Michelle and Barack Obama – opposing attitudes

Michelle Obama was conspicuous by her absence from Jimmy Carter’s funeral and evidently does not intend to attend Trump’s Inauguration.  Reasons proffered in the media are that she does not do hypocrisy and refuses to put on a false smile to applaud a man who has directly insulted them and she thinks is a danger to democracy. Barack is reckoned to be a supporter of ‘unity’.  [LBJ’s “Better inside the tent p***ing out than outside pi**ing in.”]

  Michelle certainly harbours a strong hostility to Trump with an aggravated composite Saturn Venus opposition Mars in their relationship chart – with the composite Sun at 9 Aries catching the Solar Eclipses right through late 2024 and most of 2025 for rolling jolts plus another from tr Uranus square the composite Pluto before mid year.

 Her Saturn (Moon) in Aquarius opposes DT’s bombastic Mars in Leo and her Capricorn Sun opposes DT’s Saturn – aggravating and chilly.

 Barack and Trump’s relationship chart has a forced acceptance composite Saturn trine Pluto; and a suspicious, doubt-ridden, chilly composite Sun Uranus squaring a Saturn opposition Neptune. Not exactly cosy but the dislike is more battened down.

  Michelle is looking horror struck at the moment with tr Uranus opposition her Mars/Pluto midpoint till mid March; and has a frustratingly stuck trapped, fearful tr Pluto conjunct her Mars from this March on and off till late 2026. Plus a confused, devastating SA Pluto conjunct her Neptune in 2027.

 Barack has his Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct his Jupiter in coming months so looks less stressed; though tr Uranus moving into his 4th house before mid 2025 will be unsettled domestically and where the family is concerned. He does look emotionally on edge with tr Uranus moving to conjunct his 4th house Gemini Moon in 2026/27; and even before then tr Neptune Saturn square his 5th house Venus in Cancer from mid 2025 into 2026. Plus a considerably jolt where partnerships are concerned in 2026 from SA Mars square his 7th house Uranus.

 He has tr Saturn heading for the nadir of his First Quadrant so he won’t be as motivated or ambitious as in the past and will be keen to step back and give personal matters more attention. 

  There’s no verified birthtime for Michelle though Starkman puts it at 1.56am which puts her at a different phase of life career-wise to Barack. But she also has a few emotional ups and downs coming with tr Uranus square her Moon (?) soon and then square her 4th house Venus after mid 2025.

 There could be strains on their relationship through this year and the next several, with their composite Venus opposition Sun square Saturn feeling the full weight of tr Pluto hard aspects through till late 2029. Plus aggravations this year with tr Uranus opposition the Mars and tr Uranus square the composite Pluto in 2026/27. So very rock n’ roll and not in tune.  

Astrology – searching for mother in the chart + Chiron

A search for mother (or the experience of mother) in a birth chart will focus on the Moon house position and aspects and 10th house planets.

 This is a quick skip round main features which can be amplified by reading elsewhere.

   Where the Moon falls house-wise is what brings nurturing and protection (the mothering energies). Different children born at different times in a marriage or in the mother’s changing circumstances will reflect on the children (and their chart), sometimes producing a radically different experience of the same mother to different siblings. Also the different temperaments of each child will sit comfortably or less so with the mother so where one child may feel accepted, another may feel rejected through no fault of their own.

Moon aspects:  A Moon aspected (conjunct, square, opposition) by Jupiter gives a rosy view of mother, perhaps because of lax boundaries or spoiling, over indulgence though tends to have a superficial feel. Mother feeds sweeties but not genuine deep affection. The adult child will have a tendency not to see the reality of mother/women and will resist looking at the shadow.   

Moon Saturn (Princess Anne and Queen Elizabeth 11) is an emotionally distant mother distracted by duty, responsibility and perhaps difficult circumstances, so instilling in the child a sense of discipline and an acceptance that hard work is expected.  

Moon Uranus is an unpredictable mother, can-feel-rejecting mother, sometimes there, sometimes not, which lays the ground for independence early on and a tendency to be restless, in need of constant change emotionally and domestically.

