Aquarius as the thinker, the activist and the humanitarian. Simone Weil, the French philosopher and political activist, ticked most of the boxes. She assisted in the trade union movement, sided with the anarchists and worked later as a labourer to better understand the working class. Latterly she became more mystical.
She was born 3 February 1909 5 am in Paris, and had her 2nd house Aquarius Sun on the focal point of a yod inconjunct an influential Jupiter in the crusading and communicative 9th and inconjunct Neptune (Moon) in Cancer. Her Neptune was also on the focal point of a yod inconjunct Mars in opinionated and knowledgeable Sagittarius sextile her Sun. She was destined to walk a singular path in life with two yods – one with her Sun gave her the ability to lead the way though she would be crippled with self-doubt. The other with Neptune made her dream of an ideal. Her Neptune Moon also opposed her Uranus Venus in Capricorn giving her unconventional and vehement beliefs.
Her aggravated/frustrated 12th house Mars opposed her 6th house Pluto, which saw her often debilitated with health problems. She latterly leant more towards mysticism no doubt courtesy of her Neptune and 9th house Jupiter.
When she died on 24 August 1943 of tuberculosis and some suggested self-induced starvation as a protest against the Nazis, tr Saturn was conjunct her 6th house Pluto.
Betty Friedan was an Aquarius activist in another sphere, a feminist and leading figure in the USA women’s movement. Born 4 February 1921 4am Peoria, Illinois, she also had a 2nd house Aquarius Sun inconjunct a 9th house Jupiter in Virgo. In her case her Jupiter was conjunct Saturn also in the 9th, a hint of her capacity to become a leading light in society. Her Sun was only in a very wide yod inconjunct Pluto as well. More notably it opposed an 8th house Neptune hinting at the image she projected. Her Capricorn Moon in her 1st along with her Mars opposition Saturn would draw her to women’s issues especially involving unfair or cruel treatment.
Another leading Aquarius feminist is Germaine Greer, 29 January 1939 6am Melbourne, Australia. Her 12th house Aquarius Sun just above her Ascendant opposes Pluto and squares a Taurus Moon Uranus – so she’s custom built as a disruptor and rebel. She also has an 8th house Neptune but is a tougher, more aggressive personality than Friedan with Mars in Scorpio in her 10th trine an emphasized Pluto.
Vanessa Redgrave, the distinguished actress, 30 January 1937 6pm Blackheath, England, has had a parallel career as a serious and extremist activist, promoting far left, anti-Vietnam, pro-Palestinian and other causes. She has a 6th house Aquarius Sun square Uranus Midheaven opposition Mars in Scorpio so will leap into high-risk, controversial situations with enthusiasm. She also has an Earth Grand Trine of Neptune trine Jupiter Mercury in Capricorn trine her Taurus Midheaven, so her inclination will be to get physically involved and not just cerebrally.
Aquarius – wedded to a cause, can be extremist, not given to nuance or flexibility.
My mother is a very kind and loving Aquarius who can live in bubble, thanks to Mercury in Pisces and a water Grand Trine. I’ve been fortunate to never have issues with her, like so many of my friends.She is fairly conservative and always stayed in the marriage with my very controlling father. She tolerated what other women would never stand, even those born in 1928. One astrologer told me that Aquarius women tolerate abusive relationships and very controlling men. (I’ve seen this in other cases too — maybe it’s the detachment.) My mother had a lot of early deaths of her siblings and those close to her, which also affected who she is, though she did not complain.
Maybe a post about Aquarius men too?
On the list for today – quite a selection
Thank you for this, Marjorie. I am an 11th house Sun opp Uranus lady. It’s interesting to see what other women have done with their Aquarian energy.
FIXED STARS: Simone Weil—Zuben Elgenubi rising as Mercury on IC…
…”spokesperson for a group.”
Betty Friedan—Alpheratz culminating as Venus culminates…”To demand
the right to follow one’s own social conscience.”
Germaine Greer—Diadem on an angle….”To devote oneself to a cause.”
Vanessa Redgrave—Murzim on an angle…”Someone who speaks out.”
Ras Algethi culminates as Moon sets…”Desire to help,
heal or bring balance to others.”