Princess Beatrice and Edo – a Leo Scorpio match



Princess Beatrice is being seen with a new beau, having seemed a rather forlorn singleton at her sister Eugenie’s wedding. Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, a property and design magnate in London, has an Italian count father but was educated in the UK and has been part of the young Royal crowd since childhood. After graduating from Edinburgh University, he first worked as a researcher for David Cameron, before founding his property business, Banda, in 2007 – now considered to be one of London’s top developers, with £600 million of homes on its books. He has a son by a former fiancée, the architect and designer Dara Huang, whom he split from when he took up with Beatrice.

He was born 1 November 1983 (net sources) which makes him an intense and serious Sun Saturn Mercury in Scorpio; with a passionately enthusiastic and hard-working Mars Venus (Moon) in Virgo. His Jupiter in Sagittarius opposes a North Node in Gemini squaring onto Mars, making him impulsive and scattered.

His Virgo planets fall on the cusp of Beatrice’s 8th house so there will be a deep connection; with his Uranus on her Midheaven so he’ll change the direction of her life; and his Jupiter falls in her 10th so status will be important. It won’t be all sweetness and light since her can-be-autocratic Saturn Uranus in Sagittarius is conjunct his Neptune and square his Venus Mars (Moon). But his Jupiter Uranus in Sagittarius are trine her Leo Sun and her Mars in Aries – so it’s an adventurous combination. Her Venus Moon in Cancer  trine his Scorpio Sun Saturn Mercury which isn’t perfect since he’ll probably overwork and be fairly rigid at times. But the Water resonance will help.

Their relationship chart has a confident, power-couple and enthusiastic composite Jupiter trine Pluto trine Mars – so there’s plenty of high-octane fuel in their connection. Plus perhaps an affectionate composite Venus Moon; with a passionate Venus square Pluto.

She does have her Progressed Moon moving through her 7th house of close relationships for two years ahead and exactly conjunct her Sun at the moment – so she’s definitely looking for a settled relationship.  And her 5th house Moon Venus in Cancer will be keen to get on with having children.  Her Solar Arc Jupiter will conjunct her Moon in 2021 which will be an emotional high spot.

Chancellor Hammond bracing for a setback



In the faint hope of finding a nugget of helpful info in the carnage of Brexit – Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, definitely a soft Brexiteer (if it happens at all) is looking decidedly agitated from mid this month and more so in the first three weeks of May with tr Uranus square his Uranus and then opposition his Mars in Scorpio. He’s also got a scary, trapped and acutely frustrated Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Mars around now or in coming months.

May looks an unpleasant month on various charts as tr Neptune moves to 18 degrees Pisces where it stays till mid August. It certainly looks devastating on Hammond’s relationship chart with Theresa May; and indeed on her relationship chart with Corbyn where it shows up as lies and shattered nerves. And it’s when the TMay Government chart really starts to dissolve into a puff of smoke with tr Neptune square the Full Moon.

Hammond will get his mojo back to a degree from mid this July; though the nerve-stretching and high-voltage jolting of tr Uranus hitting on his natal Uranus Mars continues over the winter into early 2020. Into 2020/2021 he looks more confident and go ahead.

Not sure if that adds anything to the mix.  But certainly a major setback coming for him.

Lori Lightfoot – a breakthrough with questionmarks



Lori Lightfoot has been elected as the first openly LGBTQ and black female mayor of Chicago.  She started in private legal practice and held various government positions, most notably as former President of the Chicago Police Board and chair of the Chicago Police Accountability Task Force. Her win hasn’t been greeted with unallowed joy in the liberal community given her not entirely progressive track record in police matters and elsewhere.

