Angelina Jolie’s latest movie “First They Killed My Father,” based on the true story of a young girl who survived the Cambodian genocide, has been deemed her best yet at its recent premiere.
She continues to lead an enigmatic life, effortlessly glamourous with a strictly controlled public image, mother to a large brood of adopted and biological children, now exiting from the power-couple marriage to Brad Pitt, and steeped in her humanitarian work, embracing the darkest crimes of humanity. She does have a stark chart emotionally with a much-travelled 9th house Aries Moon conjunct Mars and Jupiter square Saturn and opposition Pluto – so she will be drawn to high-risk situations, drama and horror. Her friendly, socially-aware 11th house Gemini Sun opposes Neptune in the 5th house of children and trine Pluto giving her vision and determination.
She certainly looks unsettled domestically this year, having just moved house, with tr Uranus opposing her 4th house Uranus into 2018; as well as a discouraging tr Pluto opposition Saturn; and a more upbeat tr Pluto square Jupiter MC. Tr Neptune is also in a confused, undermining square to her Sun in 2017 and 2018.
But she’s destined for success no matter the ups and downs along the way with her pro-active Jupiter sitting firmly on her midheaven.
Relocating her chart to Cambodia puts her Sun in the 4th so she clearly feels at home there, with her idealistic Neptune in the 10th; her organising Saturn in the 5th house of entertainment; and her Aries planets in the money-making 2nd.
Despite celeb gossip suggesting she and Brad Pitt might come back together since he has cleaned up his lifestyle, it doesn’t seem altogether likely. Their relationship chart has tr Saturn square the Pluto (opposition Sun) later this fall; with tr Uranus opposing the composite Venus into early 2018.