Ann Widdecombe – causing another rumpus

The rotund and rather bizarre MEP for the Brexit Party Ann Widdecombe has bewed up a fuss remarking that leaving the EU is akin to slaves rising up against owners. She was a Tory MP for many years with trenchant right-wing views – against the legality of abortion, against various issues of LGBT rights such as an equal age of consent, supported the re-introduction of the death penalty and the retention of blasphemy laws. When she stepped down from Westminster she became more famous for various television appearances including Strictly Dancing. She is unmarried with no children, likes cats and lived with her mother until she died 12 years ago.

Born 4 October 1947 8am (from memory) Bath, England, she is a Sun Neptune and Venus in Libra with the unyielding Saturn Pluto in Leo in her 10th house of career along with an ambitious and entertaining Mars in Leo. Her Mars is in an outspoken and argumentative square to an intense Mercury in Scorpio. She has a deeply buried 8th house Taurus Moon in an indulgent opposition to Jupiter in Scorpio. Uranus in the 9th hints at views which run against the mainstream.

She looks as if she is in for a major setback over the next few months with her Solar Arc Saturn square her Mars and tr Pluto opposing her Saturn/Uranus and Uranus/Pluto midpoints as well as being in opposition to her midheaven (birth time being accurate). She’ll get a shot of enthusiasm in November but will generally feel unloved with tr Saturn square her Venus until December.

Surprisingly enough she has some reasonable crossovers with Nigel Farage with his Venus in Taurus conjunct her Moon and opposition her Jupiter; and his Jupiter falling in her 7th – though they make an unlikely pair.

If and when the UK exits the EU she’ll be back into retirement again. But is unlikely to go quietly into the night.

One thought on “Ann Widdecombe – causing another rumpus

  1. Goodness. She was like a galleon in full sail as she gave that speech at the EU Parliament, rolling her ‘r’s. Wagner’s ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ would have made a great backing soundtrack to it.

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