Alex Salmond – fighting his corner



Alex Salmond has reacted angrily to allegations that he was guilty of sexual assault during his time as Scotland’s First Minister and is threatening to sue the Scottish government for its handling of the investigation to date which has given him no chance to defend himself.

Born 31 December 1954 4.30 pm Linlithgow, Scotland,  he has a creative, healing and self-protective Water Grand Trine of an ambitious 10th house Mars Moon in Pisces trine a lucky, risk-taking Uranus Jupiter in his 1st trine a passionate Venus in Scorpio in his sociable 5th. His Venus is also in an intense square to Pluto.

He has a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct his Moon. A 10th house Moon is a classic placing for a politicians or someone in public service; but as an apex planet it can be overly defensive, emotionally disorganized and at times self-defeating.

He’s already been on the receiving end of criticism this year for hosting a chat show on RT, the Kremlin-funded TV channel.

He’s got bullishly confident influences through till mid this December but running concurrently are some Neptunian sinkers – conjunct his Mars/MC now right and others through the next eighteen months. Plus a serious setback this September and October with tr Pluto conjunct his Mars/Saturn along with major aggravation; and panicky uncertainty this November and December. Some uplift in 2019/2020; though by 2020 he’s got tr Neptune conjunct his Mars which is usually a career-downer along with an emotional and very intense Solar Arc Mars opposition his Venus in 2019 and in a dead-halt square to his Pluto in 2020.

Australia – a boomerang of a plot



An Australian political coup that backfired has seen a new prime minister take over, the sixth in 11 years. Malcolm Turnbull was forced out and his closest ally Scott Morrison, an evangelical Christian, more socially conservative, an enforcer on immigration and less popular than Turnbull, has been put in his place. Not quite what the conspirators and plotters had in mind.

Turnbull was ousted when tr Pluto was exactly square his Term Uranus and MC, 15 September 2015 1.35pm, which seems pretty much on cue.

Morrison was sworn in at 6.15pm (I think, any more info gratefully received) which puts a deceptively soft Neptune on the Pisces Ascendant. There is a solidly sensible, good-for-commerce Earth Grand Trine of a Virgo Sun trine a well-organised 10th house Saturn in an innovative trine to Uranus – so it might produce results. Though the Neptune trine Jupiter might suggest over optimism. The 11th house of the legislature looks fairly brutal with Pluto and Mars both there, so it won’t all be sweetness and light. Plus the explosive, disruptive Mars opposition Node square Uranus is still in place.

Morrison, 13 May 1968, is a Sun Taurus  opposition Neptune in Scorpio square Jupiter in Leo – so not short of confidence, obstinacy or sticking power. Well handled such a Jupiter can have social impact, but tends to be intolerant even bigoted. He’s also got a Yod with an apex focal point Saturn in hard-edged, none-too-sympathetic Aries and North Node inconjunct Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune. This requires real maturity for it not to backfire – and is under pressure for the rest of this year with tr Pluto square Saturn for a really tough slog. With the Yod up to its usual trick of producing a fated change of direction through unusual circumstances.

Australia is still muddling through a longish phase of tr Neptune in the 11th, the house of the legislature, square the Pluto opposition Uranus square Mars T Square till late 2019, but it hasn’t affected the economy which is robust. And with Jupiter through the 8th for the next year business should be fine. Though there will be a setback in six months’ time from Solar Arc Mars conjunct the 9th house Sun, which could be connected to foreign relations, travel or even education.

Time of 1.35 pm being sound, tr Uranus will conjunct the Aries Ascendant twice more later this year and into early 2019, which does suggest a re-imaging of the country with a more independent thrust in years to come.

Ben Affleck – struggling against his genes



Ben Affleck, the multi-talented actor and director, has gone back into rehab for drinking, an addiction which has plagued him, his father, his grandmother and his brother Casey.

Born 15 August 1972 2.53 am Berkeley, California, he has an expansive Sun Leo trine an indulgent Jupiter in Sagittarius in his 6th house. He has a ‘missing male model’ Saturn in the 12th; and an unsettled and erratic 4th house of Pluto and Uranus, which points to his experience of his childhood and father. His charming Venus on his Ascendant also squares Uranus and trines an intensely emotional Scorpio Moon. And only one Earth planet which won’t be enough to keep him grounded.

His father left the home when he was 12 and lived homeless for a while before getting sober.

