Gary & Danielle – apart yet together



Former footballer and now sports broadcaster, Gary Lineker, divorced his wife, Danielle, after six years together because she wanted children and he didn’t want any more, having four already from a former marriage. She found a new beau, an LA lawyer, got pregnant, and has now moved back in with her ex to the former marital home when she’s in the UK. Couldn’t be more amicable.

Gary, 30 Nov 1960, is a Sun Sagittarius square Pluto; with Pluto trine Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn; and Saturn Venus opposition Mars – controlling, confident, hard-edged, short-tempered, not always sensitive with Venus opposition Mars. Danielle, 15 June 1979, is a Sun Gemini opposition Neptune, with a volatile and determined Mars in Taurus opposition Uranus.

Her Venus opposes his Sun; and his Venus is trine her Mars – so there would be a sparkle. But her Saturn is conjunct his Pluto; her Pluto square his Mars and Venus Saturn, which is a load of difficulty. It’s one of these can’t live with them, can’t live without them, lots of pluses and lots of minuses kind of relationship.

Their relationship chart is powerfully connected with a composite Venus opposition Pluto Sun square Mars – that’s a lot of passion, mixed up with anger and control issues. Venus is in an ethereal trine to Neptune; and the composite Mars is in a supportive trine to Jupiter. So much the same pattern of positive and negative.

They’ll drift further apart later this year and more so in 2018 on with tr Saturn square the composite Venus and Pluto and then tr Neptune opposes the composite Sun.

Some relationships are better as friendships. Getting into intimate personal space brings up a whole slew of different problems.

Christopher Wray – walking into the lion’s den



Christopher Wray has been overwhelmingly confirmed to be the next FBI director, by a vote of 92 to 5 in the US Senate. He replaces James Comey, fired by Donald Trump over investigations into Russian interference in the presidential election. At his hearing Wray said “My loyalty is to the constitution and the rule of law.” Democrat Dianne Feinstein said Wray “We need leaders with steel spines, not weak knees, and I am hopeful that Mr Wray will be just such a leader.”

Born 17 December 1966, he’s a Sun Sagittarius on the point of a T square to Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto – such a focal point Sun will make him ambitious for recognition; Saturn Pluto is ultra-determined; Saturn Uranus plus Sagittarius quite self-righteous about his opinions; a plethora of Mutable planets will make him highly strung but also well-adapted to a complex job with a broad portfolio. His Jupiter in Leo is trine Mercury in Sagittarius, sextiling onto Mars in Libra – so again confident about expressing himself in arguments.

That he’ll clash with Trump is almost inevitable since his Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto squares onto Trump’s Sun Uranus and Moon; and his Mars is square Trump’s Mercury. Mid October into November look chilly and separated on the relationship chart with tr Saturn square the composite Sun Mercury. On Wray’s own chart October and November look over-loaded with work and discouraging with tr Saturn square his Saturn, Uranus and conjunct his Sun. Once he’s through that hurdle there’s nothing of much note on his chart (without a birth time). But his relationship with Trump will be on a sharp downhill slide from mid 2018 with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mars for eighteen months thereafter.

Oddly enough the composite Mars in the Trump/Wray relationship chart is exactly the same degree and sign as the Mars on Special Investigator Robert Mueller’s personal chart, which is also moving into panic-mode from mid 2018.

Ivanka & Jared v Kelly – a new saga of West Wing woes



Ivanka Trump’s delight at serving ‘alongside’ new Chief of Staff, John Kelly, has been dented by the flood of criticism thrown her way for hubris, in putting her own lack of political experience on a par with his CV. Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski tweeted: “It’s time for Donald Trump’s family members to get out of the way and let professionals run the White House.”

There’s no doubt Ivanka is down at the mouth at the moment, unnerved on top of everything else by the sudden exit of Scaramucci, whose appointment she and Jared had pushed. She has tr Pluto square her Mercury/Saturn and Mars/Uranus midpoints, now till early September – depressed with sudden shocks. From late Sept, through October, tr Saturn will conjunct her Neptune Venus in Sagittarius making her neurotic and feeling unloved. November brings back August’s glooms. 2018 has losses, high nervous tension, with a few hints of good news, but more bad. 2019/2020 she looks under serious mental strain. Though regaining confidence and drive in 2020/21.

