War Crimes & Geneva Convention – go low, go high

Protecting the rights and lives of civilians is a basic tenet of the Geneva Convention. As Antony Blinken, US secretary of state, declared as a caution this week in Tel Aviv: “We democracies distinguish ourselves from terrorists by striving for a different standard, even when it’s difficult.”

 The Geneva Convention came into force on 21 October 1950, following from the earlier convention of 22 August 1864 and there have been various amendments since.

     The key directive is to distinguish between combatants and civilians and minimise harm to populations. Sites such as shops, hospitals, schools and places of worship are considered civilian installations where attacks either deliberate or as collateral damage would normally be prohibited. Attacks should be focused on militarily defeating armed opponents, rather than collective punishment of a wider group of people for casualties inflicted. Hostage-taking such as that carried out by Hamas is also a war crime. The use of civilians as human shields for combatants is forbidden. Even if a warring party is using civilian sites, its opponent still has a responsibility to minimise non-combatant casualties.

  The Geneva Convention’s 1977 additional protocols prohibit the use of starvation as a weapon of war. It is forbidden to “attack, destroy, remove or render useless . . . objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population”. These include “foodstuffs, agricultural areas . . . drinking water installations and supplies and irrigation works”.

White phosphorus bombs are internationally prohibited under the 1980 Geneva Convention, which explicitly forbids their use as incendiary weapons against both humans and the environment. Their use in civilian areas is considered a war crime. Human Rights Watch says there have been documented civilian deaths from the use of white phosphorus in war zones in countries and areas such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Gaza.

  When the Convention came into force in 1950 there was a Libra Sun and Venus Mercury Neptune also in Libra sitting midway between a brutal/ruthless Pluto trine Mars. The Sun is labouring under tr Pluto square exactly at the moment and the Venus Mercury Neptune are catching today’s Solar Eclipse for an emotional upset, disagreements and confusion – with more come next spring’s Aries Solar Eclipse in opposition. Tr Uranus is also square the Pluto mid this December to mid March 2024. Plus an uncertain, undermining tr Neptune opposition the Saturn this year into early 2024. So war crimes will be in the spotlight over the coming twelve months.

Will & Jada Smith – public duo, private split

The sham that was Will and Jada Smith’s marriage in finally unveiled as she admits they have lived separately since 2016 despite his heroic defence of her at the 2022 Oscars when he slapped presenter Chris Rock for making fun of her.

  Never believe a Hollywood smile when cameras are around.

  He was born 25 September 1969 9.47 pm New York, started out as a rapper before switching to movies which have festooned with awards and earned nearly $10 billion over the years.  His entertaining 5th house Libra Sun is conjunct Uranus giving him an original, quirky, inventive streak and a need for space. He has a Moon Neptune conjunction in Scorpio making him idealistic but unrealistic about women. It sits on one leg of a tricky yod sextile a super-confident Jupiter Pluto inconjunct Saturn in self-reliant Aries – he’s a curious jumble of arrogance and low self-esteem, pushy at times and dreamily uncertain at others.

  Jada was born 18 September 1971 12.38 pm New York and has a controlling and influential Sun Pluto in Virgo conjunct her Midheaven with Moon Mercury in Virgo in the late 9th house. She also has an Air Grand Trine of Uranus trine Saturn in Gemini in her 7th trine a stubborn Mars in Aquarius and North Node, formed into a Kite by Neptune Jupiter in Sagittarius on her Ascendant. She’ll be critical with so much Virgo and emotionally detached with so much Air. 

   Neither are easy personalities and she has Saturn on her Descendant so relationships were always going to require considerable effort from her.

  Both have Venus in Libra which will help  and her Venus is conjunct his Sun. But her Saturn squares his Mars which will be fractious and her Sun Pluto is conjunct his Uranus and Sun – so a push pull, over-control and then reject pattern.  Her Virgo Moon is conjunct his Jupiter.

  Their relationship chart has the composite Sun sandwiched between possessive Pluto on one side and needs-space Uranus on the other so it was never going to be easy to find a secure middle ground. There is also a composite Mars Neptune conjunction which is not good news since it points to an ego-conflict and not mutual support. One succeeds in career projects and the other feels diminished. Worse the Mars opposes Saturn which suggest one partner has to suppress their identity for the relationship to prosper.

