Carrie Symonds, the woman credited with calming down Boris Johnson’s hairstyle and squiring him as he reverses out of his second marriage and aims for No 10, has an intriguing family lineage which may track back to an illegitimate daughter of Herbert Asquith, prime minister in the early 20th Century.
Down the line there were other illegitimate offspring of journalists until Carrie herself was born out of wedlock on 17 March 1988 (Daily Mail).
She’s a Sun, Moon and Mercury in Pisces; with an indulgent Jupiter and Venus in Taurus with Venus in a passionate opposition to Pluto; and a tumultuous collection of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Mars in Capricorn.
Her Jupiter falls in Boris’s 7th house which is a supportive connection; with her Venus in his 8th deepening the bond. But both are Mutable signs so will tend to be overly scattered. Her Pluto is conjunct his Neptune and opposition his Jupiter, so she’ll try to control him which, after the initial flush has passed, may prove irksome. And her unpredictable, quite autocratic Uranus Saturn opposes his Sun Venus which will also cause problems down the line.
Their relationship chart does have a tied-together Grand Trine of Venus in a passionate trine to Pluto and a workmanlike trine to Saturn; with a successful and confident-together Sun Jupiter conjunction; and also an illusory Venus opposition Neptune. It could work but given his track record with women, the question is for how long?
The main point of interest given the present election is how encouraged she looks when it comes to a climax presumably in July. The answer is not very, or more accurately, she looks set back on her heels and irritated with tr Saturn conjunct her Mars from July 12th which is when his chart runs into a really sticky phase.
It’s not over till ‘Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells’ casts their vote.
See post Boris – June 13 2019.
Add On June 22nd: Police were called to the flat he shares with Carrie Symonds following reports of a ‘plate-smashing, screaming row.’ During the bust-up, which took place in the early hours of Friday morning at Ms Symonds’ flat in Camberwell, south London, she could be heard shouting ‘get off me’ and ‘get out of my flat’.
News of the row emerged after a neighbour handed a recording of the altercation to the Guardian. In the recording Mr Johnson can be heard shouting ‘get off my f***ing laptop’ before a loud crashing noise is heard. A next-door neighbour said: ‘There was a lot of shouting, a lady was screaming and I could hear glasses or plates being thrown quite a few times. The man was shouting back. I could hear it through my walls. I was watching TV and muted it because I was so worried. It lasted for about ten minutes. I have never heard anything like that before. ‘You could hear glass being smashed and other things. It was obvious the lady was angry, she was screaming hysterically. My walls were shaking from all the noise and things that were being thrown around.’
His personal chart and their relationship chart look highly aggravated until the final day of this month so it’ll take time for tempers to calm. He has tr Saturn square his Mars/Saturn midpoint which is highly impatient and accident-prone. Together they have tr Saturn hitting two inflammatory composite Mars midpoints and the intensely argumentative Mercury/Pluto.
From July 13th their relationship chart has an enthusiasm-denting, deflating tr Saturn square the Mars/Jupiter midpoint until late month.
His Mars in Gemini on the focal point of an exceptionally volcanic Mutable T Square to Saturn opposition Uranus Pluto is wildly disorganized, overly impulsive, self-centred and confrontational. While her collection of Capricorn planets including Mars will be fairly hair-trigger as well.