Anglican Church & Vatican – unholy mess ++ Welby’s illusions blasted by the Eclipses ++ Paula Vennells

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, is profuse in his apologies about not nailing down child abusing barrister John Smyth when his offences became known a decade ago.  His  “horrific” and violent abuse of more than 100 children and young men was covered up within the Church of England for decades, according to the conclusion of a damning report.

Smyth QC, who died aged 77 in Cape Town in 2018, was accused of attacking boys at his Winchester home who he had met at a Christian summer camp in Dorset during the 1970s and 1980s. Welby said Smyth had “manipulated Christian truth to justify his evil acts”. Smyth had also worked as a barrister representing morality campaigner Mary Whitehouse whilst he ran the camps for young evangelical Christians.

 Welby, 6 January 1956, himself the product of a ‘messy’ childhood really should have known better. His own chart describes a ‘cruel treatment’ childhood with Saturn Mars in Scorpio square Pluto in Leo conjunct Jupiter in Virgo. He also has a vague, indecisive, spiritual Mercury opposition Uranus square Neptune (Moon) in Scorpio. He looks devastated exactly now with tr Pluto square his focal point Neptune and a shocking tr Uranus opposition his Mars also now with more eruptions and setbacks through 2025.

 The Anglican Church, 3 November 1534 JC, is also at the moment facing both its Pluto Return and its Neptune Return – for which this wretched business is hardly likely to be a trigger event but it does suggest far reaching changes taking place.

 Smyth, 27 June 1941, Calgary, Canada, was a Sun Cancer with a Half Grand Sextile of Mars in Pisces conjunct the South Node opposition Neptune sextile/trine Venus in Cancer and sextile/trine Saturn, Algol, Uranus in Taurus. Probably charismatic with Mars Neptune and Venus with a brutal streak from that Taurus collection. A likely Moon conjunct Pluto also would not help. Mother issues writ large with a Cancer Sun, Moon Pluto and the Black Moon hooked into Saturn, Algol, Uranus. Intriguing that the destructive segment of his chart with Algol, BML etc hooked into Welby’s Mars Saturn in Scorpio.

Across the water, the USA Roman Catholic churches abuse have paid out an estimated $4 billion in compensation to those abused by priests with 28 Catholic dioceses and three religious orders or thereabout so far filing for bankruptcy.

 The Vatican chart, 7 June 1929 11 am Rome, Italy, is not showing as obvious signs as the Anglican Church for a complete renewal. But its 8th house Uranus in Aries is catching the recent October and next March’s Solar Eclipses – which would suggest financial and a psychological pressure for change. Tr Saturn Neptune in Aries is also poised to move into the Vatican 8th house of finances from 2026 for several years thereafter, to be joint soon by the SA Saturn which won’t help the money flow.

  The Vatican out-of-element Grand Trine of Saturn trine Neptune trine Venus is also under stress with the outer three planets poised to change sign tugging on all three legs – tr Uranus square the Neptune, tr Neptune conjunct the Saturn and tr Pluto square the Venus in 2025. With tr Uranus conjunct the Midheaven in 2025/26 and square the SA MC also in 2025/26.

  A change of direction will be on the cards, wished for or not, with financial disillusionment part of the package. Which may not all be about a bankrupt North American wing but it surely won’t help.

  Religious institutions will be no less buffeted by the upcoming celestial changes than any other.

  Though I am still puzzled about what it is that links religious beliefs (Neptune?) and sexual offences, especially involving children, and an underlying dislike of women.

Add On: Welby does look to be in meltdown with tr Pluto not only square his Neptune but also in an upending opposition to his Uranus. Interestingly Smyth’s Pluto is conjunct Welby’s Uranus so his underworld activities would have the capability of disrupting Welby’s life.  Tr Uranus is also opposition Welby’s Mars in Scorpio for a massive ego-dent and shock. His perceived steadiness stemming from his immoveably Fixed Mars Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto Jupiter will make it difficult for him to let go. But if he does not resign now it won’t get easier through 2025 with tr Uranus still to square his Pluto and oppose his Saturn.

 Welby’s relationship chart with Smyth has a composite Sun at 10 degrees Aries  opposition Neptune suggesting illusion, delusion and ultimately disappointment. Intriguingly it is catching the recent Solar Eclipse and the coming March one – a challenging crisis.

