Morocco Quake – all the astro-signposts in place ++ King Mohammed

A powerful 6.8 earthquake in central Morocco has killed more than 2,000 people. It caused major disruption in Marrakesh and many of the deaths were said to be in hard-to-reach mountain areas. The quake struck just after 23:00 local time 8 September 2023.

  The recent Lunar Eclipse of May 2023 has Mars in Cancer conjunct the Midheaven set for Marrakech square Jupiter on the Descendant. Planets on the angles mark a location out as a potential crisis region.  The April 2023 Solar Eclipse has Neptune close to the Ascendant.

 The two upcoming Eclipses in this coming October both look critical as well with Saturn conjunct Midheaven on the Lunar and the Eclipsed New Moon exactly conjunct the Descendant on the other.

 The Morocco country chart, 28 May 1956 11am Rabat, Morocco, moved into a period of considerable turmoil and disruption this year and on for two years ahead. Exactly now tr Pluto is square the Solar Arc Neptune which is the classic earthquake/natural disaster indicator for devastation, confusion and chaotic conditions. That influences comes back again later in the year which doesn’t mean a repeat, just that the mayhem will run on.

  Tr Uranus is also exactly square the Morocco Jupiter which is itself could be a lucky influence but since the Jupiter is conjunct Pluto opposition Mars and square Saturn it has the effect of tr Uranus in an upending square to Pluto, and a ‘shocking’ accident prone square to Mars and a high-tension opposition to Saturn – and that Uranian roller coaster runs on into 2025. Plus tr Saturn square the Gemini Sun this year and a destabilizing tr Pluto opposition the Uranus last year and this year – not so much a perfect storm as challenging phase of turbulence and tumult.     

Add On: The  Royal Palace has remained mostly silent in the early days of the crisis with little sign of government-promised rescue teams initially and offers of international help being only selectively accepted. The worst-hit provinces are among the poorest in Morocco, with some lacking electricity or running water, even in better times. An American academic commentator said: “The reality is that the moment you step out of Marrakesh, the people are essentially living as if they are back in the Middle Ages because of the absence of the state.”

 King Mohammed, 21 August 1963 who acceded to the throne on 23 July 1999, is the richest king in Africa and the fifth wealthiest monarch in the world with an estimated fortune of many billions. In 2020, he purchased an €80 million mansion in Paris from the Saudi royal family.

   His Accession chart has tr Pluto opposition the zero degree Leo Sun this year and next, so this starts the most challenging phase of his rulership though he doesn’t seem to be rising to the test. His rulership chart is exceedingly Fixed with Sun Mercury in Leo opposition Neptune square Jupiter in Taurus opposition Mars in Scorpio – acquisitive, indulgent, unrealistic, scandal-prone, unbudgeable. Plus Uranus in Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus and a Leo North Node = autocratic. Mohammed did shift marginally after the Arab Spring in 2011 to reform the constitution but he still retains complete control over the armed forces and the judiciary,  retains the authority to appoint and dismiss prime ministers. Criticizing or directly opposing the king is still punishable with prison.

  His way ahead looks troubled with a devastating 2025, indeed now and 2024 as well, given that the Sun opposes Neptune so they will both be triggered by this quake and what comes next.

 His own chart with a flashy Sun Venus in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius with Neptune in Scorpio is equally stubborn and is also on a bumpy ride with tr Uranus hard aspects over the next two years; as well as tr Saturn opposition his Uranus Pluto. His Solar Arc Saturn is tugging on his opportunistic Mars opposition Uranus since 2021 through till 2025 – for a discouraging, accident-prone and enthusiasm-denting run.

   His ‘caring’ North Node in Cancer needs a serious prod.

Elton John & Bernie Taupin – magical North Nodes

Songwriter Bernie Taupin is the other half of Elton John’s super-stardom and between them they have sold more than 300 million records worldwide and collaborated on more than 30 albums to date. They met in their late teens and have not been apart musically for long since. “We were joined at the hip. It was me and him against the world,” Taupin says. “We were both incredibly shy introverts: two separate pieces that, joined together, made a whole.” Elton said of him “He was the glue that held me together.”

