Angela Merkel has survived to fight on, reaching an agreement on an immigration deal that almost blew her fragile new coalition government apart. Her 4th term chart, 14 March 2018 12.02pm, is buoyed up by Jupiter so likely to slide through most hiccups and it didn’t show any indications of a cataclysmic meltdown now. But she’s got more problems on her plate than migrants with the German economy giving signs of heading for a recession. Retail sales and industrial production are down, the auto businesses will be hard hit by Trump tariffs, the banks are not looking robust and the huge German trade surplus won’t protect the country if debtors fail or there is a global crash. (NB Trump may be unwise to launch a full-scale trade war but he’s not wrong about EU protectionism which lands a 10% tariff on US cars imported, while US has only a 2.5% tariff on EU cars.) For all its image as the Rolls-Royce of Europe, German is ill-prepared for the 21st Century, lagging badly on technology and infrastructure.
Merkel’s own chart has a ‘shocking collision’ Solar Arc Sun square her Mars, exactly in four months; and before then the July Cancer Solar Eclipse will conjunct her 8th house Sun Uranus which will bring more crises than usual in the months thereafter. 2019 does look like meltdown time despite Jupiter moving through her 1st. It’ll only give her a temporary lift as tr Pluto makes a disastrous and confusing square to her 10th house Neptune plus a tumultuous opposition to her Uranus from April onwards for two years. Followed in late 2019 by a total-failure Solar Arc Neptune conjunct her Mars. Plus she has tr Saturn wading through the nadir of her 1st quadrant in her 2nd house for some years, – banana skins, misjudgements, lower energy, less success, lost her mojo.
The Bundesbank (central bank) chart, 26 July 1957, also indicates 2019/2020 as hugely disruptive with tr Uranus square Sun and Uranus, leading to devastation in late 2020/early 2021 with Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Neptune. Even before then. this year into mid 2019, it’s on a knife edge with tr Uranus opposition Neptune, trine Pluto and Venus.
The Germany chart, 1 January 1871 12 am, has this July’s Solar Eclipse conjunct the 10th house Uranus for a forced rethink about direction. With the next two year’s Eclipses colliding with the 4th house Germany Venus, the Sun, and then Saturn – so a rolling phase of challenges, crises and hard choices. Plus tr Neptune starts to square the Germany Jupiter from May 2019 onwards into 2020 which is financial bubble-bursting time and will lower confidence sharply. And tr Uranus is conjunct the Germany Taurus Moon on the cusp of the 8th from June 2019 onwards into 2020, which will bring economic shocks. Tr Uranus then rolls through the Germany 8th house of business finances for seven years – as it does in the EU and UK charts.
All of the above coinciding with an explosive three years in the relationship between the EU and Germany up to early 2021, starting this year as tr Uranus shakes up the composite Grand Cross of Venus, Uranus Mars and Moon; plus a separating tr Saturn square Pluto this year and then Sun Mercury across the New Year. Germany is very tied into the EU with a 10th house Pluto opposition Sun but that will be tested to the limits, especially with tr Pluto and then tr Saturn squaring the Germany 7th house Neptune causing it to question its commitment to close relationships.