Moon Pluto is a possessive, controlling mother which is not felt as emotionally supportive but suffocating and results in emotions in the child being shut down and firewalled off from invasion – and defensively becoming over controlling themselves.

Moon Neptune is a mother lacking in psychological boundaries so the child finds it difficult to distinguish between ‘my’ feelings and ‘mother’s’ feelings and indeed others in adult life. Mother may be seen as needy, sick, weak or head-in-the-clouds.

Moon Mars is a mother who blocks assertion and anger, thus building up a reservoir of resentment and anger in the child who will react impatiently with women of all varieties in adult life.

Moon Venus, astrologer Richard Idemon described as ‘the poisoned apple’ – mother offering maternal affection with a streak of sexuality wrapped up in it.

Moon Chiron – the wound is the mother who may have been inadequate and like Moon Neptune tends to make the child more aware of others’ needs than their own which continues into adult life.

New Moon mother will result in the child seeing both parents as a single unit, or perhaps being brought up by a single parent who has to be both mother and father.

Sun opposition or square Moon – parents very different in temperament, almost incompatible and could be divorced, which leaves a lifelong struggle in the adult child to reconcile their masculine and feminine sides. What I want and what I ought to do are always at odds. It does find a resolution but usually only later in life.

An unaspected Moon gives a sense of disconnection, being detached, not at home, less demonstrative emotionally. Can feel vulnerable or unstable, not secure or supported.

Houses:  An 8th house Moon suggests a grandparent (mother) was the one with whom there was the strongest maternal connection. An 11th house Moon has mother as a friend rather than a parent/or friends acting as the main emotional support. A 9th house Moon brings support from books and knowledge. A 12th house Moon points to a mother who was emotionally absent during the gestation of the baby and who will struggle to form a strong bond after birth. A 3rd house Moon brings mothering from siblings or mother feels like a sister. A 4th house Moon suggests that the wider family and sense of roots is what offers emotional security. A 2nd house Moon – mother and attitudes to to money are intimately connected. A 6th house Moon can bring a connection between emotional states and physical stamina so mother may have been overly anxious or had health issues? A 5th house Moon brings nurturing from children in adult life. 7th house Moon maybe mother as partner rather than parent? Produces in adult life a need for security and support of a close partner.

Planets in the 10th or the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the 10th –

Moon in the 10th – mother who instils a need for outer acclaim, often found in politicians’ charts or in public careers.

Mars in the 10th – assertive, ambitious, angry mother who engenders a competitive instinct in the adult child.

Jupiter in the 10th – a flamboyant, drama queen mother, who instils confidence and brings luck in later life.

Saturn in 10th – disciplinarian mother, instils a work ethic, but not good for relaxing or playing, pays off in later life in success.

Uranus in 10th – zany, erratic, changeable mother, not good for stability or reliability but suits the adult child for an exciting, changeable career.

Neptune in 10th – a mother who needs support and sympathy, suits adult child for either the healing professions or creative ones.

Pluto in 10th – a controlling mother who once her domination is escaped produces a strong personality in the adult which can make for a career of influence, though there will always be an issue around power and control.

Celebrity examples are not always a good guide to ordinary living or psychology but the Kardashian family do give some pointers.

Mama Kris Kenner 5 November 1955 6.42 am San Diego, CA has a determined Sun and Saturn in Scorpio straddling her Ascendant with a flamboyantly confident, ambitious and controlling Jupiter Pluto in her 10th house of career.

 Of the five girls –

Kourtney, 1979, an Aries, has Neptune in the 10th and an 11th house Capricorn Moon square Mars in Aries, trine Saturn – not a great chemistry with mother who comes across as needy (Neptune in 10th) as well as cold, overly-hard-working and unfair in her expectations.

Kim, 1980, despite being a Sun Libra, is the closest to mother in career aspirations with Jupiter conjunct her Midheaven and Saturn in her 10th as well. Her 4th house Pisces Moon opposes Jupiter so she’ll see Kris through rose-coloured glasses although a hint of the workaholic mother comes through in Moon opposition Saturn and trine Uranus.

