Liev Schreiber, star of Ray Donovan, is set to make his debut as host of Saturday Night Live next week. Ray Donovan is now into its sixth season, having broken viewership records for its pilot in 2013 and garnering Schreiber continuing acclaim for his role as a fixer who arranges bribes, payoffs, threats, and other shady activities for his clients. He’s had an extraordinary career, juggling roles in horror movies, blockbusters and indie films alongside highly praised performances on stage in classical drama; as well as directing and producing.
He was born on 4 October 1967 10.30am San Francisco, with a far-left hippie mother, a friend of William Burroughs, who after a bad acid trip was hospitalized and when threatened with being institutionalised, fled with him. His father kidnapped him but his mother got full custody and he grew up in poverty, having to adapt to her eccentricities. Her mother (his maternal grandmother) had been lobotomized. He lived in an ashram in his teens.
He has a friendly 11th house Libra Sun and Libra Moon on the cusp of the 12th. His Sun opposes Saturn in forced-to-be-self-reliant Aries in the 5th. He has Jupiter Venus on his Midheaven, which will give him great charm and also can be an indication of a drama-queen mother. The rebellious, chaotic Pluto Uranus in Virgo is in his 10th, again a hint of an unpredictable mother and suiting him for a constantly changing career. Uranus Pluto square Mars in Sagittarius in his 2nd, which has channelled his angst into making money.
A New Yorker profile of him said: ‘To a large extent, Schreiber’s professional shape-shifting and his uncanny instinct for isolating the frightened, frail, goofy parts of his characters are a result of being forced to adapt to his mother’s eccentricities. It’s both his grief and his gift.’
His long-term-relationship with Naomi Watts, mother of his two children, broke up two years back as the tr Uranus square tr Pluto was battering on his Sun/Moon midpoint. And he’s gradually easing out of a lower-profile phase which often brings up personal issues with tr Saturn now heading for his 3rd house – and a good deal ahead for him. He looks upbeat and confident at the moment; with a few rocky moments as well as success in 2019/2020. With Saturn in the 5th the likelihood is he will more and more veer to the organizational side of the entertainment business.
His artistic and ‘seeking soul’ 7th harmonic is strong; and his actor’s 15H very confident.