The jungle drums are beating more loudly over worrisome levels of global government and corporate debt with the money wonks cautioning that America now owes more money than the value of its economy.
Quite what John Maynard Keynes would have made of it, the English economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments, isn’t clear. But his ideas were a guiding light from the Great Depression to the mid 1970s, and came back into favour in 2008 with the financial crash. So his spirit will be hanging over policy discussions.
Keynes was born 5 June 1883 9.45 am Cambridge, England, and he had an extraordinary chart with seven planets in his career 10th – stretching from Venus Neptune in Taurus close to his Midheaven, Saturn Pluto conjunct in early Gemini and a New Moon and Mercury conjunct in mid Gemini. He had Mars in earthy Taurus in his communicative, far-travelled 9th house sextile Jupiter. And an inventive Uranus on the cusp of his 2nd house of finances trine Neptune Venus and Midheaven.
His 17th harmonic = leaving-a-legacy-for-history is exceptionally noteworthy with an Air Grand trine of Sun trine Venus trine Pluto; formed into two Kites by Pluto opposition Neptune and Sun opposition Uranus.
With tr Uranus approaching the conjunction to the Pluto Saturn in Gemini on his chart from mid 2025 into 2026 it might seem likely that his ideas in handling crises periods (indicated by his hardship, deprived Saturn Pluto) might come to the forefront.
Oddly enough his Gemini Sun is mirrored in the chart of Adam Smith, the 18th century pioneer in the field of political economy seen by some as “The Father of Economics” or “The Father of Capitalism. Born 5 June 1723 JC in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, he had a Gemini Sun opposition Saturn with Neptune and Venus in Taurus like Keynes in his case trine Pluto. With an excitable, outspoken Uranus opposition Mars square Mercury.
Theoretical economics is absolutely not my subject. Comments welcome from those more knowledgeable.
ADD ON: Keynes’ romantic life initially was homosexual with a string of sometimes concurrent lovers. The artist Duncan Grant was the love of his life for seven years up to 1915. Then he started to gravitate towards women, falling in love in 1921 with Lydia Lopokova, one of the stars of Sergei Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes. In the early years of his courtship, he maintained an affair with a younger man in tandem with Lopokova, but eventually chose Lopokova exclusively. They were married in 1925, with Keynes’s former lover Duncan Grant as best man in what proved to be a stable, happy union until Keynes’ death in 1946.
With such a heavily populated 10th house Keynes’ relationship with his mother would have been a profound influence on him. His biographer remarked that her children “never outgrew home”. Keynes’ also had a New Moon which tends to give a tendency towards self-sufficiency and that squares Uranus so he would be wary of intimacy and close committed relationships.
His relationship with Lydia, whose birthdate varies between 21 October 1891 and 1892 started when tr Uranus had moved into his 7th house altering his approach to close relationships. Neither of those years for her birth indicate a startling connection.
His relationship life is a mystery since even his liaison with Duncan Grant was not obviously a soulmate match.