Matt Goss is back in the UK after an 11 year solo Vegas residency talking sadly of the estrangement from his twin brother Luke, formerly part of the teen sensation Bros in the late 1980s. They were the biggest band in Britain, peroxide bombshells in leather jackets with eight Top 10 singles. Then they split acrimoniously since apparently, Luke was jealous that Matt got more attention. They reformed for a 2016 London concert, the subject of a documentary in which the brothers scream at one another.
Since they are twins and the birth times are available it is interesting to see what a difference ten minutes can make. Their early life was not easy with their parents splitting up when they were five and they moved house 11 times as children.
Luke is the elder, born 29 September 1968 6.11 pm Lewisham, England, with a rebellious, independent-minded Sun Uranus in Libra in his 7th house of relationships. He has a confident, strong-minded Jupiter Pluto conjunction on his Descendant and an intense, secretive Venus on the cusp of his 8th.
Matt born 6.21pm has his Jupiter Pluto in his hard-working 6th – with his Uranus conjunct his Descendant. Neither will find compromise easy with a Sun Uranus conjunction – and both will be keen to be seen as important with Jupiter Pluto conjunct, marginally more so in the case of Luke. Both have problems with identity with a 1st house Chiron. A yod onto a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries inconjunct Neptune and Jupiter Pluto hints at the need for maturity to make it work well.
A North Node in Aries also hints at a need to walk an independent road in life.
The horror story of Sara Sharif’s life was laid bare in court with her father and stepmother finally found guilty of her murder after years of abuse and torture. The judge described the 10-year-old was as “a very courageous little girl with an unquenchable spirit” who loved to sing and dance. A postmortem found she had 71 external injuries, including bruises, burns, and human bite marks. She also had at least 25 fractures, including to the hyoid bone in her neck and 11 to her spine from being beaten with a cricket bat, metal pole and mobile phone. Her father and stepmother who fled to Pakistan after her death have both been given life sentences.
She was born on 11 January 2013 and immediately made subject to a child protection plan due to existing concerns about her parents. She was briefly placed into foster care in 2014 and later a refuge after her biological mother, Olga Domin, accused her father Sharif of domestic abuse. Sara returned to live with her father after a family court ruling in October 2019. ?? Why? There is pressure to name the judges who returned her to her father. An inexperienced social worker was assigned to her case recently.
She wore a hijab headscarf when she was at school which hid the evidence of her brutal treatment and was latterly home schooled to keep her away from prying eyes.
The usual litany of ‘lessons will be learned’ is hardly sufficient. The judges who gave her father custody should be named and told to explain their reasons. Hijabs should be banned in school – she was evidently the only one in the family who was forced to wear one – as should home schooling especially where ill treatment is suspected.
She was born 11 January 2013 and had a stellium in Capricorn of Sun, Mercury Moon and Pluto. She had one upbeat yod of Pluto sextile Saturn in Scorpio inconjunct Jupiter which would be what gave her an enthusiastic, optimistic streak. Plus another yod of Uranus sextile Jupiter inconjunct Saturn which is marginally trickier. But what sits across her chart is Saturn square Mars which does suggest cruelty and ill treatment and could have been emphasized depending on house position.
Her father Urfan Sharif, 25 November 1981, a Sun Sagittarius has a heavyweight Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter in Libra which squared Sara’s Sun so he would want to quench her challenging spirit, given his comments on ‘justified punishments’.
Her step mother Beinash Batool, 14 July 1994, a highly strung Sun Cancer opposition Uranus Neptune in Capricorn would also clash with Sara’s Capricorn Sun.
On the relationship charts with her father Irfan there is a total-domination composite Mars Pluto conjunction and with her stepmother Mars trine Pluto and a Mars square Saturn – and perhaps significantly her stepmother’s Pluto was exactly conjunct Sara’s Scorpio North Node.
China has run into a setback of considerable proportions as of now with similar financial concerns as elsewhere ahead.
The China 1 January 1912 chart has the Progressed Mars opposition the Sun at the moment which will throw obstacles in its path to progress; with jolts and upsets in later March to May 2025; followed by a devastating Solar Arc Pluto square Neptune in 2026/27 alongside an insecure, explosive SA Uranus conjunct Mars. So it will have a bumpy ride as it adjusts to the new era.