 The wedding chart, 31 December 1997, has a downbeat Sun square Saturn; a tough-going Pluto trine Saturn, sextile Venus, Uranus, Mars – not an indication of seamless happiness ahead.  

   Not that it should matter what goes on behind closed doors but such is the price of fame to feed the public’s appetite for gossip. And to give astrologers a chance to dissect the celestial strands that bind together or tear apart.

The Beckhams – keeping up appearances

The phenomenon that is David and Victoria Beckham has been honoured with a four part Netflix documentary, not that they need any more publicity. He is a football legend and fashion icon married in 1997 to a former Spice Girl, now fashion designer. Their fortune is reckoned to be around £350 million. His OCD is highlighted as well as his affair which nearly broke their marriage in 2003.

  He was born 2 May 1975 6.17 am London and she 17 April 1974 10.07 am Herts, England (memory).

  What is immediately obvious is her Aries Sun conjunct his 12th house Chiron which suggests a deep connection either of healing or a coming together because of a recognition of the other’s woundedness. Otherwise her frivolously indulgent Venus Jupiter Midheaven conjunct his Mars will bring a spark of excitement and attraction. His Venus in social butterfly Gemini is conjunct her Mars (and Saturn) which is half OK and half not. It really is not an obvious match with her Sun opposition his Uranus and his Taurus Sun inconjunct her Neptune.

  It comes together more obviously in the relationship chart with a composite Venus, Mercury, Sun, Mars conjunction – affectionate, passionate quite competitive. There is a composite Saturn square Pluto which will chain them together not always comfortably  but will be difficult to split. The composite Saturn is in a stabilizing sextile to the composite Sun, Venus, Mars. The composite Pluto is inconjunct Mars, Sun, Venus and trine Moon – possessive, control issues and some aggravation.  A complicated relationship which will have its rough edges, more than most and will have gone through an exceedingly bumpy patch when tr Uranus was in early Taurus 2020/21 crossing their composite Sun etc.  Tr Pluto is also poised to put pressure on their togetherness as it squares Venus, Mercury, Sun and Mars from 2024 for a few years.

  Her Sun/Moon midpoint, the marriage significator, is square her Mars Saturn conjunction so she was always going to attract a fiery relationship that would involve hard work and require effort to keep it together.

 Their wedding chart, 4 July 1999 Dublin, had an over-the-top display of flamboyance which is not surprising given the Jupiter opposition Mars square Neptune opposition Mercury.  With an ego-centric yod of Pluto sextile Uranus inconjunct Sun.

  One thought on his OCD. He does have a Neptunian yod of Taurus Sun sextile Saturn inconjunct Neptune which may give him a yearning for an unrealisable perfection. Plus he has a ramped up T square of a super-confident Jupiter opposition Pluto square a rigidly organized Saturn. Liz Greene also marks Uranus down as a perfectionist planet which I had never considered – a dream of the ideal. His Uranus squares his Capricorn Moon. So maybe the chemistry is all there for an obsessive need for order.

    None of which matters a hoot except as a distraction from horrors elsewhere.

Taylor Swift – a steely determination to stay top

Elsewhere life goes on. Singer Taylor Swift described as a cultural juggernaut known for shattering records, is fresh off her billion-dollar, highest grossing concert tour of all time. Now a documentary film of the Eras concert tour is to be released worldwide which has pulled in $100 million in global movie ticket sales a week before release. Reviews are positive though audiences are treating it like a concert by screaming, singing and dancing from start to finish, with some teenage girls barely sitting down during the near three-hour runtime.

  Apropos of no connection whatsoever, Taylor Swift was born two years almost to the day after Hamas – and has the same Sagittarius Sun and Pluto and Mars in Scorpio. Pluto Mars especially in Scorpio in negative gear can be ruthless and destructive. In positive mode it gives a do-or-die-determination not to be distracted from driving ambitions. What is not generally recognized is the considerable weight of carrying a stratospheric career and worldwide public image. She may look as if butter wouldn’t melt but she needs to be super-strong to get to and stay at the top.

  She is also of the triple conjunction generation with her Mercury sitting amidst Uranus, Neptune, Saturn in Capricorn in opposition to (Moon) Jupiter in Cancer – highly-strung, chaotic with hints of genius, lucky. Her Jupiter is also in a confident trine to Pluto.