  What is fascinating astrologically is that Bernie, 22 May 1950, has his Gemini Sun conjunct Elton’s North Node and Elton, 25 March 1947 3.28pm, has his Aries Sun conjunct Bernie’s North Node. So two Sun North Node crossovers that brought them together by chance and they have not looked back since.

 Bernie lives with his wife and two children in California and describes Elton as “his spiritual boyfriend.”

  Their relationship chart has an entrepreneurial, inspirational Fire Grand Trine and Jupiter on the focal point of a composite T Square. A recipe for togetherness in creativity, spirit and success.

  Bernie Taupin’s memoir is out this coming week.

I just love astrology when it works so well.

Joe Jonas & Sophie Turner – Anatomy of a Marriage

Singer Joe Jonas and Game of Thrones actress Sophie Turner are to divorce after four years of marriage and two children. There are reports she felt trapped having been tied down so young and he was left to look after the children when on tour. Marriage breakdowns are always a tragedy especially with children involved but it is instructive to survey the astrological compatibility and ask why the inevitable wasn’t obvious from the start.

  Joe Jonas born 15 August 1989 9.58 am Casa Grande, Arizona, has a friendly 11th house Leo Sun conjunct his South Node with his Aquarius North Node in his 5th house of children and entertainment. He has a pronounced Pluto in Scorpio conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint which is the marriage significator as well as square his 4th house Moon and on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Mars in Virgo trine Saturn Neptune in Capricorn. Possessiveness and control will be issues for him to overcome especially in close and family relationships.

  Sophie Turner, 21 February 1996 8.10 am (time may be iffy) Northampton, England, has a 12th house Sun Mars in Pisces square an 8th house Pluto which will make her feel trapped no matter where she is until she comes to terms with her psychological makeup (whether birth time is right or not). She also has her North Node in Libra in her 7th so forging cooperative one-to-one relationships will be one of her challenges through life.  Her Aries Moon is trine Pluto and sextile Uranus – she’ll veer between wanting closeness and wanting freedom.

  Their relationship chart has a dominant composite Sun opposition Pluto Mercury with Pluto square Saturn – it would be a chained-together relationship, which possibly felt ‘meant’ at the start but Pluto always brings control and possessiveness issues to the fore. And makes splits usually a long, difficult process.

  Their first wedding in Las Vegas, 1 May 2019, had a needs-space, disruptive Sun Uranus; a bleak Saturn Pluto; and an adventurous but unrealistic Mars opposition Jupiter square Neptune.

  Lessons to learn for both of them and maybe his 4th house Moon might make him a supportive father.

Venice outraged – Kanye’s stunt backfires ++mother + Hollywood

Kanye West behaving badly again, what a surprise. But this time he seems to have outdone himself on a canal boat in Venice photographed with his trousers down and ‘in a state of intimacy’ with his partner Bianca Censori. A Venice police source said: ‘The offence being investigated is acts contrary to public decency – any breaches are severely punished.’

  West, 8 June 1977 maybe 8.45am Atlanta, Georgia is a super-ambitious and overly confident Sun Jupiter in Gemini opposition Neptune square a Pisces Moon, and trine Pluto. He has an earthy, ramped-up Venus Mars in Taurus. His Pisces Moon is also under enormous pressure from the Sun Jupiter opposition Neptune and even more so being on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Saturn sextile Pluto. This will make him emotionally disorganized and – in Pisces – super-sensitive to a degree he almost certainly can’t handle.

  His current beaux has a questionable birthdate – maybe 5 January 1995 Melbourne, Australia,  and, if accurate, is a highly-strung Sun, Neptune, Uranus, Mercury spread out through Capricorn. She has Saturn (maybe Moon) in Pisces opposition Mars square Jupiter which has a suggestion if the birth date is accurate of using Jupiter to cover over feelings of being treated unfairly/unkindly. Plus she has a seductive Venus Pluto in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter which will make her push through social niceties to get what she wants. 

  His North Node is in Libra so developing healthy relationships is his challenge. She has her North Node in Scorpio.

