Australia – a boomerang of a plot



An Australian political coup that backfired has seen a new prime minister take over, the sixth in 11 years. Malcolm Turnbull was forced out and his closest ally Scott Morrison, an evangelical Christian, more socially conservative, an enforcer on immigration and less popular than Turnbull, has been put in his place. Not quite what the conspirators and plotters had in mind.

Turnbull was ousted when tr Pluto was exactly square his Term Uranus and MC, 15 September 2015 1.35pm, which seems pretty much on cue.

Morrison was sworn in at 6.15pm (I think, any more info gratefully received) which puts a deceptively soft Neptune on the Pisces Ascendant. There is a solidly sensible, good-for-commerce Earth Grand Trine of a Virgo Sun trine a well-organised 10th house Saturn in an innovative trine to Uranus – so it might produce results. Though the Neptune trine Jupiter might suggest over optimism. The 11th house of the legislature looks fairly brutal with Pluto and Mars both there, so it won’t all be sweetness and light. Plus the explosive, disruptive Mars opposition Node square Uranus is still in place.

Morrison, 13 May 1968, is a Sun Taurus  opposition Neptune in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo – so not short of confidence, obstinacy or sticking power. Well handled such a Jupiter can have social impact, but tends to be intolerant even bigoted. He’s also got a Yod with an apex focal point Saturn in hard-edged, none-too-sympathetic Aries and North Node inconjunct Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune. This requires real maturity for it not to backfire – and is under pressure for the rest of this year with tr Pluto square Saturn for a really tough slog. With the Yod up to its usual trick of producing a fated change of direction through unusual circumstances.

Australia is still muddling through a longish phase of tr Neptune in the 11th, the house of the legislature, square the Pluto opposition Uranus square Mars T Square till late 2019, but it hasn’t affected the economy which is robust. And with Jupiter through the 8th for the next year business should be fine. Though there will be a setback in six months’ time from Solar Arc Mars conjunct the 9th house Sun, which could be connected to foreign relations, travel or even education.

Time of 1.35 pm being sound, tr Uranus will conjunct the Aries Ascendant twice more later this year and into early 2019, which does suggest a re-imaging of the country with a more independent thrust in years to come.

2 thoughts on “Australia – a boomerang of a plot

  1. If you had seen the video where he tells boat refugees they are unwanted, to stay away from Australia and they can never live on Australian soil, they will live off shore (this is women, men and children) You will get the measure of this man. We know Australia has an issue with what they call the boat people, but no need to be so inhumane in your communication with them. New Zealand has asked for 150 refugees to be sent to NZ from detention centres off shore…Australia refuses to send them after being asked to for six years now.

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