Her relationship with her serving officer Kelly? Explosive and slippery. There’s a composite Venus opposition Sun square Neptune (all being rattled by this month’s Eclipses). And a volatile/disagreeable composite Mars Uranus which is being undermined by tr Neptune in opposition till late 2019. Whether Kelly succeeds in cutting off her open-door access to Trump, depends on the President himself, and seems unlikely.

Both she and Jared have Uranus in late Scorpio which opposes Kelly’s Sun Mercury in Taurus – so polar opposites, differing agendas, a rebellious combination. Her Scorpio Sun also squares Kelly’s Pluto, so she won’t budge him. And both she and Jared have Venus Neptune in Sagittarius which squares Kelly’s Mars in hard-working, perfectionist Virgo – so he’ll find them tricky to pin down.

Jared’s relationship with Kelly is a power-struggle with a composite Sun (Moon) opposition Pluto Uranus Saturn square Jupiter – cold, disruptive, game playing for the upper hand. It’ll certainly be on more of a downer than usual from late September into October.

Jared’s own chart looks confused but pushily confident through this month; dismayed in Oct/Nov; 2018/19 see tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Sun producing huge challenges and pressures; plus a rolling series of catastrophic disasters from mid 2018 to late 2019 with tr Neptune square his Mars/Pluto midpoint.

Kelly’s relationship with Steve Bannon is also locked into a power stalemate with a composite Sun opposition Pluto Mercury, which the Eclipses are both bouncing off. Plus an irritable composite Mars Saturn. And a composite Jupiter opposition Neptune square Venus which is being jangled seriously at the moment and into 2018.

Trump’s Tax Reform – rivalling Usain Bolt



A triumph of hope over experience is fuelling the Trump Admin’s schedule for tax reform legislation. A sprint, according to the White House, will see it through the House in October, clearing the Senate in November and on the president’s desk before the New Year. There’s also a small matter of avoiding a government shutdown after the fiscal year ends on September 30, and lifting the $19.8tn ceiling on the US government debt before the Treasury runs out of cash, probably in early October.

They badly need a victory after the healthcare cataclysm. But if they don’t get the Democrats on board they’re likely to run into a quagmire. Tax reform would be more difficult and drawn out than the Obamacare repeal, though tax cuts would be easier (marginally). Trump wants to slash rates for upper-income earners; and there’s still a debate over whether the tax bill should be entirely paid for or whether it could add to the deficit.

Two key players are Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, and Gary Cohn, National Economic Council director.

Neither of them look in the good books of the Oval Office moving ahead. The relationship chart between Trump and Mnuchin is chilly now till September, and very fraught in November with tr Saturn square the composite Sun and conjunct Jupiter; with more ructions from March 2018 onwards.

The Cohn/Trump relationship chart is super-stressed right through with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Sun now; tr Pluto in a confused, disappointed, neurotic square to the Saturn/Neptune midpoint through the fall; and worse by a mile from early 2018 for two years with tr Pluto opposition the composite Mars.

Mnuchin, 21 December 1962, is a last degree Sun Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo (picking up the Solar Eclipse) with tr Saturn conjunct his Sun this December. And deep depression from early 2018 onwards. He’s also got a ‘car-crash’ Solar Arc Sun opposition his Mars sometimes this year.

Cohn, 27 Aug 1960, a tough-minded Sun Pluto Mercury in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn, sextile Neptune (Moon) in Scorpio, has tr Saturn dampening his confidence in October as it conjuncts his Jupiter. A ‘catastrophic’ tr Uranus square his Mars/Pluto also in October; and a highly insecure tr Uranus square his Sun/Mars in November. 2018 has some moments of luck and relief; but after tr Neptune squares his Mars from May, he’s not winning much for the eighteen months thereafter.

