J Paul Getty – a monstrous patriarch



J Paul Getty, whose name became a synonym for great wealth (made from Middle Eastern oil) and extraordinary frugality, is the subject of FX’s TV drama series Trust along with his splintered dysfunctional family. He married five times, had five sons, was a serial womaniser, manipulated his relatives over his will and took stinginess to extreme lengths, including infamously refusing to pay a ransom for his oldest grandson. Eventually he lent his son money at 4% interest to pay it, but only after an ear arrived through the post.

Born 15 December 1892 8.43 am Minneapolis, MN (biography), he had no planets in either of his financial houses or an especially afflicted Saturn. His Sagittarius was in the 12th square Mars in the 3rd, so competitive, secretive and outspoken.

What leaps out is Neptune Pluto conjunct in his 5th house of children and love affairs, which is tied into a so-called Mystic Rectangle in opposition to Mercury and trine/sextile Saturn opposition Jupiter in upfront Aries. Neptune Pluto is associated with megalomania, scandals, the supernatural, and a tendency to deception. Neptune would give him commitment problems while Pluto made him possessive, hence the unkind games of dangling carrots of money before relatives and then pulling his promises back.  His North Node in Taurus on his IC would also prompt him into secret battles over money and property.

His Scorpio Moon Uranus in the 10th suited him for an individualistic career in the public eye which he pursued with ferocious determination.

His love life was clearly driven by that Pluto Neptune in the 5th, plus Venus in Scorpio trine Mars.

His 9th Harmonic which shows what brought him pleasure is exceptionally strong with a New Moon; a confident, lucky Jupiter trine Pluto; and a cruel Mars Saturn Venus trine MC, Uranus. The 9th often shows up as heavily aspected with money-men.

Clare Foy – a turbulent Aries Scorpio mix



Clare Foy who won the Emmy for lead actress playing the young Queen Elizabeth 11 in The Crown has had a sterling career from the start with acclaimed theatre and television performances in Little Dorrit and Wolf Hall amongst others. She is playing Stieg Larsson’s flawed heroine Lisbeth Salander in the film The Girl in the Spider’s Web out later this year.

Born 16 April 1984 in Stockport, England, she has a see-saw chart with Sun Venus in Aries and Mercury in Taurus on one side and a fearsome collection of Pluto, Moon, Saturn, Mars in Scorpio on the other; along with Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter. Not quite the steady HM Queen she played to perfection.  She will have problems finding a balance in her life, constantly hopping between opposites. Aries and Scorpio are a tricky mix.

She has charm aplenty with her Venus in a frivolous square to Jupiter in Capricorn and in a sparkling trine to Uranus.

Her Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct her Jupiter when she was cast in The Crown in 2014 for a considerable lucky break.

Her actresses’ 15th Harmonic is exceptionally strong joining Sun to Venus to Jupiter Pluto.

USA Constitution – under strain & facing severe tests ahead * update


The USA Constitution has been shaken by in recent times by a president who clearly dislikes restrictions on his personal power. Which was why it was written 231 years ago by the founding fathers to put balances and checks in place.

Signed on 17 September 1787, the chart is showing the stress of life since late 2016; with worse to come into the 2020s.

Not surprisingly for a political framework guided by a definite ideology it has an Air Grand Trine of Jupiter in Gemini in an idealistic trine to Neptune which trines onto a formidably enduring Saturn Pluto in Aquarius. The Virgo Sun is in an expansive square to Jupiter. And there’s a Yod of Sun sextile Uranus inconjunct Saturn suggesting inner strength, social responsibility, steadiness of purpose. Such a Yod demands a great deal of self-discipline for it to operate well.

That central Pluto Saturn in the Constitution chart opposes Trump’s 12th house Pluto and Mars, so will arouse his anger and run slap bang up against his need for control.

The relationship chart between the two has a chained-together-and-resenting-it composite Sun Mercury square Saturn Pluto. There will be upsets this November and next February as tr Uranus squares the composite Mars. But it will be 2020 when it is put to its severest test with tr Uranus square the Sun and conjunct Saturn – so there will be an almighty set to.