Khloe, 1984, a Sun Cancer with Mars Saturn in Scorpio, she has unpredictable Uranus conjunct her midheaven for a restless, changeable mother who would feel abandoning at times. Her 4th house Moon opposes Neptune for a mother with too few boundaries who needed nurturing herself.

Kendall, 1995, a Scorpio, with a highly-strung Uranus Neptune in Capricorn in her 10th has a 12th house Aries Moon trine an 8th house Pluto Venus and widely Mars. Mother at an awkward time in her life, very wound up with intergenerational issues flooding in.

Kylie, 1997, an 8th house Leo Sun with a 10th house Scorpio Moon square Uranus Jupiter and her Sun.

 The first two children had the more Saturnine mother perhaps struggling to make a career for herself and she mellowed as she grew older and became more successful. The sense across all five is of a surprisingly needy mother who required her children to mirror her (rather than the other way round) and give her a stronger sense of identity. Their success became her prize.

 The all-time horror mother was Natalie Wood’s stage mother who put her through nightmares as a child star to achieve success for mother rather than herself. Natalie, 20 July 1938 11.16 am San Francisco, had her Cancer Sun conjunct a ruthless Mars Pluto conjunction all in the 10th and square a Taurus Moon. It’s a miracle she lived as long as she did.

From previous posts. In search see: Moon Pluto,  Moon Uranus,  Moon Neptune,  Moon Saturn,  Moon Mars in different posts from a year or so ago.

UK fiscal woes – heading for a moment of truth

Never was the financial panic afflicting the UK more clearly marked than on Andrew Bailey, Governor of the Bank of England’s term chart. He accompanied Rachel Reeves on her bizarre trip to China which accomplished meagre returns.

  Taking up office on 16 March 2020, his administration chart has a triple whammy of undesirables at the moment – Solar Arc Mars conjunct Pluto for trapped, scary, stuck; SA Pluto conjunct Saturn for equally blocked and deprived, mountainous obstacles; and SA Saturn square Uranus for tensions and outbursts.

  Born 30 March 1959, he has an Aries Sun Mercury in the line of fire of the Solar Eclipses covering late 2024 and most of 2025 for rolling crises; plus a devastating/meltdown SA Pluto conjunct his Neptune this year as well. He will get a lucky break when tr Uranus opposes his Jupiter after mid 2025 and into 2026 squares his Pluto – which may mean a change of chancellor or change of direction for him personally.

 His relationship chart with Chancellor Rachel Reeves was destined to come together in a time of high crisis with a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars – and that is being rattled on two legs by the eclipses on the Pluto, tr Uranus opposing the Neptune; plus tr Saturn Neptune opposing the Jupiter Uranus composite conjunction from mid 2025 into 2026.

  The Bank of England, 27 July 1694 JC, similarly is being assailed by an undermining, loss-making tr Neptune Saturn opposition the zero degree Mars in Libra from April 2025 into 2026 at which point Neptune Saturn square the financial Venus. 2025 also has an uncertain tr Neptune square the Saturn February to early March 2025. Confidence will return into 2026 and towards 2027 and beyond.

 Evidently the next major test comes on March 26 this year, when the Office for Budget Responsibility, the official economic watchdog, publishes its Spring Forecast. An emergency Budget cannot be ruled out and she may have to cut her spending plans. ‘Her decision to increase borrowing by £30 billion a year is looking increasingly reckless.’

  March 26 is when tr Uranus is back at 24 Taurus squaring RR’s Sun for a major jolt. When tr Uranus moves into Gemini in July 2025 she’s into major catastrophe zone. And that repeats into 2026. Her relationship with Starmer is under stress at the moment with tr Uranus opposing the composite Saturn exactly now to mid March and tr Neptune opposing the Pluto throughout 2025. But the critical time is probably from July onwards with tr Uranus opposing the Neptune, Sun and into 2026 the Venus.

 Previous sterling crises have occurred with some repeating astro-themes. Black Wednesday 16 September 1992 had tr Pluto conjunct the SA Mars conjunct the financial 2nd house Neptune; and SA Saturn conjunct Pluto; SA Uranus square the UK Sun.

