Gibraltar will “make the Irish problem look like a picnic” said Ken Clarke recently, but to date it’s been largely overlooked in the morass of the Brexit negotiations. It’s an independent Brit colony on the Mediterranean, signed over by Spain in perpetuity in the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. But Spain has a formal veto over Brexit if they dislike the Gibraltar dimensions of the deal. If it ends in a hard Brexit, it means a hard border between Gibraltar and Spain, which would be a major headache since Gibraltar relies heavily on Spanish cooperation and the UK would have no leverage. 98 per cent of Gibraltarians want to stick with Britain rather than join Spain, though 96 per cent voted to Remain in 2016, presumably more aware of the potential problems of leaving.
The date of signing over (I think) was 13 July 1713 which has a Cancer Sun Mercury under assault from the tr Pluto opposition till 2020, so stuck and facing major challenges; aggravated this December when the UK/EU relationship chart is also stressed and separated. On tenterhooks through 2019/2020; facing a disastrous situation also in 2019/2020 and feeling let down in 2020.
The UK/Spain relationship chart is sagging badly right through till late 2021 with a run of transiting Neptune squares to the composite Venus, Sun, Pluto which sounds as if the ties-that-bind are loosening and the power balance shifting.
Assuming the 1713 date is sound then the Gib/UK relationship reflects discouragement and separation in 2019; with extreme frustration and anger in 2021/2022.
Gib/Spain looks like a mighty tug-of-war from this year right through till Pluto exits Capricorn in 2024; with considerable upheavals and disruption in 2021 to 2024.
They should stick Boris Johnson up the Gibraltar flag pole and let the monkeys loose. It was all going to be so simple and straightforward he said. Hah.