kissing her when she was a 26-year-old student, and others have given accounts of verbal misogynistic abuse. Born 31 December 1968 in the Dominican Republic, he’s a Sun Capricorn square a lucky Jupiter Uranus in Libra on one side and Saturn in Aries on the other. With Venus in Aquarius inconjunct Pluto, square Neptune; and a Gemini Moon.

One treads warily in these delicate matters but I’m not sure I’d count a clumsy pass as sexual assault. Or get rattled about misogynistic abuse. Manys a time I’ve made disparaging comments about the male of the species to their faces. It’s difficult to assess without hearing what was actually said or done. My worry would be that collapsing all allegations together – crass comments and misread flirtations along with serious predatory behaviour will undermine the long overdue attempt to stop abuse of women.

Vladimir Putin 4th Term – a bronco ride ahead



Vladimir Putin took the oath at his 4th Inauguration as President at 11.05am this morning. It’s a powerfully confident chart with Sun opposition Jupiter and trine Pluto; but less successful than his previous 2012 term which had Sun Jupiter in the 10th.

This one also has a divisive, changeable Uranus Mercury straddling the midheaven square Mars Pluto. It’s likely to be an administration facing rolling crises and high-risk to which it will take a ruthlessly determined, even brutal approach. Indeed its none-too-subtle and un-humanitarian approach may well be what causes a fair amount of the trouble.

In his speech he said he would pursue policies to improve the economy and boost living standards. Russia’s economy has been hit by low world oil prices and sanctions connected to the 2014 annexation of Crimea and military involvement in the separatist uprising in eastern Ukraine.

The Term chart has Neptune in the 8th square Venus which isn’t helpful for international finance and a depressed ‘speculation’ 5th house Saturn. There will be disappointments through 2018/19 with tr Neptune hitting on the Venus and the loss-making Jupiter/Saturn midpoint; with frustrations piling up through 2019/2020.

The Russia 12 June 1990 9.45am chart has Uranus moving through the 8th for several years ahead, suggesting an unstable patch financially. With hints of a recession over 2020.

His relationship chart with Russia 1990 looks blocked through this year, undermined in 2019/2020.  With the Russia 8 November 1917 chart, it looks much more fraught with tr Uranus in hard aspect to the composite Sun Mars opposition Uranus square Pluto – now and on into 2020. It’ll be a bronco ride ahead.

His own personal chart is still suffering under the panicky Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Mars, which was in full force over the international action against the Skripal poisoning. Through 2018 to 2020 he has tr Pluto square his Neptune Mercury which is swampy, mentally intense, argumentative, gloomy. With Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Mars for a major setback in 2021.

Hawaii – paradise under threat



The big island of Hawaii is under threat with an eruption from the most active volcano followed by two major earthquakes —the strongest to hit Hawaii in more than four decades. Residents were evacuated in certain areas because of the lava flows and toxic sulfur dioxide gas that threatened their homes.

The Hawaii statehood chart of 21 August 1959 is stressed with Solar Arc Saturn opposition the Leo Sun, almost exactly; and an explosive/disruptive Solar Arc Uranus square Mars as well at the moment, though it’ll wane from now on.

The earlier 6 July 1887 chart has a jolting tr Saturn square Uranus exactly now, returning again later in the year; and Solar Arc Saturn just over the Neptune/Pluto midpoint – often around for devastating quakes. And the Solar Arc Saturn is heading to oppose Pluto by 2020, which can be blocked and bleak. Before that Solar Arc Jupiter squares Pluto which can either bring confidence or amplify disasters. Plus tr Pluto opposing Saturn in Cancer in 2020/21 which will be tough going.

I’ve never been but had a very good friend from there, so here’s hoping it subsides quickly.

Roman Polanski – a feral childhood left an indelible mark


Roman Polanski, the film director, is asking that the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts (the Oscars)  allow him to plead his case for reinstatement having been tossed out along with Bill Crosby over sexual misconduct. He fled the US in 1977 while awaiting sentencing for the statutory rape of a 13 year old.

Polanski was born 18 August 1933 10.30am in Paris, France and moved to Krakow in Poland when he was 3 and was forced into the Jewish ghetto when he was six at which point he saw a woman shot in front of him by Nazis. Before he was 10, his parents were both sent off to concentration camps where his mother died. He went into hiding; spent some time with a Roman Catholic family; and at other times roamed wild in the countryside where he was shot at. 90% of the Polish Jewish population was killed during the war. After the war his father returned and he had to readjust to living among people and start his education.