Born 4 August 1962 she’s a Sun and North Node in Leo opposition Saturn square Neptune – cool, has leadership abilities, detached and fairly slippery. She’s also got a super-confident Jupiter opposition Pluto which is widely square a scattergun Mars in Gemini. Her Mars is being undermined by a tr Neptune square from this May on and off till late 2020 which will bring a panicky sense of failure – so no honeymoon in the job. And it’ll get bumpier from 2020 with tr Uranus square her Saturn and opposition her Neptune, moving on to square her Sun in 2021 – which will shake up her life considerably.  She’ll meet all the ups and downs with bullish self-confidence but it won’t be plain sailing.

Julian Assange – maybe yes, maybe no



Julian Assange is being ousted from the Ecuador Embassy in London. No he’s not. Wiki says yes and fans as well as police queue up outside. The ambassador says it’s all nonsense.

He does look on tenterhooks till mid April with tr Uranus conjunct his Sun/Mars midpoint, which can bring a sudden change of circumstance; plus tr Pluto square his Venus/Mars midpoint in April and May which can either accompany a surge of passion or health issues; with dashed hopes in May to August from tr Neptune opposition his Sun/Jupiter midpoint. Though at the same time in May he will get good news on one front.

Where his chart looks most agitated is in early July with the Cancer Solar Eclipse exactly conjunct his 8th house Sun which will also pull on his Uranus, so sudden surprises in the offing. The muddles and mayhem will roll on till the New Year. 2020 looks to be kicking off two years of intense discussion possibly depression with tr Pluto and Saturn at the start opposing his Mercury. Tr Uranus opposition his Moon from mid 2020 could be a sudden change of abode. In 2021 he has a disruptive, explosive, high-tension Solar Arc Mars opposition his Uranus; and a considerable shock from Solar Arc Mars square to his Sun in 2022 – those two will bring life-changing crises.

But he’ll also have his Solar Arc Sun square his Jupiter in 2020 and by 2021 Solar Arc Uranus conjunct his Jupiter – so luck will be on his side for at least some of the time to keep his confidence up. And by 2022 tr Pluto will sextile his Jupiter for ditto.

Doris Day – sparkling image, secret drama



Doris Day, the bubbly blonde with the girl-next-door image who became a household name in the 1950s/60s for Calamity Jane and Pillow Talk is still going strong at 97.  She was the top ranking female star in musicals with Gordon MacRae and rom-coms with Clark Gable and Rock Hudson but since retiring from acting three decades ago has lived a private life apart from her promotion of her animal welfare foundation.

She was born 3 April 1922 at 4.30 pm Cincinnati, Ohio, USA into a family of German immigrants. The reality of her life behind her eternal-optimist, virginal screen persona could not have been more different  Her unfaithful father split from her mother; she had a car crash in her teens which ruined her dancing ambitions, was attracted to violent and cheating men, had multiple affairs and four bad marriages – all of them hidden from view by the studio PRs. There’s Hollywood for you.

She has a 7th house wants-a-partner Aries Sun in a confident, demanding, inspirational Fire Grand Trine to Mars in Sagittarius trine Neptune in Leo, so definitely suited to showbiz. This is formed into a Kite with Sun opposition Jupiter, making lucky, successful Jupiter the driving planet.  Her Sun is also square a controlling 10th house Pluto in Cancer as well as in the expansive  opposition to Jupiter and North Node (and Saturn). She was tough with Saturn Pluto, control-freaky and wouldn’t always be popular amongst those close with a focal point Pluto; and prone to highs and lows with Jupiter Saturn.

Her mother would have been pushy and controlling with her 10th house Pluto and a 10th house Moon conjunct MC in an emotionally volatile opposition Mars. It left her with a legacy of troubled relationships; and she was prone to tantrums in her working life which is not surprising. Her Venus in Aries is deeply buried in her 8th so she clearly was attracted to intense relationships –  certainly had an action-packed romantic life.

Her strongest Harmonic is the ‘super-star’ 22nd; next the ‘victim’ 12th; and she had a reaching-for-the-heights 5H which combined Neptune Pluto with Venus and Mars – so destined for great things though not always happiness.