The Bank of China chart, 1 December 1948, will be particularly susceptible to tr Neptune Saturn first square the BoC Uranus and then square their upbeat Mars Jupiter in Capricorn through into 2026 which will damp economic confidence considerably.
Xi Jinping’s 3rd Term, 23 October 2022, and his initial presidency from 14 March 2013 both have a key planet which will catch the tr Neptune Saturn hard aspect before mid 2025 into 2026. His 3rd Term is flagging up disappointment exactly now.
Relations with the UK have always been an uneasy balance. The power-struggling yod of Jupiter sextile Uranus inconjunct Pluto is under pressure exactly now from tr Pluto square the focal point Pluto; and will be unsettled when tr Uranus moves into Gemini in July 2025 tugging on one leg of the yod followed in 2026/27 by tr Saturn Neptune opposition the Jupiter – and square the composite Saturn. Nothing that will improve relations and the unrest/suspicion continues almost to the end of the decade.
The EU similarly will be jolted in its relationships with China July to November 2025 with an aggravated tr Uranus square the composite Mars Saturn conjunction. Never a great connection at best it will be knocked off track and in a state of upheaval through 2026/27.
With Russia there will be undermining moments through 2025 with the power imbalance showing.
Iran, perhaps because on internal unrest, will not be providing its usual input of cheer.
With the USA 2026 looks the year of anxiety and tensions though nothing too dramatic.
The UK is facing a crunch point of its own with the 8th house Mars about to be detonated by Solar Arc Uranus over the coming few months. The 8th house rules international and business finances as well as deeper transformations. In the past when the UK Mars was under pressure it also accompanied significant disasters – train crashes, ferry sinkings, subway fires and the like. Uranus Mars tends to suggest a shock or an experience that feels like a collision.
Tr Uranus is also in a high tension square to the 11th house Saturn in Leo, which rules the legislature and local government as well as the country’s long term hopes, later this month till mid March 2025 for the final time. In one sense this will be a relief once it passes over since it finishes a four year bumpy patch of tr Uranus in hard aspect to the UK’s four Fixed planets. Though there will be continued pressure for change with tr Pluto trine the Uranus till 2025 year end. Luckily side by side tr Pluto will oppose the UK Jupiter for some moments of high confidence and cheer also throughout 2025.
Into mid 2026 tr Uranus will square the UK Pluto for another jolting change and upheaval – and by early 2027 tr Uranus will have cleared the UK’s 8th house so (cross fingers) the economic storms wrought by Uranus in Taurus and to a degree initiated by Pluto in Capricorn may settle thereafter.
Towards the end of the decade tr Neptune Saturn will move into the UK 7th house for a revisioning of close partnerships – some separating, others coming together with a common purpose. Tr Pluto moving into the UK 5th from 2029 starts a long phase of being creative and building a solid image.
The Bank of England, 27 July 1694 JC, is certainly flagging up problems through 2025 with tr Neptune in an uncertain square to the BoE Saturn through February but much worse tr Neptune and Saturn will oppose the BoE Mars in Libra and then square the financial Venus from April 2025 on and off till early 2027, which looks like major panics over the economy. It may pick up a smidgeon in 2026 and more so in 2027 with a resurgence of confidence from tr Pluto opposition the Pluto/Jupiter midpoint and after that the Jupiter. But there will be a downer before the improvement.
There could well be a reset of relations with the EU since that relationship chart has tr Uranus conjunct the composite Pluto from 2026 onwards, which could well (perhaps) bring improvements in trade.
The Keir Starmer Government, 5 July 2024, a Water heavy Cancerian/Pisces chart with a New Moon and Venus in Cancer and Saturn Neptune in Pisces will not find the transition into the new Air Fire era easy to negotiate. Plus the explosive, unpredictable and uncompromising Mars Uranus in the economic/financial 8th house always did bode trouble on the housekeeping side. Neptune conjunct the shipwrecking Scheat and the South Node conjunct the mischief-making and can-be-unlucky Vindemiatrix won’t help.
Starmer’s personal chart has a confused and devastated Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Neptune exactly now with an undermining SA Sun conjunct Neptune following in 2025. Then his Solar Arc Mars is conjunct his Sun and Pluto which looks terminal on the career progress front through later 2025 into 2026. One way or another he is heading nowhere good.