ADD ON: Of interest – Welby was enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury on March 2013 but had sworn the oath a week previously on March 13th, the day Francis was elected Pope. Both the 13th and 21st charts have an explosive Mars Uranus in Aries catching the recent Solar Eclipse and the one next March. More pointedly both have two yods onto Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter on the point of a yod can have an effect on society and its values but over confidence and arrogance can bring the house of cards tumbling down. Perhaps more true in Welby’s case.

Western religion facing a joint crisis.

 Welby’s support for the shamed head of the Post Office, involved in the Horizon scandal which sent innocent workers to prison and on occasion to their death because of a tech glitch, Paula Vennells, 21 February 1959, is all the more mysterious looking at the astrology. Her car-crash Mutable Grand Cross of a Pisces Sun opposition Pluto square Mars opposition Jupiter connects into/collides with Welby’s Fixed Mars Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto Jupiter. Their relationship chart has a differing-agendas composite Sun opposition Uranus. Plus an over-loaded, emotionally over-wrought, love-and-hate composite Venus opposition Mars Pluto. And a yod of composite Saturn sextile Jupiter inconjunct the composite South Node hinting at an association that pulled them back into their less evolved selves.

  What a pile up.

The Jackal – Jupiter in the 10th firing squad

Eddie Redmayne is receiving positive reviews for his performance as the reptilian assassin in a remake of Frederick Forsyth’s best selling The Day of the Jackal. The previous 1973 Fred Zinneman movie based on the book about the attempted assassination of French President Charles De Gaulle had Edward Fox in the lead. This version ‘swaps the French political intrigue — for a modern world of dark-web activity and high-tech communications, all the while retaining its old-school suspense.’

 Scanning across the charts there are odd coincidences. Eddie Redmayne, 6 January 1982 8pm London was born three days before the Princess of Wales and Tory MP Robert Jenrick with a mid degree Capricorn Sun square Mars and also square Saturn Pluto, in Libra.

 Frederick Forsyth, 25 August 1938 has his Venus in mid degree Libra exactly opposition Saturn in Aries. And Jean Bastien-Thiry, 10 October 1927 8.15pm Luneville, France, who was the initial inspiration for the killer in Forsyth’s book had  a mid degree Libra Sun and Mars opposition a mid degree Aries Moon. He was a French Air Force lieutenant-colonel and military air weaponry engineer, who objected to De Gaulle giving Algeria independence and was the last person to be executed by firing squad in France, on 11 March 1963. It happened in great haste despite an appeal about to be heard which might have overturned his death sentence. He evidently refused a blindfold and was clutching a rosary when he was shot within days of tr Jupiter being conjunct his 10th house Jupiter. And how’s that for a ‘successful’ tr Jupiter through the 10th?

 The only one missing those mid degree Cardinal signs was De Gaulle, 22 November 1890 4am Lille, France, who had the same Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini in his 8th like Hitler, in his case opposition Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius with a final degree Scorpio Sun.

  Eddie Redmayne has had a steady career with successes on stage and recently notably playing the transgender artist Lili Elbe in The Danish Girl (2015), followed by the Fantastic Beasts film series; and The Good Nurse about a serial killer.

 He has tr Jupiter moving across his 10th now for a successful few months; with his Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Sun for a major change as well; and his SA Neptune conjunct his Venus, good for film projects; and a revved up Mars in Libra being propelled by the eclipses in Libra/Aries to move into higher gear.   His Air Grand Trine of Mars trine a 10th house Gemini Moon trine Venus, formed into a Kite by Moon opposition Uranus, will get a bolt of lightning from tr Uranus opposition his Uranus in 2026 and conjunct his 10th house Moon so his career will be moving into a speeded-up phase.

Ukraine – the long road to freedom or not ++ a resistant Keir Starmer

Ukraine now nearly at the end of three years intense and exhausting conflict with Russian invading forces will be at the sharp end of Trump decisions as he takes up the reins.

 The Ukraine, 24 August 1991 2.31pm chart, has ups and downs ahead. On the bright side tr Uranus square the Jupiter this April 2025 will bring some relief. But tr Uranus moving through the Ukraine 4th (which started this upheaval) to square the Virgo Sun from July onwards hints at more disruptions and unrest. Tr Pluto conjunct the Saturn also has another year to run of hardship and deprivation and maybe war time conditions.

 The Invasion Declaration chart, 23 February 2022 9pm might even suggest the conflict could run on till 2026/27.

