Could we be about to see the dissolution of the Rupert Murdoch empire that took decades to assemble? Investors have been stunned to see him explore a break-up of 21st Century Fox and discuss the sale of prime film and television assets, Fox’s prized movie studio, cable channels and international investments such as Sky. One such deal has fallen but others are likely to be in the pipeline. He has even talked of closing down Sky News if UK regulators block a proposed takeover by Fox, which he is pushing for. All very byzantine but it is shaking the financial world.
Murdoch senior, 11 March 1931 11.55pm Melbourne, Australia is now 86 so will be wanting to slow down. Plus he has tr Saturn heading for his Capricorn Ascendant from this year-end which will accelerate the process as old ambitions lose their fire. Tr Pluto is also opposing his Pluto and in 2018/19 conjunct his Saturn which looks like an almighty struggle, with an overtone of financial shortages (all relative, of course). He’s largely in the legacy (old) media business which is under increasing pressure from the new internet media and streamers like Netflix. He’s getting a fair jolt financially in March 2018 with tr Uranus square his 8th house Mars; and nothing good thereafter.
Son James, 13 December 1972, looks fairly flattened by the next three or four years with tr Neptune square his Saturn in Gemini from mid 2018 for eighteen months, and continuing on to conjunct his Sun/Saturn, then square his Sun; with a total upheaval in 2019/2020.
The relationship between them is being jolted, jangled and separated over the next three years.
Who’d have thought it? A 20th Century dinosaur about to shed its mammoth coat.