Anis Amri & ISIS – Uranus Neptune recruit

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The Berlin market killer has been identified as being shot by Italian police when he was picked up on a routine stop and pulled a gun.

Anis Amri, 22 Dec 1992 near Kairouan, Tunisia, was a Sun Capricorn with a Sagittarius Moon; with a highly-strung, can-be-fanatical Uranus Neptune in Capricorn in an aggressive and volatile opposition to Mars in excitable Cancer; and a tough Saturn in Aquarius square Pluto.

Tr Uranus was exactly opposition his Mars/Uranus and Mars/Neptune midpoints when he drove the truck into the Christmas market, heightening his confused state and irrationality.

ISIS, 15 Oct 2006, claimed responsibility and his relationship chart with ISIS has an exact brutal Mars square Pluto (Venus) which tr Neptune is hard-aspecting now. That could be undermining. But Mars Neptune Pluto can also stoke up violent megalomania and a love of publicity. There’s also an ‘idealistic’, can-be-delusional Jupiter square Neptune.

Like so many other jihadists he had a criminal past, and ISIS offered an opportunity to channel his aggression into a cause.

ISIS may be losing territory fast in the Middle East but they aren’t beaten by a long chalk as they turn their attention to sowing discord on the European mainland. They will be rattled through 2017 with tr Uranus opposition their Sun Mars; but look suspiciously buoyant come 2019/2020 with tr Pluto sextile their Jupiter. What should be their undoing is tr Pluto opposition their Mars in 2021/22.

PS. Birth dates are always questionable in these cases even from passports or police wanted posters since often terrorists use different aliases and presumably different or forged birth certificates.





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