Angela Rippon – everlasting entertainer

Angela Rippon, one of UK TV’s best known faces who broke through several glass ceilings early in a long and illustrious career by becoming a BBC female news reader and presenting Top Gear for petrolheads has been celebrating her 80th birthday in style.  A BBC4 programme at the weekend marked her extraordinary career over the past 58 years. At the moment she co-hosts the weekly Rip Off Britain show and was an unforgettable, oldest-competitor-ever on Strictly Come Dancing with Kai Waddrington last season. Over the years she has also presented many Royal events for UK, USA and Australian networks.

  Born 12 October 1944 5.50pm (from memory) Plymouth, England, she has a social and diplomatic 7th house Libra Sun and Mars squaring onto the North/South Node axis so has an attention-attracting personality which draws her into the national culture. Her 8th house Venus in Scorpio trines Saturn and sextiles a 6th house Jupiter in Virgo giving her a sophisticated charm as well as an enthusiasm for work and staying healthy.

  Added to that is an emphasised Pluto in her performing 5th house which is on the focal point of a mini Grand Trine to Uranus trine Neptune, giving her creative and social influence.

  Her 3rd house Uranus is also in a lucky square to Jupiter and trine her Mercury and Sun, suiting her for television which is ruled by Uranus.

  Relating the mainly ups and a few downs in her career, she alluded to her firing in 1982 from TV AM, the much heralded-in-advance commercial TV breakfast show which launched with the Famous Five presenters – Angela, Anna Ford, David Frost, Michael Parkinson, Robert Kee. After a disastrous start, mainly due to confusion off screen and management chaos, she and Anna Ford (another Libra) were let go. At that point the tr Saturn Pluto conjunction in Libra was crossing Angela’s Sun and Mars which would have been devastatingly stuck and she also had an undermining tr Neptune was sitting on her Midheaven.

   She did not work for a year thereafter she said and then accepted a job in Boston, USA for a year where she won an Emmy. Her astrocartography points to the USA as being a successful zone for her with her Sun, Mars Midheaven lines being down the east coast and her Sun Midheaven down the west coast.

 Her harmonics include a strong get-it-together 5th, designed for a glamorous business with super-confidence, giving her the drive to keep going. Her leaving-a-legacy 17H is also marked; as is her global renown 22H.

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