The 1976 sterling crisis is similar to this one given it happened with the Solar Arc Neptune exactly conjunct the 8th house Mars; tr Pluto was square the UK Sun, SA Saturn was conjunct the financial Venus in the speculative 5th house; and tr Uranus was conjunct the SA Mars.

  This time round once the Solar Arc Uranus crosses over the 8th house Mars in 4 months and will be out of the same degree in six months after which the situation may start to ease.

  Although tr Uranus will square the UK Pluto in 2026 for an upheaval and reset and tr Neptune Saturn will oppose the UK Uranus from mid 2025 into 2026 for additional worries, it was also expected/hoped that the UK would settle once tr Uranus moved out of the 8th house which is around 2026/27. The unsettled phase from 2021 as tr Uranus rattled up the UK’s four Fixed planets will be over. And tr Pluto is heading to exit the 4th house which has made the years since 2013 challenging and troublesome at an internal domestic level.

Mark Zuckerburg – and uneasy friendships

Mark Zuckerburg’s decision to stop fact checking on Meta/Facebook and cosy up to the new Trump administration is causing frissons of alarm.

 With Zuckerburg’s Taurus Sun sitting exactly on Trump’s Midheaven it might seem like a match made in heaven for progress with joint ambitions; with MZ’s Jupiter falling on DT’s Descendant which for a nanosecond may give an illusion of mutual support. Though if/when it goes sour it will turn into rivalry and clashing egos. MZ’s Sun opposition Mars in Scorpio does collide with DT’s Mars in Leo and MZ’s Saturn in Scorpio falls on DT’s IC so it is not exactly a warm and comforting combo. 

  Their relationship chart will hit a few humps and bumps as tr Saturn opposes their composite Uranus, Saturn, Pluto and square Venus now till early March 2025. But it is the composite Mars which is worth focusing on since it will catch the March Aries Solar Eclipse in opposition which may lead to a few eruptions thereafter.  There may be some light relief from July with tr Uranus opposition the composite Jupiter.

 MZ’s personal chart, 14 May 1964, hints at a fair amount of Uranian turbulence ahead as it is conjunct his Sun after mid March for three weeks; and rattles up a couple of his Mars midpoints from this May onwards. His Neptune in Capricorn also won’t appreciate tr Saturn Neptune in square from late April into 2026 bring uncertainty and disappointment.

 One intriguing future influence is his Progressed Mars moving to direct motion and then to square his Saturn – without a birth time it is not possible to time exactly. But this will bring a leap forward of significant proportions followed by a major major setback.

  Of the odd bunch surrounding Trump, tr Uranus into Gemini would seem to be one trigger for upheavals, causing tensions between DT and Thiel from this July. The DT/Musk relationship is already under uncertain influences with tr Neptune square the composite Saturn Sun now and on and off till early 2026; tr Uranus causing explosions of impatience now in opposing the Mars now till mid March 2025; and upsetting the applecart by 2026/27.

 Musk and Dominic Cummings is a definite no-no with serious dislike which is worsening from mid 2025 onwards. Ditto Musk and Bannon and Thiel.

 Zuckerburg and Musk, between whom there is no love lost at the best of times, will hit major problems in 2026 and on with tr Saturn Neptune square the composite Mars and tr Uranus conjunct the composite Venus.

 It’ll be like trying to herd feral cats keeping this lot in line with their master’s bidding.

Michel de Montaigne – a Pluto in Aquarius sage

Coping with overwhelming crisis in a time of chaotic uncertainty and constant diverse conflicts requires the ability to stand back from the melee. Either taking a historical perspective – ‘we have lived through worse before’ and ‘this too will pass because it always has done.’ Or going inwards – ‘if you can’t sort the world’s problems you can sort yourself.’

  Attention is being drawn to the writings of Renaissance philosopher Michel de Montaigne, born as Pluto moved into Aquarius in 1533, a time when the Reformation upended Europe, Cortés conquered New Spain, civil war engulfed France and Suleiman the Magnificent brought Islam to the gates of Vienna.