Zelensky’s Term chart, 20 May 2019 10am Kiev, is heading into its most turbulent phase with abrupt changes from May/June 2025 onwards with tr Uranus conjunct the Mercury and Sun; with a perhaps exit come late 2025 with SA MC square Saturn and more disappointment if it survives into 2026.

  Zelensky’s personal chart is looking totally deflated  after the US Inauguration right through 2025 with his Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Sun Venus. Tr Uranus will square his Saturn from June 2025 onwards for eruptions, disruptions and a forced change of direction  with a road-blocked tr Pluto square his Sun/Mars all through 2025.

 The Zelensky/Trump relationship chart has clear signs of dislike on both sides with a composite Saturn Mars square Neptune. But what is intriguing is a yod of Neptune sextile Pluto inconjunct Mercury Sun which suggests a coming together which is fateful for both. It is more obvious what Trump means to Zelensky. But it slightly suggests the outcome of this argument will have a long-lasting effect on Trump as well. The composite Mercury is catching the March 2025 Solar Eclipse which will heighten tensions between them.

 The Ukraine/Russia 1991 chart shows a disappointing and discouraging slog through 2025 with perhaps glimmerings of relief in 2026.

 The Ukraine/USA relationship chart shows up late March/April 2025 as blocked and edgy though not much after that. 

The Ukraine/EU chart is logjammed with the Libra/Aries Eclipses recently and in March 2025 putting pressure on the intransigent composite Saturn Pluto. Change is needed but may not come easily. 2026 will be the real test with the possibility or not of a transformation or split in the relationship.

Add On: Murmurs from Kyiv hint that the UK’s new Labour Government have worsened relations with Ukraine. Keir Starmer the UK prime minister is yet to visit Ukraine four months after taking office. Sunak visited Kyiv within a month of becoming prime minister. Boris Johnson, his predecessor but one, enjoyed a close relationship with Zelensky.

  The Starmer/Zelensky relationship chart has a blocked, chilly composite Sun, Saturn, Mercury trine Mars; with Mercury in an evasive conjunction to Neptune. The composite Pluto will be rattled by the 2025 Eclipses and by tr Neptune in opposition early on; plus a oneupmanship tussle from tr Pluto square the composite Jupiter all through 2025. So it is unlikely to improve.

[Talking to London friends who have ears on the inner circle the general conclusion is that Starmer is a basically decent man but out of his depth. And one call him ‘ a coward.’]

Trump wins the game – with swamps ahead ++ Inauguration chart 2025 ++ UK Starmer seriously at odds ++ Limits to Trump’s choices ahead

Donald Trump is the unquestioned winner of the election with Jupiter crossing his 10th house natal Uranus and transiting Uranus conjunct his Midheaven pushing him across the line. His success comes despite a raft of imponderables ahead. His Solar Arc Neptune is conjunct his South Node exactly now, then conjunct his Moon in 2025 and opposition his Sun in 2026. And tr Neptune will square two of his Mercury midpoints throughout 2025. So word salads are likely to turn into word soup. Neptune does not enhance clarity of thought or speech, tends to undercut energy and motivation and can increase addictions and delusions.

 Not that the Inauguration chart looks anything but control-freaky and dictatorial with Sun Pluto in the 10th opposition Mars in the 4th – the latter hinting at a mutinous electorate. Though Neptune in the 11th does suggest a lack of vision for the future. A defiant (lawless/reckless) Uranus in the 1st points to significant changes being implemented that break with convention or the past.

  If his birth time is accurate then his Solar Arc Pluto is moving to conjunct his Sun – which can indicate a power play but as often ends with blocked progress.

 Looking at his relationship charts:

With the Federal Reserve which is entering a troubled phase in 2025 and on with tr Neptune Saturn square its Saturn Pluto plus plus – DT is producing a sinking feeling with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Sun, with confusion and then worse by 2026. So his fiscal and economic policies won’t bring peace of mind to the money wonks.

With NATO there are some tremors but not as much as you might expect from his rabble rousing beforehand.

Ukraine’s Zelensky he really dislikes and there will be tensions and an agenda shift through 2025 and more so in 2026.

With Putin, assuming his 1952 birth date is sound, there looks to be a confidence surge in 2025/26 which could lead to overconfident actions with tr Pluto opposition the composite Jupiter.

With Benjamin Netanyahu, which is an argumentative, competitive relationship at best, there will be jolts and jangles into early 2025.