  At the moment her Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct her Sun, which can bring a blockage though in her case it may just be ramping up the pressure of success. Her SA Saturn is also conjunct her North Node in Aquarius which again might sound problematic but maybe just another indication of the magnitude of her situation. And she does have two helpful Jupiter midpoints this year attracting money and success.

  Her new found romance with NFL player Travis Kelce, 5 October 1989, may or may not be a useful PR hype. But it does seem a tight relationship. He is a go-ahead Sun Mars in Libra square the triple conjunction so every bit as scattered and changeable as she is.  His Sagittarius Moon chimes with her Sun and his Venus in Scorpio is conjunct her Mars for added zing and passion.

  Their relationship chart has a possessive composite Sun, Pluto, Mercury conjunction so will be intense; with an extra zest from Mars trine Jupiter and sextile Uranus, Neptune, Saturn. It looks a high-octane match.

Gaza – where do we go?

In the midst of the terrifying carnage and the moral quagmire of the Palestine problem there are some savage ironies. Today’s news carries the story of a Gazan, her home reduced to rubble, one of the 340,000 displaced. “Where should I go now?” she said. “I am homeless.”

  Yesterday Daniel Finkelstein in The Times wrote an equally anguished piece relating how after World War 11 displaced Jewish people equally had no place to go. His grandfather had previously argued against the Zionist project because he thought there were too many Jews in Europe to fit into such a tiny area and peace with Palestinian Arabs would be hard to come by. After the death and displacement of millions in the 1930s/40s, he became a pragmatic supporter of a state of Israel because it seemed the only answer to the question of – where do we go now?

Finkelstein writes: “I understand why the Palestinians did not want to share the land. But like my grandfather in 1947, I cannot see any choice but sharing. And while sharing is rejected by the Palestinians I cannot see any choice but to resist — stubbornly and absolutely and, when necessary, with force, even great force. For Israel must be defended. Where else are we to go?’

  Two irreconcilable tales of anguish. As James Cameron wrote: “a sick and sorrowful conflict, not between right and wrong, but between two forms of right and, maybe two forms of wrong.” (see previous post). Though the argument from an Arab point of view was and is that the Palestinians were not to blame for the Holocaust or displacement of the Jews. The Saudi king of the time thought the answer was simple – hand Germany over to  the Jewish people.

 In the here and now, two considered voices try to see a way ahead that might limit the damage. Both caution Israel not to fall into the trap set by Hamas’s atrocities by lashing back. William Hague writes that Hamas want to start a war ‘so intense that it spreads, igniting an explosion of violence in the West Bank and bringing in Hezbollah from Lebanon in the north, with Israel fighting on multiple fronts. To see so many Palestinians killed that the Israelis lose the moral high ground of defending themselves against mass murder.’ ‘Essentially, to bring down the ceiling on the whole region, including themselves and the people for whom they claim they are fighting.’

  Colonel Tim Collins echoes the point. To Hamas ‘civilian Palestinians are nothing more than human sandbags to be sacrificed at will. The group’s goal is not to defeat its enemy in traditional combat, but to ensure enough innocent Arab lives are taken, over a sufficiently long time, that the screams of protest from the international community become deafening.’

  He argues that Israel could strengthen its standing on the international stage by launching limited ground incursions at specific targets and “crucially, encouraging the Palestinian political party Fatah, which previously ran Gaza, to take back control from the terrorists of Hamas. Most Gazans are fed up with Hamas’s vicious paramilitaries, whose fanatical anti-Semitism and corruption have left the territory in a state of devastated economic neglect.” “The overthrow of Hamas by Fatah, backed by Israel, would be a step forward for democracy in Palestine – and would isolate the theocratic Iranian regime which has long bankrolled and armed Hamas.”

  Fatah, initially started on 10 December 1959 in Kuwait with Yasser Arafat as a co-founder, has in recent years been overshadowed by Hamas. Though they have retained control of the West Bank and the refugee camps. Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, is the chairman of Fatah and generally considered a lacklustre leader.

  Both his personal chart, 26 March 1935 and his Presidency chart, 15 January 2005, show signs of  major disruption and upheaval. He is a Sun Aries with Uranus in Aries opposition Mars in Libra (catching this week’s Solar Eclipse by close conjunction) and squaring onto Pluto.  Although a revolutionary by nature he is also overly controlling. He looks to be running into a dead-end soon with his Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Mars and tr Pluto is also square his Uranus in 2023/24 which will upset the status quo.