ADD ON: In varying degrees the current Cabinet will be reacting badly to tr Saturn Neptune moving into Aries and tr Uranus moving into Gemini mid year – since most have key planets in early Cardinal and early Mutable which will be undermined and jolted over the next two/three years.
Starmer’s relationship chart with Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor with a yod of Pluto in last degree Virgo sextile Neptune Sun Venus in early Sagittarius inconjunct Mars will be pushed and pulled right through 2025 and 2026.
Ed Milliband with his 2 degree Capricorn Sun and 2 degree Saturn in Taurus in a none-too-stable opposition to Jupiter will find the next two years an uphill struggle and disappointing.
An elemental shift from Earth Water to Air Fire in 2025 and beyond will pose challenges for the USA’s stellium in Cancer. Cancer dislikes letting go, tends to airbrush the past, gets overly defensive when criticized, tends to be conservative and traditional in outlook and views detached Aquarius as a liberally-minded rebel and a threat to family togetherness.
In Sun sign astrology, Pluto into Aquarius will be moving through Cancer’s 8th house of economy and finances. Saturn Neptune in Aries through Cancer’s 10th house of direction in life and reputation. Uranus into Gemini through Cancer’s 12th house. A time of introspection with the hope of a significant emotional adjustment vis a vis priorities will be the hint of the planets and almost certainly ignored initially by Trump and co. Although this is a superficial astro-analysis it is backed up by economic problems flagging up in other charts
On the USA 4 July 1776 11am Philadelphia chart, having just emerged from the Pluto Return, two key influences stand out.
Firstly: the Solar Arc Saturn which was conjunct the USA Mars a few months back which brought a shock and a collision-like experience will move on to square the US Neptune exact in 9 months which will bring an uncertain mood and confusion of considerable proportions. Then the Solar Arc Sun will square the US Mars in 16 months and square the US Neptune into 2027. So an extended period of crisis and a gamechanger in terms of historical direction. When two key configurations in a chart collide by Solar Arc it is a time at the crossroads when events compel a change of direction.
Secondly: Neptune in Aries will square the USA financial Venus from July 2025 and by 2026 tr Saturn conjunct tr Neptune will square the Venus and Jupiter in Cancer; and tr Saturn will square the USA Sun. Neptune is usually undermining when it comes to finances so high hopes may be dented; more so by 2026 when downbeat Saturn joins in.
Jupiter moving into Cancer from July 2025 to June 2026 will offset certain problems, giving a mood lift at times. Though the Jupiter square Saturn seesaw will continue in operation until mid 2026 with its good news, bad news modus operandi.
Tr Uranus moving into Gemini after mid 2025 won’t reach the USA Uranus Return until 2027 which is when tr Pluto is opposition the Leo North Node – the latter may sound obscure but it is a sensitive trigger point for the USA’s ambitions to be seen as the world’s superpower.
The USA Federal Reserve chart, 16 November 1914 9am Washington, DC, will be rattled later this month to mid March 2025 with tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Sun. But it is tr Neptune Saturn moving into Aries and squaring the Saturn Pluto at one degree Cancer from May 2025 onwards, on and off into 2026 which will cause major concerns. Followed by a debilitating Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the Fed Res Sun in 2026 along with an insecure tr Uranus opposition the Fed Res Mars. An economically worrisome and challenging time.
The Supreme Court, 2 February 1790 New York, will catch a couple of lucky breaks (whatever that means) when tr Uranus squares the Mars Jupiter from April 2025 on and off until early 2026. Where it hits a fork in the road will be late 2026 with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the yod focal planet Venus. Into 2027 tr Pluto will oppose the Uranus for a major upheaval. The pressure for change will continue into the next decade with tr Uranus conjunct the Venus focal point at the same time as tr Pluto is conjunct the SCOTUS Sun and Pluto picking up in 2032 running to 2035. This will bring a deconstruction and hopefully a reconstruction though against huge resistance since the SCOTUS chart is very Fixed.