The Constitution chart itself was showing signs of concern and devastation over the 2016 election with tr Pluto square the Neptune; with Solar Arc Sun in a blocked square to the Constitution Pluto; and six months ago Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Saturn.  Where it shows even more strain will be during the next presidency, kicking off with Solar Arc Moon conjunct Uranus mid 2021, and Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Neptune late 2021. Followed by Solar Arc Uranus opposition Sun in 2022; tr Neptune opposition Sun and square Jupiter in 2022/23; and tr Pluto square the Uranus in 2023/24.


Looking back to similar planetary occurrences:

Pluto in hard aspect to the Constitution’s Neptune: during Jimmy Carter’s presidency in 1978/79. And in 1927/28 for Calvin Coolidge, small government conservative. Both are thought of as below-average presidents.

Neptune in hard aspect to the Constitution Sun: 1981/2 – exact over the first three months of Ronald Reagan’s presidency, exact over his attempted assassination. Iran-Contra scandal kicks off in secret.

1940 – WW11 running in Europe. Pearl Harbour in the aftermath, a year later.

1898/99: William McKinley president – shot 1901.

The USA Civil War in 1861 was just after tr Neptune had opposed the Constitution Sun (1858/59) and tr Pluto squared the Constitution Pluto and, following that, Saturn in the bitter aftermath.


Donald Sutherland – a megaton Cancer



Actor Donald Sutherland is still going strong after five decades of highly respected work, most recently dominating as J. Paul Getty in FX TV’s Trust. Before that in The Hunger Games, Cold Mountain, The Italian Job, way back to Kelly’s Heroes, Mash, and The Dirty Dozen.

Born 17 July 1935 11.30am St John’s Canada, he started acting early but was in his 30s before he made his breakthrough and from then on never looked back.

He has a 10th house Sun Pluto conjunction opposition North Node square Mars in Libra, so a powerful, controlling, influential and determined personality, who would come on very strong in his younger days – impulsive and aggressive. His maverick Aquarius Moon is in his performing 5th square an 8th house Uranus, suiting him for oddball roles, as well as villains from his Mars Pluto. Jupiter in money-magnet Scorpio in his financial 2nd will have given him luck. Though his emotional planets are not that easy with a 12th house Venus Neptune opposition Saturn plus his Moon Uranus. He’s been married three times, with two children from his second marriage (Kiefer being one) and three from his third.

His actor’s 15th Harmonic could not be more notable with an Earth Grand Trine formed into a Kite with Jupiter as the leading planet.

Now 83 and still working as hard as ever.

Sandra Oh – an Emmy hopeful hunting a killer



Sandra Oh, much loved Cristina Yang in Grey’s Anatomy for nine years, is the first Asian to be nominated for an Emmy as lead actress in Killing Eve, playing a Brit spook hunting a female serial killer. She’s already won multiple awards and been Emmy nominated before but never taken the prized statuette home.

Born 20 July 1971 in Ottawa, Canada, to Korean immigrant parents, she has a powerful chart with a Cancer Sun trine Jupiter in Scorpio, sextile Pluto – ambitious, confident, lucky, tuned into the public mood. She has a feisty Mercury in Leo opposition Mars in Aquarius squaring onto Jupiter; and a creative Saturn opposition Neptune Jupiter. And a wide yod of Sun sextile Pluto inconjunct Mars – so quite a force to be reckoned with.

Her actor/actress 15th Harmonic is forceful in the extreme tying together Sun in opposition to Mars Pluto and squaring Saturn – so roles involving psychopaths or which walk on the dark side will suit her.

There’s nothing much showing up on her chart (without a birth time) for the Emmy’s this week. But she’ll power ahead in 2022 when tr Pluto sextiles her Jupiter; with a lucky break in 2020 with her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Jupiter then.