  His Presidency chart is confused and undermined exactly now with SA Sun conjunct the Neptune; with a SA Uranus square Pluto rocking the boat of his administration violently – maybe terminally so in political terms.

 The Fatah chart itself is hitting the jolting tr Uranus square Uranus this year and next, hinting at a need to revision for the future. The Solar Arc Jupiter opposition Uranus by 2025 could suggest a lucky turn of events.

  The Fatah/Hamas relationship chart has this week’s Eclipse conjunct the composite Uranus for a major shake-up. With serious arguments from mid 2024 onwards and an erosion of the ties-that-bind from 2025 onwards.

Chuck Feeney – a billionaire who did good ++ Chester Carlson

Chuck Feeney, the multi-billionaire who gave away the vast majority to charity, anonymously for the most part, and ended his days living in a rented flat in San Francisco, poses an intriguing astrological question.

  Born on 23 April 1931 a few weeks after Rupert Murdoch he shared several similar indicators on his chart of determined confidence and luck from Jupiter Pluto in Cancer, toughness from Pluto opposition Saturn and an innovative drive from a focal point Uranus. Plus a leadership Aries North Node. Both made a stash of money. But Murdoch used his trail-blazing influencer streak in a self-serving way while Feeney seemed almost completely self-less.

  What is all the more extraordinary was that Feeney was a Sun Taurus, normally an acquisitive sign and had Mars in Leo, again typically flamboyant and attention-seeking.

   His 9th harmonic which is not only good at attracting money but can also, when on positive track, be humanitarian was his strongest – with a charitable Sun Neptune in a wish-for-a-better-society opposition to Saturn square Mercury. Plus an inspirational Grand Trine.

 Warren Buffett, called him “my hero, and he should be everybody’s hero”. And Feeney said his generosity sprang from deep misgivings, bordering on guilt, about how much he had amassed and whether he deserved it. That may be the result of a Jesuit upbringing.

He made his fortune as a co-founder of Duty Free Shoppers Group, the travel retailer of luxury products based in Hong Kong. And gave away more than $8 billion in secret, choosing to be anonymous. He subscribed to Andrew Carnegie’s philanthropic strategy of providing “the ladders upon which the aspiring can rise”, such as universities and libraries.

  Many who were in receipt of his generosity never knew where the money came from. He was tolerant of others who preferred buying yachts but he said “think about giving it away while you are alive, because you’ll get a lot more satisfaction than if you wait until you’re dead.”

  He was initially sympathetic to the IRA cause, until the 1987 Enniskillen Remembrance Day bombing, which killed 11, which horrified him. “Maybe I was naive at that stage,” he said, “but I took the view that this is not the way Irish people react, by blowing up kids at commemoration events.” He subsequently gave money to both sides — Sinn Fein and the Ulster Defence Association — on condition they worked with President Clinton to broker peace. Feeney also gave $1 billion to Irish education.

A small ray of hope and decency in a rotten world as he dies aged 92.

ADD ON: Another wealthy philanthropist who wanted to die poor was Chester Carlson, 8 February 1906, who became rich from photocopiers using his patented invention. He gave away a good deal of his money to Zen Buddhism and Paranormal research before he died in 1968.

  He was a Sun Venus in Aquarius with Mercury also in scientific Aquarius opposition a ‘leadership’ North Node in Leo and a Leo Moon. His Sun Venus and NN were square a confident acquisitive Jupiter in Taurus and trine/sextile Pluto.  And he had a go-getting, pro-active Mars in Aries square Neptune opposition Uranus.  Last but not least he had a wish-for-a-better-society Saturn trine Neptune.

  His get-it-together 5th harmonic was notable linking Saturn to Neptune with a boost from Pluto. As was his spiritual 7H; legacy-leaving 17H and global renown 22h. What runs through several are Jupiter Neptune connections which can be charitable in inclination. Many were hard-edged and tough-minded, perhaps a reminder of his childhood with poor, sick parents where he became the principal breadwinner while still a teenager.

Benjamin Netanyahu – an eclipsed Moon, an epic crisis

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, is facing the crisis of his life after a catastrophic intelligence failure. With this week’s Solar Eclipse conjunct his Libra Moon he was always due an emotional upset of considerable proportions. Trump had a similar Eclipse to Moon conjunction in late 2020 when he lost the election.

