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Barbra Streisand – into battle armour
Barbra Streisand is leading a charge “in a war for the soul of America”, issuing her first album since 2005 with the lead single titled ‘Don’t Lie to Me’. In it she aims at “kings and queens, crooks and thieves” who “built towers of bronze and gold”.
In 2016 she wrote about the then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. He is “a narcissist who has shown no regard for anyone but himself. A bigoted and misogynist reality-TV character with no political experience and no qualms about lying loudly and often.”
She’s certainly a forceful enough character to wage war. Born 24 April 1942 5.08 am New York with a musical mother and a father who died when she was one, she grew up in near poverty. She has a larger-than-life 1st house Sun, Mercury in Taurus, below an Aries Ascendant, squaring onto a 5th house Pluto Moon in Leo – so has endurance, is stubborn to the nth degree, very controlling and influential.
She has an accentuated Jupiter in Gemini in the communication 3rd square the Node opposition Venus in musical Pisces – good at grabbing attention and born to perform. Singers often have Taurus in their charts, since it rules the throat. A flamboyant entertaining 5th house Moon close to heavyweight Pluto means she packs a punch when it comes to putting herself across. Her Venus in Pisces is also the driving planet from an Earth Grand Trine of North Node trine Mercury trine her midheaven – so custom-built for a singing career.
And intriguingly she also has Saturn Uranus trine Neptune – which is the combination Trump has in his 5th/10th/15th Harmonics – so they tap into similar energies in the zeitgeist.
Her Saturn Uranus falls in his 10th square his flashy Mars in Leo so she could make a difference and will certainly irritate him. With her exuberant, competitive and crusading Mars and Jupiter conjunct his Sun.
Their relationship chart has a composite Sun trine Neptune, sextile Mars which isn’t overly strong but does suggest an ego-clash. There’s another mini-Trine of Neptune trine Uranus Mercury sextile Pluto and Saturn square Neptune – lots of room in their for tensions and miscommunications.
On her personal chart, 2019 looks an unsettled year of fast-change and upheaval with tr Uranus conjunct her Sun and square Pluto. Tr Neptune conjunct her Venus and then square her Jupiter and Solar Arc MC in 2020 running into early 2021 don’t look overly cheerful – high hopes dashed. Where her relationship chart with Trump really stokes up aggravation is in 2022/23 as tr Pluto opposes the composite Mars.
Her life will alter dramatically through from 2019 to 2021 with tr Uranus hitting on her Sun, Mercury and Moon Pluto, all of them in Fixed signs, so she won’t find the changes easy to negotiate.
She’s been married to James Brolin, 18 July 1940 11.10 am, Los Angeles, for 20 years. He’s a late Sun Cancer opposition a Capricorn Moon; with a megaton Mars Pluto in Leo sitting on her Moon Pluto and square her Sun; with Jupiter Saturn and Uranus in Taurus. He’s as stubborn as she is. Though his Venus in Gemini is conjunct her Mars; and his Cancer Sun suits her Venus in Pisces. That is quite some relationship.
PS: Intriguingly, she’s relatively similar to his mother, Mary – a Sun, Saturn and Venus in Taurus with a Fixed sign Moon. Mind you so is Melania and she hasn’t managed to keep him in check.
Glenn Close – talent wins out
Glenn Close is getting rave reviews for her role in The Wife, co-starring Jonathan Pryce, with hopes she might break her run as most-nominated-but-never-won at the Oscars. Though she has many other awards for Broadway, film and TV performances.
She was born 19 March 1947 2.12 pm Greenwich, Connecticut, with a medical father who worked in the Congo; and when she was 7 her parents became devotees of the Moral Rearmament cult, which trapped her in a restrictive childhood. She and her three other siblings were effectively separated and abandoned to MRA nannies as her mother and father went on pilgrimages round the world, settling the family eventually at the MRA headquarters in Switzerland. Glenn escaped when she was 21 but their fractured upbringing had a devastating effect on her younger sister Jessie who had a tumultuous life subsequently and was diagnosed late as bi-polar. There was a history of schizophrenia and suicide in the family.
Glenn herself has a challenging and difficult chart with an 8th house Pisces Sun and an 8th house Mars in Pisces square Uranus. Her Sun does trine a 4th house Jupiter which is also square her Aquarius Moon which will make it easier for her to be forgiving of her parents, which she seems to be. She has the bleak Pluto Saturn in Leo just above her Leo Ascendant, so although she’s flashy in one way, she comes across as enigmatic and quite forbidding. Her Pluto is doubly emphasised being the driving planet from an Air Grand Trine of Uranus to Neptune to Venus, so she’ll be able to detach herself from difficult feelings but be powerfully persuasive at the same time. Not a lady to be pushed around.