He who fears he shall suffer, already suffers what he fears.”

  His essays promoted the idea that man must discover his own nature in order to live with others in peace and dignity.  His approach made him a favourite with Virginia Woolf, Friedrich Nietzsche, Gore Vidal and Lord Byron.

  He was born 28 February 1533 JC 11.30 am Chateau de Montaigne, France, and had his Pisces Sun in his 10th house conjunct Neptune in late Pisces. His Pluto in Aquarius was in his 8th conjunct Mars and widely Venus, all square his Taurus Moon. Such a powerful 8th house tied into his Moon would not make him easy to live with but would bring him influence. His Mercury in Aquarius was in his communicative and optimistic 9th house sextile Jupiter; with his Jupiter in turn in a hopeful square to Neptune. He also had Saturn conjunct Uranus sitting on his Cancer Ascendant which at best made him an original thinker though it could give him a tendency to obstinacy.  


“My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened.”

“The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them… Whether you find satisfaction in life depends not on your tale of years, but on your will.”

“Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself.”

“I know well what I am fleeing from but not what I am in search of.”

“He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is weak.”

“Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know.”

“There is no passion so contagious as that of fear.”

“Not being able to govern events, I govern myself.”

“I prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly.”

“The most certain sign of wisdom is cheerfulness.”

“The truth of these days is not that which really is, but what every man persuades another man to believe.”

Astrology – choosing the inevitable ++ Uranus, Prometheus and digital

   “Freedom of will is the ability to do gladly that which I must do.” Carl Jung’s paradoxical maxim can be seen as a motivational urge to make the best of a bad situation by wearing a happy smile. Or at a more profound level as an encouragement to accept who you are and live that out with enthusiasm.

 Gauquelin’s work with astrology indicated, as I recollect, that the most successful were those who lived out their birth charts most fully. Which resonates with another of Jung’s thoughts “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”  Stay unconscious and you’ll be buffeted by outer events for which you are seemingly not responsible but in some mysterious way are part of who you are.

Patterns of life fascinate me and more the older I get. How seemingly random life experiences happen again and again. Even with growth of self-awareness (and consciousness) there seems to be no escaping some level of repetition – which can usually be found in the chart if the individual is keen to know the whys and wherefores.

  The birth chart lays out personal temperament, psychological dynamics and the pattern of a life. It does not pin point what can best be described as ‘grace’ or in different parlance level of soul evolution. Or the level of conscious versus unconscious that operates within the individual’s life.

  Accepting the hand of cards you were handed at birth, reflected in the birth chart, would appear to be the way to fulfilment. Which means kicking envy (they are richer than me) and regret (I never won Wimbledon) to one side and becoming fully invested in who you have the potential to be – i.e not designed to make mega-millions or be a sporting superstar. Be yourself.   

  But can you ‘choose’ to become conscious? I have never been able to decide whether that is a choice or not, since some individuals are predisposed to be curious and dig for answers where others have a different temperament and are content/resigned to plough the same furrow without scratching the surface or plumbing the deeper mysteries.  Indeed there is an argument that the glue which holds society together are the less-than-fully-conscious ones since they offer cohesion, structure and stability. While the constantly-questioning ones threaten to upset the applecart. Of the latter variety, some become trailblazers and inspired leaders, while others are creative or troublemakers.

   Harsh influences accompanying challenging experiences bring positive results? Positive change usually only comes through pressure – not quite as extreme as a breakdown means breakthrough but heading in that direction. There was an intriguing hypothesis by Julian Jaynes in his Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind book which posited that major climactic crises and natural disasters two/three thousand years ago caused significant changes and advances in human consciousness.

  Some temperaments come alive in moments of high stress and sink into a gloom when life become settled and calm. Squares in a birth chart teach resourcefulness and resilience. Too many trines/sextiles don’t. Life and psychology are complicated.

  Astrology while it does not have all the answers has more than enough to make it invaluable. The only explanation I have ever seen which even touches on a possible explanation is an analogy with theoretical physicists David Bohm’s thoughts on an implicate universe which unfolds into the explicate order. The implicate universe which is a realm of potentials and possibilities is what astrology taps into and that unfolds in a variety of possible ways into external reality, but within the constraints of the underlying pattern – if that makes sense.