J.D. Vance, 2 August 1984 8.11 am Middletown, Ohio, like Trump has tr Jupiter and tr Uranus moving across his 10th house of career.  His relationship chart with Trump shows enthusiasm/success at the moment with tr Uranus opposition the composite Jupiter; and a few downbeat moments through January/February 2025 but nothing startling. Though their composite Mars is catching the March Aries Solar Eclipse in opposition to arguments are likely.

 Trump’s relationship chart with the USA is upbeat in spring 2025 but hitting disappointments and erupting tensions in 2026/27.

 The USA chart, 4 July 1776 11 am Philadelphia, having moved through its history-changing moment of a Pluto Return is poised on that crucial moment of either facing up to an erosion of its super-power status or of attempting a reboot.  There are risks and setbacks from SA Saturn conjunct the Mars now and square the US Neptune in 2025 bringing great uncertainty.  There will be a resurgence of morale and a confident (over confident) push in 2026 when the SA Pluto squares the US Jupiter.

  But I would pin point tr Pluto opposition the US North Node in Leo in 2027/28 as being the critical turning point. 9/11 happened when tr Neptune was exactly opposition the US leadership Leo North Node which dented US pride – and this may be the point where the future trajectory is decided.

Relations between the USA and Russia 1991 don’t look as upbeat through 2025 as expected from the Trump Putin bro-romance. Nor do the USA/Israel relationships look anything  but disappointing.

  This only a fast canter through the charts and more will no doubt follow follow. Trump’s relationship with General Randy George, Army Chief of Staff, if it is relevant, is fraught in the extreme in 2025.

Add On: Trump’s relationship with the present UK prime minister Keir Starmer is aggressively argumentative and competitive, as well as uncertain, suspicion-ridden and resentful. Not surprising when Labour sent activists across to help with the Harris campaign and the Foreign Secretary Lammy openly described Trump as a neo-Nazi sociopath. Ignoring the truth or otherwise of that last description there is a resounding lack of political commonsense amongst the present UK government. Like them or loathe them, other countries’ leaders have to be accorded a degree of respect for the position they hold and for the electorate who voted them in. Fouling the pitch before you start is plain stupidity.

 The Trump/Starmer relationship chart has a composite Sun Mars conjunction at 1 degree Leo which is catching the tr Pluto opposition through this coming January, repeating late August to early December 2025. Early this coming January will be especially fraught since the tr Pluto opposes tr Mars once again on that degree.  And their togetherness will be further upended mid March to early April with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto.

  Starmer’s relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu is also at degree daggers’ drawn over the same period with a composite Mars at 1 Leo in their relationship chart – so January 2025 and the second half of 2025 with see UK/Israel relations at an all time low; with 2026 being not much better.

  Trump also looks agitated with Netanyahu late this December to mid March 2025. And the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun is catching the final tr Uranus conjunction then as well – so the Middle East may be one reason for mounting tensions and disagreements.

Add On: Trump’s relationship with the present UK prime minister Keir Starmer is aggressively argumentative and competitive, as well as uncertain, suspicion-ridden and resentful. Not surprising when Labour (in government) sent activists across to help with the Harris campaign and the Foreign Secretary Lammy openly described Trump as “a neo-Nazi sociopath.” Ignoring the truth or otherwise of that last description there is a resounding lack of political commonsense amongst the present UK government. Like them or loathe them, other countries’ leaders have to be accorded a degree of respect for the position they hold and for the electorate who voted them in. Fouling the pitch before you start is plain stupidity. Hedging your bets before an election is wise.

 The Trump/Starmer relationship chart has a heated composite Sun Mars conjunction at 1 degree Leo which is catching the tr Pluto opposition through this coming January, repeating late August to early December 2025. Early this coming January will be doubly fraught since the tr Pluto opposes tr Mars once again on that degree.  And their togetherness will be further upended mid March to early April with tr Uranus square the composite Pluto.

  Starmer’s relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu is also at degree daggers’ drawn over the same period with a composite Mars at 1 Leo in their relationship chart – so January 2025 and the second half of 2025 with see UK/Israel relations at an all time low; with 2026 being not much better.

  Trump also looks agitated with Netanyahu late this December to mid March 2025. And the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun is catching the final tr Uranus conjunction then as well – so the Middle East may be one reason for mounting tensions and disagreements.

Add On 10 November 2024

 Thoughts from today’s Sunday Times by Mark Urban with pointers to where Trump’s actions may be more limited than hysteria suggests.

