Amber Rudd – a political car-crash



A quickie on UK Home Secretary Amber Rudd in deep trouble over the Windrush and immigration scandal with increasing calls for her resignation.

Born 1 August 1963, no birth time, she didn’t look in bad shape this year with tr Pluto squaring her Jupiter in Aries. There is nothing too noteworthy showing up on transits, Solar Arcs or midpoints as a major career catastrophe at the moment.

When in doubt look at the Progressions. Her Progressed Mars is square her Sun around now; and that is certainly enough to cause a major collision of sorts in her life. There’s no start and finish date especially without a birth time. And she could have tr Pluto conjunct her MC for all we know – except we don’t.

Theresa May isn’t a great one for firing ministers and since she was Home Secretary herself when many of these decisions were made, no doubt some of the blame attaches to her. If Rudd hangs on she’ll bounce again in July and late year. Though her Solar Arc/Progressed Sun will conjunct her Mars in 2020 which will be another dose of the same.

4 thoughts on “Amber Rudd – a political car-crash

  1. I suppose this highlights the problem of no birth time. I wonder if comparing thus chart with May might reveal a bit more on this issue. Rudd seems to have a huge a amount of respect even though the policies have had catastrophic impacts. Also I had a thought that the event is perhaps more connected with the uk moon being opposed by Pluto and Mars. People”s Homes under threat. Is there some big national unconscious stuff comes to light?

  2. I can’t help thinking this is a living example of why diversity matters and organisations are better when they have a mix of staff. Had there been a Home Office staffed by more diverse people someone may have realised what a car crash they were heading to in regard to treating legitimate immigrants like illegal ones. There may have been staff who themselves descended from the Windrush generation, too late now in this example but a lesson to everyone who doesn’t understand why diversity matters, and not just because it is fair and right.

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