Nicolas Maduro – bringing Venezuela to its knees


Economic mismanagement leading to widespread hardship, sham elections opening the door to constitutional changes giving the demagogic Nicolas Maduro unlimited power; opposition leaders arrested – and Venezuela slides further into chaos. The Venezuela attorney general lambasted the recent election. “This is the end of freedom of expression.” The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, slammed it as a “sham” which would bring Venezuela “another step toward dictatorship”. US national security adviser H.R. McMaster compared Maduro to Bashar al-Assad and Kim Jong Un; and US sanctions have frozen Maduro’s assets in the US.

Yet Venezuela under Hugo Chavez and then Maduro was supposed to have been a shining beacon of socialism at work. The country contains the world’s largest oil reserves which they promised to use to alleviate poverty and reduce inequality. The result of their efforts has been catastrophic shortages of food, electricity and medicines. Child malnutrition is widespread; maternal mortality went up by 66% last year. Inflation is expected to reach 1000% this year. Amnesty International reports a “mass of human rights violations” with 100 protesters killed since April and another 400 have been imprisoned – including judges and opposition politicians. The army has been expanded. Corrupt officials openly profiteer from their access to hard currency and basic goods. Venezuela has become a favoured route for drug-trafficking and is awash with arms. Tens of thousands of Venezuelans have fled to neighbouring countries.

In the UK, the hard-left Corbynites, enthusiastic supporters of the Chavisti approach to government, have been remarkably schtum about the present situation.

Nicolas Maduro, 23 November 1962 9.03pm Caracas (astro com) has certainly all the signs of an inflated ego with a focal point Sun Mercury in Sagittarius in the grandstanding 5th squaring onto Jupiter in a risk-taking (chancer’s) opposition to Uranus and in a forcefully-pushy opposition to Pluto. His Sun is also square his Mars/Pluto midpoint which does suggest a ruthless approach; though that apart it is not an especially brutal chart.

His Mars in Leo (where else?) will catch this week’s Lunar Eclipse and widely the Solar Eclipse, which will tend to make him more volcanic than usual. His birth time is based on a birth certificate so should be there or thereabouts. His midheaven will catch the tr Pluto square from early 2018 through 2019, which will shake him on his perch and further damage his reputation. And tr Neptune will square his Solar Arc MC in 2018/19 which will undercut his ambitions.

This fits with his Presidency chart, 10 April 2013 2.05pm, which has tr Uranus conjunct the Sun Mars in Aries from April 2018 for a year; at the same time as tr Neptune squares the 10th house Jupiter in Gemini – violence, insecurity, disruptions and dashed hopes. And he’ll be increasingly at odds with the populace over the next year with Solar Arc Saturn square the Moon.

Neither of the two Venezuela charts – 24 June 1821 and 22 September 1830 – look hopeful ahead for two or three years. The 1921 will get the discouraging tr Saturn in Capricorn bouncing off the Cancer Sun Venus opposition Uranus Neptune from this New Year. Plus tr Uranus conjunct the Jupiter Saturn in Aries till March 2018 – which is interesting in itself since it shows a country struggling to balance idealism with materialism. Ideological socialism has won out recently but with disastrous financial consequences.

The 1830 chart has a discouraging and aggravated tr Saturn square to the Mars opposition Virgo Sun this year; and then picks up a devastating tr Pluto conjunct Neptune in 2018/19.

If ever there was an example of be careful what you wish for – this is it. Voters promised the earth and end up with even less than before.

Austria elections – misplaced hopes for clarity


Austria is holding a key snap election on October 15th with polls surging for the young Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz; falling for Chancellor Christian Kern; and anxieties about the far-right HC Strache’s hopes for the top seat – the last is a particular worry since a far-righter nearly made it to the (largely ceremonial) presidency in a recent election.

