3 thoughts on “Apologies – site a step back

  1. At work we’re migrating from one phone/internet provider to another in the midst of Uranus activity and retrograde Mercury. The inevitable happened, it failed dismally, we were without comms for a day and a half and we had to go back to the original provider! I told my bosses not to do this until early September, but they knew best!!

  2. I have a Solar Arc Uranus conjunct my Pluto opposite my Mars in a week time. I am starting to feel that I might need to say goodbye to my old phone. I have a new phone set up and waiting but I just love the aspect ratio and ease of use but its battery is just draining faster than per normal. I am really starting to feel like the person who mentioned that when Jupiter Uranus conjunct, she fried her microwave. Oh and I need to back up the data. Gosh, how could I have forget that.

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