Armenia – a charismatic leader for change



Armenia, a former Soviet Republic, has undergone a bloodless velvet revolution with the former long-term leader resigning.  The protest leader Nikol Pashinyan has insisted that only he can take charge, though the present government, voted in on disputed elections and accused of being corrupt, now appears to have the backing of Putin and is likely to reject his demands. He is not anti-Russian but wants change.

Pashinyan, a former journalist, born 1 June 1975, (three days before Angelina Jolie and around the same time as other notables including Marissa Meyer) has a Gemini Sun opposition Neptune and trine Pluto. Neptune Pluto always has a whiff of supreme ambition and talent about it. His Sun Neptune opposition is in a Mystic Rectangle with a formidable Mars in Aries opposition Pluto. His Mars is also conjunct Jupiter in pro-active Aries square Saturn (Venus) in Cancer. He’s certainly not short of courage or determination.

This year looks riddled with setbacks for him with tr Saturn square his Mars Pluto. But he’s in better shape and forging ahead in 2019/2020.

Armenia proclaimed independence on 21 September 1991 and will feel the full brunt of tr Uranus moving into Taurus as it squares the Saturn from mid May till early June which looks tense and likely to lead to more protests; Then in early June tr Uranus trines the Jupiter for relief and celebrations – and that combination of one step backwards, one steps forwards continues through the year into 2019.

One thought on “Armenia – a charismatic leader for change

  1. Thanks Marjorie. One step forward, one step backwards sounds about right near term. New Parliamentary elections should be scheduled around early June so maybe those elections will be more fair than the previous ones ones, causing relief and celebration.

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