James Earl Jones – a voice to remember

James Earl Jones scaled the heights for decades on stage and on screen but what he is most remembered for is his voice.  It was once described as the sound that “Moses heard when addressed by God.” He was the voice of Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, summoning the full power of the mystical ‘Force’. “That great rumbling basso profundo was like a thunderstorm surmounting the horizon, an almost supernatural voice of wisdom and power.” He was also the voice of Mufasa, father of princeling cub Simba in The Lion King.

  What was all the more extraordinary was he had a debilitating stutter as a child, rendering him effectively mute for several years until a teacher encouraged him to read his poetry compositions out loud in class. He discovered his stammer eased when he was speaking from memory.

 He was born 17 January 1931 6.05 am Arkabutia, Mississippi, with his father abandoning the family shortly after his birth, Aged 5 he was sent unwillingly to live with his grandparents where his stammer appeared.

 His Mercury in earthy Capricorn felicitously is conjunct his Ascendant, Moon and Saturn – so his image and his style of communication were inextricably interwoven. His Moon (Mercury) Saturn were opposition Jupiter Pluto square Uranus – giving him supreme confidence and a determination to mark out an unconventional path in life.  His 8th house of grandparents had a deeply buried and formidable Mars trine Uranus and inconjunct his Saturn; with creative Neptune also in his 8th trine his Mercury. He came across as surprisingly mellow given his troubled Mars,

Princess Catherine – cherishing the moment

The Princess of Wales has released a video marking her all clear from chemotherapy which is reassuring news. Though its schmaltzy, over-produced, soft-focus in a wheatfield Instagramy-feel is not to everyone’s tastes.

She has no verified birthtime though 7pm 9 January 1982 Reading, England, fits well enough with her recent health scare. Tr Pluto moved into her 6th house of health on this birth time from 2020 onwards and was joined by the Progressed Moon ten months ago. Plus her Solar Arc Neptune was conjunct her 6th house Venus in 2023 so there has been a build up of pressures. Her health will be a continuing preoccupation for a while if the birth time is sound.

 What will be keeping her morale high this year and next until January 2026 is tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Pluto midpoint on and off. She will be overly-emotional at the moment with tr Pluto square her Venus/Node midpoint till late this November; with a few minor setbacks at the same time (probably not health).

 Her Mars like William’s is in Libra and will catch this October’s Solar Eclipse and be opposed by the Aries Eclipse next late March. She may be running around and trying to do too much from this October onwards as Mars revs up her forward gear and she will be assertive, at times competitive or argumentative. And with William in the same mood it will be lively chez the Wales residence.

  2025 looks a year of sudden surprises with her Solar Arc Sun square her (maybe) 4th house Uranus, which if the houses are accurate could be a house move or family upheaval. Tr Uranus into Gemini from mid 2025 will be overly-excitable or argumentative into 2026 when her Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct her Sun – so it will be a time of rapid change and none-too settled.

Solar Eclipse hints at need for closure

  The upcoming Libra Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra hints at closure, completion, a parting of the ways, separation, over-straining energy. It will be mirrored by the late March 2025 Aries Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries, which is in a Saros series that is physically expressive though also over strenuous and accident prone. These eclipses were around previously in 2006/7, 1988/89, 1970/71, 1952/53, 1934/35.

   In between, this month’s Lunar Eclipse at 26 degrees Pisces, is followed next March by a Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Virgo and then a Solar Eclipse in September 2025 at 29 degrees Virgo.  

  Sun Aries individuals around this degree include Samuel Alito, Nigel Farage, Piers Morgan, Celine Dion, Elle MacPherson, Al Gore. A Solar Eclipse opposition Sun hints the time has come to get out of a rut, admit mistakes and move on.  A Solar Eclipse conjunct the Sun hints at a crossroads being reached in life with significant decisions ahead. Ambling along sticking to old ways won’t work any longer.

Mars in Aries or Libra types – Angelina Jolie,  Prince William, Hunter Biden, John Roberts, Tim Walz – will be in a competitive, not to say combative mood, racing around at speed and in no mood for compromise. Hunter Biden in particular will be jolted in a significant fashion with his Mars opposition Uranus getting the full blast of these two eclipses over the coming twelve months.

Netanyahu has his Mercury in Libra getting rattled so will be running round in circles trying to straighten out confusion and reach agreements.

 France has its financial Venus at 11 degrees Libra hinting at financial upsets. In individuals it is more likely to bring emotional ups and downs.