Philippines & China typhoon – Neptune on the rampage



The turbulent Mars Uranus square tied into the North Node on the recent eclipses is certainly making its presence felt with a deadly typhoon striking the Philippines with 60 dead from landslides, now making an assault on the China coast. And that’s on top of the Carolina tropical storm deluge.

The Philippines 4 July 1946 9.15 am Manila chart has Solar Arc Neptune square the Moon in effect now and for the next few months, with economic damage to farmland causing concern as well as the mortalities. And tr Neptune is also square the Phil Moon this year and next; with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the 2nd house Neptune for financial devastation.

The Philippines 10 December 1898 8.45pm Paris, France chart, for the start of US rule also seems to hold good. Tr Neptune is square the Pluto exactly now and returning to square the Saturn in 2019 and then the Sagittarius Sun. So the recovery will be long and hard.

The 1946 chart had the Leo Solar Eclipse conjunct the Venus for an emotional upset; and the 1898 had the eclipse conjunct Ascendant, for another challenge.  Locating the Eclipses to the Philippines puts Jupiter on the MC and Mercury Node on the Descendant for the Leo Solar and Pluto on the descendant for the Lunar.

If anything the China coast looks even harder hit with the Leo Eclipse Mars sitting on the Ascendant. It’s an unholy combination – Neptune blowing up a tempest boosted by the explosive Mars Uranus.

Eliud Kipchoge – mind over matter



Eliud Kipchoge, the Kenyan reckoned the best distance runner of all time will compete in tomorrow’s Berlin Marathon. He has won nine of the 10 marathons he has entered, including Berlin twice, is the reigning Olympic champion and has never sustained a serious injury. His formula is –  Motivation + Discipline = Consistency.

Born 5 November 1984 in rural Kenya, he ran to school since there was no transport and was helped into competitive sport as a teenager by a local athlete who had returned home from the US to run training programmes.

He has his Sun in Scorpio conjunct Saturn with Pluto and Mercury also in Scorpio – so he’s not short of determination or endurance, despite his slight size and weight of 5 foot 6 and 115 pounds. His Saturn is in a disciplined sextile to Mars in Capricorn; and his Pluto is in a confident sextile to Jupiter, with his Mars in aspect to his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint. His Uranus is conjunct his Mars/Pluto midpoint and his Pluto aspects his Sun/Mars – all of which make sense for a brutal sport requiring a punishing training schedule and extreme mental discipline to overcome pain and fatigue. Which just goes to show there are ways of using difficult aspects in a chart and turning them to constructive ends.

His chart has some similarities to Dennis Kipruto Kimetto, the present marathon world record holder, 22 January 1984, who has an Aquarius Sun square Pluto Mars in Scorpio with Saturn also in Scorpio. He also has Jupiter sextile Pluto; and his Pluto aspects his Sun/Mars midpoint.

Of the other four marathon champions’ charts I looked at – Kiprotich, Tergat, Bikla, Gebrselassie – all have their Jupiter/Pluto midpoint in aspect to one of their planets, as well as either Mars/Saturn or Mars/Pluto.

Kiprotich has a formidably tough-minded Mars, Saturn, Pluto in Libra inconjunct his Pisces Sun which squares Neptune. And Tergat has a powerhouse Pluto, Jupiter, Uranus in Virgo square his Gemini Sun, with his Sun inconjunct his Neptune.  Neptune also surprisingly often turns up in athletes’ charts, giving the lie to its reputation for wimpy low energy.

Daniel Kaiser-Küblböck – a bright and wayward entertainer



Daniel Kaiser-Küblböck, a former German Pop Idol phenomenon, known as Wacky Daniel for his androgynous appearance and Rosa Luxembourg alter-ego has disappeared overboard off a cruise ship in Newfoundland waters. His family says he was likely larking about on the rail and fell though other passengers say he was acting oddly beforehand, seemed lonely and had an ‘incident’ with a bartender. He took the cruise to recover from what he claimed was bullying at an theatre acting school he was attending.