  Not that Netanyahu will necessarily go since leaders tend to stay in times of conflict. But he will find the foundations on which he has built his life being severely tested. An Eclipsed Moon puts the individual’s public image under scrutiny and if found lacking the surrounding society will not hold back with criticism. Jansky remarks of such an aspect it forces the individual to “defend those things you hold most dear.”

 He was born 21 October 1949 10.15 am  Tel Aviv, and has a New Moon in Libra with an idealistic, can be evasive 10th house Neptune; an acquisitive 2nd house Jupiter in Capricorn and a ruthless, angry Pluto Mars in Leo in his 9th.

  He has been prime minister in three stretches since 1996 and was close to Trump during his term, when the USA recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and brokered the Abraham Accords, a series of normalization agreements between Israel and various Arab states. He has faced international criticism over his decades-long policy as prime minister of expanding Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, deemed illegal under international law. In 2019, he was indicted on charges of breach of trust, bribery and fraud, following a three year investigation.

  Apart from the Solar Eclipse colliding with his Moon he also has tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto midpoint exactly now which is high-risk, explosive, destructive and scary. It returns late April May/June 2024. The April 2024 Solar Eclipse in Aries will be exactly in opposition to his Moon which points to more emotional upsets in relationships and out in society.

  Across next summer looks extremely high tension and high risk with tr Uranus aiming to square his Mars from July which usually coincides with a shock bringing insecurity, a dent to self-esteem and an over reactive need to put on a display of bravado in response. And that runs into 2025 as well.

  His relationship with Israel which is controlling, tight and possessive will hit high stress by 2025 when tr Uranus squares the composite Mars and tr Uranus is square the composite Saturn. 2025 is when Israel’s Mars in late Leo is catching the tr Uranus square for an explosive/disruptive year or more.

  That is also the point where his relationship with Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) and Israel’s with Bin Salman as well hits peak aggravation with tr Uranus square the composite Mars.

(26 degrees Leo is beginning to look like a significant marker ahead – which uncomfortably tags into Trump’s chart as well.)

  The late 2024 and 2025 Lunar and Solar Eclipses in late Pisces/Virgo are also rattling up the Israel/Saudi chart – and the Israel/MBS and Netanyahu/MBS charts. 

  Even before then the Saudi/Israel relationship chart is nervy, disappointed, aggravated and changeable with fault lines being laid bare.

 Kim Ghattas remarks in the FT: “If Netanyahu thinks that – he can bomb Gaza and then return to normalisation talks with the Saudis without offering anything substantive to the Palestinians, he would be gravely misreading Riyadh.”

 Netanyahu’s government chart, 29 December 2022 4.30 pm never looked solid with a careless, unrealistic Neptune conjunct the Midheaven and an overly confident Sun square Jupiter. Plus an 8th house Pluto – similar to GW Bush’s First Term overseeing 9/11.  And a stressed Sun inconjunct Mars.

  He may or may not survive politically but there is an uneasy sense of the Middle East moving into a period of greater than usual turbulence over the coming few years.

Israel – the roots of ‘a sick and sorrowful conflict’ ++ pawns in the Power Game ++ echoes of Sabra Shatila Massacre

“The introduction of the Jewish State into the Arab heartland exalted many hearts and broke many more. More than anything in this century it was a triumph and a desolation. Full of high hopes it produced the most intractable conflict of our times.”   So wrote journalist and world affairs commentator James Cameron, in 1976. What follows comes from his excellent, dispassionate, lucid and brief book ‘The Making of Israel.’ The quotes are his.

Where it began.  Theodor Herzl a cultivated Viennese journalist outraged by the Dreyfus scandal when  a Jewish officer in the French army was framed on a treason charge lit a flame under the idea of a Promised Land where Jewish people could live free of persecution and hostility, funded by rich Jewish interests. Zionism was born with the First Zionist Congress held in Basel 29 August 1897.

   Chaim Weizmann, who later became the first President of Israel, joined. He was an eminent biochemist who gave great service to the British government during World War One. ‘It was he who extracted from the then British  Foreign Minister  through gratitude,  expediency, absent-mindedness, not one will ever know – the famous Balfour Declaration.’

 ‘It was ambiguous, elusive, provocative, but it was the springboard.’  To the Arabs it was an act of outright imperialism to wilfully dispose of the future of a territory to which Britain had had no rightful claim, without any consultation with the 92% non-Jewish part of the population. ‘To the British it was an afterthought, to Jewish people a green light.’