Brunei – back in the dark ages ** updated


Brunei has enacted strict new Islamic laws that make male homosexuality, adultery offences and blasphemy punishable by stoning to death. The new measures cover a range of other crimes including punishment for theft by amputation. Unfortunately for the mediaeval and sour-faced Sultan there is now an enthusiastic campaign led by George Clooney to boycott hotels he owns – the Bel Air and Beverley Hill in LA, the Dorchester in London amongst others.

Though Piers Morgan helpfully suggested instead of avoiding the hotels – ‘flood the Sultan of Bigotry’s hotels with as many gay people as can possibly fit inside them. I urge wealthy gay men and women to buy up every room, book every table for breakfast, lunch and dinner; reserve every reception suite for private parties, work receptions, meetings and charity fundraisers; take every appointment at every spa; fill up the gyms, preferably in bright pink lycra; mill around the pools dressed like Perez Hilton; demand Diana Ross’s ‘I’m Coming Out’ is played on a 24-hour loop in every lobby. Oh, and let’s have at least three gay weddings a day, every day, every month, in every hotel.’

Brunei, officially dubbed Abode of Peace, is a tiny mainly Muslim country with a population just over 400,000 made staggeringly rich by oil. It became fully independent on 1 January 1984. The Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, one of the world’s longest reigning monarchs, since 1967, and one of the world’s wealthiest men, was born 15 July 1946.  He has three wives and 12 children.

He’s a Sun Cancer in a conjunction to emotionally cold Saturn and in an expansive square to Jupiter. His Capricorn/Aquarius Moon is almost certainly opposition Saturn.

A dent in the profits of his hotels wouldn’t affect him but he does look unsettled at the moment and under heavy pressure in 2020/21.

Brunei has an inward-looking 4th house Mercury Sun in Capricorn; with a high-finance Jupiter Neptune; a ruthless Mars Pluto; and a changeable Moon Uranus in Sagittarius.

There are indications of an over-confident push now as well as a major upheaval; with major setbacks in 2020/2021 which will make the country feel trapped and scared – and that feeling will run on for several years thereafter till the mid 2020s.

Evidently Brunei leaders are fearful that with economic integration in the world, social cohesion will be undermined. Eh, yes! You want to be internationally accepted, then act like civilized human beings. Stoning?? Amputation? I can’t find out when England stopped such punishments but certainly several hundred years ago.

Add on: The son and heir Crown Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah was born 17 February 1974 11.45 am Bandar Seri, Brunei. He has a lucky, successful Sun Jupiter in Aquarius in his 10th in an Air Grand Trine to Saturn in Gemini and Uranus, formed into a Kite by Saturn opposition North Node and Moon in the 8th. Air Grand Trines are cerebral but can also be ideologues, uncompromising and dogmatic in support of their beliefs. He has an ultra-determined Mars in Taurus on his Ascendant and conjunct the Fixed star Algol square his MC, Jupiter and Sun – so in many ways even tougher than his father.  He’s looking a touch flustered over the next two years; under immense pressure in 2022 with his Solar Arc Pluto opposition his Mars, but it may evoke a reactionary push from him given that his Jupiter is involved.



Mick Jagger – Jumping Jack grounded temporarily



Mick Jagger will have surgery later this week to replace a heart valve after his Rolling Stones tour was postponed till after July. He is expected to make a full recovery.

Born 26 July 1943 2.30am Dartford, England, he’s a flamboyant and super-confident Sun, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury in Leo; with a high-octane Mars in Taurus square his Pluto Mercury. And a tactile Taurus Moon which is trine musical Neptune in the performing 5th.  Not shy and retiring that’s for sure.

At the moment he has tr Pluto trine his Taurus Moon which suggests pressure to make positive changes to Moon areas – family, body, home. He also has a disruptive tr Uranus square his Sun from mid this month for a few weeks returning across the New Year. And then tr Uranus squares his Jupiter by June which is enthusiastic, with tensions disappearing. In July he has tr Uranus square his Pluto as well as his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint and conjunct his Jupiter/MC midpoint which looks optimistic, successful and a fair upheaval.