Born 27 August 1985 2.47 am Hutthurm, Passau, Germany, he had a Virgo Sun trine Neptune and sextile a 4th house Pluto in Scorpio; with a 4th house Saturn in Scorpio square Mars – so a stressful, cold and scary childhood. One brother, a neo-Nazi, died from a heroin overdose.  He had maverick Uranus in his performing 5th in a high-wire and overly excitable trine to Mars Mercury in flamboyant Leo. His Capricorn Moon opposed Venus in Cancer on his Ascendant, perhaps inclining him to his female alter-ego as an escape from the overly-tough masculine energies in his chart, stemming from his father.

His Sun was square his Neptune/Pluto midpoint which can be fairly off-the-wall and prone to delusions. He also had an expansive Pluto opposition Taurus Node square Jupiter in Aquarius in his 7th so he did have confidence and the ability to please. But it wasn’t strong enough to balance out his stressed emotional life.

It’s been a tricky year for him: Tr Uranus had been opposition his Pluto for several weeks running into last weekend, which would make him feel he was sitting on an earthquake, not so much of anger, but a seismic shift, which would make him feel out of control. Tr Uranus was also opposition his Sun/Neptune midpoint which wouldn’t help him think clearly. Tr Saturn was in a heavy sextile to his Pluto; having been in a blocked square to Sun/Pluto and Mercury/Saturn in the weeks before which would be discouraging.

Relocating his chart to Newfoundland put his Moon on his midheaven and Saturn in his 7th, with Uranus and Neptune in his 8th, so not a great region for him.

His creative though can-be-unstable 7th Harmonic was strong; as was his ‘victim’ 12H. A troubled soul who had his five minutes of fame but couldn’t sustain his success.

Princess Diana – seeking the elusive soulmate



Princess Diana’s lover, Islamic art expert Oliver Hoare has died. He was the most passionate of her string of liaisons as her marriage cracked and she dreamed of running away to Italy with him. He was married with three children, luckily for him to a French wife more laid back about extra-marital flings than most, and he wouldn’t leave them. He was a friend of Prince Charles before and after the affair in that odd laissez-faire aristo way. It came to public notice after she and Hoare broke up when he reported obsessive numbers of nuisance silent phone calls which were traced back to Princess Diana.

Born 18 July 1945 (Times obit) he was a Sun, Saturn in Cancer with a Scorpio Moon. His Mars in Taurus was conjunct her 5th house Venus in Taurus so there would be a powerful attraction; and his Moon was conjunct her Neptune, trine her Sun Mercury and square her Jupiter so he would stir up her dreams and fantasies.

Their relationship chart had a frivolous, indulgent composite Jupiter opposition Venus with Jupiter square Pluto, so for a while it would feel empowering. But there was an insurmountable composite Neptune opposition Saturn square Sun Mars Uranus conjunction. Neptune Saturn can give rise to paranoia and Uranus Neptune can be fanatical. The tr Uranus Neptune in Capricorn was stirring up that T Square when they split in 1994 and she clearly went into meltdown. Tr Pluto would also be opposing her Venus which would stoke up the intensity of her feelings.

Prince Charles’ Scorpio Sun opposed her Venus which would give a frisson of attraction, but his Uranus fell in her 7th house of one-to-one relationships, so it was never going to work. Plus a dose of competitiveness from his Mars on her Ascendant; and the relationship chart had an exact composite Mars Neptune which leads to only-one-can-win-games. One succeeds, the other feels diminished, so the opposite of mutually supportive.

Will Carling, the rugby player – a lively Sun Sagittarius opposition Jupiter square Uranus Pluto –  and Hasnat Khan, the heart surgeon – a Sun Venus in Aquarius with a Cancer/Leo Moon – who were also her lovers, both had Venus in Aquarius conjunct her Jupiter which would  boost her confidence. Dodi Fayed would have offered her a home with his Aries Sun on her IC, but that wouldn’t have worked either.

She seemed destined not to find a committed partner who would suit her Gemini Descendant.   Searching but never finding.