A Tony Blair intervention usually evokes an exasperated sigh from the electorate who wish he’d bury himself somewhere far away. But for once his grandstanding on Brexit has been welcomed by everyone apart from Theresa May who accused him of “undermining” the Brexit talks by calling for another referendum and saying his comments were an “insult to the office he once held.” He spat back. “What is irresponsible is to try to steamroller MPs into accepting a deal they genuinely think is a bad one with the threat that if they do not fall into line, the government will have the country crash out without a deal.”
Given that many on her own side including John Major and other Cabinet members have been chipping in their tuppence worth over different scenarios it’s not clear why she erupted over Blair. Especially since Brussels made it perfectly clear there will be no further negotiations.
As an aside, mainstream commentators have been getting more and more blunt about her state of mind.
Matthew Parris, Times: “At what point does tenacity become rigidity become mulishness become a frozen panic? Does she hear? Does she see? Does she know? Is there anyone at home?” “Colleagues are getting the creeps. They fear she’s flying us on into the night as flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur flew on, essentially pilotless, the aircraft’s captain … elsewhere.”
John Crace, Guardian: “Even someone as semi-detached as the Maybot has a breaking point. She is well beyond the point where a simple reboot via the control-alt-delete keys can restore her to her factory settings. She is now experiencing such a total systems overload that she couldn’t begin to pass the Turing test.”
Back to the Blair-May combo. Both are excessively stubborn. He with a Sun and Jupiter in Taurus plus an Aquarius Moon and Pluto in Leo; she with her Thatcherite Saturn in Scorpio square Pluto Venus in Leo. Her downbeat Saturn opposes his exuberant Jupiter Mars, for a clash of personalities.
Their relationship chart is a sight to behold with a mutually unsupportive (ego-clash) composite Mars opposition Neptune in a disruptive, needs-space, on-differing-agendas square to Sun, Uranus Jupiter. With a hostile-dislike Mars trine Pluto. It’ll erupt into real fury from the March 29 2019 exit date onwards. She won’t be around (cross fingers) in No 10 for too much longer, but wherever she is will be buried under a tsunami of blame for her mishandling of the entire farrago.
Not that I’m arguing for a second referendum – my heart sinks at yet more agony, and it might well turn out much the same result – but preparations should have been made for fall back alternatives.