  There’s nothing much to suggest an affinity between them – except in their relationship chart there is a publicity-attracting Mars, Neptune, Sun T Square. And even more significantly the composite Pluto conjunct the North Node –  from previous post = “Pluto conjunct North Node can be opportunistic and get onto  bandwagons though it can backfire – getting a tiger by the tail – with the result that affairs of life can get out of hand.”  Just so.

Add On: His mother, a Professor of English at Chicago University, Donda Williams, 12 July 1949, was a Sun Cancer opposition Jupiter which fell across his Ascendant and 7th house (his birth time being accurate) so would be a supportive relationship. She died on 10 November 2007 when tr Uranus was exactly square his Neptune opposition Jupiter and rattling his Mutable Moon T Square with tr Saturn in early Virgo approaching the same aspect from the other side. So that whole high-tension, disruptive tr Uranus opposition tr Saturn on 2007/2008 would seriously jangle the core of his personality and his area of greatest sensitivity. Her Aries  North Node was conjunct his South Node almost exactly which hints at a powerful though conflicted connection.

  Relocating his chart to Hollywood will depend on his birth timing being sound. If so, then it puts his over-confident Jupiter Sun exactly on the Ascendant so it will boost his already over-pumped ego.  Plus Moon in the 10th for a public, attention-generating career; and Pluto in the performing and attention-demanding 5th for making his mark. It will hype up his self-regard to clearly unsafe levels.

  Hollywood, 1 February 1887, has its Aquarius Sun exactly opposition his Saturn in wannabe-important Leo which may also send him over the top in an attempt to prove himself. The Hollywood Jupiter also opposes his Venus Mars Chiron in Taurus which will wind up his excitability and sensuality.

 Most intriguingly his Sun is closely conjunct the Hollywood Chiron – perhaps with the result that he becomes the poster boy if you like for Hollywood’s wound. A salutary warning of where uncontained narcissism and the acquisition of staggering levels of wealth leads.

Pope Francis – praising autocratic empire builders

Pope Francis creeping towards 90 has been raising alarm with his adulation for ‘great Mother Russia’ and its imperial past which Ukrainians pointed out was at the heart of the Kremlin’s invasion of their country. On a visit to Mongolia he has now added Genghis Kahn to his much-to-be-admired list of empire builders because of his tolerance for different religions. The Pope skipped over the estimated 40 million deaths caused by Genghis Khan on his 13th Century territory-grabbing rampage across China and Iran.  He also evidently avoids meets with Dalai Lama for fear of upsetting China. His leaning towards autocratic regimes sits awkwardly with his progressive reputation.   

  He’s now embroiled in a bitter argument in Spain as part of his campaign to lessen the autonomy of Opus Dei within the Church. Taken in isolation from his embrace-a-tyrant leanings it might be thought no bad thing to squash the secretive Catholic Opus Dei (which appears to have an outsize influence on US politics.) But it may also tap back into his Jesuit training since the Jesuits historically have fought a turf war with Opus Dei.

  Pondering on how to put this jigsaw together astrologically – what my eye caught on the Pope’s birth chart, 17 December 1936 9pm Buenos Aires, Argentina, was his Sagittarius Sun conjunct North Node quincunx Pluto in his 1st house. Sagittarius is open-minded, philosophical, a thinker.  Conjunct NN gives him leadership abilities.  Neither of which sit easily with his controlling Pluto – it is one or the other, as he swings from Sagittarian enthusiasm and optimism to a Plutonic reverence for absolute power and control.  For previous post on quincunxes see August 22 2023.

 Ignatius Loyola, one of the founders of the Jesuit Order, 23 October 1491 OS was no slouch in the dominate and keep-a-grip department either with a Scorpio Sun Pluto conjunct in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius.

  When Francis became a Jesuit in 1958 tr Saturn was exactly conjunct his Sagittarius Sun.

  It’s a stretch but I wonder if his advancing years and declining mental grip might be reverting him to his old Jesuit roots. For previous Pope Francis post on influences – see 30 March 2023.

  Opus Dei founded 2 October 1928, Madrid, has a defiant Libra Sun opposition Uranus; with an indulgent, acquisitive Jupiter in Taurus which is quincunx Sun and opposition Venus Mercury in Scorpio. It is heading into a rough few years with a panicky-failure tr Neptune square Mars in 2024/25; a jangled and jolted tr Uranus square Neptune in 2025 and a car-crash collision of sorts in 2026 with SA Mars conjunct the Sun.