Kurz, 27 August 1986, is campaigning on tax cuts and immigration curbs. He is a Sun Virgo sextile Pluto, square Saturn, trine Neptune and is on a roll this year and next with tr Pluto sextile his Jupiter in Pisces and square his Solar Arc Jupiter. He does have tr Jupiter conjunct his focal point Pluto from early November, which all looks hopeful. But he’s got a disappointing tr Neptune square his Sun/Jupiter; and tr Uranus square his Jupiter/Saturn over the election which usually don’t augur well.

Christian Kern, 4 Jan 1966, is a Sun Capricorn sextile Saturn and trine Uranus Pluto; with an expansive Mercury in Sagittarius opposition Jupiter. His chart is the usual election muddle of good and bad. Tr Pluto square his Mars/Jupiter midpoint could suggest a win, but he’s in a generally lack-lustre year with Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Sun; and tr Neptune conjunct his Saturn. Tr Uranus is in an insecure square to his Sun/Mars at the election and there’s a downbeat tr Saturn opposition his Jupiter, dampening his enthusiasm and confidence, in the days after the election.

HC Strache, of the Freedom Party, a one-time supporter of pro-Nazi Jorg Haider, 12 June 1969, is a Sun Gemini square a pushily-confident Pluto Jupiter Uranus in Virgo. Tr Saturn is opposing his Sun and square his Pluto from now till the election, and square Jupiter Uranus in the aftermath, none of which look good for him. He has some minorly positive influences on the exact date, but more negative ones thereafter.

Austria, 12 Nov 1918 4pm, looks thoroughly confused this year with the Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the Sun, now until the end of 2017. Support for the two main parties, who have alternated in power over recent decades, is sinking, as it is elsewhere (Pluto in Capricorn deconstructing old ruling systems again). The economy is growing with the integration of Central and Eastern European countries into the EU benefiting Austria more than other countries.

But the Austria/EU relationship is fractious at best and sagging through 2017 to 2020 with tr Neptune square the composite Sun, Mercury, Mars; and there’ll be upheavals and disruptions in 2018; with huge discouragement in 2019/2020.

If the start time for Austria is accurate then tr Pluto will conjunct the MC from early 2018, which does suggest a challenging period ahead, where government is concerned, with the old order further collapsing.

The Bank of Austria chart, 1 June 1816, is less undermined than it has been in recent years, though problems pick up in 2019/2020 with what looks perilously like a crash.

Add on: There’s another chart for Austria – 15 May 1955 11.30am Vienna, when it was re-established as a sovereign state. Both will have a validity though the earlier ones usually work best.

Like the earlier chart it is overwhelmingly Fixed with Pluto on a Leo Ascendant opposition Aquarius Moon Descendant square Saturn IC opposition a Taurus Sun MC. So change comes only very slowly against great resistance. There’s also an Air Grand Trine of Moon trine Neptune trine Mars in Gemini, formed into a Kite by Moon opposition Pluto – so again tremendous endurance though not much adaptability. Influences are mixed ahead with a constructive tr Pluto trine MC in 2017/18; and heading for a Solar Arc Sun conjunct Uranus Jupiter after mid 2018 which will bring a morale boost and a few surprises. But there’s also in late 2018 and 2019 a major shock and dead-halt from Solar Arc Mars square Sun and then conjunct Pluto. The latter much like the Bank of Austria. And the relationship with the EU is sagging badly on this chart as well right through till 2020.

Sam Shepard – a towering talent


Sam Shepard, the playwright, who portrayed the darker sides of American family life in plays like his Pulitzer Prize winning “Buried Child” has died of Lou Gehrig’s disease. The NY Times wrote: “He was widely regarded as one of the most original voices of his generation, winning praise from critics for his searing portraits of spouses, siblings and lovers struggling with issues of identity, failure and the fleeting nature of the American dream.” He wrote more than 40 plays, two others nominated for Pulitzers; and was nominated for the best supporting actor Oscar for his role in The Right Stuff; and starred in films like Black Hawk Down as well as co-writing Paris, Texas. Most recently he was in Netflix’s Bloodline.

Born 5 November 1943 3.45pm Fort Sheridan, Illinois, he had a former bomber pilot father ‘a dedicated alcoholic’, and after leaving school graduated to the Off-Off-Broadway scene where he learnt his craft.

