Astrology in a nutshell – some thoughts on psychological astrology and how transformative it can be.
“Understanding yourself in depth for which the birth chart is the road map is the key to understanding why certain events and experiences keep recurring. They may seem to be ‘out there’ but they are inextricably linked to the nature of us as individuals. As Carl Jung says – that of which we are unconscious meets up on the outside as if it were fate.
Coming to terms with ourselves, the totality of us, not just the surface layer, is what makes the crucial difference – owning the parts we have cut off and which consistently trip us up.
Astrology offers a channel into self-knowledge that is available nowhere else. It also tells us that life is about potentials and possibilities and nothing is pre-ordained. We do have choices within the limitations of our innate nature. Carl Jung again – freewill is the ability to choose that of which we must do. You have to accept the hand of cards you were dealt at birth and see what is the best way of optimizing who you are.”
Advice to those starting their exploration of astrology?
Astrology is eternally fascinating and even after nearly five decades I still get a thrill when it explains the whys and wherefores of situations, relationships, and individuals. So it is worth slogging on through the initial stages. Learning it requires determination – someone once worked out a birth chart containing 2500 pieces of information some of which are contradictory.
Nailing down the meaning of 10 planets in 12 signs, in 12 different ‘houses’ of the chart, and in five major aspects to each other – and then prioritizing what is more important is step number one.
Once over the first hurdle, practice on family, friends, celebrities, and politicians in the news. Test out their birth chart with what you see and know. Do courses, read books, and use the internet where there are helpful, information-heavy astrology sites. If you want to go into practice, consider doing a counseling course whether related to astrology or not. Understanding people in depth and becoming sensitive to the risks of pushing too far too fast will all help.
Astrology can be a catalyst for change but it requires a thoughtful approach that is knowledgeable not just about astrology but also psychology.
On a new website with a wealth of healing and psychic recommendations on offer.
Marjorie Orr on Astrology’s Transformative Power: Blending Tradition with Psychological Insight
Dear Marjorie, I hope you’ll continue to keep us up to date with the astrology of the day’s news stories. I open the News section of your website in the mornings before I open any actual online newspapers.
I see that responses here to your introduction to your new website tell us how followers first came in contact with you. I think I’ve said this to you before but it was a long time ago. I was studying at the Centre for Psychological Astrology. The Jungian/mythological/psychological approach was what interested me most and we were so lucky to have outstanding astrologer teachers.
Just before I started, Howard Sasportas had died and was replaced by Charles Harvey as co-director with Liz Greene. What I didn’t expect (or expect or be interested in) were Charles’s inclusions in his seminars of Mundane Astrology. Whatever the subject of his lecture was for that day, after lunch he’d put up a chart of someone in the news or an event and ask us to work out who or what it was. I just loved it.
I’d started going to the Astrological Association lectures on Caledonian Road and that’s when I went to a talk you gave on Mundane Astrology. I very much appreciated what you presented to us as well as liking you. I continued to remember you, didn’t get round to but eventually looked you up. I found this website and the News section – more than I could have asked for. I should have made more of an effort to comment instead of being one of those silent and invisible people. There are probably a lot of people who do that. I continue to be passionately interested in psychological astrology so I’ll follow your new website but please carry on with the news as well!
Glad it was helpful. Many thanks for your kind comments.
dear Marjorie,
I clicked on this post and up came what I thought was a pop up ad!!… but no!!!…. It was a lovely picture of you!! Made my heart happy this morning.. and put a smile on my face. And a good interview, also!
Re: the study of astrology. I had dabbled for years and then took a course in my small town offered by an uber Virgo astrologer. I often study things way ahead of myself and then have to go back to get the foundations. Still.. that, too, has worked well for me. She was SO methodical and dry. She had these special dice…. multi-faceted, one for planets, signs and houses. A VERY fun way to be challenged!