Five forces limiting Trump’s global influence.

Debt, the risk of a trade war and volatility in the Middle East and Ukraine may threaten Trump’s ability to get his own way.

Steering clear of foreign wars is a Trump pitch, but the US could get sucked in an Iran/Israel conflict.

The US is militarily weaker than it was during his last term. The strains of sustaining Ukraine or backing up Israel have undermined the US ability to train and stockpile for what is considered to be the main event: a possible confrontation with China.

Another constraint on Trump’s foreign policy is America’s ballooning government debt. It now stands at $35 trillion, or 123 per cent of GDP, and will rise still further if Trump cuts taxes again. Among those the US has relied upon to finance its debt are China, and Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Add together weakening US military clout and growing indebtedness and it’s apparent why America’s ability to call the shots is dwindling in many parts of the world.

Trump’s trade war could derail his entire platform. Campaign promises of 60 per cent tariffs on Chinese goods and 20 per cent on others could spark all manner of economic consequences. Such a step could send US inflation back up, while triggering retaliation from others and wrecking American supply chains. Musk says “You need to be careful with tariffs otherwise you shock the system and it breaks.”

‘Whatever the outcome of a Ukraine peace negotiation, a confrontation with Iran or a tariff war with China, the limitations on American power are evident. Bending other states to your will — while simultaneously rolling back military protection for friends, waging a trade war with almost everyone and expecting geopolitical rivals to finance your debt — is a tall order. Making America great again seems an even tougher challenge now than it was in 2016.’

Clint Eastwood & Michael Caine – going strong

Clint Eastwood at 94 has just released his latest movie with a sterling record as a director, grossing over a billion dollars, with three of his biggest hits coming in the last decade.

 And Michael Caine, British actor, at 91, with an equally prolific output of 160 films during a seventy year career, now retired, has come out with his third memoir titled Don’t Look Back You’ll Trip Over.

Eastwood born 31 May 1930 5.35 pm San Francisco, California has the signature depression/innovation Cardinal T square of Saturn in Capricorn opposition Pluto square Uranus. Though he had a reasonably affluent middle class upbringing.  He has a filmic Neptune conjunct his Midheaven square a Gemini Sun and in a showbusiness/publicity-attracting trine to a hard-working Mars in Aries in his 6th. A lucky Jupiter in his 8th will have helped to keep him well supported.

 According to wiki, twice divorced, Eastwood “has had numerous casual and serious relationships of varying length and intensity over his life, many of which overlapped. He has eight known children by six women.” With a focal point Uranus in his 5th house of children and romances, he would want and certainly end up with variety and constant change – and Chiron and Algol in his chart area of close relationships would not make for calm and harmony. His Leo Moon is on the focal point of a T square to Mars North Node opposition South Node, fitted him for a public career but did not necessarily fashion him for one-to-one commitment.

Michael Caine, 14 March 1933 10.10am London, grew up poor in London’s East End though spent the war years in rural Norfolk. He did active service in Korea before embarking on his acting career.

  His creative, filmic Pisces Sun and Venus are in his career 10th with his Sun in a laid-back opposition to Jupiter and his Venus opposing a creative, talented and upbeat Jupiter, Neptune, Mars in Virgo. His Libra Moon in his 5th house of performance opposes Uranus and squares Pluto – so like Eastwood he came out of a tough, turbulent ethos but will be steadier (and more controlling) with a prominent Pluto. He does have a yod of Mercury in upfront Aries sextile Saturn inconjunct Mars Neptune – so is well suited to a world of pzazz and glamour.

 His Moon is inconjunct his Sun for a degree of strain between his head and his heart but his Moon square Pluto and 4th house Jupiter have kept him married to his second wife for fifty years.

Royal commerce – giving hostages to fortune ++ Prince George ++ England Republic 1649

The relationship between monarch and country has always been troublesome (with scandals aplenty) though less so in recent centuries in the UK with the growth of democracy. 

  Queen Elizabeth’s relationship chart with the UK had a powerfully confident Jupiter Pluto conjunction suggesting a strong and successful association. There were two yods onto a Leo Moon and Neptune respectively pointing to a relationship which bound the destiny of monarch and country together – with pomp and circumstances from Moon in Leo and a life of sacrifice from Neptune. There were also rough edges of resentment from a composite Saturn opposition Mars.

