A Lunar Eclipse wedding for singer/songwriter Neil Young and actress/activist Daryl Hannah is a courageous if not entirely auspicious start to a marriage. He left his wife of 36 years to be with Hannah four years ago and they married recently in two ceremonies, the first off San Juan Island, Washington State on July 27th timed to hit the eclipse (according to the Daily Mail.)
The Eclipse wedding chart puts the Leo Sun North Node on the midheaven as befits a showbiz couple but that opposes an argumentative and competitive Moon Mars and squares onto a 7th house Uranus – fireworks will fly and it won’t be exactly stable. There’s a romantic Neptune in the performing 5th opposition Venus which is ethereal, though not realistic; with Venus in a passionate trine to Pluto. There’s also a heavy-duty and gloomy batch of Saturn Pluto and Mars in the 3rd for communication problems.
Neil Young, born 12 November 1945 6.45 am Toronto, Canada, has his Scorpio Sun on his Ascendant so intense and upfront; with his Sun in a sensible trine to Saturn and a controlling square to Pluto – making him quite bleak in many ways and unyielding. And he has completely opposite traits from a light and adventurous Air Grand Trine of Uranus trine Jupiter trine an Aquarius Moon – he’ll veer between Air and Water, which isn’t always an easy balance. Fairly up and down, half the time detached and positive, then pulled into his feelings; and will have a tendency to be escapist.
Daryl Hannah, 3 December 1960 3.30 pm Chicago, suffered psychological problems as a child, perhaps autism; and had long relationships with John F Kennedy Jnr and musician Jackson Browne.
She has a 7th house Sun Sagittarius in a battened down square to a 4th house Pluto and opposition a Gemini Moon in her 1st; plus a difficult Saturn Venus in Capricorn opposition Mars in Cancer. Not an easy childhood or an easy personality.
It’s a curious match with Young since his Saturn opposes her Venus repeating her old negative pattern; and his unpredictable Uranus is conjunct her Moon. Their relationship chart has a very wide composite Sun Venus with an affectionate Venus trine Moon; a pushily-confident, power-couple composite Sun Jupiter square Pluto; and an awesomely difficult Moon opposition Saturn Neptune square Uranus Mars, with the potential for making their home life quite chaotic. That latter is under enormous pressure from Pluto hard aspects until 2021.
His former wife, Pegi, 1 December 1952, is recording a new album called Raw, which she depicts her seven stages of grief at the shock of her marriage split. It includes – Why’d you have to ruin my life?; Gave my best to you; and You won’t take my laugh away from me.
Like Daryl Hannah she’s a Sun Sagittarius with a Gemini Moon and Venus in Capricorn – so they’re not that different in some essentials. Though Pegi will turn out to have been a better fit since her Jupiter falls on Young’s Descendant, so she’d be a huge support and morale booster for him.
Showbiz marriages are most often an astonishment.