His earliest experiences were of constant fear, horror, unimaginable loss, loneliness and the need to survive in a dangerous world.

He has an 11th house Leo Sun but what dominates his chart is Mars in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries squaring onto a 10th house Moon Pluto in Cancer. Mars Pluto and Mars Uranus point to the brutality and extreme risk of his childhood, which he used to effect in his movies. Pluto in the 10th has several meanings but the central one is an overwhelming need to be in control as a defence against a world that is trying to smother, suffocate and destroy him. That is doubled up emotionally with his Moon being conjunct Pluto.

Without generalising too much, adult men who opt for very young or underage partners, have a tremendous fear of mature women and a need to dominate. Years ago I looked over several paedophile charts and several had Pluto in the 10th, which in normal circumstances indicates a mother who is possessive and controlling to a degree that the child is frightened of not being able to breathe and certainly feels they have no choices. A child ‘sexual partner’ will not pose the same dangers for them – though clearly it inflicts lifelong damage on the child. Either they lack empathy to a degree where they don’t understand how destructive their actions are; or they have a warped sense of their own emotional age, having been stunted in psychological development. And some will act out what was done to them (at least at a feeling level) as a kind of repetition compulsion. Treatment usually demands they are able to re-experience their own feelings of utter helplessness, shame and terror before they understand what they have inflicted on the child they attack sexually. But that rarely happens since the feelings are so corrosive, the process threatens psychic implosion.

Polanski’s background has always posed a moral dilemma, since it’s a miracle he survived his childhood to function at all, let alone as a well-adjusted human being. Not that his history or his talent excuses his behaviour.  But there’s something gothic about his life. His wife, Sharon Tate, whom he married when she was 24 and he ten years older, was murdered brutally when pregnant by the Manson cult members in 1969. It must have felt his childhood was replaying itself with his mother being sent to her death in Auschwitz. His sexual assault came 8 years after that in 1977. In 1989, he remarried to Emmanuelle Seigneur, 33 years his junior, who was 23 then and they have two children. She has a Leo Moon conjunct his Sun and a Sun Jupiter in Cancer – with an affectionate though controlling relationship chart.


Ma Anand Sheela – unholy and deadly power behind the throne



A fascinating female psychopath is how Ma Anand Sheela evidently comes across in Netflix’s Wild Wild Country documentary six parter. It tells the tale of the war between an Oregon town and the Orange followers of the Indian guru Bagwan Shree Rajneesh who set up a commune there on 64,000 acres in the 1980s. Combining eastern mysticism and western capitalism, he urged devotees to explore sex as a path to enlightenment and acquired a great many Rolls Royces,

The Rajneeshees fought the war with mass poisonings, drugs, rigged elections, attempted assassinations, and an arsenal of assault weapons they practiced with on their land.

‘Bhagwan was their leader, but Sheela, his tiny cherub-cheeked, foul-mouthed secretary, was pulling the strings.’ She was a master of manipulation; overthrew his other secretary to become his righthand, and instructed a young disciple to murder Bhagwan’s doctor. The woman obeyed, though she wasn’t successful.

Bagwan was later deported, while she pled guilty to attempted murder and a bio-terror attack in poisoning local people with salmonella; and was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison, paroled after 29 months. She later moved to Switzerland, where she married, and purchased two nursing homes. And was later convicted by a Swiss court of “criminal acts preparatory to the commission of murder” in relation to a plot to kill US federal prosecutor Charles Turner in 1985 but served no time.

Born 28 December 1949 Baroda, India, she has a Capricorn Sun opposition Uranus square Mars in Libra – ambitious, rebellious, explosive; with a pro-active Aries Moon possibly conjunct her North Node. Not short of initiative with all those Cardinal planets or aggression. Her Jupiter Venus is in freedom-loving Aquarius with passionate and manipulative Pluto in Leo opposition her Venus.

Bagwan, 11 December 1931 5.13pm Bhopal, India had a stellium of five planets in Capricorn with Mars, Mercury conjunct and Venus, Moon Saturn in his 8th – ambitious, indulgent, secretive, cold. His Moon Saturn was in a bleak opposition to Pluto in the 2nd – money was his god, with sex a close second. He also had an entrepreneurial Fire Grand Trine of Uranus trine Jupiter in flamboyant Leo trine his Sagittarius Sun.

Deeply unpleasant the pair of them and yet they enticed a whole tranche of hippy dippies to throw up their lives, hand over their money and worship at his shrine.