  Sun sign astrology though simplistic can be astonishingly accurate in terms of temperamental inclinations, including the signs which distrust astrology or say they do. Top of the list would be Taurus – maybe too earthy and practical to be drawn into what feel like mystical realms. But also I suspect more to do with Taurus’ underlying drive which is for power. They dislike the idea that they are not masters of their own fate. When the truth is we are and we aren’t.

  My remedy for most lives it to find a context which suits your temperament (and chart). If you have a substantially Cardinal chart you are a sprinter, not a marathon runner and have an overdose of resourcefulness and initiative. Find a lifestyle with frequent new starts and variety.

  All Fixed? Go for an unchanging lifestyle where you are ploughing the same furrow for ever. Periods of change are inevitable and will cause strain.

Too much Mutable – blown around like a feather in a strong wind, you need to find a calm centre out of which to operate and be grateful for your ability to be flexible and fit in with prevailing trends.

  Heavy Mars Pluto or Mars Uranus aspects – you won’t turn yourself into a suburban plodder no matter how hard you try. You need crises, excitement, thrills and risk otherwise you’ll constantly be creating disasters just to feel alive.

 Random thoughts.  Astrology works in its own peculiar way and has some limitations but used sensibly it will bring more freedom to act not less.

ADD ON:  Astrology has traditionally been associated with the planet Uranus, named after Ouranos the sky god, castrated by his children and thus not of the biology. Uranus is also associated with the Greek mythological figure of Prometheus, (from ancient Greek possibly meaning “forethought”). He is best known for defying the Olympian gods by taking fire from them and giving it to humanity in the form of technology, knowledge and, more generally, civilization.

 Although astrology is lumped into the paranormal it is the most rational of the ‘unexplained’ domains of knowledge. Clairvoyance, spiritualism etc I would class as Neptunian. Astrology based (simplistically) on number crunching is a more cerebral method.

  The following may be an obscure not to say obtuse explanation but it makes sense to me. I worked in television at a time when film (Neptunian) became obsolete and digital (Uranian) came in.  It caused sadness since there is a magic about a film (Neptunian) image, a lustre/aura that cannot be dissected (= put into words) – it defies rationality. Whereas a digital (Uranian) image, made up of thousands of pixels, can be broken down.  Digital (Uranus) belongs to the rational world of numbers and words – and produces a similar though less incandescent image.  

 The difference between Neptune, (the dream-maker), and Uranus (the knowledge-bringer) in this instance is subtle but clear.

 Astrology is hugely complex and has to contend with a realm of possibilities not certainties. Complexity and fluidity may seem irritatingly chaotic and confused but such is life and human psychology.

LA fire – celebrity losses – Moons and Mars

Anthony Hopkins who lost his home in the Palisades fire issued a zen-like message of stoic calm in the aftermath.

“As we all struggle to heal from the devastation of these fires, it’s important we remember that the only thing we take with us is the love we give.”

  Born 31 December 1937 9.15 am Port Talbot, Wales, he has his Sun, Mercury, Venus in Capricorn in his creative, self-protective 12th house with a determined Jupiter opposition Pluto . His Neptune in the 8th (a frequent movie star placing) opposes Saturn and squares a Sagittarius Moon. At the moment his Solar Arc Moon in Pisces is exactly opposition his Neptune, moving through his 2nd house of personal finances as is transiting Saturn. So it will be a substantial financial hit just at a time he no doubt thought he could take it easier on the earning front.

 Tr Neptune is moving to conjunct his 2nd house Saturn throughout 2025 and tr Saturn won’t exit his 2nd house for another two years – so it will be an uncertain time. Tr Uranus is also hovering over his IC on the cusp of his 4th house which suggests upheavals at home. Plus his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his 4th house South Node at the moment

  But he also has tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter through 2025 so he will cope with renewed vigour and drive.