The 2025 Inauguration chart of January 20 with Sun Pluto in the 10th opposition Mars on the IC does suggest an over controlling administration and a discontented citizenry. The 6th house Moon will put an emphasis on health especially the health support systems with positive advances from Moon trine Jupiter and negative ones from Moon inconjunct Saturn. There is a publicity attracting Neptune trine Mars which sextiles onto a 1st house Uranus hinting at an unreasonable desire for personal freedom without moderation or common sense. Unpredictability will be the hallmark of the Trump Term Mark 11.
The administration will run into road blocks later in 2025 as the Solar Arc Sun closes the conjunction to Pluto to exact; and late in 2026 with an unpopular SA Saturn conjunct the Neptune.
The imponderable is Trump who has an astonishing capacity to absorb punishment and a lethal diet and keep marching on. He has one more tr Uranus square his Mars late April to mid May 2025 which can accompany shocks or health issues in the elderly. The previous one flagged up his near shooting. He is also awash with undermining, confused Neptune from his SA Neptune conjunct his Moon within months and then opposition his Sun throughout 2026.
Dorothy Parker, the original Queen of Mean, with acerbic one liners that went down in history, eventually ended up in Hollywood. A new biography which relates her later years shows her as a brilliant wit and wasted talent, as she never overcame her addiction to carousing and alcohol.
Behind the piercing wit she was sad, at times suicidal. But despite her best self-destructive efforts she lived to be 73. She was born 22 August 1893 at 9.50pm West End, New Jersey. Her mother died when she was four and she inherited a hated stepmother giving her a rebellious streak. Her convent school expelled her for announcing that “the Virgin Mary’s immaculate conception was likely a case of spontaneous combustion”. Her early career as a Vogue writer – “Brevity is the soul of lingerie, as the Petticoat said to the Chemise” saw her move smartly on to Vanity Fair as a savage theatre critic. Once in California she became politically engaged, helped establish the Hollywood Anti-Nazi League, and travelled to Spain to report on the civil war. Later the FBI put her under surveillance for suspected communist tendencies.
As her alcoholism took grip she ended up living in filth and eating raw bacon because she couldn’t be bothered to cook. Her second husband did his best to rescue her.
She had an extraordinary chart with a Sun Mars in Virgo in her performing 5th house, no doubt giving her the acerbic edge which brought her fame. Especially since that squared a Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune stellium in Gemini, which in turn was trine Venus and Saturn in Libra.
Her Uranus in Scorpio was in an outspoken square to her Mercury in Leo; and she had a yod of Uranus sextile a Capricorn Moon inconjunct Pluto Neptune.
That Neptune Pluto in Gemini did produce some singular talents but had a tendency to obsessiveness and was not entirely mentally stable.
Odd about living in filth, eating raw bacon with a Virgo Sun.
Add On: Her second marriage to actor/writer Alan Campbell, 21 February 1904, was tempestuous. She drank and he had a long-term affair with a married woman and was bi-sexual. They divorced in 1947, remarried in 1950, then separated in 1952, only reconcile in 1961 and collaborated on several unproduced projects until he died from a drug overdose in 1963.
She had her Sun/Moon midpoint conjunct her Uranus natally so was not really designed for stable, committed monogamy. But even so their relationship chart was a train wreck of sado-masochistic fury and resentment with a composite Mars Pluto opposition Saturn and a needs-space composite Sun opposition Uranus.
He was a Sun Pisces opposition her Virgo Sun Mars with his creative Venus conjunct her Midheaven so her successful career would be an attraction for him.
Dorothy Parker quotes.
“The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.”
“Time may be a great healer, but it’s a lousy beautician.”
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.”
“Creativity is a wild mind and a disciplined eye.”
“If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at the people He gives it to.”
“Never throw mud: you can miss the target, but your hands will remain dirty.”
“The only dependable law of life – everything is always worse than you thought it was going to be.”
“This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown with great force.”
If you wear a short enough skirt, the party will come to you.”
“I like to have a martini/Two at the very most/After three I’m under the table/After four I’m under my host.”
“A hangover is the wrath of grapes.”
“I’m not a writer with a drinking problem, I’m a drinker with a writing problem.”
Add On: Just an en passant. Kim Keon-hee, the wife of the now impeached South Korea leader, is described as a Lady Macbeth figure, described as a “rich, outspoken, childless woman.” It is thought his disastrous move to impose martial law was a means of protecting his wife from investigation and potential prosecution.