  Her hard-working Pluto was conjunct the UK Midheaven giving her great influence; and her lively Mars Jupiter were in the UK’s 5th house conjunct Venus so she would boost morale and attract affection.  

 Charles’ relationship chart with the UK is more stressed with a composite Pluto opposition Mercury square Saturn opposition Mars – chained-together by circumstances and having to accept it, resentful, aggravated, arousing bitter arguments – and getting more so over the next 18 months with tr Uranus conjunct the Pluto later this month into December, then the composite Midheaven, opposition the Mercury and in 2025 square the Saturn and square the Mars into 2026. Plus a separating, discouraging tr Saturn square the composite Sun Venus over this coming New Year and in early spring 2025. So a longish run of disruption and confusion, which may not all be financial but these revelations won’t help.

  Charles always had a reputation for hobnobbing with questionable wealth which his father evidently warned him against. Armand Hammer I recollect from decades ago was a buddy, an oil baron with close ties to Russia. And Middle Eastern potentates as well through decades, who were still dropping lavish jewels on the Royals when Harry married Meghan. The Queen through her racing interests was also associated with Sheik Maktoum, the billionaire Dubai absolute ruler, who kidnapped his daughters.  Never mind Andrew and the Kazakhstanis.

  Prince William has a marginally easier relationship chart with the UK with a friendly, affectionate Venus Sun conjunction on the focal point of a linked-destiny yod inconjunct Midheaven sextile Uranus. Though a stressed composite Pluto in a resentful square to Saturn and a mutinous inconjunct to Mars hints at underlying problems on both sides.

 There will be changes ahead in the relationship with tr Pluto square the composite Uranus this year and next; plus tr Neptune Saturn square the Pluto at the same time; and by 2026/7 tr Saturn Neptune will make an undermining square to the composite Sun Venus. An uneasy passage ahead.

 William’s compassionate Cancer Moon is usefully situated conjunct the UK’s Midheaven with his Cancer North Node in the UK 10th square a disciplined, hard-working Mars Saturn on the UK Ascendant. He may be less on the hook for financial problems vis a vis the UK in contrast to his father and grandmother.

 There was an astrological theory that William born in 1982 on the day of a Solar Eclipse in the 2 Old North Saros series which finishes in 2036 might be the last monarch and exit that point. Though how sound that speculation is I wouldn’t hazard a guess.

[Having skipped through my own chart looking at the repeating Saros series which oversaw my birth it did appear to coincide with career/house moves. So something may be afoot in William’s life.]

  In 2036 tr Uranus will be conjunct the UK’s 10th house Cancer Moon which is associated with the ruling classes. With tr Saturn on a Return in the UK chart conjunct the 11th house (legislature) Saturn opposition Pluto in Aquarius. That suggests major push for a change in the UK’s direction with a rethink of the parliamentary system and considerable financial pressures. It will be a pivotal moment for the UK with the SA Saturn conjunct the North Node, tr Pluto square the SA Uranus; SA Neptune conjunct the Midheaven.

 It won’t necessarily involve the Royal question but it is true that the UK’s finances and parliamentary set up will be hugely affected by tr Pluto in Aquarius through the 2030s starting with a completely blocked square to the Mars in 2030/31 and moving its way on to hard aspect the UK financial Venus and Neptune and then Saturn.

  On Prince William’s chart in 2036, tr Neptune is crossing his IC and move into his 4th bringing an unsettling sense that he is losing his roots; and the foundations of his life are dissolving. His Solar Arc Midheaven will also conjunct his Neptune the following year. Tr Saturn opposition Pluto will be bringing extreme pressure to bear on his Solar Arc New Moon as well.  Nothing definitive in terms of a change of career but certainly highly stressful and confusing.

 The Hanoverian Monarchy chart, 1 August 1714 JC, which was the start of this Royal line has a 19 degree Leo Sun which in 2036 will be exactly opposed by tr Pluto with tr Saturn square. There have been such influences before on this chart so it may not be terminal but it does indicate major challenges.

Add On: Prince George is a less obvious monarch lacking his father’s Jupiter Midheaven aspect and having a deeply buried Jupiter, Mars, Mercury in Cancer in the 8th. Though that Cancer collection does sit on the UK’s Midheaven along with his Cancer Sun which is conjunct the UK’s Jupiter in Leo which has the potential to be a successful duo. And his relationship chart with the UK is reasonably upbeat with a composite Sun opposition Moon square Jupiter.

