Australia 2016 – into a trough and out the other side

The Australia 1901 chart has Sun and Saturn in Capricorn which have survived the pounding of the past few years of tr Uranus square tr Pluto.

However with seven planets in Mutable signs – 4 Sag, 2 Gem, 1 Virgo – the year ahead will hold problems of a different sort with tr Neptune square the financial 8th house Venus and opposition the 5th house (speculation) Mars. Plus tr Saturn conjunct Venus, Uranus, square Mars and opposition Pluto in 2016; dragging into 2017 with the conjunction to the AU Jupiter, Mercury and by opposing Neptune.

The Eclipses are also targeting those Mutable planets with the September Virgo Eclipse the trickiest as it is conjunct the AU Mars.

So worrisome, deflating, enthusiasm-denting, with perhaps more aggravating factors than usual with the Eclipse on Mars which is angry and can also be disasters of one sort or another. There’ll be a considerable jolt from Solar Arc Uranus square Sun, exact in six months time. Following that there’s an accident-prone/military? Solar Arc Mars conjunct Saturn, exact in late 2016, which will produce heated outbursts.

There will be some moments of sunshine with tr Uranus conjunct the Solar Arc Jupiter from late April 2016, again in November and early 2017; with better news as tr Uranus trines the AU Jupiter in 2017.

So a definite dip with several reality checks, but light at the end of the tunnel come 2017.

The Bank of Australia, 14 Jan 1960, has three planets in Sagittarius so it will feel the discouraging effects of tr Saturn conjunctions in 2016/2017; with an upheaval or two from tr Uranus squares the BoA Capricorn Sun in 2016. But again better luck coming by 2018.

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