Targeting Germany has become a Trump delight as he complains about too many German cars on US streets; the cost of US troops based there; making false claims that crime is spiking in Germany because of immigration and relishes seeing “the people of Germany … turning against their leadership.” Now he’s turned his divide-and-rule tactics onto the German-Russian gas pipeline, as well as NATO spending.
Germany derives under 20% of its energy from gas of which 60-70% comes from Russia, the rest from Norway; their use of gas will go up in future as they reduce dependence on coal and cut out nuclear altogether. Poland and other eastern European countries strongly object to the Russia pipeline since they see it as running the risk of destabilising their region and giving Russia too much influence. Stage two of the pipeline project would allow Russia to cut off gas supplies to Ukraine and disrupt many east European countries, while preserving Germany’s energy supply.
Part of Trump’s German bugbear may be Merkel’s obvious distaste for his policies plus his mother issues being triggered by a stalwart Mutti. Though, heaven knows, he should be grateful to Deutsche Bank who hauled him out of financial trouble when he was blacklisted on Wall Street in the 1990s. Which may or may not become part of the Mueller investigation since Russian money laundering landed the bank in the soup with the US Justice Department.
What will make a significant difference is Trump’s Pluto Midheaven running directly through Germany, which will bring out his desire to dominate, sneer, put down and equally will run him into resistance and resentment. That’s true for most of Europe and the UK but Germany is on the bullseye, especially Frankfurt where Deutsche Bank is situated. The Pluto MC line is usually regarded as risky either physically or in terms of undermining reputation – interesting to see if the money angle (more below) is his downfall (should it occur).
There’s also hugely difficult chemistry between himself and Merkel personally with her 8th house Sun Uranus in Cancer conjunct his Saturn Venus; and her determined Pluto conjunct his Mars.
His relationship chart with her is no better than his with Germany (1871) with strongly aspected Uranus (= no compromise) in both. November/December this year look like lowering the temperature still further.
Trump’s Pluto Descendant runs through China making for a hostile relationship and struggle for the upper hand; and his successful Jupiter midheaven line runs through – no surprise – Russia, to the east of Moscow. Below isn’t astrological but gives context.
There have been a couple of media pieces this week (URLs below) on his past business links with Russians over several decades. From Politico: “The litany of direct and indirect contacts with the Kremlin exceeds all possible exculpatory explanations. It is impossible to see the total picture and reach the conclusion that there is an innocent explanation behind it all. There’s simply too much to explain away.”
A Financial Times investigation into the Trump Toronto quotes a former Trump Organisation executive as saying “Donald doesn’t do due diligence.” So no checks would have been done in the post-Soviet rush to stash money abroad. Where Russia is concerned oligarchs, mobsters and the Kremlin are all intertwined and the likelihood of Putin having compromising information means he won’t even have to issue orders. Trump will proactively be doing whatever he believes will keep him in Putin’s good graces.
The general view is that Putin didn’t directly plan to put Trump in the White House, nor did Trump expect to win which is why there’s been such a panic to cover tracks. And one day his DC vacation will end and he’ll want to keep his family’s business model intact for the what-comes-after. Follow the money.