A peaceful activist for women’s rights is still imprisoned in Saudi Arabia along with nine other women who say they have endured torture. Loujain Al-Hathoul campaigned for years to allow women the right to drive. The Crown Prince Bin Salman was applauded by the west when he granted women such rights but shortly beforehand he mystifyingly had her and other campaigners rearrested. “She said she had been held in solitary confinement, beaten, waterboarded, given electric shocks, sexually harassed and threatened with rape and murder. She was shaking uncontrollably, unable to hold her grip, to walk or sit normally,” said her sister, Alia al-Hathloul.
Born 31 July 1989, she’s an ultra-determined Sun Leo square Pluto in Scorpio; with the triple conjunction of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn which can have a focus on improving society and bringing in reforms.
Her Pluto is conjunct the Saudi Arabia 10th house North Node and Midheaven in vengeful Scorpio and squares the Saudi Mars in uncompromising Aquarius – so she will pose a threat to the country’s archaic attitudes.
Her chart also clashes with MBS’s controlling Fixed Grand Cross of Jupiter opposition Venus square Pluto opposition Taurus North Node; and their relationship chart has an argumentative, competitive composite Sun Mars conjunction.
She’s looking at a low ebb at the moment with her Solar Arc Neptune opposing her Sun with Solar Arc Saturn following behind in a year’s time. She will get some cheer from a couple of transits to Jupiter midpoints this month and in July but on the whole looks very discouraged.
Mind you even if international pressure forced her release from prison (unlikely) she’d still be a broken woman for a long time after these experiences.
“Loujain’s abuse exemplifies the methods of Saudi thuggish and lawless leadership, hellbent on exacting sadistic vengeance against any citizen who dares to think freely,” Sarah Leah Whitson of Human Rights Watch said.
The Saudi Arabia Sun, Saturn, Jupiter in Capricorn will get pounded by the tr Saturn Pluto conjunction over the next couple of years which might crush some of their arrogance; and tr Neptune is moving round their Mutable T Square involving the Moon from this year till the mid 2020s which might – or might not – see an end to their mediaeval attitudes to women.