 In 2036 his chart is showing challenges, stress and pressure for change with tr Pluto opposition tr Saturn in hard aspect to his Solar Arc Sun and Moon; and his SA Saturn moving to conjunct his Ascendant.  Again nothing clearly pointing to a change of life or career direction but challenges and difficulties aplenty.

 Add On: The last time England was a republic was after the beheading of King Charles 1 on 30 January 1649 after which Cromwell took over as Lord Protector but the monarchy was restored 21 years later. In 1649 there was a ferociously difficult collection of Saturn Pluto in Gemini opposition Uranus Neptune in Sagittarius squaring Mars in the January.  

Quincy Jones – a musical phenomenon

Quincy Jones, one of the American popular musical greats renowned as a brilliant creator and composer as well as an entrepreneur, has died at 91. He raised many singers to a different level including Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Paul Simon and Aretha Franklin and propelled Oprah Winfrey and Will Smith to fame and fortune.

 He was born in Chicago on March 14, 1933 at 8.40pm into  grinding poverty during the Depression with his grandmother trapping and cooking rats when food was scarce. His musically gifted, schizophrenic mother was institutionalized when he was 7 and his father was on the payroll of a notorious street gang. He was headed to becoming a gangster when he discovered music in his teens.

  He started out as a jazz trumpeter, playing with Ray Charles, later moving to Paris to study composition. He scored films, sharing an Emmy Award for the TV miniseries “Roots,” and produced Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” the top-selling pop release of all time. He produced the all-star charity song “We Are the World” in 1985, a best-selling single that raised $50 million for African famine relief. In the same year he coproduced the film “The Color Purple” and handpicked Winfrey, then a rising Chicago-based talk show host, for her breakout dramatic role.

 He had a musical Pisces Sun in his performing 5th house widely conjunct Venus also in Pisces. His creative Neptune was opposition his Venus, conjunct a showbizzy Mars in Virgo; and on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Saturn sextile Mercury. His Scorpio Moon in his 1st house was on one leg of another yod sextile Mars Neptune inconjunct Mercury which destined him to be a communicator and teacher.

  Accented Neptune and Mercury thrust him into a glittering musical and trailblazing career. He also had the disruptive Pluto square Uranus of his generation.

  1933 with Mars, Neptune and Jupiter in Virgo produced a whole raft of distinguished creative and showbusiness types, including Michael Caine.

 Quincy Jones’ 17th and 22nd harmonics are both strong – indicating the considerable effect he had on the culture of the time and in future.

Royal finances – lifting the lid

Even staunch Royalists are wincing over the recent investigation into King Charles and Prince William’s opaque financial affairs which details how their estates take money off hospitals, the military, prisons and firefighters. Both Royals pay income tax (since the 1990s though refuse to say how much) but not capital gains and corporation tax. Hints from 25 years back that greater transparency was needed have clearly been ignored.

The feudal-sounding duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, owned and run by the Royals are actually property companies with assets worth £1.8 billion and 5,410 landholdings, ranging from rental houses and flats to farmland, mining rights and drilling sites.

‘Prising open the secrets of the two duchies, which are exempt from business taxes and are used to fund the royals’ lifestyles and philanthropic work, has proved almost impossible. Two parliamentary committees have tried and largely failed.’

  There are calls for the two duchies to be folded into the Crown estate, which sends its profits to the Government.

King Charles, 14 November 1948 9.14pm London, has his Saturn in Virgo in his 2nd house which has always puzzled me – since it should mean thrifty even mean about money, when his personal lifestyle hardly shrieks austerity; though it can also mean shrewd in business. He is nowhere near the top of the global rich list coming way down at around 250th.

  He does have a Taurus Moon close to his North Node which can indicate an acquisitive streak and a tendency to become embroiled in financial tussles. His Moon is trine Saturn trine Jupiter in an out of element (nearly Earth) Grand Trine which will emphasise his interest in building a solid business operation.

  At the moment he has his Saturn moved by Solar Arc direction to conjunct his Sun exactly bringing a few financial realities home to roost. Tr Saturn is also moving through his 8th house which again suggests a need for rearranging joint finances. Early 2025 in particular will see transiting Saturn tugging on his Mars, Uranus Jupiter – and thereby affecting his Grand Trine involving Saturn – for another discouraging phase of having to face the bottom line. Plus his Solar Arc Pluto will conjunct his South Node in 2025. By 2027 tr Uranus will be squaring his Saturn as well. Not all of this may involve money matters but a chunk will. His life and attitude to finances will have to change force majeure.

