Barack Obama’s elastic finally snapped and he took the unusual step of issuing a full-throated indictment of his successor. He called Trump a “threat to our democracy” and a demagogue practicing the “politics of fear and resentment.” He likened him to Roman Caesars who placated the mob with bread and circuses. He said “demagogues promise simple fixes to complicated problems. They’ll promise to fight for the little guy…. They’ll promise to clean up corruption even as they plunder away.”
His relationship with Trump always was a major clash, with Trump’s bombastic, ego-centric Mars in Leo conjunct Obama’s reformist Uranus and North Node; and Trump’s under-hand, manipulative and contemptuous Pluto conjunct Obama’s Leo Sun.
Their relationship chart has a suspicious composite Saturn opposition Neptune in a can-be-fanatical and high-tension square to Uranus, North Node, Mercury, Sun; with an irritable composite Mars opposition Moon square Jupiter. The composite Uranus and Neptune are picking up challenging and pressured tr Pluto hard aspects from mid January 2019 onwards throughout the year, moving onto the square to the composite Saturn in 2020/21 which is bulldozer-meets-brickwall time – so it’ll be a long-drawn out, disruptive tussle.
Obama’s personal chart, time being absolutely accurate, looks heartened as the Mid Term results come in with tr Uranus trine his Jupiter/Midheaven midpoint. Jupiter is moving across his 10th house for twelve months from early November this year, which will see him taking a higher profile and successful role through 2019. Though he is facing an aggravating and frustrating battle from February 2019 onwards for two years with tr Pluto trine his 8th house Mars. He looks mighty relieved with a sudden lucky turn of events in July 2019 and again in spring 2020 with tr Uranus opposition his Sun/Jupiter.
What’ll be interesting to see is what happens when his Solar Arc Midheaven conjuncts his Saturn in a year’s time – Saturn either accompanies setbacks or consolidates past efforts to bring in a harvest, with a boosted reputation and increased respect. He doesn’t look too happy after the next Inauguration with tr Pluto conjunct his Saturn for two years.