Her 7th house Moon Venus in Aquarius and 4th house Jupiter will make her yearn for an affectionate and supportive partnership and home life but she’s been married and divorced four times. Perhaps a result, not only of the other challenges of her chart, but also because her Sun/Moon midpoint is conjunct her volcanic 8th house Mars.
Her creative 5th and 7th Harmonics are strong as is her actress’s 15H.
She shows no signs of slowing down and with tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Jupiter till late this year she will be on a roll; and her confidence gets an extra lift from tr Jupiter through her 5th till autumn 2019. She’ll be even more on a high in the early 2020s with tr Pluto sextile her Jupiter and conjunct her Sun/Jupiter midpoint. But she’ll also have a fairly radical change of direction picking up next year as tr Uranus starts to move across her midheaven.
Indonesia – a Saturn in Cancer tragedy
The devastating 7.5 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that hit the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, has killed at least 832 people with fears the final death toll could be thousands. The Red Cross estimates that more than 1.6 million people have been affected which it described as a tragedy that “could get much worse”. The previous worst quake and tsunami with 100 foot waves in December 2004 was a 9.1 magnitude which killed nearly 230,000 along the Indian ocean coastline.
Indonesia, 17 August 1945 10 am Jakarta has tr Pluto squaring the 10th house Saturn and midheaven (and midpoints) now, which is significantly discouraging and creating major challenges. With the July Cancer Eclipse also conjunct both Saturn and MC. That Solar Eclipse located to Palu has Saturn conjunct the IC.
The 2004 quake had Pluto conjunct the Ascendant with the Libra Solar Eclipse in square to the Indonesia Saturn MC.
With tr Pluto continuing to make a hardship-square to the Indonesia Saturn till late this year and tr Neptune squaring the Mars Uranus in Gemini until late 2019, there could be a difficult and long-drawn out aftermath.
David Beckham – the gilt coming off
Brand Beckham took another dent with David slithering out of a speeding charge through a technicality, which according to the Daily Mail will botch a much-longed-for knighthood. He’s shrugged off a fair number of scandals over the years and still managed to maintain his ordinary-guy image despite being superstar-wealthy. The sense is the public are starting to sour over the Beckhams’ flagrantly expensive lifestyle and their parading of the kids to ensure the brand stays in the spotlight. David is worth around £350 million which isn’t bad going for a footballer whom Alex Ferguson didn’t reckon world-class. Recently he’s been supporting his sour-faced wife Victoria’s failing fashion line.
Born 2 May 1975 6.17 am London, his chart does indicate a fair amount of pressure on his status, reputation and career in coming years. His Capricorn Moon on his midheaven is catching tr Uranus square for the second time this November and against next February, which could be emotional, but will also affect his standing. Depending on how accurate to the minute his birth time is (biography) he also has tr Pluto moving to conjunct his midheaven around 2022, though it could come before, which often accompanies a fall from grace.
This year and next he also has a panicky, undermining tr Neptune conjunct his 11th house Mars suggesting uncertainty about future plans. Plus he has a downbeat tr Saturn in hard aspect to his Cardinal T Square of Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn later this year and through 2019. That will give him pause for thought about what comes next.
2019/2020 always did look like a scrunch point for his marriage, see post below. And by 2020/21 he has tr Neptune conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint which doesn’t necessarily suggest a terminal split more major dissatisfaction and (further) drifting apart. He does look frustrated and trapped in 2019/2020; though being Beckham he’s also got good luck, and confidence, extending into the early 2020s.
Post June 11 2018
Heavy denials about celebrity marriage problems accompanied by lovey-dovey red-carpet cuddles are usually not a good sign. David and Victoria Beckham managed both which did nothing to quell the rumours.
The astrology always pointed to 2018/2019 as a danger point with tr Uranus conjunct first the composite Venus now, then Mercury in July and moving backwards and forwards over these into 2019 when tr Uranus will be conjunct the composite Sun and Mars. That looks exceptionally disruptive. Then tr Pluto will also square the composite Uranus in 2021 so it’ll be a rough ride ahead for several years. They are fairly lashed together because of the commercial brand mirrored in a composite Saturn square Pluto, which aspect is also being weighed down by tr Saturn this year, so a separation wouldn’t be simple.
There’s likely to be separations during all those Uranian firecrackers. His chart has tr Uranus square his 10th house Moon through into early 2019 so he will be rethinking his domestic life as well as career direction. And he does look directionless and less than confident about future plans with tr Neptune conjunct his 11th house Mars in 2018/2019.
Victoria looks under huge pressure around 2020 and just after as tr Pluto squares her Aries Sun opposition Uranus.
My impression is he’s supporting her fashion business which isn’t doing well financially and they have led fairly separate lives.
NB Her birth time is unverified.