The Flying Kangaroo caught on the hop

Qantas, Australia’s national airline carrier, is stumbling through a series of reputation-damaging scandals including selling tickets for cancelled flight which could incur fines running to hundreds of millions of dollars. The CEO since 2008, Allan Joyce has brought his retirement forward and bowed out.

 Qantas was founded 16 November 1920 with a robust Scorpio Sun Mercury on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine of Mars in Capricorn trine Saturn (Jupiter) in Virgo; with an innovative Pluto trine Uranus trine Scorpio North Node.

  Tr Uranus is now exactly opposition the Qantas Sun Mercury running off and on into 2024 for forced change; with tr Neptune in an undermining square to the popularity/financial Venus now and into next year. The Solar Arc Mars is moving to conjunct the South Node in 2024 which will produce vehement, probably unproductive arguments. Along with SA Saturn opposition Pluto which suggests hard times. Tr Uranus moving to square the Uranus by 2025 will continue the roller coaster run of radical alterations in direction and running.

Allan Joyce, one of Australia’s most prominent business executives, had been praised by investors for overhauling the airline’s balance sheet, reducing costs and saving the airline from collapse during the pandemic. But has recently attracted criticism for damaging the airline’s reputation for excellent customer service. ‘The term “Joyced” entered the Australian lexicon last year to describe being left stranded at an airport.’

  What is interesting about him, 20 June 1966, is he is a Sun Jupiter in Cancer which is conjunct the Qantas Pluto – a ‘Miracle Grow’ connection on steroids. Their relationship chart has that super-whammy Jupiter Pluto conjunction tine Mars and trine Uranus. In his time he was the perfect choice and had hoped to bow out on a high after the “Flying Kangaroo” reported a record annual profit last month. But he does have Neptune conjunct his South Node in Scorpio which sits close to the Qantas Sun so maybe it was never going to end well.

In itself not an earth-shattering event – but the astrology fits.

Nodes – finding balance on the tightrope of life ++ Moon

The North and South Node as drivers of a core element of the lifetime’s journey can be helped and/or hindered by planets in hard aspect – conjunct or square.

  Understanding the nature – and spectrum of meanings – for the planet involved as well as the sign and house placing of the Nodes gets complicated. But worth pursuing.

  You don’t have to believe in reincarnation (which I don’t) but it is a useful way of explaining the ways in which the South Node in particular can operate. Planets on the South Node suggest past tendencies to be e.g. overly aggressive with Mars conjunct SN and thus on the receiving end this time round.

  The Saturn conjunct the South Node – Howard Sasportas mentions an individual with this who was permeated by fear, everything was a challenge and overly difficult. She was dragged back into negative Saturn (for reincarnationers she was getting karmic payback for an overly Saturnine past life of being emotionally cold, critical etc). Now she needed to get away from her overdose of Saturn and whatever sign the South Node was in and reach away from it. Tracy Marks says planets on SN need to be reworked and brought into consciousness, reassessed and then let go. Not be owned by the South Node and in this case Saturn.

 Sakoian & Acker who are hooked on the notion that the Nodes tune us in or not to social trends point out that Saturn conjunct the South Node while out of step with society and isolated, can do well in obscure areas.

  North Node conjunct Saturn needs to work on the positive sides of Saturn – discipline, patience, caution and realism.

  Planets in square can be more problematic since there is a more evident swing between the Nodes – too much of one and then too much of the other. Finding the balance is vital with this aspect.

  Pluto conjunct the South Node indicates an individual who out of step with society and stands alone so it fosters self-reliance though they can be a victim of circumstances.

  Pluto conjunct North Node can be opportunistic and get onto  bandwagons though it can backfire – getting a tiger by the tail – with the result that affairs of life can get out of hand.

Neptune conjunct North Node – swept along by social trends, going with the crowd.

Neptune conjunct South Node – past life as alcoholic, pulled back into escapism, addiction, lack of discrimination/boundaries. Out of step with social trends, unpopular. Though individualistic. Watch out for deception. 

Sun conjunct North Node –  can be expansive, fit in with prevailing trends, though can be draining.  

