Shannen Doherty, a child star who became tabloid fodder with her wild-child behaviour, peaked in the 1990s teen drama Beverly Hills, 90210 but struggled in a rag-bag career later. She contracted breast cancer in 2015 which she handled with her customary bravado, working to publicise cancer awareness, but it spread to her brain and bones and she died two days back.
She was born 12 April 1971 4.16 pm Memphis, Tennessee with a beautician mother who pushed her into auditions aged 10. Beverly Hills, 90210 which made her name was a photogenic after-school soap but the conformist teens on screen were a gulf away from the troubled reality offscreen with stories of Doherty’s bad cheques, nightclub altercations and open enmity on set. She left midway through the decade-long series, and was later sentenced to anger-management counselling after throwing a beer bottle at the windscreen of a motorist with whom she had rowed; and published a self-help book Badass: A Hard-Earned Guide to Living Life with Style and (the Right) Attitude.
She married George Hamilton’s son Ashley at the height of her 90210 fame, when she was 22 and he was 18, which lasted only five months. There was a subsequent engagement to the cosmetics heir Dean Factor (who filed a restraining order against his fiancée in May 1993). A second marriage, to the professional poker player Rick Salomon, who would later achieve notoriety for a sex tape with Paris Hilton, was annulled after nine months. She married a photographer in 2011 and announced their divorce last year.
What a life.
She had an Aries Sun on the cusp of her 8th house square Mars in Capricorn in her 4th with her Mars square a 1st house rebellious Uranus – volatile, overly impulsive, act first and think second, anger issues and relationship problems – 7/8th house Sun and 4th house Mars. She also had an intense Scorpio Moon opposition Saturn in Taurus tied into a Half grand Sextile with Moon sextile Mars and trine Venus in Pisces. Her Saturn was also in a stubborn and gritty trine to Pluto on her Ascendant.
Her Earth Grand Trine of Saturn trine Mars trine a Virgo Ascendant (and Pluto) formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition Moon makes her emotionally trenchant and wilfully stubborn Moon in Scorpio her driving planet. That plus her tinderbox Mars all added up to her badasss temperament.
Her looking-for-a-cause Aquarius North Node finally found its calling in her campaigning for cancer patients in the latter years of her life.
Hugely complicated and talented chart but she never quite got it together.