 Outer planets being impacted by an eclipse is not always obvious but worth watching for – Clarence Thomas, Elton John, Camilla, Queen Guitarist Brian May all have their Neptune in Libra conjunct/opposition these two Solar eclipses.

Melania has her Chiron in Aries being rattled by both Eclipses – interesting to see how that turns out.  Independence? Exerting her power?

  The Palestine –  11 June 1967 chart – has Saturn at 10 degrees Aries with South Sudan Independence having its Saturn at 10 degrees Libra. Both of them in different ways will be facing a tough year ahead. Saturn conjunct an Eclipse points to a need to restructure and take responsibility, which can be discouraging, even fearful and requires effort.

 The UK British Medical Association is embroiled in ructions having mystifyingly decided to ignore the Cass Report on puberty blockers etc and triggered an internal civil war. Its’ Pluto in Aries is being elbowed which can be a hint at a choose between transforming or stagnating.  

These are only a few of the ones which caught my eye recently – feel free to add

Relationship dynamics – add one leads to split

  The surprise coming together of the two Gallagher brothers is partly put down to the exit of Noel’s wife Sara MacDonald from the scene who not surprisingly took a dislike to Liam. Likewise the George Clooney Brad Pitt bro-romance resurgence is attributed to Angelina Jolie no longer being present since she evidently did not get on with Amal Alamuddin.  One-on-one relationships are tricky enough but add together two couples or a family and the stress dynamics mount.

  Following on from previous post 22nd August 2024: Uranus – liberator or wrecker – Yoko, Wallis, Meghan + Camilla.

 Sarah MacDonald, 22 October 1971, who divorced Noel early last year had a definite needs-space relationship with her rambunctious brother-in-law Liam with a composite Sun Uranus and a definite-dislike Mars opposition Saturn.

Angelina Jolie and Amal Alamuddin together had a composite power-struggling composite Sun opposition Pluto; with a high-tension, chilly composite Venus opposition Uranus square Saturn and a simmering-resentment Mars trine Pluto sextile Saturn.

Wallis Simpson also had a fractious relationship with her brother-in-law King George VI who was landed with the burden of monarchy because of her relationship with the Duke of Windsor. Their relationship chart had an aggravated, resentful composite Saturn square Mars with Mars trine Neptune Pluto – serious dislike.

 Meghan Markle has a power-playing composite Jupiter Pluto square Sun Venus in her relationship chart with Prince William. A tussle for the upper hand and last word.

  Any more sister in law/brother in law examples welcomed.

Henry V111 – a golden boy, drunk on power

A bloated Henry V111  in his final years with a 54 inch waist, needing nine men and a mechanical device to get his 28 stone bulk aboard a horse, is not an intuitive role for the winsome Jude Law. But his performance in the movie Firebrand about Henry’s declining years is described as a show-stealer – incendiary, ruthless, revolting and boorish – so he clearly pulls it off.

  Given that Henry brought about the split with Rome and set in motion the English Reformation as tr Pluto moved into Aquarius, two Pluto cycles ago, and tr Neptune was in final degree Pisces, he is a key historical figure. Law describes his character not as a great religious reformer but as ‘a gangster — a former golden boy who’s rotting’, symbolizing the downfall of a man who soared through life with great success, got drunk on power, abused it and fell.

 Henry was born 28 June 1481 JC 8.45 am London, and had a Cancer Sun and two yods of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Midheaven Venus, and Uranus sextile his IC inconjunct Jupiter, with Jupiter opposition Neptune. His Jupiter was also in an impulsive, opportunistic square to Mars and trine Pluto as well as being on the focal point of a yod – supremely confident, though as ever with Jupiter it carries the seeds of its own downfall in excess, arrogance, hubris and carelessness. The upside of Jupiter is an ability to make a strong impact on society.

  He did have a revolutionary Pluto square Uranus in his romantic 5th; and his Sun/Moon midpoint was conjunct his Midheaven which fits his reputation for multiple wives to promote his ends.

  There is little to suggest any serious beliefs in his chart though Chiron in his 9th does suggest a wound around the subject of religion.

When the Pope’s refusal to grant him an annulment of his first marriage to Catherine of Aragon led to the split with Rome he was heading for his Uranus half Return, signalling his mid life crisis which often leads to impulse decisions. It was still in force two years later when he had the jousting accident that led to his deteriorating health. In his declining years tr Pluto in Aquarius was moving through his 6th house of health.

  When the parting of the ways with Roman Catholicism came in 1534, on the England 11 May 973 JC chart, the Solar Arc Uranus was exactly conjunct the Taurus Sun Mars and heading to square the England Pluto so a history-changing moment. After Henry died he was succeeded by a Regency for the young prince Edward, then briefly by Mary and finally 11 years later on a Saturn Neptune conjunction (which favours women) in Taurus by Queen Elizabeth 1.