Elon Musk – flying too high
Lacking a twitter nanny to censor his more idiotic posts Elon Musk is now in a deep hole having been slapped with a lawsuit by the US Securities and Exchange Commission accusing him of securities fraud. This the result of a wild and erroneous tweet saying he was taking Tesla private, sending shares soaring. The worst-case scenario is he pays a considerable fine, and is banned from being a company director. When Martha Stewart faced a similar ban she became creative officer in her company.
Born 28 June 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa (sadly no birth time), he has a creative and experimental Cancer Sun Mercury square Uranus. like Julian Assange born five days later; and a head-in-the-clouds, high-finance Jupiter Neptune opposition Saturn; and an adventurous, uncompromising Mars in Aquarius square Jupiter.
Musk was in line for two collisions this year – one from Solar Arc Sun opposition his Mars and the other from Solar Arc Mars square his Sun, and by 2021 opposition his Uranus – which makes for a very bumpy ride.
Tr Saturn is also dampening his self-esteem this year as it hard-aspects his Sun and Uranus, and Mercury throughout 2019. He looks edgy in the extreme later this year; with Neptunian sinkers through until 2021. There will be a few moments of luck and relief in 2019 but not enough to outweigh the rest. And won’t really get back into gear before 2022.
For self-inflicted wounds the 10th Harmonic is usually an indicator – and his is extraordinarily strong tying together Mars Pluto and Uranus and Jupiter and the North Node – a ruthless and desperate drive for progress, innovative and adventurous. The 10H usually indicates a rise and a fall.
His get-it-together 5H, often the sign of a creative businessman, is strong; as is his ‘seeking soul’ 7th, which sometimes comes with a tinge of instability. His breakthrough/genius 13H is notable; even more so his leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17th harmonic.
The Tesla IPO 29 June 2010 9.30am New York is also showing the strain over the next three months with a chart not dissimilar to Musk’s with a Cancer Sun Mercury opposition Pluto square Jupiter Uranus – all picking up tr Saturn dampeners till this December. The Solar Arc Midheaven is conjunct the destructive Fixed Star Algol right as of now.
And Tesla Motors, 1 July 2003, is similarly afflicted with a Sun, Mercury, Saturn in early Cancer – it hints at major upheavals in 2019 with Solar Arc Uranus square the Pluto. And Musk’s relationship chart with his company looks on a downhill slide from this year through till the early 2020s.
Genius comes at a price.
See previous posts: August 18 2018, Feb 8 2018, Nov 19 2017.
Pic: Steve Jurvetson
Northern Ireland – no quick n’ easy solutions
Northern Ireland has double trouble with the Brexit headache looming large and no functioning cabinet. It’s more than 600 days since the power-sharing government collapsed into stalemate and Theresa May has not stepped into to take charge through direct rule, because her hare-brained reliance on the DUP in Westminster would give rise of concerns about bias in their favour. Civil servants are overseeing a budget of more than £10 billion and problems are piling up because of a backlog of decisions which civil servants have no authority to take.
The Northern Ireland, 7 December 1922 3.28pm Belfast chart, certainly shows a panicky, uncertain and blocked phase picking up two years ago for both Brexit and the political impasse. Solar Arc Saturn made a discouraging opposition to the Moon, and there was a jolting Solar Arc Uranus opposition the NI Sun at that point. Then an undermining tr Neptune started to square the NI Sagittarius Sun and Mercury running on till late 2019; with a dead-halt Solar Arc Pluto conjunct the NI Saturn exactly now; plus a financially worrisome Solar Arc Neptune conjunct Venus, exact in early 2019. 2019 as well sees tr Pluto opposition the NI Cancer Moon for high angst and emotional responses from the no doubt fed-up population till late 2020.
There won’t be much joy until 2020 when tr Uranus opposes the Jupiter for a sigh of relief; and expansive tr Jupiter moves through the NI 8th house of business finances for a year. And even then tr Pluto is moving closer to conjunct the midheaven (start time being accurate) in 2023/2024 which suggests a critical point in the Northern Ireland’s destiny with massive changes to status, reputation and direction in the years following.
The relationship charts between UK 1927 and UK 1801 with Northern Ireland both indicate considerable pressures at the moment and through 2019; but more major and ominous challenges (for Unionists) into the 2020s from 2022 onwards for two or three years.
Politicians everywhere are beyond a dead loss.
Michael Lewis – wilful ignorance in Trump’s transition *Updated
A truly terrifying expose of the chaos, incompetence, ignorant and wilfully uncaring transition into Trump’s shambolic administration comes in Michael Lewis’s The Fifth Risk out in October. He’s the author of The Big Short, made into a Brad Pitt film, which managed to make understandable the impenetrable complexities of the over-leveraged banking derivatives which led to the 2008 crash.