His Solar Return for this year up to July has Moon Saturn in the 6th house of health; with Pluto in the late 6th as well, so downbeat on the fitness front. His Solar Return for the year from July 2019 looks low energy with Neptune in the 6th, great for team efforts and friendships, less so for home and family.

He will have to watch ahead since his Progressed Mars is moving within orb of the conjunction to his Saturn, which is a fairly accident-prone combination, though it won’t reach exact for several years.

PS: Bill Clinton is another Sun Leo, Taurus Moon.


Joe Biden – a tactile Taurus Moon his downfall



Joe Biden’s run towards 2020 is probably over before it started with another accusation of misconduct. It’s more about him being overly tactile and crashing into personal space than anything too heinous. But it doesn’t sit well in the times.

He was born 20th November 1942 8.30 am Scranton, Pennsylvania giving him an emotionally intense collection of a charming Sun, Venus, Mercury conjunction as well as Mars in Scorpio in his 12th. He’s also got an earthy and entertaining 5th house Taurus Moon in a possessive square to Pluto.

His Moon will certainly like to be hands-on since Taurus especially just loves physical contact, not necessarily sexual or sensual, just sensuous.  Though he’s likely to come on too strongly with Pluto involved, especially since his Pluto is also square Mars. It may be with a Moon Pluto in his chart that his mother didn’t respect his boundaries and personal space.

I’d have thought a strong 12th house might have made him more reclusive (though it is birth time dependent which in this case is only memory). But with his Sun Venus trine Jupiter, he’ll be good at turning up the charm full volume when needed.

He has tr Uranus conjunct his Moon exactly now for an emotional upset; and there are all manner of hitches, glitches and hiccups especially from May onwards; with 2020/21 not looking encouraging.

Michael Avenatti – Saturnine karma



Brash, bombastic, a headline-grabber, lawyer Michael Avenatti is attracting a different sort of publicity these days. From his heady promotion of Stormy Daniels’ hush-money lawsuit with megaphone promises to take Trump down and his tease about running in 2020 himself, he’s now defending himself against criminal charges of attempting to extort millions of dollars from Nike; and unrelated charges in California that he had defrauded a former client and a bank. These could end him up with serious prison time if he’s found guilty.

In typical fashion he’s swearing blind innocence on all counts in media interviews and points to past successes – suing KPMG for audit malpractice, and the company settled for $22 million; winning $80 million from a cemetery accused of overstuffing its plots, and half a billion from the makers of defective surgical gowns. Two of his cases before Ms. Daniels had landed him on “60 Minutes”.

Born 16 February 1971 10.07 pm Sacramento, California, he does have a grandstanding and power-hungry 5th house Aquarius Sun in square to an over-optimistic Jupiter Neptune and inconjunct Pluto. The quincunx will make it tricky for him to handle his need for control in a well-modulated way and the Jupiter Neptune square will lead to over-confidence and delusions of grandeur. He’s also got Saturn in Taurus on the apex of a Yod to Uranus sextile Mars in Sagittarius – such a Saturn suggests a heavy karma and needs real maturity and self-discipline to handle it well. Tr Neptune is tugging away at one leg of the Yod this year in square to his Mars until December which suggests panicky failure. And he has a Fixed T square of an intense Scorpio Moon opposition Saturn square Mercury in Aquarius which will make him hang on stubbornly to his opinions, so he can be wilful, unable to adapt or listen to feedback.

His birth time is sound so tr Pluto opposition his midheaven in 2020/21 is likely to hold good, which can bring down or damage a reputation. Even before then he looks mighty trapped this July/August and November/December with tr Pluto conjunct his Sun/Mars midpoint with various mishaps and nerve-stretching moments at other times as well.  He’ll get some cheer after mid 2020.