 Jude Law, 29 December 1972 London maybe 6am, is a suitably regal Sun, North Node, Jupiter in Capricorn. His North Node and Jupiter are opposition Henry’s Cancer Sun – and his Pluto, like Henry’s is in Libra.

Abe Lincoln and other Inaugurations

Abraham Lincoln’s election in late 1860 was held under an intense, pressured Scorpio Sun opposition Pluto and by the Inauguration in March 1825 there was an aggravated/enraged Mars Pluto conjunction. It led directly to the Civil War with secessionist states forming into the Confederacy after his election. Neptune was in late Pisces at that point with Uranus on its exact Return on the USA 1776 chart.

  Another Mars Pluto Inauguration was in 1825 4 March, after John Quincy Adams was elected president by Congress since none of the four candidates secured a majority of votes in the electoral college. At his Inauguration there was Mars conjunct Pluto in Aries trine Saturn; with the highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn. He is ranked as an average president, since his ambitious agenda could not get through Congress. Post-presidency he made a vehement stance against slavery, and fought for the rights of women and Native Americans.

  Two other Inaugurations where the electoral college apparently did not coincide with the popular vote were in March 1877 when Rutherford Hayes became president after a backroom deal. That happened with a downbeat Sun conjunct Saturn; and a disruptive and controlling Uranus opposition Mercury square Pluto.

 On 5 March 1889 Benjamin Harrison became president having received fewer votes than his opponent but carried the Electoral College, 233 to 168. That Inauguration had Sun inconjunct Saturn and a stressed Mars trine Saturn; as well as the Neptune Pluto conjunction.  

 More recent Inauguration charts prior to major military conflicts are mixed.

 The G.W. Bush Inauguration in 2001 leading onto 9/11, Afghanistan Iraq etc had an afflicted Mars in Scorpio opposition Saturn square Uranus; and a dirty-dealings 8th house Pluto Moon conjunction.

Woodrow Wilson in 1913 pre WW1 – a Mars Uranus conjunction.

Franklin Roosevelt in 1941 pre-entering WW11 had a hugely stressful Pluto opposition Sun Mercury square Saturn Jupiter in Taurus opposition a Scorpio Moon; plus a ruthless Mars trine Pluto.

Harry Truman Inauguration 1949 before the Korean War – Mars opposition Pluto.

Joe Biden’s Inauguration was stark enough with a Mars Uranus conjunction square Jupiter Saturn. But although there were global conflicts of concern there was nothing that dragged the US into open conflict.

The 2029 Inauguration has a Mars trine (Sun) Pluto trine Uranus; with Mars opposition Neptune in Aries. The Neptune in Aries may help to soften the effects of Mars, Pluto, Uranus which looks tumultuous; though it is also undermining the USA Venus, Jupiter and moving to square the USA Sun before this term finishes. Uranus has cleared the Uranus Return on the USA chart by several months at the election.

The aftermath of the USA’s Pluto Return was always going to be a slow process of revisioning what comes next.

Michel Barnier – a gladiatorial battle

Michel Barnier, the tough Brexit negotiator and right-winger has been named as Emmanuel Macron’s prime minister after an extensive delay. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the left wing politician, whose party and allies won most seats in the recent election said the election had been “stolen from the French people”, complaining that Barnier was “a member of a party that came last.”

  Political high jinks everywhere.

    What is interesting about Barnier is his chart. Born 9th January 1951 4.40 pm La Tronche, France, he has a Capricorn Sun square Neptune but what dominates his chart is a beyond-stubborn Mars Moon in Aquarius in his 8th opposition Pluto. He has two yods of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Midheaven; and Sun sextile Midheaven inconjunct Pluto. Definitely a power player.

 His utterly immoveable Pluto opposition Mars sits on top of the France equally intransigent Uranus in Leo opposition Pluto in Aquarius and squaring the France Mars in Scorpio and Midheaven. If he survives politically it’ll be a mighty battle.

  The relationship chart with France has a controlling composite Pluto opposition Sun which will be seriously disrupted late December to mid March 2025 as tr Uranus opposes the composite Sun. There is also a highly-strung, nerve-stretched composite Uranus square Neptune which is being challenged now till late November.

 His relationship with Macron is comme ci comme ca, or at least half OK and half not. There is a friendly Sun Venus trine an enthusiastic Mars Jupiter on the positive side. But also an ego-clash with a composite Mars opposition Neptune; and tough, strong-willed, single-minded Saturn Pluto trine Mars trine Venus.

