An elemental shift from Earth Water to Air Fire in 2025 and beyond will pose challenges for the USA’s stellium in Cancer. Cancer dislikes letting go, tends to airbrush the past, gets overly defensive when criticized, tends to be conservative and traditional in outlook and views detached Aquarius as a liberally-minded rebel and a threat to family togetherness.
In Sun sign astrology, Pluto into Aquarius will be moving through Cancer’s 8th house of economy and finances. Saturn Neptune in Aries through Cancer’s 10th house of direction in life and reputation. Uranus into Gemini through Cancer’s 12th house. A time of introspection with the hope of a significant emotional adjustment vis a vis priorities will be the hint of the planets and almost certainly ignored initially by Trump and co. Although this is a superficial astro-analysis it is backed up by economic problems flagging up in other charts
On the USA 4 July 1776 11am Philadelphia chart, having just emerged from the Pluto Return, two key influences stand out.
Firstly: the Solar Arc Saturn which was conjunct the USA Mars a few months back which brought a shock and a collision-like experience will move on to square the US Neptune exact in 9 months which will bring an uncertain mood and confusion of considerable proportions. Then the Solar Arc Sun will square the US Mars in 16 months and square the US Neptune into 2027. So an extended period of crisis and a gamechanger in terms of historical direction. When two key configurations in a chart collide by Solar Arc it is a time at the crossroads when events compel a change of direction.
Secondly: Neptune in Aries will square the USA financial Venus from July 2025 and by 2026 tr Saturn conjunct tr Neptune will square the Venus and Jupiter in Cancer; and tr Saturn will square the USA Sun. Neptune is usually undermining when it comes to finances so high hopes may be dented; more so by 2026 when downbeat Saturn joins in.
Jupiter moving into Cancer from July 2025 to June 2026 will offset certain problems, giving a mood lift at times. Though the Jupiter square Saturn seesaw will continue in operation until mid 2026 with its good news, bad news modus operandi.
Tr Uranus moving into Gemini after mid 2025 won’t reach the USA Uranus Return until 2027 which is when tr Pluto is opposition the Leo North Node – the latter may sound obscure but it is a sensitive trigger point for the USA’s ambitions to be seen as the world’s superpower.
The USA Federal Reserve chart, 16 November 1914 9am Washington, DC, will be rattled later this month to mid March 2025 with tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Sun. But it is tr Neptune Saturn moving into Aries and squaring the Saturn Pluto at one degree Cancer from May 2025 onwards, on and off into 2026 which will cause major concerns. Followed by a debilitating Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the Fed Res Sun in 2026 along with an insecure tr Uranus opposition the Fed Res Mars. An economically worrisome and challenging time.
The Supreme Court, 2 February 1790 New York, will catch a couple of lucky breaks (whatever that means) when tr Uranus squares the Mars Jupiter from April 2025 on and off until early 2026. Where it hits a fork in the road will be late 2026 with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the yod focal planet Venus. Into 2027 tr Pluto will oppose the Uranus for a major upheaval. The pressure for change will continue into the next decade with tr Uranus conjunct the Venus focal point at the same time as tr Pluto is conjunct the SCOTUS Sun and Pluto picking up in 2032 running to 2035. This will bring a deconstruction and hopefully a reconstruction though against huge resistance since the SCOTUS chart is very Fixed.
The 2025 Inauguration chart of January 20 with Sun Pluto in the 10th opposition Mars on the IC does suggest an over controlling administration and a discontented citizenry. The 6th house Moon will put an emphasis on health especially the health support systems with positive advances from Moon trine Jupiter and negative ones from Moon inconjunct Saturn. There is a publicity attracting Neptune trine Mars which sextiles onto a 1st house Uranus hinting at an unreasonable desire for personal freedom without moderation or common sense. Unpredictability will be the hallmark of the Trump Term Mark 11.
The administration will run into road blocks later in 2025 as the Solar Arc Sun closes the conjunction to Pluto to exact; and late in 2026 with an unpopular SA Saturn conjunct the Neptune.
The imponderable is Trump who has an astonishing capacity to absorb punishment and a lethal diet and keep marching on. He has one more tr Uranus square his Mars late April to mid May 2025 which can accompany shocks or health issues in the elderly. The previous one flagged up his near shooting. He is also awash with undermining, confused Neptune from his SA Neptune conjunct his Moon within months and then opposition his Sun throughout 2026.