Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the progressive Democratic Congresswoman, has been describing her fear of being killed in the January 6th Capitol invasion and how it triggered an earlier trauma in her life when she was sexually assaulted.
She hit back at conservative Republicans like Ted Cruz for denying what she described as their responsibility for the storming of the Capitol complex, which left five people dead.
Born 13 October 1989 at 11.50am Bronx, New York (from memory), she has an assertive and fiery Sun and Mars in Libra with her Mars on the focal point of a pro-active and restless Cardinal T Square to Jupiter in Cancer opposition Neptune Saturn (Uranus) in Capricorn and an Aries Moon. With such an emphasised/afflicted Mars in square to Saturn Neptune she’s more than likely to have run into abusive situations in her life.
And tr Saturn moving through the nadir of her First Quadrant at the moment is likely to bring up old unresolved psychological issues to be faced and healed.
There was nothing too dramatic showing on her chart over January 6th, apart from a couple of confused, uncertain and stuck Saturn hard aspects to a couple of her midpoints; and a run of Neptunian transits through the year which will make her more emotional and vulnerable than usual.
Both Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley, being Capricorn will trigger her highly strung and reforming triple conjunction. Cruz’s Uranus is conjunct her Mars and Hawley’s Pluto conjunct her Sun so both will make her agitated and feel crowded or manipulated. Both also have crossovers with her Pluto – Cruz with his Mars conjunct causing aggravation and power struggles; and Hawley’s Saturn being in opposition so he’ll continually try to block her.
She’s not at her most successful through this phase of several years and hasn’t the best of relationships with either Biden or Kamala Harris (see previous post November 10 2020.) But she has decades ahead of her so will come into her own at some point in the future.
As a side note, I’ve noticed a lot of people with sun opposing moon, or full moons at birth are usually bipolar to a degree. I have several relatives with this and a few people I know, and they have issues with fluctuating emotions, emotional outbursts, etc… perhaps their outward composure belies the intense emotional landscape inside that sometimes erupts.
@Harmony, I would be careful with using word “bipolar” for people who are not, in fact, diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, which is a very specific mental disorder. It’s discriminatory and also not very helpful for BPD sufferers to associate certain kind of emotional outbursts to their disorder. It manifest in different ways, and especially people with Type II, where depressive episodes prevail, have often a delayed diagnosis. This happened to a co-worker of mine, she had to be hospitalized for depression before she got the correct diagnosis, because she never went “full Kanye” (I quote Kanye, because his Type I manic episodes are well known).
It’s also not helpful for people suffering from other conditions affecting ability to control emotional and even somatic response, such as PTSD and/or anxiety disorder. AOC clearly had a PTSD related episode. These are not limited to people with certain Moon positions – although Aries Moon or Mars/Moon can mean exposure to environments where one has to fear for their physical safety. Rep. Jason Crow (Pisces Sun, likely Moon conjunct Pluto in Libra), who served as an US Army Ranger Platoon Leader in Afganistan and Iraq and has a Bronze Star, was very vocal on there not being shame in PTSD after Capitol events.
Hi Solaia,
It’s a good description of what I have experienced personally. Being very deep into astrology I have come to realize it explains a lot of people’s behavior and not just bipolar. I’ve come to suspect that there are people diagnosed autistic or along the spectrum that are heavily Virgo. 2 of my children behaved “differently” as children and would probably be classified as spectrum as children but are pretty much heavy Virgo. And now grown as they are are typical teens. (My family has a lot of Virgo children). One nephew does have a form of autism and is coincidentally a Virgo as well.
That aside, I can see astrology explaining a lot of issues people have. Bipolar or even manic is what I’ve used to express my experiences with family members that behaved in an odd up and down crazed behavior one moment then completely changed to normal right after. Coincidentally they have natal full moons. Maybe it is a generation thing because they are older. President Trump comes to mind and I will bet his family would understand me perfectly.
Another thing I’ve also noticed is that the most narcissistic people I’ve known personally have mutable moons, especially Pisces. Shocking to me, because I’m a triple Pisces and didn’t want to believe that these awful people were mostly Pisces moons, but there it is.
Marjorie could you look at Jordan Peterson’s chart – currently trending in the news after the Sunday Times article
I felt, a couple of weeks ago, that she seemed to have PTSD, and now we know why. Anyone who has spent any time studying alt-right knows she really would have been the main target of the mob besides Nancy Pelosi. Apparently, there was a member of Capitol Police in plain clothes not identifying themselves coming banging on her office door. That alone can be triggering, not to mention the rest.
Good that she and her staff were helped by Katie Porter, someone I already respected a great deal.