Transition preparations are mandatory for both presidential nominees in the months before the election to ensure the machinery of government with 2 million employees runs smoothly. When this was explained to Trump, according to Lewis, he responded ‘Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law.’ At one point he turned to Chris Christie and said: “Chris, you and I are so smart that we can leave the victory party two hours early and do the transition ourselves.”
“Trump was going to handle the transition more or less by himself. Not even Bannon thought this was a good idea. “I was fucking nervous as shit,” Bannon later told friends. “I go, ‘Holy fuck, this guy [Trump] doesn’t know anything. And he doesn’t give a shit.’”
“The election happened,” remembers Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, then deputy secretary of the Department of Energy. “And then there was radio silence.”
Lewis was born 15 October 1960, New Orleans, the son of a corporate lawyer and a community activist, started out studying art, then economics, worked for the investment bank Salomon Brothers and became finally a financial journalist. He is a Sun Libra sextile Jupiter in crusading Sagittarius; with a Half Grand Sextile of a tough Saturn in Capricorn opposition Mars, sextile/trine Neptune and Pluto – not short of discipline, determination or ambition. He also has in addition to Neptune, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio (good for research) square Uranus (outspoken).
His relationship chart with Trump has a composite power-struggling Sun Pluto; with a suspicious composite Neptune Saturn in a can-be-fanatical square to Uranus. It’s under heavy pressure now with tr Pluto square the Saturn and rocking n’ rolling through 2019 with tr Pluto opposition the composite Uranus and square Neptune. Plus an explosive tr Uranus square the composite Mars Node from April 2019 onwards.
Worth a read of the excerpt below, which includes an intriguing nugget about the Pences.
Add on 2 October 2018: An interview with Lewis in The Times says he can imagine two ways in which the Trump era ends in calamity. One is he defaults on US sovereign debt, as he often walked away from his company’s debts in business. “He could precipitate a financial crisis that would make the 2008 crisis seem trivial.” And a run on the dollar. “We have $20 trillion in debt and he’s jacking up the deficit in ways that we haven’t seen in a long time and he has no compunction about stiffing creditors.”
The second stems from his disinterest in how the US government works and its ability to cope with major crises, so if one arose he would be exposed. He has “a lot of strange mental deficiencies, and one of them is he really doesn’t learn. He’s intimidated by any kind of complexity.”
‘I think that he’s not that interesting. I think he’s a very simple character. I think there’s not much there. This isn’t an electronic device, it’s a mechanical device. It’s an on-off switch kind of thing. You can understand it pretty easily.”
Canada – another of Trump’s hate spats
Canada is getting the full brunt Trump’s venting over their dairy and auto industry tariffs. The US made a Nafta deal with Mexico last month and is under pressure to make it three-way to include Canada. But Trump appears to have taken a dislike to the Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, who has been leading the negotiations and has turned down a meeting with PM Justin Trudeau. He also said he is still willing to put a “motherlode” tariff on Canadian auto parts, which could affect $200bn of Canadian exports to the US – and deeply upset parts of the US auto industry who depend on them.
The Canada chart does look on tenterhooks and discouraged with tr Saturn opposition their Cancer Sun Uranus and conjunct their midheaven before the end of the year and square Neptune on and off through 2019, which will be panicky and uncertain; plus their resolutely stubborn Saturn opposition Pluto has moved by Solar Arc to sit squarely on their Neptune and Ascendant/Descendant, picking up in 2017 and running on for another three years. Saturn Pluto is associated with hardship and difficult conditions; on top of Neptune it’ll bring major confusion and concern.
The Canada/USA relationship chart is being sharply elbowed for the next six months or so from tr Uranus opposition the composite Saturn; with angry outbursts November till next April. And a definite gulf in this December.
Trump’s relationship with Justin Trudeau will hit a further low late this October till the New Year; and is anyway never going to be a bro-romance – quite the opposite.
Trump’s relationship with Canada is also aggravated at best (did they turn down one of his hotels?) and is split and bumpy into 2019.
The Bank of Canada chart, 11 March 1935, is moving into an acutely challenging, frustrating and scary few years from early 2019 with tr Pluto square the Mars and opposition the Pluto and then on to square the Uranus.
Chrystia Freeland, 2 August 1968, has her Leo Sun exactly conjunct Trump’s 12th house Pluto so he’ll enjoy pulling her strings. Her Mars in Cancer is conjunct his Saturn for more aggro; and she has one of these tricky Yods of Pluto Uranus sextile Neptune (Moon) in Scorpio inconjunct Saturn in Aries which will make her self-reliant to the nth degree, which possibly presses his female-issues buttons as well as whatever beef he has with Canada.
There doesn’t seem much hope of a rapprochement any time soon.
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