He’s moving through a really tricky two years ahead with an insecure tr Uranus trine his Mars this year and into early 2019; his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his 4th house Uranus within six months which will be edgy and disruptive; tr Neptune in a confused and uncertain square to his Saturn in 2019/2020; and his Progressed Mars conjunct his Pluto over the next eighteen months which is heavy duty. All his childhood demons will be stirred up.

He has quintiles and septiles linking his self-destructive planets – 5th and 7th and actors’ 15th Harmonics – so he’ll create out of a deep well of pain. His victim 12th is also heavily aspected and tormented.

His humanitarian interests have been focussed on the Congo with his Sun MC and Mercury MC running through central Africa – drawn to a brutalised country to do good work.

All that talent but it comes at a price.

Danny Boyle – unhitched from Bond



Danny Boyle, director of Trainspotting, Slumdog Millionaire and the 2012 London Olympic spectacle, has pulled out of the next James Bond movie after ‘creative differences.’ Initially it was said over script differences but it appears casting disagreements may also have been a problem between himself and the producers, Barbra Broccoli, Daniel Craig and Michael J Wilson.

Born 20 October 1956, Boyle is a Sun Libra with an enthusiastic Mars in creative Pisces opposition Venus Jupiter in Virgo; a tough-minded Pluto square Saturn; and an equally determined and innovative Uranus square Neptune and trine Saturn. Tr Neptune is conjunct his Mars this year, running on until late December which isn’t usually successful and he’s facing a seriously stuck 2019/2020, only picking up his mojo again by 2021.

He was a tricky fit with all three producers.  His Mars is conjunct Craig’s Pisces Sun and his Mercury opposition Craig’s unyielding Mars Saturn in Aries; with both their Pluto and Jupiters sitting on top of each other – multiple arguments and struggles for the upper hand.

Boyle’s Libra Sun opposes Barbara Broccoli’s Mars for another competitive clash. And Michael J Wilson’s ultra-determined Sun opposition Pluto square Mars in Taurus collides with Boyle’s Uranus square Neptune. It was always going to be a bubbling cauldron even by film industry standards.

Barbara Broccoli 18 June 1960 9.55 am Santa Monica, CA. Wilson 21 January 1942 NY.

Sweden – not immune to general trends



Even progressive, social-minded Sweden is seeing a political swing to the extremes with a September 9 election coming up which may see the Social Democrats for the first time since World War One not maintain top position. The economy came out of the financial crisis quickly and unemployment is low but the major worries are crime and immigration. The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats, and the ex-Communists of the Left party are expected to do well.

Gun and grenade violence and torching of cars is on the rise with the blame being landed on gangs, mainly first- and second-generation immigrants.

The Sweden chart, 7 December 1865 3.30 pm Stockholm, is moving through discouraging and unsettling times with their Sagittarius Sun undermined in 2018/2019 by tr Neptune square; as well as tr Saturn in hard-aspect to their idealistic T Square of Uranus opposition Jupiter Mercury square Neptune this year.

And it’s not getting easier ahead with an explosive, violent and insecure Solar Arc Uranus conjunct the Sweden Mars in 2020 as well as a brutal Solar Arc Mars conjunct Pluto; plus tr Uranus starts a three year upending of their solidly Fixed Saturn in Scorpio opposition Pluto.

This election will see tr Uranus sextile the Uranus and tr Saturn in opposition to Uranus, so there will be jolts and tensions.

Japan – hauled out of a slump



Japan has been making strides forward in the past five years since Shinzo Abe took over as PM, almost entirely making up the ground it lost during the long 1990s slump. That started on a crash which wiped out more wealth as a share of its economy than the United States did in 1929.

What interesting about Shinzo Abe’s Term chart, 26 December 2012 is that it has – in addition to an innovative and controlling Sun Pluto square Uranus – an expansive Yod of Pluto sextile Saturn in Scorpio inconjunct Jupiter with Jupiter opposition a financial Venus. Well handled, an apex Jupiter can effect great social change.

His own personal chart, 21 September 1954, has a lucky Uranus Jupiter conjunction which trines the Japan Mars and his Virgo Sun opposes the Mars so he’ll be a great motivator for the country. Plus his Pluto opposes the Japan Sun for extra push and transformation.

It won’t be plain sailing ahead for him with a major setback coming in 2019 from Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Mars. In many ways he’s through his lucky phase when his Solar Arc Uranus Jupiter crossed his Sun, so maybe into more troubled times ahead personally or politically.