  During the British Palestine Mandate (1920 to 1948) the indigenous Arabs were constantly dispossessed from their land as the Jewish communities burgeoned. Conflicts grew and ‘Palestine becomes an arena of endless guerilla warfare.’ ‘The aspirations of the Jews and Arabs are irreconcilable.’

  Along comes World War 11 and the Holocaust. Jewish immigration is still strictly limited by the British to 1500 a month. In desperation illegal ships bring in more, including the Exodus carrying 4500 survivors of the death-camps, which the British Navy inexplicably rammed and returned to Germany on the orders of Ernest Bevin, the Labour Foreign Minister, whose dislike to the Jews was well known backed by the traditionally Arabist UK Foreign Office.

‘Almost every independent newspaper in the world  reported the Exodus with incredulous horror. Much of what happened in the Mandate must be considered against this dismal betrayal.’

  In Palestine sections of the Jewish community have decided violence is the only way to make a difference to their cause. The British Mandatory Authority are now exasperated. ‘No conceivable proposal that  suits the Arabs can possibly mollify the Jews.’ In 1947 the British government decides to toss Palestine back to the United Nations. The UN tries for partition which is turned down flat by the Arabs. ‘By now it is abundantly clear that no compromise any mortal man can devise is going to reconcile the Arabs to the legal existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East.’

  There are attacks and counter-attacks inside Israel, roads are blockaded and the massacre at Deir Yassin follows. Mass panic sends Palestinian refugees fleeing from their villages – 6000 from Tiberias, 40,000 from Haifa.

‘The stage is now ready for the culmination of the story, of a sick and sorrowful conflict, not between right and wrong, but between two forms of right and, maybe two forms of wrong.’

  In spring of 1948 there is no government and no mandate authority, the country was ‘a shifting mosaic of overlordships.’ ‘It is possible that there was no specific British intention to leave chaos behind them but is is sure that no particular effort was made to prevent it.’

  In the US the partition principle was accepted but with diminishing enthusiasm. The State and Defence department were against it because it could open the Middle East to Russian interference and jeopardise Arab oil. While President Harry Truman wanted to conciliate the domestic Jewish vote.

  As time wore on Harry Truman, like the British before him, became exasperated at being pounded by constant pressure from the Zionists. ‘The Jews are so emotional ,’ he wrote, ‘and the Arabs so difficult to talk with that it is impossible to get anything done.’

  Truman dithered, his underlings put out conflicting messages, until eventually a school friend introduced him to Weizmann and he decided that he would look foolish to abandon his earlier acceptance of partition.

  A week before the British mandate ended there was still no certainty of a dominantly Jewish state although many Arabs had fled by this time. Various Arab armies stood at the ready including a Jordanian one backed by the British aiming to capture the areas laid down in the Partition for the Arabs.  There was a massacre at Etzion killed 70 Jewish settlers in retaliation for Deir Yassin. Two days before the mandate ended another Arab attack on a medical convoy killed 77 Jewish doctors, nurses and helpers. The British refused to intervene pointing to Deir Yassin.

 At this point Jerusalem was under siege so the administration of the new country was moved to Tel Aviv.

  On the day itself the British moved out and the Jewish government, under David Ben Gurion, declared itself in charge.

‘And no one lived happily ever after.’

 What an unholy mess.  It all sounded so simple and celebratory Ben Gurion cutting the ribbon and announcing Israel open until you look at what was actually going on.

James Cameron’s epilogue from 1976

“Three times in the last quarter century I have personally seen the endless tensions of the Middle East build up their content of hate and fear until it burst across the Israel-Arab borders, in one direction or another, leaving its predictable residue of triumph and defeat and sorrow and recrimination and solving nothing. Each time the world knew uneasily that the next time would be worse, and it was.  Each times the wounds were deeper and the scars more brutal. Each time the world protested this could not go on, while perpetuating the factors that made it inevitable.

 By and by a new generation will grow up in the Middle East, both Arab and Israeli, which will reject the role of pawns in the Power Game, refuse the importunities and persuasions of the strong and cynical, and recognize, as many voiceless patriots already recognize, that what is done is done, and that both sides must make a future together, if there is to be one at all. Amen.”