 The previous fire which badly damaged his then London home when he was away in January 2000 happened when his Progressed Moon in Pisces was also moving through his 2nd house and rattling up his Saturn opposition Neptune square Moon – so that does seem a sensitive trigger point in his chart. In 2000 as well tr Saturn was conjunct his SA Mars conjunct his Uranus which is much more descriptive of a disaster event.

 His Mutable Grand Cross of Saturn opposition Neptune square Moon opposition Chiron would seem to suggest a life pattern of constant flux where Moon areas of home are concerned. Which is emphasised by a 4th house South Node. Sliding back into home and a self-protective nest will be tempting but is not his destiny.

Mel Gibson, 3 January 1956 4.45pm Peekskill, New York, has more obviously catastrophic influences with tr Uranus opposition his Mars in Scorpio exactly now and heading to oppose his Saturn in Scorpio and square his Pluto throughout 2025 to early 2026. Tr Pluto will also be conjunct his SA Mars throughout 2025/26 so it will be a frustrating time.

 Billy Crystal, 14 March 1946 7.48am New York, has a fair amount of activity hitting his Taurus Moon though more in the aftermath – and tr Uranus opposition his Chiron soon as well.  His SA Mars will oppose his Moon in coming months and tr Pluto will square his SA Mars Saturn for several years ahead. His SA Neptune is also conjunct his Jupiter which will undermine his optimism and often has negative financial implications. 

Paris Hilton, 17 February 1981 2.30am New York, has her Jupiter Saturn in Libra conjunct her Midheaven catching last October’s Solar Eclipse and next March’s Aries Eclipse. Her Solar Arc Pluto is also square his Mars for an act of violence, ruthless energy slowing her progress. Her Progressed Mars is also conjunct her Solar Arc Sun Mercury in her 4th exactly now – which will pile on the pressure.

  The effect on each individual is likely to vary depending on whether they had insurance, had other homes and how invested they were temperamentally in having a solid domestic foundation to their lives.

Keir Starmer – lost in a dark wood ++ Musk v UK, Trump v Keir

   Poor Keir Starmer from whom the proverb ‘be careful what you wish for’ must be echoing round the walls of No 10 as one political sinkhole after another turns up for him to trip into.  

  Not all the political disasters are of his own making, though Chancellor Rachel Reeves’s missteps which have spooked the markets and upset pensioners, look like misjudgments. As one commentator put it she played a bad hand badly.

 There is a tone-deafness about his responses, an inability to put across a message that the electorate would appreciate or to bat back the standard opposition brickbats. No one sensible wants another mega-child abuse inquiry but he somehow made it sound as if he was covering up the problem. Not giving winter fuel payments to wealthy pensioners makes fiscal sense but he/the government have allowed themselves to be cast as death-dealing scrooges.

 There are now questions being asked about whether he’ll survive to the next election or whether Labour will survive in power after that.

  His chart is under increasing pressure with a devastatingly confused Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune exactly now followed soon by SA Sun conjunct Neptune. Then tr Uranus will square his Uranus after mid 2025 with late 2025/26 being totally logjammed by SA Mars conjunct his Sun Pluto.  

 The two Labour Party charts, 27 February 1900 and 12 February 1906, point to shocks and high insecurity before mid 2025, deep uncertainty and worries in 2026/27 – and hints of splits in 2026 with a sense of failure and setbacks in 2026/27.

Rachel Reeves, 13 February 1979, is irrevocably tied into Starmer with a yod in their relationship chart of Saturn, Neptune, Sun, Venus sextile Pluto inconjunct Mars which is being shaken at the moment by tr Uranus opposition the Saturn and tr Neptune opposition the Pluto throughout 2025 – and worse tr Uranus into Gemini opposing the Neptune, Sun, Venus in from July 2025 and through 2026.

 Her own chart which is stubborn and fairly single tracked minded with Mars, Sun, Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Scorpio, trine Pluto and sextile Neptune hints at a degree of over confidence in patches through 2025. But tr Neptune into Aries from April and tr Uranus into Gemini by July will create/accompany major setbacks and escalating challenges, continuing on into 2026.