She was born 2 September 1972 and like Dorothy Parker has a Sun Mars conjunction in Virgo.
An inauspicious start to 2025 with a logjammed Mars opposition Pluto on January 3rd bringing high tensions in the days before will put a damper on New Year celebrations. Though nothing will stay the same for long in a fast-moving, ever-changing year.
Astro-details for the year ahead.
Pluto is now firmly into Aquarius, staying till 2043/44, with whatever social changes that will bring; with Mars making another aggravated opposition to Pluto in late April and a square in time for the September Lunar Eclipse.
The other outer planets are also on the move. Neptune moves into Aries on March 30th staying till October 2025, then retrogrades into Pisces for a final time until late January 2026.
In tandem Saturn moves into Aries on May 26 staying till early September 2025, then retrogrades into Pisces till mid February 2026. There will be one exact Neptune Saturn conjunction in the first half of August 2025 another late February 2026 into March 2026.
Saturn Neptune together are associated with the rights of the underdog – whether workers or women’s, as well as health issues, either epidemics or medical advances. It can be creative though also neurotic as over-active imaginations brew up conspiracies.
Jupiter moves out of Gemini into Cancer on June 10th for a year thereafter which may bring a hint of calm in particular to family and domestic affairs.
Uranus moves out of earthy Fixed Taurus into communicative, scattered Gemini on July 7th staying till early November 2025 then retrograding into Taurus until late April 2026. After which it proceeds through Gemini for seven years until 2032. Inventive ideas will fly, freethinking will be the name of the game. The mood will not always be realistic but hyper-alert.
In August the Saturn Neptune conjunction will sextile Uranus and then aspect Pluto exactly late August through September. September through early October 2025 will be the first Uranus trine Pluto. So that August/September phase will be one to watch for game-changing moments. Not necessarily tumultuous but indicative of the times. Uranus trine Pluto brings insights which allow for constructive transformation if handled well.
The Eclipses: The North Node retrogrades into Pisces in early January 2025 and stays there till July 2026.
Solar Eclipse on 29 March at 9 degrees Aries in 9 New North Saros Series. Bernadette Brady says it is a physically expressive series, can be accident-prone or violent but also positive if energy used constructively. Aspects are not upbeat but not overly stressed.
Lunar Eclipse March 14th at 24 degrees Virgo with a Sun Saturn opposition Moon in a Half Grand Sextile to Mars and Uranus looks downbeat and fractious.
Solar Eclipse on September 21 at 29 degrees Virgo in 9 New South Saros Series – which is described as worrisome about responsibilities with paperwork or health news about others. Said to have a sense of destiny about it. A Mars square Pluto dominates the chart with the New Moon opposition Neptune and Saturn trine Pluto and trine Uranus – so it carries the signature of the changing year.
Lunar Eclipse on September 7th at 15 degrees Pisces.
The year ends with Saturn Neptune back in Pisces and Uranus back in Taurus – albeit briefly – and encouraged by Jupiter in Cancer bringing a stabilizing trine to Saturn.
The changeover from materialistic, practical, nature/eco-focused Earth (Taurus/Capricorn) and overly emotional Water (Pisces) of recent times to enthusiastic, exuberant, not always realistic but rarely quiet Air Fire will be instructive to live through and should be more upbeat despite the uncertainties hanging around.
‘The gift that keeps on giving’ in the portly form of Prince Andrew must be delighting the anti-monarchy lobby with more revelations this time about a Chinese spy, once an invitee to an Andrew birthday party in recent years, now banned from entry to the UK as a security risk. He was evidently a close confident of the prince who was seeking investors in China. Letters and texts revealed in an inquiry showed the Chinese authorities regarded access to Windsor as a prize.
There is stupid and stupider. Was no one keeping the hapless Royal under check?
What is astrologically delightful is that relocating Andrew’s chart to Beijing puts his defiant, can-be-lawless Uranus (on the focal point of a yod) exactly conjunct his Midheaven and his Neptune exactly conjunct his Ascendant. With influential Pluto in the 10th and Jupiter in the financial 2nd.