The Japan 11 February 1889 chart is being rattled by the Leo Eclipses this year and next; and has a Solar Arc Uranus square the Neptune for high anxiety in 2019. And a fair amount of upheaval from tr Pluto square the Uranus in 2018/2019. Followed by a considerable setback with Solar Arc Saturn square Mars in 2020. There is a rectified time of 10.44 am though how useful it is I’m not sure.

Trump – when will the USA’s elastic snap?



Disaster day for the Don –  or business as usual with the lock-her-up mantra ramping up the faithful to deflect attention from the guilt of Trump lawyer/fixer Cohen and Trump campaign manager Manafort. Never mind the two earliest congressional supporters of Trump now up on charges of insider trading and misuse of campaign funds respectively. Swampier and swampier.

When does middle America finally fall out of love with their errant President? The cracks are widening this year with tr Saturn opposition the composite Sun on the USA/Trump relationship chart, returning for the finally time this October; the bond fading into deeper confusion late this October to late December. Where the sh** really hits the fan is the last day of March 2019 across April and May, on and off for two years thereafter, as tr Pluto opposes the composite Mars which will bring enraged frustration and a bitter struggle. That composite USA/Trump Mars has already been elbowed by the recent July Cancer Eclipse, bringing an upsurge of anger.

The GOP as to be expected, protecting their own backs, are keeping their heads down and refusing to comment on the Manafort/Cohen backlash.  Where both Republican charts in relationship to Trump are showing more obvious strain is mid September to mid October this year (repeating April 2019) with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Sun and trine Mars for signs of a split and aggravation on one. The other shows up serious strains mid October across the Mid Terms, and December/January 2019 and March 2019. So the ties that bind, and they are strong, will start to be yanked apart or at least seriously disrupted by a series of jolts (chart data being sound).

Trump’s own chart had the July Cancer Eclipse, in effect for a few months thereafter, conjunct his Saturn which usually means chickens are coming home to roost. The most recent Leo Eclipse hit his 12th house Mars/Pluto midpoint, which is both threatening and likely to evoke strong counter-attacks.

His Progressed Moon, moving through his 12th house for two years plus which tends to be discouraging, will conjunct his Mars by next April for a major explosion and yet another shock.

He is seriously bad-tempered at the moment with tr Uranus square his Mercury/Mars midpoint which runs to mid September; he has the uncertain, neurotic tr Saturn square his Neptune across the Mid Terms in November; along with the loss-making and enthusiasm-denting tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint from late this October till late December.

Where his real aggro kicks in is from mid February 2019 with a catastrophe-prone tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus, which Ebertin describes as ‘force, violent interventions.’ Though he also has tr Pluto trine his Mars/Jupiter at the same time so will no doubt respond bullishly. That confidence will run out from the last day of March till after mid May when he hits tr Pluto opposition his Saturn and his Mars/Node midpoint, which latter Ebertin describes as a ‘forced separation.’ Not that anything usually gets resolved on the first hit of aspects. These repeat on and off till late 2020; with more trapped, aggravated midpoints joining in by 2020. And his Solar Return from June 2018 to June 2019 isn’t that bad; where it hits the skids is from June 2019 onwards.

From March 2019 as well tr Neptune will square his 10th house Uranus on and off till early 2020, which will mire his administration and career in even more confusion than usual.

To be remembered – his Term chart does have a strongly placed Jupiter opposition Uranus square Pluto, which will bring undeserved luck.  And outside events could always swoop in and save his bacon. Tr Pluto is square the Uranus in 2018/19 for a major upheaval and ditto tr Uranus square the Sun; but tr Pluto also squares Jupiter in 2019/2020 for a confident push. This chart does have a focal point Pluto in the 9th as well as Mercury and I recollect someone remarking at the time it could indicate an administration plagued with legal problems so the astrology was spot on for that.

Karl Ove Knausgaard and Edouard Louis – tales of woe



Fictionalised misery memoirs are all the rage and two more have been added to the pile with Norwegian Karl Ove Knausgaard finishing his gargantuan six parter The Struggle, and French Edouard Louis on his third best-selling autobiographical novel about his tormented life, now adapted for the stage at the Edinburgh Festival.

Knausgaard, 6 December 1968 in Oslo, has become Norway’s most famous living writer on the strength of his epic trawl through the minutiae of his life, amounting to 3,500 pages over six volumes. The Telegraph critic remarks: ‘he recounts incidents in his life both dramatic and banal, and tells us what he thinks about them, and what he thinks about what he thinks about them, and as often as not, what he thinks about that, too.’ He says: “This novel has hurt everyone around me, it has hurt me, and in a few years, when they are old enough to read it, it will hurt my children. But if you want to describe reality as it is, for the individual […] you can’t be considerate.”

