The Trump-Putin meeting kicked off at 1.12 pm in Helsinki with the Russian leader turning up late as is his wont. It’s an interesting chart – very money and business-oriented – though not remotely comfortable.
There’s a self-protective and private Water Grand Trine of Jupiter in Scorpio in the financial 2nd trine Neptune trine a Cancer MC, formed into a Kite by MC and Sun opposition Pluto. It’s difficult to interpret a driving planet Pluto on the IC – Pluto rules all that is hidden, underground, sewers etc – while the IC represents the foundations, home, family, roots, land, father, unconscious fears. A struggle for control of territory playing on unconscious fears?
There’s also a commercially-minded Earth Grand Trine of Venus Moon in Virgo trine Saturn in Capricorn trine Uranus. With Uranus in the 7th house of one-to-one relationships further emphasised being on the point of a Fixed T square to Mars in the 4th opposition North Node – there’s always an explosive tinder-box feel to Mars Uranus and in the 7th would suggest division rather than co-operation. The Pluto and Mars in the 4th may also indicate the angry demonstrations outside.
Putin’s ruthless Pluto in Leo trine Mars in Sagittarius sits on top of Trump’s Mars in Leo and Trump’s Sagittarius Moon, with Putin’s Mars also opposition Trump’s Sun – power and control, and fairly aggravating for Trump. Putin’s Saturn Sun Neptune are conjunct Trump’s 2nd house financially reckless Jupiter. Saturn on the other’s Jupiter can be OK for business relationships, but Saturn tends to have a restrictive quality – might not be too much of a stretch to infer Saturnine interference in Trump’s gung ho commercial affairs. Neptune can contribute to delusions of grandeur on both sides. Trump’s money or his handling of it is certainly the focus of Putin’s attention with Putin’s four|Libra planets including his Sun in Trump’s 2nd..
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Pluto conjunction which suggests a relationship in which the likelihood is that one dominates the other. It can feel very close till it goes wrong and then it turns nasty. There’ll be a blip late this month into early August and again in October as tr Saturn opposes the composite Uranus – tensions surfacing, and enthusiasm between them ebbing this August and again in early 2019; with aggro in January 2019 and beyond; plus good feelings being undermined through 2019 – but those are fairly minor influences.
Putin himself looks like the cat who got the cream through this July/August and November; less so from January 2019 onwards with muddle and mayhem through 2019.