Sun conjunct South Node – not in a leadership/attention-demanding situation this time round so thwarted by others.

Moon conjunct North Node – in tune with social trends and well designed for any activity in contact with the general public, popular, good with women in general.

Moon conjunct South Node – out of step with social trends so forced to be self-reliant. Emotionally self-sufficient.

Mercury – words are your ally on North Node, can be an intellectual leader or swept along by popular ideas.

Mercury on South Node you’re too much up in your head and need to stop analyzing and talking, get into your feelings and be realistic. Ideas out of step with society. Can be an original thinker though not listened to.

Venus conjunct North Node – friendly with a leaning towards frivolity. Need to develop creativity. In harmony with social trends.

Venus conjunct South Node – isolated, bad timing in romance, can have spiritual benefit.

Mars conjunct North Node – pro-active where social trends are concerned though a tendency to get swept up in mass passions. Empowering.

Mars conjunct South Node – re-enacting old patterns of being assertive/angry. Needing to pull away from past grievances and ingrained habit patterns. Bad timing and then lash out in frustration. Loners.

Jupiter conjunct North Node – popular, in harmony with the mood in society, take too much for granted,

Jupiter conjunct South Node – tendency to go overboard.  Bad timing. Values may clash with present trends. Problems in education and travel.

Squares – Jupiter square – overdo SN and then swing to overdo NN

Uranus conjunct North Node – allow self to be crazy, original, inventive. Attuned to changing times.  Over enthusiastic.

Uranus conjunct South Node – upset by social changes, life disrupted by outer events.

Uranus square Nodes – tension in resolving the polarity.

North Node on Ascendant – have to develop faith in self and develop Ascendant sign way of appearing in the world.

South Node on the Descendant – attract people who encourage South Node regressive tendencies.

North Node in the 7th – need the experience of relationship. Even if difficult.

North Node in 1st – forced into independence at an early age, can’t get people to care for you.

  A passing example from the alarming and bizarre tale of Ruby Franke, a ‘parenting’ influencer who has been arrested along with her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt on charges of  aggravated child abuse after two of her malnourished kids were found starved with open wounds and wrapped in duct tape. Her  YouTube channel had 2.2 million subscribers before it stopped in 2022.

 She was born 18 January 1982 with a Capricorn Sun conjunct her South Node square a bleak, uncaring Saturn Pluto – which kind of says it all.

  Jodi, 15 June 1960 – has his pushily confident Jupiter Pluto conjunct his South Node.

  Money, money, money.  

Both of them probably have their Chiron square their Moon.


Andy Murray – contemplating life after top tennis + Jamie, Dunblane shooting, hotel

Andy Murray, former tennis world No 1 and three times Grand Slam winner, may be facing the winding down of his international career. His defeat in the US Open recently prompted him to say he would step away if his play “gets worse”. He has struggled over recent years with hip problems.

   Born 15 May 1987 2.10pm, Glasgow, Scotland, he has a much-travelled 9th house Taurus Sun inconjunct a 4th house Sagittarius Moon Uranus and Saturn – not designed for a stay-at-home life. He also has an ambitious 10th house Mars in Gemini opposition his Moon Uranus, giving him a liking for thrills, excitement, risk and provoking excitable emotional reactions.  He also has a yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct his Midheaven and Mercury. Whatever comes next he’ll need to find a wide-ranging, constantly changing, varied career. He’s a real jitterbug.  He also has Venus Jupiter in Aries in his 8th – lucky financially, emotionally secretive.

  His Aries North Node falls in his 7th house of relationships so he’ll be constantly searching for a way to be independent within the context of a meaningful relationship.

  Tr Uranus is aiming to conjunct his Sun from June 2024 on and off into 2025 which is possibly when he will make the changeover. This year into early 2024 as well he has tr Saturn square his Midheaven which usually accompanies career setbacks which may be the decider. Plus tr Neptune square his Mars and Uranus which will induce a sense of failure until early March 2024.

  He’ll also have some upbeat patches late – this September to the end of October could see a confident run and he will have some luck mid October to mid November this year and April 2024.