He had a deeply buried, intensely emotional and secretive 8th house Sun Mercury in Scorpio square Pluto and North Node in the performing 5th – so his angst about not being in control as a child was channelled into his art. His Pluto was further emphasised being on the focal point of a creative mini-Grand Trine of Uranus and Neptune. His military father is also reflected in his Mars Saturn conjunction in Gemini in his communication 3rd house square his Venus – unkind, uncaring about Sam’s needs. His 12th house Aquarius Moon opposed Jupiter which suggests a tolerant if hidden mother. A 6th house Jupiter can be overly indulgent and in his latter years there were arrests for drunk driving.

His chart is replete with creative quintiles and septiles – his 5th Harmonic ties together Pluto with Mars and Moon Venus, which fairly describes the bleaker, crueller side of family life; and his inspired 7H highlights imaginative Neptune, as well as tough Saturn Pluto.

His writer’s 21st Harmonic is also notable and stark, linking Saturn to Pluto and Mars Moon and Venus. While his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H is well aspected, giving hope that his work will live on.

He was with actress Jessica Lange, a Sun, Venus, Mercury in Taurus with Moon Jupiter in Aquarius, for over 25 years, but they split in 2009. For a time they were a real power couple, with a composite New Moon opposition Pluto square Jupiter, so it would be close, supportive and complementary. Although it had its rougher edges with her Saturn conjunct his Jupiter and her Uranus conjunct his Saturn – and so ultimately they went their separate ways.

Jeanne Moreau – an archetypal Aquarius

Jeanne Moreau, one of the legendary stars of the French cinema – Orson Welles called her “the greatest actress in the world” – has died. Best known for her role in Truffaut’s Jules et Jim, she had a prolific, award-laden career into her 80s, ultimately directing and writing as well.

Born 23 January 1928 at 11.15am Paris, France, to an English Folies Bergere dancing mother and restaurateur father, she made her debut at 19 and rarely stopped thereafter. She had two marriages, the second to American film director William Friedkin. Director Tony Richardson left his wife, Vanessa Redgrave, for her but they never married. She also had affairs with directors Louis Malle and François Truffaut, fashion designer Pierre Cardin, jazz trumpeter Miles Davis and Theodoros Roubanis, the Greek actor/playboy.

She had a career-oriented, ambitious 10th house New Moon Mercury in Aquarius; with her Sun sextile an adventurous and lucky Jupiter Uranus in vibrant Aries; which in turn was in a high-octane square to Mars in Capricorn. Not a lady who did things by halves. She had Neptune in her performing 5th house, trine Mars; and on the focal point of a Yod of Sun sextile Uranus Jupiter. So her filmic Neptune was highlighted. She had another Yod of Mercury sextile Saturn inconjunct Pluto which would make her influential and give her a dislike of superficiality. Yods tend to produce a very focussed approach to life, once the right road is found. Before that everything feels strained and out of gear. Luckily she found her path early aged 16, when a theatre performance of Jean Anouilh’s Antigone pointed the way for her.

Her 8th house had Saturn and Venus in Sagittarius, which would give her the ability to project an aura, but was perhaps also why she formed multiple attachments rather than settling to longer term commitments.

Her actors’ 15th Harmonic was powerful joining Mars Pluto to her Moon and Uranus. She has been described as ‘smokily seductive’; ‘sensual, gravel-voiced’; ‘hauntingly expressive’.

President Macron today said of her: ‘She had in her eye a sparkle that deflected deference and inspired insolence, freedom, the turbulence of life that she liked so much.’

Galway Races – Leo Taurus – a steam-roller combo

The Galway Races, the memorable seven-day Irish horseracing festival which inspired a WB Yeats poem (“flesh being wild again”) and a popular song, kicks off again today.  There are complaints about high prices of hotels which a local councillor described as ‘overkill and opportunistic’; and there will be heavier security than usual with a ban on backpacks and large handbags, and physical searches, given the global situation.