Maybe – finally – it might just be the tap that brings the dominoes tumbling over. After Kazakhstan, a risible international golfing/trade envoy job, various financial horrors, Epstein and a refusal to budge from his 37 room abode despite an inability to pay for its upkeep – even his guardian angel must be ready to throw in the towel. King Charles with his 4th house Neptune will be less than enamoured about delivering the coup de grace that would see him knocked out of the frame for good. Though William is a different matter, of which more anon.
Andrew’s chart, 19 February 1960 3.38pm London, has his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his 4th house Neptune exactly now and tr Uranus opposition his 4th house Scorpio Moon on and off between June 2024 and April 2025 = family meltdown and major pressure to uproot and move, against heavy Scorpionic resistance. Plus his Progressed Mars is exactly conjunct his 8th house Mercury now for a financial and otherwise shock with accompanying arguments; and an undermining tr Neptune square his Solar Arc Midheaven throughout 2025 as well as in a financially disappointing and confidence-denting square to his Jupiter in February 2025. On from there his SA Neptune will bring uncertainty as it is conjunct his Saturn in Capricorn in late 2025/early 2026. As per usual he has a couple of Jupiterian lucky breaks boosting his confidence in 2025 so he may well attempt to bullsh** his way out of a tight corner at times.
King Charles’ relationship chart with his brother Andrew has a competitive Sun Mars hard aspect, similar to William and Harry.
But it is William and uncle Andrew’s relationship chart which is fascinating with a composite Sun on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Mars conjunction. And that is a pile up of bad feelings which has been under acute pressure through 2023/24 with tr Pluto square the composite Sun – and will explode out into the open with some vigour as tr Uranus moves into Gemini opposing the composite Saturn, conjunct the composite Ascendant from July 2025 and then in 2026 opposes the composite Neptune Mars. Oceans of separation.
ADD ON: The oddity was always Queen Elizabeth’s unshaken support for her errant second son. On the synastry his enthusiastic Mars Venus in Capricorn was conjunct her Ascendant and his Moon was on her Midheaven both of which suggest a significant connection. But his yod focal point disruptive Uranus was in her 7th house of close relationships, and his controlling Pluto fell in her 8th, so she’d be constantly pushed and pulled. His Moon was conjunct her Saturn which hints at her overly dutiful approach interfered with his nurturing which may have given her a guilty conscience. His Saturn fell in her 12th opposition her dedicated 6th house Pluto which is chained together though not altogether comfortable.
What I have always struggled with is their relationship chart with a composite Sun opposition Neptune Moon – illusion, delusion and fantasy. A relationship guaranteed to bring disappointment when reality seeped in – though by all accounts Queen Elizabeth never really faced up to the calamity that was Andrew.
Selena Gomez, singer, actress and businesswoman, is on a roll with two Golden Globe nominations this week for the operatic musical Emilia Pérez and the other for TV’s Only Murders in the Building. This year she also joined the billionaire celebrity rich list, amassing a $1.3bn (£1bn) fortune, mainly from her Rare Beauty make-up company. And has just announced her engagement to record producer Benny Blanco, which happy news she shared with her 423 million Instagram followers.
Not a lady who doers anything by halves. She started life as a child actress on Barney and Disney Channel and had an on off relationship previously with Justin Bieber.
Born 22 July 1992 7.19am (?) Grand Prairie, Texas, she has a creative 12th house Cancer Sun square an Aries Moon conjunct her Midheaven from the 9th; with a charming, Venus Mercury in Leo on her Ascendant. She also has an ambitious and determined Mars in Taurus in her 10th conjunct Algol opposition Pluto in her 4th with her Pluto square Saturn in Aquarius opposition Mercury.
It is an enormously strong chart, enduring, stubborn, not too flexible but giving her the strength to carry the burden of such extreme levels of wealth and fame. Plus she has the generational Uranus Neptune conjunction in Capricorn trine her Jupiter in Virgo – inspired and lucky.
Benny Blanco, 8 March 1988, who is a Sun Pisces with the triple conjunction in Capricorn plus Mars, making him highly strung, marginally chaotic; with an emotionally intense and possessive Moon Pluto in Scorpio. His charming Venus Jupiter in Taurus sit on her midheaven (birth time being accurate) for a looks-good and will be career-helpful connection. Though it won’t all be easy emotionally.