 He is not as indulgent as his mother Queen Elizabeth 11, who for all her emphasis on living a frugal lifestyle with single bar radiators and the like, also bred and competed racehorses – and that is a very expensive hobby about which nothing much was ever spoken. She had an indulgent Venus and erratic Uranus in her 2nd house of finances and an earthy Taurus Sun, as well as a Leo Moon.  

  Prince William is less money-minded than his father/grandmother. But even he is feeling the pressure with his Progressed Moon moving through his 2nd house of finances for another year; and tr Pluto moving through his 2nd house well into the 2040s. Both will alter his approach to money.

  Tr Uranus is conjunct his Venus in Taurus exactly now, which given that it is on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Neptune sextile Pluto, it does suggest a life-changing phase, when he will be jolted onto a new track.

  Part of the problem as Libby Purves explained in The Times quoting the experience of a journalist who previously tried to investigate the Royal finances “The King is a good man. So is William — big sense of obligation. But they have these hard-nosed people, chisel-faced accountants ….” The men in grey suits get the blame.

  I am pro-Monarchy since it is good for tourism, holds the country together and they do put on a good performance when it comes to state occasions. The ranters and ravers, driven by a good deal by envy, would do well to consider what the alternatives are. The Russian royals were assassinated and the Bolsheviks took over. Spanish Royals out – dictator Franco in. Shah of Persia exiled and the beards moved in.

 Royals can be their own worst enemy and shoot themselves in the foot with crass decisions and obfuscation. But I would not trade their lifestyle for all the money in the world and the vacuum they leave is often filled by much much worse.

Spain floods – Pluto eclipsed sends a message ++ King Felipe

Spain is in shock after its worst flooding in decades after a year’s worth of rain fell in a matter of hours onto drought- hardened ground. The death toll is well over 200 and rising. It is Europe’s worst flood-related disaster since 1967 when at least 500 people died in Portugal. Spanish troops have been drafted in to help, with questions being asked about why the extreme red weather alert was not communicated to residents sooner.

 The Spain, 22 November 1975 12.45pm chart had the recent Libra Solar Eclipse conjunct its Pluto – which is a hint about the need for change. Transform or stagnate is the message. Tr Uranus was also conjunct the Spain IC opposition the Midheaven and Mercury exactly now pointing to a domestic disruption. Tr Uranus moves on to oppose the Spain Sun later in 2025 into 2026 so major changes in the country’s direction will be unavoidable. Followed by tr Pluto opposition the Spain Saturn and square the Uranus between 2024 and 2027 bring a series of jolting events and a prompt to alter Spain’s attitudes and expectations.  Tr Saturn Neptune into Aries just before mid 2025 and on into 2026 will square the Spanish Mars for another image and confidence dent.

 The recent Solar Eclipse located to Valencia puts Pluto conjunct the Midheaven for an event of considerable magnitude and destructive power.

 The Spain/EU relationship chart has a composite Saturn at 11 degrees Libra also being triggered by last month’s Libra Eclipse and the Aries one next March. It will be a time for facing reality.

Add On: King Felipe and Queen Letizia faced angry crowds when they visited the flood devastated area with shouts of ‘murderer’ and mud and stones being thrown. Though why the Royals were being blamed for what were local authority failures over communication; and government failures over disaster relief isn’t clear.

There are predictions that segments of the Mediterranean will become uninhabitable due to climate change with untenably high temperatures, and extreme weather conditions both drought and excessive rain.

  King Felipe, 30 January 1968 12.45 pm Madrid, a New Moon in Aquarius; with Mars in Pisces opposition Pluto (conjunct Uranus) does have transiting Pluto crossing his Midheaven exactly at the moment which often accompanies a reputation come-down and damage to career. Tr Uranus is opposing his Neptune also this year into spring 2025 which hints at uncertainty in his relationship with the public (and wife). The recent September Lunar Eclipse and early and late Eclipses in 2025 hit his Uranus Pluto in Virgo, with a SA Sun conjunct his Saturn in 2025 and his SA MC opposition his Uranus by 2026. So there’s a whole cluster of sinkholes and potential calamities to negotiate over the next several years.

 His Accession chart, 19 June 2014 12am is being undermined by tr Neptune square the Sun and Mercury exactly now and across till early 2026.  It was always going to be a crisis-strewn reign with Uranus opposition Mars square Pluto.