The first meeting was held on 17 August 1869 which gives a Leo Sun Mercury with Sun square Jupiter Pluto in Taurus, which certainly fits an entertaining spectacle involving a confidently determined physical sport with much money won and lost at the bookies.  No suprises HM Queen is a Sun Taurus given her keen interest.  There’s a showbizzy, publicity-attracting Mars in Libra opposition Neptune in a thrills and spills, highly-strung and high-adrenaline square to Uranus. It’s a Fire Earth chart highlighting formidable energy and enthusiasm, not given to subtlety.

This year’s may be edgier than usual given the security concerns with tr Pluto square the Mars, as well as the Sun/Saturn midpoint so perhaps not quite as exuberant and laid-back as usual; maybe riskier for the horses.

Neptune Pluto – the week ahead – hubris and nemesis



Will the veil be lifted allowing us to see into an alternative reality? Or will we pulled further into the madness of an increasingly chaotic world? The Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aquarius/Leo next Monday August 7th sits exactly on the Neptune/Pluto midpoint, which can offer sixth-sense awareness or manic instability. Dion Fortune, a notable White Magician, neatly paraphrased the fine line between the two, writing about ‘those strange byways of the mind that the psychic shares with the psychotic.’

Pluto’s domain in astrological terms is the deep, dark realm of wealth, sex, death and rebirth, power and control. It has a Scorpionic intensity, a need to plumb the depths to find the heights of transcendence.

Neptune’s realm also has a double-faceted quality – revenge and cruelty often sit side by side with extreme compassion, great creativity and strong religious yearnings. Financial and other scandals always have a whiff of Neptune about them, with its quality of deceptiveness and its persuasive sleights of hand. Confidence tricks come under Neptune’s banner, with its inability to set boundaries or to distinguish between thine and mine, and its tendency to lie and distort.

Neptune and Pluto together create a fey, mystical mix of energies, both wonderful and terrifying at the same time. Historically the combination is connected with the rise of great powers with epically brutal leaders; with art, especially erotic literature; with scientific advances in such intangibles as electricity, radio and telephone; with religious events; and with scandals.

Neptune in its visionary aspect, mixing with Pluto’s power drive, creates a delusional though often devastatingly effective megalomania. Neptune puts the dream above reality, writes off human sacrifice as a necessary cost to gain the end. Pluto as the arch controller reduces individual humans to objects, pawns on the chessboard; the puppetmaster reigns supreme.

Ebertin talks of the Neptune/Pluto midpoint as a purified soul-life and clairvoyant visions OR frauds, falsehoods, utter confusion, obsessions, addictions. It’s a delicate balance.

Dion Fortune herself was born with the Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini of 1894 opposing her Sun. Hitler who dabbled in black magic to fuel his megalomania had a Neptune Pluto conjunction in his access-to-other-realms, power-hungry 8th house. The ISIS 2006 chart has its Sun (Venus Mars) square its Neptune/Pluto midpoint. The UK’s Capricorn Sun sits exactly on its Neptune/Pluto midpoint, which in its ‘glory days’ led to colonial over-reach with an empire on which the sun never set.

It’s a powerful energy which can rise to great heights and, when the coin flips, its hubris, arrogance and sense of divine entitlement bring it crashing down.

The individual’s answer as ever to such heady energy is: 1. Grounding, stay rooted in the body (exercise, eat healthily, don’t over drink/drug); 2. Common sense and rationality. Keep in mind that the Solar Eclipse of August 21st is in a Saros series which warns of distorted and false information. Not all hunches and presentiments will be accurate, worries will magnify out of proportion and most will prove to have been a waste of nervous energy. Be like the Ladakhis – happy despite problems. There’s the additional surge of super-confident energy leading to over-reach of the Jupiter square Pluto on Friday 4th. It tends to bring out pride, wilfulness and a dogmatic streak which brushes social niceties to one side and fosters a law unto itself attitude. Tr Pluto is exactly square Trump’s natal Jupiter with his Jupiter Return – so unlikely to induce moderation or manners.