A breakaway group of 7 MPs have abandoned the Labour Party because of concerns over Corbyn’s handling of Brexit, far-left bullying and anti-Semitism. They have set themselves up as an independent group with Chuka Umunna saying that the old, tribal politics were broken and inviting others across party lines to join them. He said ‘If you’re sick and tired of politics-as-usual, well, so are we.’ And so say most of the electorate who are wondering how to junk the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition both at the same time soonest.
The breakaway group was announced at 10.13am, which isn’t too inspiring a chart with two planets and the midheaven in the final anarectic degree and an Aquarius Sun with an identity problem. Umunna himself, 17 October 1978, doesn’t look overly confident until at least 2021/22.
The Labour Party 27 February 1900 chart is certainly in a downward slide of panicky failure at the moment with Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Neptune. The 12 February 1906 Labour Party chart is facing a nosedive and a series of jolts and jangles in 2020 but getting its mojo back in 2022/23.
Corbyn’s relationship with both Labour charts looks pressured and separated through this year.
Not that the Tories are getting away unscathed since the hard-line Brexiteers are pushing for deselection of MPs not deemed in line with their objectives.
The Conservative Party, 10 May 1912, is mired in confusion this year, continuing on from last with tr Pluto opposition the Neptune and tr Pluto also in a dreary and discouraging trine to Saturn this year and next; with even more intense and hostile debates than heretofore come this April onwards, on and off till late 2020.
Theresa May has an iron grip on this chart though with indications of considerable strain – from a composite Sun Pluto inconjunct Saturn. That has been creaking mightily recently with tr Uranus square the composite Sun Pluto. From early March tr Uranus opposes the composite Jupiter, followed in May by tr Uranus opposition the composite Uranus – which could be seen as great relief all round – so maybe she’ll exit after the March 29th cut off date. Failing that tr Uranus reruns to oppose the Uranus late in the year and into early 2020.