  His Progressed Moon has another year moving through his 8th house which will find him swinging from one extreme to the other as he searches for a new direction emotionally as well as in other ways. From July 2024 as it moves into his 9th he’ll feel lighter and brighter, more secure in himself.

  July 2024 sees Jupiter moving across his 10th house until September 2025 which is usually successful.

By 2027 he will be ready for a complete change of direction with tr Uranus moving across his Midheaven and into his 10th for several years thereafter.

ADD ON: He and brother Jamie were present when Thomas Hamilton shot and killed 16 at their school on 13 March 1996 9.35am Dunblane, Scotland. At that point there was a transiting Mars, Sun, Saturn in Pisces with tr Saturn exactly square Andy’s Mars – so a considerable shock, unsurprisingly. Tr Mars was exactly square his Moon as well. His SA North Node opposition his 8th house Jupiter might suggest he felt lucky to emerge physically unscathed.

  His brother Jamie, 13 February 1986 2.01am Glasgow, has a friendly Sun, Jupiter, Venus in Aquarius in his chatty 3rd house; with a go-ahead Aries Moon in his sporting 5th house. He also has a tough Mars Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius in his 1st square his Mercury with his Mercury also trine a 12th house Pluto. He will hold strong opinion and not have had the easiest of childhoods.

  The tr Mars, Sun, Saturn were square his Uranus at the shooting.

  Andy and wife Kim Sears have done up a Dunblane Hotel in sumptuous style – nice piece with pics:

Mohammed Al Fayed – the very nearly man

Mohammed Al Fayed has died who almost became father-in-law to Princess Diana. Starting from lowly beginnings in Alexandria, Egypt he rose through unscrupulous tactics and persistence to amass a fortune, own Harrods and take on the trapping of a ‘classic English aristocrat’. He lived in fashionable houses, had helicopters, private planes, a Rolls-Royce. He sponsored the Royal Windsor Horse Show in order to be seen sitting next to the Queen. One obituary said of him he was “A foul-mouthed, misogynistic street bully when he wanted to be, he was also capable of extraordinary generosity, especially to children.”

  He cultivated Princess Diana after her divorce, invited her onto his yacht where his playboy son Dodi, fell into a relationship with her. It was hardly the love of her life but she might have tied the knot if only to get access to the luxury life that Papa Al Fayed was offering. After she and Dodi died being driven by a drunk driver in his employ he turned paranoid and accused Prince Philip of being behind an assassination plot.  

  Mohammed Al Fayed was an Aquarius Sun with an over-hopeful/scandal-prone Jupiter Chiron trine Neptune trine Saturn in late Sagittarius; with a hard-edged, short-fused Mars in Gemini opposition Saturn and an evasive Mercury opposition Neptune. His North Node was in Taurus which he lived out in lifelong wrangles over money; as well as his constant womanizing.

  His Sun was conjunct Diana’s 2nd house Jupiter so he would appeal to her extravagant tendencies and his Jupiter in Taurus fell in her 4th as he offered her the possibility of an indulgent and extravagant home. At that point she must have felt rootless and homeless. His controlling Pluto fell in her 8th so he would be manipulating her covertly.

 Dodi Al Fayed, 15 April 1955, was a Sun Mercury in Aries  opposition Neptune with a stubborn Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto.  His Sun also fell in Diana’s 4th – like his father giving her a sense of the possibility of a settled home life. Though his Neptune in her 10th square her Saturn would ultimately have proved a disaster as would his Mars in Gemini square her Mars Pluto in Virgo.

  What is curious is that Mohammed Al Fayed had similar traits to Prince Philip. Philip was a Sun Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Virgo with Venus in Taurus; where Mohammed had Mars in Gemini opposition Saturn and Jupiter in Taurus. Both had troubled childhoods and difficult beginnings though in different spheres.

 The Royals ever did have a leaning towards obscenely wealthy, often unsavoury types and remarkably bad judgement.  He did very nearly become step-grandpa to the heir to the throne and tried to bribe politicians to do his will.

  His Pluto was conjunct the UK 10th house Cancer Moon which refers to the ruling classes and he certainly made an attempt to wield influence way beyond his worth. In one way you have to admire his chutzpah while despairing of the establishment’s willingness to be bought.