Shortly afterwards I divorced my husband and moved to a “300 square foot cabin with no running water and an outhouse”.., a wood stove and a cat. That is when I did a deep, deep dive into astrology…. a lot about the “what” and “why” of my predicament.. but also to LEARN! I would start with one book, one chart.. then more, then more… on the floor.. books and papers and charts all around!
Then a big AAARRGHHH!!!…. it’s too much!!! :-).
Packed it all away, took a break… and then started over. Repeat. Repeat. Still doing that!
And I, too, expanded my knowledge by taking communication, counselling, meditation, etc. courses.
All to clear my own Being to then be present for reading a client. Essential, I think.
Astrology has been such a gift in my life. The primary horse I ride.
And, you, Marjorie… remind me so much of the 2 most important women in my life. Open to the Mystery, ans also strong, practical, kind and straightforward. The weird and the wonderful should still have “feet” in the real world, eh?!
You offer the gift of the astrology and, in addition, ( using your carefully managed reins 🙂 ) you also allow the gift of people expressing more.. their feelings, their knowledge, etc. So, so valuable.
It’s a powerful and beautiful offering, Marjorie. Truly.
Sending you Good Qi.
Thank you for writing this, Marjorie. You explain your approach to astrology so clearly, and I learn a lot from your website. I’m also very impressed by your knowledge of current affairs and politics, often an instantaneous grasp of the latest developments. Bravo!
Excellent interview and advice, Marjorie, thanks for posting the link. And thanks for sharing your expertise and the opportunity to reflect on astrology here. Much appreciated!
Thank you Marjorie for your great blog! I appreciate your insights very much. I realize you’re not into mushy sentiments, but I feel like I am listening to a kind and helpful friend when reading your daily horoscopes. I am going to continue to study astrology by taking your suggestions to go step by step, learning the meanings of the signs and the houses first. Do you have a preferred curriculum or program for learning astrology? If so, it would be nice if you would share it. Thanks again. 🙂
Hi, Thanks for your kind comments. The early stages of learning are just a tough slog and a bore – like learning Latin grammar and chemistry I reckoned at the time. But needs must. One you get a sense of signs, planets, aspects and houses you can start to juggle them. It is a curious mix of detail-oriented and intuitive to get a sense of what is more important. Also understanding that human beings are complex – a house of many mansions – so you need to be able to keep opposing characteristics in mind.
And practice, practice, practice – on friends, family, celebrities, politicians. Some will have the charts you expect and some won’t. Where you think the astrology has got it wrong, wait it out and you’d be surprised how in time what the chart says does play out.
Gradually you will find your own way into the subject. The books and authorities are a good grounding but even the hallowed ones can get it wrong so eventually you learn to trust your own judgement.
Final thought don’t drown yourself in using too many different techniques – you’ll find the ones which make sense to you and stick to them. Good luck.
Thanks! You give good advice, Marjorie. I agree that when teaching yourself or learning new skills, especially super technical things like astrology, that it takes time and can be a bit of a slog, but my natal Saturn in the 6th house makes me not mind it too much. One thing Is that I like to check the interpretation given for a transit that I may be experiencing on the website astrology x files, where they say after the interpretation: if ____ is lLord of your ____ house… and then gives additional information based on the natal house pertaining to the transit, which can really change the interpretation. I enjoy both self study and formal training for learning. Many years ago, I learned the tarot and would participate in psychic fairs. ThatI’m excited to delve nto astrology more deeply and I appreciate your encouragement very much:)
Sorry for the typo
That would be freedom.
thank you for your amazing insights
Thank you Marjorie , beautifully explained and informative as always. I also enjoyed reading your interview in MysticMag.
I have always had an interest in Astrology but still a novice. However I did study counselling ( Diploma) 10 years ago and even then could see the benefit in linking astrology to clients. I hope to learn/study Astrology in the near future. You have inspired me.
Thank you
Thank you for your wonderful work, Marjorie.
I was asked in high school many years ago to define freedom in an essay. I wrote: « Freoom is knowing how to choose your chains. » I was spontaneously attracted to astrology and I read Jung a little later. There was no turning back.