The Sabra Chatila Camp massacre of 16 September 1982 happened after Israeli troops had invaded Lebanon in an effort to wipe out the Palestine Liberation Organisation. With the tacit support of the US, Sharon paid siege to Beirut for two months which was then embroiled in a civil war. Israeli troops sealed off the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila while right-wing Lebanese militiamen went on a killing spree, targeting unarmed civilians and killing anywhere between 500 and 3500 refugees and those living in the locality.

Kim Ghattas writes in the FT: “We are still living with the consequences of Sharon’s hubris and (USA) Haig’s wink, including the birth of an axis of resistance from Damascus to Tehran.”

  The chart for the Sabra Shatila Camp Massacres does echo with the present Solar Eclipse with Saturn on the exact 21 Libra degree conjunct Mercury and Pluto. The SA Mercury is exactly conjunct the Mars at the moment as is the SA Saturn conjunct the Uranus – stirring up old anger and grievances.

Historical charts:

 Theodor Herzl, 2 May 1860 1.30 am Budapest, was a very determined Sun Pluto in Taurus square a crusading Aquarius North Node and square Saturn in Leo.

Chaim Weizmann, 17 November 1874 Motol, Belarus (birthdate may be iffy) on this is a Sun Mercury in Scorpio opposition Pluto  with Saturn in Aquarius opposition Uranus.

The First Zionist Congress, 29 August 1897, Basel, has a Virgo Sun square Pluto and an idealistic Jupiter square Neptune with a crusading Aquarius Node and Saturn Uranus in Scorpio.

Nahum Sokolow, 10 January 1859, also instrumental in getting international support for a Jewish homeland, was a Sun Capricorn with Pluto in Taurus square Saturn in Leo and Uranus in Taurus square a crusading Aquarius North Node.

  What is notable is the proliferation of Fixed signs – obstinate to the nth degree and enduring.

 Arthur Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary, was a Sun, Jupiter, Venus in Leo  with an innovative, disruptive Uranus Pluto in Aries. His Mars in Leo falls close to the Israel Mars; and his Leo planets to the Israel Moon. When it came into existence in 1948 (he being long dead) tr Uranus was conjunct his Midheaven with Jupiter in his 4th. His declaration may have been incidental in his mind but proved to be the catalyst for what followed. On his astrocartography, birth time being sound, his Sun, Jupiter, Venus midheaven line runs through Israel.

The modern Middle East – a century old mess

The Middle East, known as the cradle of civilization, is the birthplace and spiritual centre of religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Manichaeism, Yezidi, Druze, Yarsan, and Mandeanism, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Manicheanism, and the Baháʼí Faith. Throughout its long history it has been a major center of world affairs, a melting pot economically, politically, culturally and militarily.

 In the 20th Century there was a significant shift with the collapse of the 600 year long Ottoman Empire.

Potted history to follow. I apologise for the length but it helps to lay it out in some detail.

At the end of World War One, the superpowers of the day – the British and French with the agreement of Russia – on the basis of a secret 1916 agreement (Sykes-Picot) – carved up the remnants of the defeated Ottoman (Turkish) Empire. Cartographers drew country borders “initially defined by imperial tastes and trade rather than logic”. Promises made to the Arabs who had helped T.E.Lawrence in defeating the Turks were broken.  

  In 1917 the then British Foreign Secretary issued what was known as the Balfour Declaration (2 November 1917). It stated that the British government “view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people” with the understanding that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.” The declaration had no force in international law being only an indication of support for the possibility, probably written in order to rally support during the war.

 After World War One the British took Palestine which was set up under a League of Nations mandate in 1920/23, along with Iraq and Jordan. With the rise of fascism in Europe there was an influx of Jewish immigrants into Palestine which led to violent resistance from the indigenous Arabs. The Arab Revolt for independence and against open-ended Jewish immigration (1936 – 1939) ended with the Arabs defeated and de-weaponised.

  Irgun, a Jewish terrorist organization, was active in the years after 1930 and ultimately was responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel, Jerusalem in 1946, the administrative HQ for the British Mandate authority, killing 91. The Jewish insurgency continued with a series of widespread guerrilla raids including one in which the Irgun took two British sergeants hostage as attempted leverage against the planned execution of three Irgun operatives. After the executions were carried out, the Irgun killed the two British soldiers, hanged their bodies from trees, and left a booby trap at the scene which injured a British soldier. The incident caused widespread outrage in the UK.  The British then withdrew from Palestine in haste leaving a shambles behind.

