The 13 Turpin children’s horror-filled lives makes grim reading – deprived of food, medication, washing or toilet facilities, chained to their beds. Their parents are now up on 40 charges, including torture, false imprisonment, abuse on a dependent, and child abuse; and have been ordered to have no contact with the children, aged from two to 29, who are now all hospitalized suffering from severe malnourishment. Once released, the six younger ones will be split between two foster homes, and the seven adults who have developmental issues, will be sent to an assisted living facility.
What makes it worse is that the father had a decent job; and that some of the kids were seen at school – and no one did anything about their condition, until one escaped and went to the police.
David Turpin was born 17 October 1961 (net sources) and Louise, 24 May 1968.
He’s a Sun Libra square Saturn Jupiter in Capricorn and sextile Uranus North Node in Leo. He also has Mars, Neptune, Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto; and Venus in Virgo trine Jupiter Saturn. His Moon is either Capricorn conjunct Jupiter Saturn, or in Aquarius opposition his Scorpio planets which might make more sense. It’s a chart that needs a birth time to make sense of his deliberate and depraved cruelty. Mars in Scorpio does have an exceptionally nasty side; and my impression of Jupiter Saturn conjunctions is they are less humanitarian when in earth signs, but not malefic to this degree.
His wife, Louise, has a more obviously stressed chart, with a combative Sun Mars in Gemini; and more pointedly a Yod of Neptune sextile Pluto Uranus in Virgo inconjunct Saturn (North Node) in Aries. A Saturnine Yod brings a heavy karma with it, needing maturity to get the best out of it; otherwise it is self-defeating with a good deal of inner frustration and despair. Saturn in Aries can be hard even on its own, forced-to-be-self-reliant early on and unsympathetic to those that are struggling. Her Moon is probably Taurus; with her Venus also in Taurus in a frivolous, indulgent square to Jupiter in wannabe-grand Leo. In fact she has a second Yod of Saturn sextile Mercury in Gemini inconjunct Neptune which will make her escapist, emotionally disorganized, again self-defeating and prone to feeling unworthy – which she assuredly is.
It’s an odd relationship (obviously). But on the astrology, if the birth dates are sound – her Saturn opposes his Sun, her Sun Mars squares his Pluto and her Uranus Pluto is conjunct his Venus. They block and bully each other in various ways. In these circumstances it’s all too easy to think of her as the suppressed woman. But in these symbiotic relationships (lashed together at a pathological level) it’s usually half a dozen of one and the other.
Their relationship chart has the composite Sun in a delusional, grandiose square to Jupiter Neptune; with downbeat Saturn opposition Mercury, Uranus Pluto; and perhaps the composite Moon also opposition Uranus Pluto.