Will the veil be lifted allowing us to see into an alternative reality? Or will we pulled further into the madness of an increasingly chaotic world? The Lunar Eclipse at 15 degrees Aquarius/Leo next Monday August 7th sits exactly on the Neptune/Pluto midpoint, which can offer sixth-sense awareness or manic instability. Dion Fortune, a notable White Magician, neatly paraphrased the fine line between the two, writing about ‘those strange byways of the mind that the psychic shares with the psychotic.’
Pluto’s domain in astrological terms is the deep, dark realm of wealth, sex, death and rebirth, power and control. It has a Scorpionic intensity, a need to plumb the depths to find the heights of transcendence.
Neptune’s realm also has a double-faceted quality – revenge and cruelty often sit side by side with extreme compassion, great creativity and strong religious yearnings. Financial and other scandals always have a whiff of Neptune about them, with its quality of deceptiveness and its persuasive sleights of hand. Confidence tricks come under Neptune’s banner, with its inability to set boundaries or to distinguish between thine and mine, and its tendency to lie and distort.
Neptune and Pluto together create a fey, mystical mix of energies, both wonderful and terrifying at the same time. Historically the combination is connected with the rise of great powers with epically brutal leaders; with art, especially erotic literature; with scientific advances in such intangibles as electricity, radio and telephone; with religious events; and with scandals.
Neptune in its visionary aspect, mixing with Pluto’s power drive, creates a delusional though often devastatingly effective megalomania. Neptune puts the dream above reality, writes off human sacrifice as a necessary cost to gain the end. Pluto as the arch controller reduces individual humans to objects, pawns on the chessboard; the puppetmaster reigns supreme.
Ebertin talks of the Neptune/Pluto midpoint as a purified soul-life and clairvoyant visions OR frauds, falsehoods, utter confusion, obsessions, addictions. It’s a delicate balance.
Dion Fortune herself was born with the Neptune Pluto conjunction in Gemini of 1894 opposing her Sun. Hitler who dabbled in black magic to fuel his megalomania had a Neptune Pluto conjunction in his access-to-other-realms, power-hungry 8th house. The ISIS 2006 chart has its Sun (Venus Mars) square its Neptune/Pluto midpoint. The UK’s Capricorn Sun sits exactly on its Neptune/Pluto midpoint, which in its ‘glory days’ led to colonial over-reach with an empire on which the sun never set.
It’s a powerful energy which can rise to great heights and, when the coin flips, its hubris, arrogance and sense of divine entitlement bring it crashing down.
The individual’s answer as ever to such heady energy is: 1. Grounding, stay rooted in the body (exercise, eat healthily, don’t over drink/drug); 2. Common sense and rationality. Keep in mind that the Solar Eclipse of August 21st is in a Saros series which warns of distorted and false information. Not all hunches and presentiments will be accurate, worries will magnify out of proportion and most will prove to have been a waste of nervous energy. Be like the Ladakhis – happy despite problems. There’s the additional surge of super-confident energy leading to over-reach of the Jupiter square Pluto on Friday 4th. It tends to bring out pride, wilfulness and a dogmatic streak which brushes social niceties to one side and fosters a law unto itself attitude. Tr Pluto is exactly square Trump’s natal Jupiter with his Jupiter Return – so unlikely to induce moderation or manners.