On April 9, 1948, just weeks before the creation of the State of Israel, members of the Israeli Irgun and Stern Gang militias attacked the village of Deir Yassin, killing at least 107 Palestinians. According to testimonies from the perpetrators and surviving victims, many of the people slaughtered – from those who were tied to trees and burned to death to those lined up against a wall and shot by submachine guns – were women, children and the elderly. As news of the atrocities spread, thousands fled their villages in fear. Eventually, some 700,000 Palestinians would flee or be forcibly displaced at the outset of Israel’s creation, making  the massacre a decisive moment in Palestinian history.

  “Depopulating Palestine was not a consequential war event, but a carefully planned strategy, authorised by [Israeli leader David] Ben-Gurion in March 1948,” historian Ilan Pappé wrote.

 The massacre unleashed a cycle of violence and counterviolence that has been the pattern since. One politician of the time Meir Ya’ari noted “how easily” Israel’s leaders spoke of how it was “possible and permissible to take women, children and old men and to fill the road with them because such is the imperative of strategy. And this we say . . . who remember who used this means against our people during the [Second World] War . . . I am appalled.” The order to expel Palestinians  “without attention to age” was signed by Yitzhak Rabin, a future prime minister promoted as a peacemaker.

  Israel was declared a state in 1948 with no agreement as to borders or the partition with the Palestinians. Europe reeling from the effects of World War 11 and with the USA heavily involved in setting up international organisations and the Marshall Plan paid little attention. In general there was sympathy for Israel and guilt over the Holocaust with little knowledge of the state of play on the ground.

  The 1948 Arab–Israeli War followed with soldiers from Egypt, Syria, Transjordan and Iraq entering Palestine. The later Six Day 1967 War and the Yom Kippur 1973 War kept the familiar Arab versus Israel violent narrative rolling.

 In 1982 in retaliation for attacks being launched by the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Israeli army in association with Lebanese right-wing militia killed between 2,000 and 3,500 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians in two days in the Sabra Shatila Camp massacre. Shatila was a Palestinian refugee camp, housing victims of the 1948 Nakba, or violent ethnic cleansing of Palestine. 

  The PLO formed for armed struggle had been responsible for the massacre of Jewish athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics and other atrocities.

 Ariel Sharon, the Israeli former army commander and then Minister of Defense  was held personally responsible for the Sabra Shatila Camp massacres and resigned. He had previous form for a similar massacre at  Qibya in 1953 when Israeli forces under his command massacred more than sixty-nine Palestinian villagers of whom two-thirds, were women and children. He later championed construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip; triggered the Second Intifada by visiting the Al-Aqsa complex on the Temple Mount; and was Israel’s prime minister from 2001 to 2006.

  The Middle East Mandate which handed Palestine to the British was signed on 25 April 1920 at 11.22am San Remo, Italy. Astrologer Michael Baigent argued it could be regarded as a chart for the 20th Century Middle East. Though it left various regions out.

  There is a high-risk, brutal Grand Trine of Pluto trine Uranus trine Mars in late Libra, formed into a Kite by an unstable and can-be-autocratic Uranus opposition Saturn. Not a chart that suggests peace and harmony. There is a 4 degree Taurus Sun which will be triggered by the Lunar Eclipse this month.

  When Israel was declared a state in 1948, the Solar Arc Uranus opposition Saturn had moved to have SA Uranus exactly conjunct the Midheaven and SA Saturn conjunct the IC; with SA Pluto conjunct the Moon.

  When the 1973 Yom Kippur War broke out on 6 October 1973 tr Saturn was conjunct the Pluto; with tr Pluto inconjunct the Uranus and inconjunct the Sun.

  It does seem to be a good chart for Palestine and what followed through I am not sure about the Middle East.

  To add a personal note – I read a good many books about the Holocaust in my late teens and was immensely moved and sympathetic. Like many, I was supportive of the idea of Israel as a Jewish homeland after so many centuries of persecution. Only after the Sabra Shatila Camp Massacre report came out did I start to stand back and research what had been going on. The December 2008 Israeli attack on Gaza appalled and outraged me.

  Pulling it together in a potted history poses huge ethical questions and makes it clear there are no good guys. Violence breeds violence. International policing should have been put in from square one but the west was otherwise distracted.

  There probably at this late stage is no solution. Not everything can be fixed.