He’s a Sun Mercury in Sagittarius is trine a self-reliant Saturn in Aries, with Saturn opposition Mars widely square Venus – almost certainly pedantic from Sagittarius, hard-edged, angry, resentful, emotionally damaged and none too sensitive. His Venus is trine Pluto sextile Neptune which will give him creative talent but also make him a touch manipulative.

Édouard Louis, 30 October 1991 3.15pm Abbeville, France, had a tough start as a brilliant homosexual child in a small impoverished village in northern France. His family, and the people around him, he describes as brutish and brutalised — violent, racist, homophobic and culturally backward. His father would kill unwanted kittens by putting them in a bag and smashing them against a wall, and would regularly get into fights at the local bar when drunk. Some publishers rejected his first novel because they didn’t believe that modern France could harbour such horrors. It became a best seller. His second novel, History of Violence, is based on his experience of having been raped and nearly murdered by a casual lover.

He has a stark chart which fairly bears out his story with an 8th house Sun Mars in Scorpio on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to Uranus trine Jupiter; and also probably on the focal point of a T square to Saturn opposition a Leo Moon. That is one heavy chart.

His Neptune Uranus trine Jupiter Venus, sextile Pluto Mercury in the communication/publishing 9th house would give him talent, inspiration and determination to counter-balance the cruelty and  madness which resides in his family. He said being gay saved him since it forced him to leave his peasant village home while 40 of his cousins (out of a population of 500) remain stuck there.

Apart from an afflicted Mars there’s not much similarity between the charts though Knausgaard’s time of birth would help.

Edward St Aubyn’s Patrick Melrose novels, recently televised, were also autobiographical about his abusive childhood – he’s also got an afflicted Mars trine Pluto, with Pluto trine Saturn. (See Post May 14 2018). Though why they decided to cleanse their souls in public views isn’t clear – all three have their Mercury in different signs – Sagittarius, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Asia Argento – a setback for #metoo



Actress Asia Argento, one of the best known #MeToo activists after she told the New Yorker that Weinstein had raped when she was 21, is being looked at for the sexual assault of a young actor, Jimmy Bennett in 2013. He was 17 at the time, which is underage under California law and she’d have been around 38. The New York Times alleges she settled a legal notice of intent to sue for $380,000 shortly after she said that Harvey Weinstein raped her.

They co-starred in 2004 in The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things in which Argento played Bennett’s prostitute mother. Bennett claimed he had been traumatised by the encounter and it had hurt his career; no police report was filed at the time. Weinstein has been indicted on sex crime accusations involving three women, but not including Argento – all of which he denies.

Born 20 September 1975 8.07am Rome, Italy, with a film director father known for horror and slasher movies and actress mother, Asia started on screen aged nine, she said to get her distant father’s attention. She had her first child to an Italian rock and roll musician, married a film director and divorced him, and was involved with the celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain who committed suicide recently.

She has a creative 12th house Sun Virgo opposition a Pisces Moon square an impulsive Mars in Gemini, so she’ll be highly-strung and very scattered. She has a talented Half Grand Sextile of Mercury in Libra opposition an upfront Jupiter in Aries, sextile Venus in flamboyant Leo and trine Mars.

Her 10th house Saturn in Leo is in an out-of-element Grand Trine to her Moon trine North Node in Scorpio; and square Uranus in her 1st.  Saturn square Uranus tends not to practice what it preaches. Saturn is also trine Neptune, sextile Pluto on her Ascendant – controlling, determined, secretive.

It’s not a malevolent chart but over-confident, prone to snap decisions, running on high-octane fuel, constantly looking for an adrenaline-rush.

Jimmy Bennett, 9 February 1996, is a go-ahead Sun Mars in Aquarius and his Mars square Pluto; and a Libra Moon.

His Venus opposes her Pluto so there would be an attraction; with his Sun Mars in her romantic 5th opposition her Venus for ditto; though his Saturn was conjunct her Moon opposition her Sun and square her Mars which would be fractious connection.

Their relationship chart has a sparky composite Venus opposition Uranus Sun, with a risk-taking Uranus trine Mars; and a confident Pluto trine Jupiter. It’s nothing like her relationship chart with Weinstein which has a cruel and  unpleasant composite Mars, Uranus, Saturn, Pluto. Which is still no excuse for that age disparity with Bennett for what is probably classed as statutory rape (shades of Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron).