George Osborne, the former UK Chancellor, famously dubbed ‘one of the posh boys’ by Theresa May, has been getting his own back since taking over post-Brexit as editor of the London Evening Standard, describing her as ‘a dead man walking.’ A fervent Remainer he’s become almost the voice of opposition to the government, given the chaotic not-quite-decided strategy of the Labour Party. But he’s letting his vengeful streak get the better of him with a reported comment about wanting her chopped up into freezer bags.
There’s certainly terrible chemistry between them with her Pluto in Leo square his Saturn in Taurus and Gemini Sun and square his Jupiter Neptune; her Mercury is conjunct his Pluto, and worse her Saturn in Scorpio is conjunct his Jupiter Neptune and opposition his Sun. She completely squelches his head-in-the-cloud confidence; brings out his dogmatic streak and he brings out his control-freaky side. A clash of dinosaurs, neither giving an inch.
Their relationship chart has a hostile-dislike Saturn Mars conjunction which along with the composite Mercury, is being stoked up over coming months. Though there’s the wild card of tr Uranus opposition the composite Jupiter this December and January 2018, which will be worth watching for.
2019, running into the next election in 2022 (if the government holds that long), Osborne looks highly unsettled with tr Uranus conjunct his Venus, Mercury; and tr Saturn square his Uranus. Then in 2021/22 tr Pluto is in a two-year discouraging slog trine his Saturn.