  He’ll have his work cut out with France suffering under the insecure jolts and jangles of tr Uranus opposition the France Mars (MC) till spring 2025; and an undermining tr Neptune opposition its Virgo Sun through till early 2026. With this October and next March Solar Eclipse rattling up France’s financial Venus at 11 degrees Libra; as well as this month’s  Lunar Eclipse and next September’s Solar Eclipse challenging the France Sun.

Grenfell Fire – Solar Eclipse flagged the risk

The Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people in 2017 was the result of “dishonest” companies, successive governments, and a lack of strategy by the fire service, the official report out today concludes.  It says a cladding product manufacturer “deliberately concealed” fire risks, while coalition and Conservative governments “ignored, delayed or disregarded” concerns. All deaths were avoidable, the inquiry chair says. There will be no charging decisions until end of 2026, says CPS due to the “sheer volume of evidence and complexity of the investigation”.

 The fire broke out at 12.54 am on 14 June 2017 in London when Saturn and BML in Sagittarius were close to the Midheaven opposition the Sun and square Chiron. London was always supposed to be a Gemini city so that fits. Jupiter as per usual in a disaster was in play in an over-expansive square to Pluto and an opportunistic square to Mars. There was a Fire Grand Trine of Saturn, BML, Midheaven trine Uranus in Aries trine North Node which again can be arrogant, attention-seeking, a risk-taker and unrealistic. The Mars Pluto opposition moved to exact in following days as outrage grew. Neptune on the Ascendant squared Mercury pointing to the confusion in tackling the blaze.

 The previous Solar Eclipse of 26 February 2017 located to London put the accident-prone, explosive Mars Uranus in Aries exactly conjunct the Midheaven opposition Jupiter and square Pluto hinting at the scale of the disaster to come. There was also an intense New Moon and Neptune in Pisces in the Eclipse 8th.  And the Pisces New Moon of the eclipse was exactly conjunct the Ascendant of the fire outbreak.

Eclipses are often best guide to major catastrophes, man made or otherwise.

Electoral College – adding more uncertainty

  Winning and losing is no simple matter in the USA elections. Al Gore bested G.W. Bush by half a million votes in 2000, and Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 2.9 million in 2016 – and both still ended up defeated. The Electoral College is the filter through which the votes are funnelled, with electors meeting in their respective states on December 17, the result of which is considered by Congress on January 6 2025. If the result is a tie, the popular vote is not the back-up; with the decision for president going to Congress, while the Senate votes on the vice-president. Evidently it is theoretically possible to have Trump sworn in as president and Tim Walz as his elected deputy, or vice-versa with Harris and JD Vance.

  The pros and cons of the Electoral College have been endlessly debated since its inception on 4 September 1787, today celebrating its anniversary. It has a Virgo Sun inconjunct Pluto, so has an uneasy approach to power and control. There is also an Air Grand Trine of Jupiter Mars in Gemini trine Neptune trine Saturn (Pluto) in Aquarius – wedded to an ideal but not always realistic about its application.

  On both Bush and Trump’s elevation to the White House the Electoral College Sun was under stress with a tr Pluto square Sun and tr Neptune opposition Sun respectively.  This time round tr Saturn will oppose the College Sun in late December; and the Solar Arc Uranus will be exactly squaring the Mars for a high-voltage disruption.   With more brickbats flying in the College’s direction in March/April 2025 with tr Saturn square the College Mars Jupiter – and jolts from tr Uranus square the Venus as it moves into Gemini mid 2025 onwards.

  The two key dates after the November election look fraught especially the 17th December when the electors meet separately in their own states.  There is a confused and uncertain Sun square Neptune – and worse an enraged, frustrated, trapped Pluto opposition Mars. By 6 January 2025 the Pluto opposition Mars in still in place; with Mars in a can-be-paralysed, muddled trine to Neptune and square Mercury. The Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces won’t help with its mood swings.

 By the Inauguration on January 20th the Mars Pluto opposition will have weakened although is still in orb. There will also be a fraught Mars trine Uranus, sextile Uranus.

 None of which is indicative one way or another – since a Harris victory would send the pro-Trumpers into meltdown – and vice versa. But for sure tempers and anxiety will be running very high.

 The USA chart still has the aggravated and prone-to-setbacks Solar Arc Saturn conjunct its Mars throughout the election and beyond, moving on to an uncertain square to the USA Neptune by mid 2025 for several months.