  Another pitfall awaiting Keir Starmer which will not play well is his personal friendship with Tulip Siddiq, a junior Treasury minister, niece of the ousted former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, at present under investigation for corruption.

  Tulip Siddiq, 16 September 1982 London, is a Sun, Venus, Moon in Virgo which will chime with Starmer’s Virgo Sun and Jupiter in Pisces. She also has a volatile Mars in Scorpio conjunct Uranus which will be rattled within weeks and again throughout the year. Starmer’s relationship with her is running into trouble and perhaps splitting later this month into early February.  With further disappointments mid year into 2026.

“In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself within a dark woods where the straight way was lost.” Dante Alighieri, Inferno

Add On: For all the fur flying between Musk and Starmer, which may or may not have something to do with the UK moving against social media and denting Musk’s empire the real aggravation is between Trump and Starmer. To a degree Musk may be doing his master’s bidding. The Trump/Starmer relationship chart has a composite Sun Mars at one degree Leo so catching the tr Pluto opposition now exactly and on and off throughout 2025. There are ripples of discontent on Musk/Starmer but nothing like as notable.

 What does seem to rile Musk is the UK.  His Uranus sits on the UK’s Ascendant square the UK Capricorn Sun, with his Sun nearing the UK MC; his Saturn opposition Neptune square the UK’s Pluto; and his intransigent Mars in Aquarius opposes the UK’s Saturn.  The relationship chart has the Solar Eclipse rattling the composite Sun last October and this coming March; with tr Neptune Saturn into Aries  causing more confusion over the next several years.

No idea why so any suggestions gratefully received.

David Attenborough – a life of wonder

The irreplaceable and extraordinary David Attenborough will be 98 soon and is still making nature documentaries after five decades. From childhood he was fascinated by fossils and wildlife and studied zoology at Cambridge. Although he became a producer and rose to the top of the BBC, being offered the Director General position, he resigned to go freelance in his late forties. His soothing commentaries, obvious delight and curiosity about the animals, birds, fishes and insects he filmed made his documentaries irresistible to large audiences the world over.

In recent years he has become more vocal about environmental protection.

  He was born 8 May 1926 (rectified by Starkman to 2.58am) Cambridge, England two weeks after Queen Elizabeth 11. His father was Principal of Leicester University and one brother Richard became a renowned actor and director, and another an executive with Alfa Romeo. David has a Fixed Grand Square from a nature-loving Taurus Sun opposition a conscientious Saturn in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius opposition Neptune – he has endurance aplenty, the ability to persevere though won’t always be flexible or good at compromise. He also has a creative, compassionate Water Grand Trine of Saturn trine North Node (Pluto) in Cancer trine a Pisces Moon and Uranus. His healing Neptune is close to Ceres, the planet of agriculture and nature.

His Mars in Pisces is unaspected giving him an uncompromising streak and a tendency towards non-stop action with a focus on a  singular interest.

  In some ways he mirrors the UK chart with its four Fixed Planets as did Queen Elizabeth. Stalwart to the end.

  His harmonics  are notable with a strong global-influencer 22H and 17H; a creative 5H and a humanitarian 9H.

David Attenborough quotes:

“I’m luckier than my grandfather, who didn’t move more than five miles from the village in which he was born.”

“If I was earning my money by hewing coal I would be very glad indeed to stop. But I’m not. I’m swanning round the world looking at the most fabulously interesting things. Such good fortune.”

“It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.”

“I’m not an animal lover if that means you think things are nice if you can pat them, but I am intoxicated by animals.”

“It is vital that there is a narrator figure whom people believe. That’s why I never do commercials. If I started saying that margarine was the same as motherhood, people would think I was a liar.”

“I had a huge advantage when I started 50 years ago – my job was secure. I didn’t have to promote myself. These days there’s far more pressure to make a mark, so the temptation is to make adventure television or personality shows. I hope the more didactic approach won’t be lost.”

“In the old days… it was a basic, cardinal fact that producers didn’t have opinions. When I was producing natural history programmes, I didn’t use them as vehicles for my own opinion. They were factual programmes.”